The Yishelem PostNavy upgrades fleets to DEFCON 3 (weapons armed)May 5398Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The Kohav (Military Command) and the Beiteynuese Naval Command in Himmelshtern have confirmed that a number of naval divisions and fleets have completed their upgrade to DEFCON 3 concerning the situation with Kafuristan, in accordance with the Gadot Measures of
5346. The command was given after the issuance of the 2nd Azhara by the Ministry of Defence, while the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs has also heavily hinted at the high possibility of the Rosh Ha'Memshala issuing the Sofi Azhara (Final Warning), a move which will set the BDF's appropriate divisions to DEFCON 2 (ready to fire).
Should the final warning not be heeded, the military will eventually upgrade to DEFCON 1 (engage), as soon as a declaration of war is issued by the Beiteynuese Government. While tensions are extremely high, analysts have cited that the possibility of actual war is highly unlikely, considering the level of pressure coming in from both diplomatic channels in the international community as well as the high stakes in regional commerce.
High-ranking officials have commented how Kafuristan has amped the geopolitical complexity by creating a ripple effect in global trade as an energy crisis has began showing its ugly teeth. "Nobody wants war", the Deputy Head of the Medinat Department stated earlier this morning.
Deployments in the Majatran Sea and the MSCO - west of KafuristanThe
Yeudi Fleet's Reshout Carrier Strike Group of 9 warships and 60 Kfir jet fighters has been stationed in the southeastern regions of the Majatran Sea, presumably accompanied by the 9th Flotilla's 3 nuclear powered submarines, although unconfirmed by the BNC on counts of securing classified information. It is expected that the formation will act in a tactical manner with the MSCO, should any clauses be triggered by the MSCC in response to Kafuri warnings of cutting oil and gas supply to the rest of Majatra, as a reaction to Beiteynu's refusal in recognising the Ba'athist Regime as the legitimate government of Kafuristan.
Pressure on Yishelem has been amping up to at least open a channel of communication with Kafuri leadership.
Readiness in the Sea of Lost Souls - east of KafuristanKavin Mahorit of the Kohav confirmed that the BEINS Mizrahi Queen Isabelle aircraft carrier under the structure of the
Zaar Fleets's deployment in Hanzen (southwest Dovani) has been designated as the capital ship of a potential formation to be deployed in the Sea of Lost Souls. Accompanied by the 2 Leygues class destroyers, the additional warships will extend the Beiteynuese force's tactical capabilities to more than 100 Kfir jet fighters.
Aldurian Command has been in direct contact with the Beiteynuese Naval Command, coordinating the 2 Zaar Fleets deployed in Alduria and Istalia, consisting of a total of 12 warships. Based on the response of the Aldurian Government, it is presumed that a joint Aldurian - Beiteynuese task force may be designated on the west side, with Istalia's response to the wounding of 4 Istalian citizens in Kafuristan remaining indeterminate, for the time being.
The drums of war echo on the side of cautious preparations, especially as the energy crisis projects a hefty toll on the military's reserves.
Reconnaissance and intelligence via the AllinkAlbeit declining the existence of such an operation, sources at the Kohav have stated that the Beiteynuese Defence Force has been coordinating with the Lavian (Beiteynu's satellite agency) and the Terran Remediation Agency in leveraging the Allink to help "measure" the domestic situation in Kafuristan.
It has been cited that the Lourennais embassy in Yishelem has been receiving "evidence" in regards to human rights violations by the Ba'athist Regime.
Heightened security in the Migrant's PassA rather curious set of events has unfolded on the 2 "tips" of the Majatran continent, with the Dorvish Government enlisting its partial support to the Ba'athist Regime in Kafuristan in honouring its historic partnership with the Majatran country and trilateral relations between Dolgava, Malivia and Dorvik taking a "turn for the unexplained", according to sources in the Medinat Department, which has been speculating of "Dorvish interference" in the background.
As a result of Haldor's alignment with Kafuristan while the latter "threatens" the continent and the seeming disruption of Dolgava's recent joint operations with Malivia, the BNC has also upgraded the Yeudi Fleet's 4th Flotilla and the
Hofesh Fleet's Nahshol Carrier Strike Group currently deployed in northeast Beiteynu.
The Kohav will seek to coordinate with the Malivian Government on operations in the Migrant's Pass, while sharing intelligence directly with the MSCO.