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Re: Reikusunakurikuten Nettsuwāku Sadoritchi (Mikuni-Sekowo)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Fri Apr 22, 2016 4:04 pm

Clan Yūkīō-Rabuzubāgu-Ishinaa Restores Order with aid of Hulstro-Mikun Voluteers, Slams "Ridiculous" Indralan Objections
Indralan characterisations of the restoration of order in Sekowo as a "uprising" are "extremely misinformed" and "most vexing", according to the Arch-Daimyo Yūkīō-Rabuzubāgu-Ishinaa Yukio II, who has restored Yukio-Labsburg rule in Sekowo with massive popular support.

Ridiculous accusations against the Clan Yūkīō-Rabuzubāgu-Ishinaa and their bloodless revolution against the crazed and illegal democratic "government" of Sekowo have come from the most unexpected courter. How is it that the Indralan government can condemn the anti-Monarchial violence in Dankuk which has deposed the once glorious Clan of Ryeo, yet also condemn the Glorious Bloodline of Yukio the Great for restoring their rightful claim on their ancestral seat? The Indralan Presses sudden fondness for Jacobin rogue states shocks us deeply. But what can one expect from the same nation of liars who invented the ridiculous "Martian Divergence" myth, and falsely claim the title of Emperor of the Gao-Showans which belongs by right to the Mikuni Empire?

We do nothing more than strive to restore the unity of Mikuni that existed before Western colonisation. Hulstria and Sekowo are both part of Mikuni, of old Gao-Soto. To keep them separate is a crime and a tragedy that the most cowardly would allow to go unpunished. Who are Indrala to deny the wrath of heavens strike on the unworthy rebel?

As for the extremely misinformed and most vexing accusation that We came to power in a uprising, it is utter nonsense. We restored order with the help of a few helpful volunteers from the Knightly Orders and House Militias of Mikuni-Hulstria. Reports of the involvement of the Imperial Army and intelligence services are greatly overstated. We have a Divine Right to this nation, and the people recongise that. They cry out in joy at Our coming, the worship our image in town and village. We are the appointed of God, our rule was always legitimate from the moment God and His Angels placed us upon earth to rule over those weaker and stupider than ourselves, i.e. humanity. We protect the meek so that they may inherit the earth after the coming of the Universal Monarchy in the End Times. No human being has any right to deny our Sovereignty! There was no uprising, it was the end of the uprising against us! The dissolution of the Dominion of Mikuni-Sekowo by the democratic parties was never legal. The removal of our House from the throne in the Great Sekowan War was never legal. There is no legal authority on earth that can overturn our claim to this, our homeland.

-By Yūkīō-Rabuzubāgu-Ishinaa Yukio II - Arch-Daimyo of Sekowo and Reikusunakurikuten Nettsuwāku Sadoritchi's new weekly columnist.
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Re: Reikusunakurikuten Nettsuwāku Sadoritchi (Mikuni-Sekowo)

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Thu May 05, 2016 1:21 pm

Yukio-Labsburg Ilk Expelled, Surge in Native Nationalism

Over the past few years, tensions have been brewing in Sekowo, causing international concern from both Indrala and Mikuni-Hulstria. Both sides disavowed potential "provincial status" in a Mikuni Empire, being fully cemented after the Yukio-Labsburgs were ousted from the throne of Mikuni-Hulstria. It appears, the infamous family has also been expelled from Sekowo.

A group of protestors numbering half a million marched on the capital just months ago, led by Kaku Chujitsuna, a Kamist priest of peasant background who had risen to the yukatchu class. The protestors demanded Sekowo maintain its status as an independent nation, reminding the Yukio-Labsburgs of Sekowo's unique culture that mixes Mikuni and Indralan influences, having been the main interlocutor between the two states historically. Those who supported the Yukio-Labsburg dominion are believed to have accused the protestors of being supported by Great Indrala. These are, of course, great and terrible lies. The Sekowan people are their own and will never be directly subject as a province to another country.

After over a month of protests, elections were seemingly called by the Yukio-Labsburg traitor government, with the protestors, having formed the Kamikouto (Kamist Party), winning full control of the Gikai. Through their democratic mandate, the Kamikouto has issued legislation that will effectively ban non-Sekowans and non-Sekowan residents from the throne of Sekowo. Furthermore, the legislation does not recognize the Yukio-Labsburg claims and more or less exiles them from the country. In order to counter any sort of foreign claims or potential "democratic" takeover by foreigners (which led to the recent takeover by the Yukio-Labsburgs), the Kamikouto has offered its leader, Kaku Chujitsuna, the throne of Sekowo as its Priest-King.

Kaku, after refusing the offer three times, finally relented, calling the chance to be head of state, "humbling". It is widely believed that he will advocate for greater pacifism at home and abroad in addition to environmentalism. In what is seen as a break from tradition, the office of the Priest-King will be ceremonial and symbolic with full executive authority carried out by the Sessei and the Cabinet. Once the monarchical legislation passes, as it is expected, a coronation ceremony will take place in the capital.

Rumors abound as to whether the Divine Emperor of Great Indrala will attend.
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Re: Sekowo Shinpō (News of Sekowo)

Postby Schmoo » Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:25 am

Peoples President states that the Military Reform

Last month the Peoples President Hideaki Mori proposed major changes to the national military some of these changes include implementing voluntary servius, outlawing the creation of nuclear weapons and returning prisoners of war to their governments, Hideaki believe this will make the military less aggressive and blood craving. Most of the population agree with the reform with some exceptions to older individuals.
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Re: Sekowo Shinpō (News of Sekowo)

Postby Schmoo » Thu Jun 16, 2016 9:42 pm

Hideaki Mori Seeks For Longer employment Time

This week the people's president had made a speech to the National Council encouraging a legislation that would increase the retirement age by ten years. most of the members of the Natal Counsel agree to vote yes on the Bill within exception of some. Goro ITZTLI an individual who opposed the bill stated that this willoud on increase medical issue amongst the elderly with in the nation. There has been no word from the opposition yet.
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Re: Sekowo Shinpō (News of Sekowo)

Postby Schmoo » Tue Jun 28, 2016 1:53 am

The Government of Sekowo seek entrance into the Anti-Bourgeois Treaty

Earlier this week people's President Hideki Mori and other his positioning charges in the government had decided to enter the Anti-Bourgeois Treaty. reasons being straight from hideki himself stated that "our nation's ideology fully matches the ideals and goal of this treaty and we look fully in cooperation with other nations in this alliance and encourage others to join." Along with that statement other chairs within the government would like to openly work other nations anticipating joining the treaty, not only would the promise of closer cooperation be practiced between nations but money, weapons, and other request would be granted to nations seeking to join the treaty. voting is still currently taking place but it appears to be very little opening the attempt on entering the treaty.
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Re: Sekowo Shinpō (News of Sekowo)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:07 pm

Mikuni-Hulstrian Emperor Elected President of Sekowo in landslide: Monarchial Restoration in Process
April 4153 - Jihibukai Era XVIII - "Long Live the Jihibukai Restoration" Masses Welcome Restoration Despite War
Yūkīō-Rabuzubāgu-Ishinawa Kanmu-no-Mikoto, head of the Ishinawa branch of the Yukio-Labsburg dynasty, has assumed power in the name of his nephew the Jihibukai Emperor, whom he ran for President of Sekowo.

Ishinawa, Tōzan Prefecture, Federal Republic of Sekowo - The days of the Federal Republic seem limited, as in a shock landslide voters rejected career politicians and Republican principles in favour of electing the Emperor of Mikuni Hulstria, Yūkīō-Rabuzubāgu Yūkīō-no-Mikoto II, known as the Jihibukai Emperor, as President of Sekowo. Any hope that the Federal Republic might neuter a restoration in the General Assembly was also dashed as politicians associated with the Clan of Yūkīō-Rabuzubāgu-Ishinawa secured a the two-thirds majority needed to change the constitution. Bearing a dramatic turn of events, a restoration of the Yūkīō Dynasty seems inevitable. The Messianic reputation of the Jihibukai Emperor seems to have travelled over the border, horrifying Federal Republicans who has trusted in the rationality of the Republics citizens. Some, calling themselves the 39%, lashed out on social media against "stupid, irrational voters", ironically confirming the correctness of the Yūkīō-Rabuzubāgu position on excessive democracy.

While in the past Yūkīō-Rabuzubāgu-Ishinawa have taken power in order to incorporate Sekowo directly into the northern neighbour, this time they have presented their agenda as a straightforward restoration of the Second Sekowan Empire, the Eternal Harmony and Empire Magnificent that was founded by the eponymous Emperor Yūkīō the Great. Notably, they are committed neither to Tenshism nor to Imperial Socialism, instead harking back in policy terms to the Anarcho-Daimyoism of the Grand Miko and the Tōhōkai. Though as Conservative and anti-Modern as their Imperial Socialist counterparts in the North, the southern branch favours a decentralised aristocratic state.

Legalisation is already being voted on by the General Assembly to, among other things, abolish the Republic, leave the Terran World Bank, abolish the Sekowan army, nationalise industries too complicated for local administration, ban the presence of foreigners, limiting Sekowo's ties with other nations and to grant dramatic rights to aristocratic clans who shall rule their fiefdoms as almost independent governments. A treaty, confirming the establishment of a Personal Union of Crowns between the restored Eternal Harmony and Empire Magnificent and the Great Reich, under the proposed name of "Great Mikuni Commonwealth."

That the Great Reich is currently in a state of war complicates matters, yet the electoral results make clear that the Sekowo peoples intoxication with the cult of the Jihibukai Emperor has overwhelmed any objections. Whether Yūkīō-Rabuzubāgu-Ishinawa Kanmu-no-Mikoto, who has effectively taken absolute power in Sekowo using his distant nephew as a symbol to woo the romantic whims of the people, shall take the side of the Constitutionalist government or with Prince Yasusada's Counter-Revolutionary Army is yet unclear.
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Re: Sekowo Shinpō (News of Sekowo)

Postby Generalissimo1 » Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:09 pm

Retirement of Prime Minister Hibiki Yamada

The long-serving Prime Minister has announced his resignation and retirement from national politics, citing his age (77) and worsening health as reasons for this. His retirement had been expected for some time but it has had effects on the internal politics of the Kenpō Minshutō (Constitutional Democratic Party).

The appointment of a new party leader must take place after a Party Conference. A Party President and Executive Committee are elected and then the new Party President elects a Party Leader who leads the Party in the Grand National Parliament, and therefore the next Prime Minister if the Party forms a government. Elections to the Committee and Presidency take place in the following manner:

-Candidates are decided by the Parliamentary Party. Nominations require at least 5% of the Parliamentary Party to agree.
-The positions on the Committee and the Presidency are then voted on by the wider party membership.
-Voting for the Committee takes in a system with several rounds - if no candidate takes 50% on the first ballot then there are further rounds of voting with the candidate with the least amount of votes in each round being eliminated. This continues until a candidate is elected into the position.
-Voting for the Presidency of the Party takes place in a two round system where if no candidate receives 50% on the first round of voting then there is another round of voting with the two candidates with the most votes.

Juro Hashimoto, the 52 year old Justice Minister, was elected as Party President. He is a close ally of the outgoing Prime Minister and a member of the party-establishment Yamazakist faction, named after the Internal Affairs Minister and generally favouring the status-quo for Sekowo. Initially it seemed as if he would appoint himself to the role of Party Leader.

This was decided against, however, when the nationalist Sekowo First faction took up a number of positions on the Executive Committee, including many of the positions that are heavily involved in drafting the Party platform. Instead, popular Defence Minister and noted monarchist Shouhei Hayashi was selected as Party Leader. As a moderate he is thought of a unifying figure within the party.

Current Sekowan President Takuma Matsushita has indicated he will also not stand for re-election. Hinata Yamazaki has been selected as the Party's next candidate for President.
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Re: Sekowo Shinpō (News of Sekowo)

Postby Generalissimo1 » Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:04 pm

Conflict in the Cabinet
4th October 4262
Today several members of the cabinet have handed in their resignations over the State Programme of Nationalisation and Development. The bill, brainchild of Prime Minister Shouhei Hayashi, is thought to have been an attempt by the Prime Minister to woo Sekowo First, the nationalistic faction of the Kenpō Minshutō.

Critics, including Finance Minister Rio Ayako, attacked certain provisions as socialistic and expressed dismay over the budget deficit that the bill would cause. Further controversy developed after it emerged that the Prime Minister had written several editorials in a local newspaper in his youth expressing socialistic views.

The Prime Minister has refused to comment but sources close to the PM indicate that he is considering resigning.

Sekowo First-ers rally to support the Prime Minister
6th October 4262
The rift in the Kenpō Minshutō has widened after the Sekowo First faction threw its support behind the Prime Minister. Party bigwigs and members of the Yamazakist faction were seen meeting in the party headquarters on the outskirts of Ishinawa. Political commentators have speculated that they were meeting to discuss a possible replacement for the Prime Minister.

Meanwhile in an attempt to reconcile with the Yamazakists the Prime Minister has rejected all resignations offered to him.

Yamazaki Challenges Hayashi for Leadership
14th October 4262
The leader of the Yamazakist faction Hinata Yamazaki has declared his intention to challenge the Prime Minister for leadership of the Kenpō Minshutō.
He declared the Prime Minister to be a socialistic, nationalistic lapdog of Sekowo First and said that if his faction won support of the party and he was appointed as Prime Minister he would expel the nationalists from the Kenpō Minshutō.

Hayashi rallies allies
16th October 4262
The Prime Minister has declared his intention to try and stay as Premier of the nation, despite opposition from some factions of his own party.
The Party has set a date of November 10th for the first round of voting for the Presidency of the Party.
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Re: Sekowo Shinpō (News of Sekowo)

Postby Generalissimo1 » Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:09 pm

Yamazaki Shot
November 9th 4262
On the eve of the Kenpō Minshutō leadership elections the leader of the moderate Yamazakist faction was shot, while making a speech, by a member of the Kenpō Minshutō paramilitary Constitutional Protection Force who was aligned with more radical factions. Those thought to have been behind the assassination have been arrested but according to some sources Hinata Yamazaki is in a coma. With the loss of their main leader the Yamazakist faction did poorly in the Party Presidency elections and the elections to the Executive Committee of the Kenpō Minshutō as many of their candidates stood down out of fear. By the end of voting eight out of twelve positions in the committee were held by a strange coalition of Sekowo First-ers, nationalistic socialists and traditionalist conservatives, united only in their opposition to the moderates. The presidency of the party went to Yuki Hiroko, Foreign Affairs Minister, who re-appointed Shouhei Hayashi as leader of the party in the national Parliament.
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Re: Sekowo Shinpō (News of Sekowo)

Postby Generalissimo1 » Wed Aug 30, 2017 10:42 pm

No new government?
Following the recent legislative and presidential elections in Sekowo, many expected a new government to be formed. It is now months after the election and yet no new cabinet has been proposed to the Parliament nor have any new bills. As such the previous government is still in office.

Where are the victors of the election?
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