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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Hogak25 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 8:54 pm


MOFA expresses alarm over Aldegarian crisis; urges all sides to exercise restraint
February 5434 - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is calling for dialogue and de-escalation in Aldegar.
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

Minister for Foreign Affairs Noah Levy addressing the media during his press conference. Picture: Supplied.

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Minister for Foreign Affairs Noah Levy held an emergency press conference this morning to address the rapidly deteriorating situation in Aldegar. Mr. Levy expressed the administration's "concerns and alarm" over the declaration of martial law as well as the widespread riots and chaos gripping the central Seleyan country.
The scenes of violence and unrest coming out of Aldegar are truly horrifying. On behalf of the people of Beiteynu, I urge all sides to exercise maximum restraint and warn against further escalation.

Minister Levy then called on the incumbent Aldegarian government to "resist the temptation towards continued oppression", warning that it would only inflame tensions. He also had something to add for the protesters saying that "violence and destruction are not the answer."

Levy also revealed that the Beiteynuese embassy in Ramsahreza has advised all citizens currently in Aldegar to shelter in place while MOFA works on potential evacuation plans. When asked about the suspended canal operations, Minister Levy called it an "untenable situation" and pressed both sides to come together to reopen the vital trade artery.

In his concluding statement, Levy offered "Beiteynuese mediation or facilitation" between the government and opposition groups if both sides request it. Otherwise, he reiterated previous positions to remain neutral in Aldegar's domestic affairs. The foreign minister took no further questions after reading his brief prepared statement, hence ending the press conference.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Feb 03, 2024 10:27 pm

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Hogak25 » Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:34 am


MOFA arranges charter flights to evacuate citizens from Aldegar; invites foreign nationals
March 5434 - Still subject to approval from Aldegarian authorities, MOFA has partnered with two prominent airlines to operate charter flights from Ramsahreza to Yishelem.
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

Beiteynuese flag in the Beiteynuese embassy compound in Ramsahreza, Aldegar. Picture: Supplied.

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has arranged a series of charter flights with the country's two prominent airlines to evacuate it's citizens from Aldegar. Minister Levy announced this in a press conference this morning, stating that United Medinat and Bei Airlines have agreed to operate flights from Ramsahreza to Yishelem to airlift Beiteynuese nationals stuck in the country. However, the planned charter flights are still pending approval from Aldegarian aviation authorities.

The Rose administration will financially compensate the two airlines to operate the "non-commercial humanitarian flights", a spokesperson for one airline said. Each flight will have capacity for up to 300+ passengers. "At least two flights per day are planned initially," the spokesperson told Radio Beiteynu.

Additionally, the MOFA stated that foreign nationals from other countries can also book seats on said charter flights on a "cost recovery basis." The Foreign Ministry added that interested foreign citizens should contact their respective embassies and/or consulates for booking details.

Nevertheless in a social media post by the Minister himself, Noah Levy wrote that this charter flights are "basically intended for precautionary measures", as the Beiteynuese embassy in Ramsahreza continues to advise sheltering in place. Nearly 1000+ Beiteynuese nationals are believed to be currently residing in Aldegar for study, work or leisure. "MOFA hotlines are open for consular services," Mr. Levy added.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:37 am

הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Medinat Dpt. tours northern Artania to cultivate security cooperation
May 5434


Yishelem, Beiteynu - A delegation led by the Head of the Medinat Department Sneakyeth Avodi has embarked upon a tour of northern Artania, with confirmed stops in Dundorf, Aloria, Kirlawa, Rutania and even Dorvik; Beiteynuese diplomats hope to meet with representatives of Staatskanzler (State Chancellor) Hans-Jürgen Löwe from the SPD in possibly carving the beginnings of a newfound path in relations, though high-ranking BeiGov sources express sincere doubts.

The docket includes and revolves around opportunities concerning security collaboration in the southern parts of the Artanian continent with the most notable maritime region in question being the Migrant's Pass; a "hot topic" of the recently failed AU-MSCO negotiations under Luthorian leadership. As a follow-up, the Government of Fort William, prior to throwing the MSCO and Beiteynu under the bus, had auspiciously issued an "Orange Warning" to Endralon that is eerily familiar of the Dorvish "Yellow List" issued to Luthori itself a few decades prior in what nations like Lourenne, Beiteynu and even Narikaton & Darnussia in Artania itself have cited as the emergence of Dorvik 2.0 by Luthori in hegemony tactics and minimum accountability to collective continental cooperation.

As Luthori continues its build-up and now amps up relations with Dolgava and the CSCO, a vehicle of militarist diplomacy driven by the then unchallenged Dorvish hegemony, the Medinat Department hopes to counter what it cites as an "evident imbalance of powers", that, according to Sneakyeth Avodi, continues to "drown" nations like Dundorf, Aloria, Kirlawa and Rutania from any security and military independence.

First, under the imposing demeanour of the Dorvish Government; now, "under a sense of stalling".

In attempting to counter the ongoing status and empower security cooperation of equal demeanour in Artania, the delegation will seek to open up channels with northern Artanian states through a rumoured framework that has been circulating in the Beiteynuese Government recently in its final format; after the Medinat Dpt. supposedly reached out and found a common ground with Kundrati, Narikaton & Darnussia, Dundorf, Malivia and Deltaria, sources speculate.

Upon landing in Dunburg (Dundorf), the Head of the Medinat Department stated the following in regards to the Artanian Union:

We have no business deciding what the Artanian Union should or shouldn't do.

We deflect to its leadership and Artanian states. We've also made this clear with our partners in Kasaema, who have advised us that the AU in its current form is far from a security related organisation.

The Homeland State of Beiteynu only seeks to cultivate security cooperation and enable equality between Artanian states, insofar as military and security related operations are concerned in the Migrant's Pass; a region of equal importance to both continents.

What Artania does with this idea, is up to the equal mandate of participation of Artanian states; a notion that both Yishelem and Eroncourt have continuously stood in avid support of for decades; even before Haldor's diminishment in regional policies.

The partnership with Dundorf has been marked by a great cordial bond since 5333, when ongoing bilateral relations reached a level that both countries decided to extend their diplomatic relations to a newfound form of commercial and intelligence cooperation. Despite some cases of friction with the Dorvish Government insofar as intelligence is concerned, Dunburg's gravitas and steady foreign policy have always resonated in Yishelem with great respect and trust.

After all, Dundorfian chocolate and manufacturers are 2 of the most beloved things by the Beiteynuese.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:26 am

הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
MOD meets with Malivian, Kundrati and Deltarian ambassadors in Yishelem
June 5434


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Newly appointed Minister of Defence Patrick Jacobstone - a former Chief Operating Officer of Luthorian shipping - was accompanied last week by Yeshua Shavit, the Deputy Representative to the MSCO from the Nisrad, in visiting 3 "key embassies" as the Rose Administration attempts to coordinate the recent diplomatic tour in northern Artania amidst the ongoing financial turmoils of the Beiteynuese shipping industry that have placed the issue of security collaboration in the Migrant's Pass dead center in the Beiteynuese Government's agenda on Majatran and Artanian affairs.

What the MOD hopes to achieve is open up discussions with Malivia, Kundrati and Deltaria on 2 relevant fronts.

First, the Beiteynuese Defence Force's continuous willingness in establishing and maintaining naval cooperation showcased recently with the expansion of naval installations in Himmelshtern. Despite the recent diminishment of military cooperation with Kasaema since Beiteynu's massive debacle in the Migrant's Pass - which led to the disbandment of the Zaar Fleet deployment in Kundrati and the removal of Kundrati fleets from Beiteynu and Majatra as a whole shortly after - the Difens Policy of 5418 did "right the ship"; keeping both the Second Royal Fleet of Lourenne stationed in Beiteynu and docking and passage rights for MSCO forces.

In fact, the CMRF (the MSCO's military force) maintains a satellite station in the Himmelshtern Beacon of Hope.

Looking to find a common ground of "acceptance" via the recently increased bilateral relations between Deltaria and Kundrati and the ongoing alignment attempts of security cooperation in Artania, the MOD and the Kohav hope to reinstate military cooperation by inviting both Kundrati and Malivia to station fleets in Himmelshtern, with direct access to the Migrant's Pass and the Red Bass Ocean, especially as Fort William observes a recall of ground forces from Malivia (navy to remain); a move received with mixed feelings by Yishelem and, sources speculate, Bannerhafen (N&D).

The Head of the Kohav made the following statement on the matter:

Our alliance with Kundrati has stood the test of time and loyalty on countless occasions. We're both still here. We hope that the newfound collaborative spirit in the Migrant's Pass's security affairs by both Kundrati and Malivia can be extended further with direct access, docking, training and joint operations.

Only this time, we'd like to have a complete set of command from Kasaema, similarly to Lourenne's Second Royal Fleet.

Second, the matter of Malivia's "entry" to the MSCO, even without voting privileges but simply partaking in the MSCC as an observing and advisory member to help the MSCO in regional stability and as a means to enhance Artania's possible alignment with the organisation.

The MOD hopes to discuss and explore potential alignment on both matters with the Deltarian ambassador and other MSCO member states.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:39 am

חֲדָשׁוֹת | Equifund Hadashot
Beir Leshet and KDC win Malivian contract for patrol boats
June 5434


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - Prominent Equifund manufacturers Beir Leshet and Kundrati Defense Contractors have won a bid on a defence contract issued by the Malivian Government involving the procurement and training of use of 18 Super Dvora Mk II patrol boats, one of the Beiteynuese and Kundrati's (though primarily using the Super Dvora Mk III variant) go-to naval vehicle for coastal defence and border patrol.

Presumably the contract was issued following the short-lived attempted blockade of the Migrant's Pass, which saw the Malivian Government being sidelined by a couple of Artanian states, showcasing the need for naval related investments by the Malivian military - although this assumption remains unconfirmed.

As usual, the patrol boats will be assembled in Kundrati's world renowned shipyards and delivered by 5435.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Feb 04, 2024 12:14 pm

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Hogak25 » Sun Feb 04, 2024 10:05 pm


MOFA condemns Ramsahreza plane crash; Rose administration demands full investigation
August 5434 - MOFA calls the loss of Beiteynuese lives an "indescribable tragedy" and urges Aldegarian authorities for a transparent investigation which involves international participation.
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

The wreckage of United Medinat YSH-RMZ Flight237 at International Ramsāhreza Airport in Aldegar. Picture: Supplied.

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Minister for Foreign Affairs Noah Levy held a press conference to address the terrible plane crash in Aldegar that claimed the lives of over 200 Beiteynuese citizens. Mr. Levy called the incident an "indescribable tragedy that pains all of us." The YSH-RMZ Flight 237 operated by United Medinat airlines was a chartered flight arranged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to evacuate Beiteynuese nationals from Aldegar back to Yishelem. However, after takeoff from Ramsahreza International Airport, the plane exploded and dived "dolphin style", killing all 228 passengers and crew on board.

Minister Levy stated that the Rose administration demands a "full, transparent and internationally-aided investigation" into the causes of the crash. He pressed Aldegarian authorities to allow participation of Beiteynuese aviation safety officials as well as potential assistance from international technical experts in the probe.

Additionally, Prime Minister Riki Rose issued a strongly-worded statement:
This terrible incident that resulted in the death of hundreds of Beiteynuese nationals deserves to be fully investigated, to find out if the incident happened for external causes or not, and if responsibles are found they should be prosecuted to the full extent of Beiteynuese law. The Homeland State of Beiteynu deserves to know more about the circumstances of this events, and for this reason, I am demanding that an investigative team from Beiteynu is allowed to carry an independent investigation by the Aldegerian authorities. If the authorities doesn't wish to allow us to do that, my Government will look at the appropriate counter-measures.

Nevertheless, parties in the Aldegarian crisis have blamed each other for causing the crash intentionally. A civil aviation spokesperson told reporters that chances of an investigation are "extremely thin" given the current state of crisis. On the other hand, the Masked Fools Society (MFS) accused the government of orchestrating the incident. Minister Levy refrained from commenting on the allegations but stated that MOFA is very sceptical of the initial findings. "We cannot rule out potential foul play," Levy's statement read.

The foreign minister took no further questions from the press, ending the statement saying that the Rose cabinet will continue to meet to determine additional responses. Charter flights are suspended in the meantime.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:35 pm

הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
New treaty heralds Artanian security cooperation for the first time in centuries
June 5437

Global headlines from the Ezrah (Citizen):

- Aldegar forms Commision for Electoral Fairness after partial opening of canal
- Istalia witnesses stir in domestic politics with PSPI altering its electoral agenda
- Dundorf reviews missile defence and weapons systems
- Dolgava sees change of guard after Ursula Soosaar's resignation following stroke
- Gaduridos doubles-down on agricultural investments and government programs
- Endralon enters period of reconstruction and democratic reforms
- NEK dives deeper into the stories of royal mystique and essence
- Jakania witnesses internal administrative trouble after President refused to appoint a PM
- Lourenne ignites its defence industry as economy steadily recuperates
- N&D embarks on a path of economic expansion in both domestic and international markets
- Statrica sees a change of guard in domestic politics as coalitions take center stage
- Baltusia continues unhindered in its commitment towards administrative expansions
- Davostag feels the democratic breeze with the formation of a new republic
- Medina embroiled in internal turmoil and continuously escalating civil strife
- Kirlawa takes a step forward in combating civil strife and riots
- Kalopia witnesses a political hiccup as administration is challenged
- Kundrati continues on its extroverted foreign policy with newly issued statement on Kirlawa
- New Verham reviews its foreign policy on regional and broader affairs in Dovani
- Utembo attempts to invigorate a flailing primary sector
- Yingdala feels the ripple effect of the EESE's downturns following the closure of the Aldegar Canal
- Rutania embarks on institutional modernisations following refusal to join the JAMS
- Jelbe did something with a few long words
- Ostland sees sudden change of guard in leadership after President Yumi Ichiho's resignation


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The ratification of the Joint Artanian Majatran Security Agreement - most commonly referred to as the JAMS - by Narikaton & Darnussia and Malivia has marked the beginnings of what Yishelem observes as a positive change of pace from the lack of security cooperation in Artania and towards a renewed collaborative framework; with the MSCO placed center stage as the intermediary link in the Migrant's Pass.

The Beiteynuese Naval Command and the Ministry of Defence will seek to coordinate with Bannerhafen over the course of the next few years in establishing auxiliary naval reconnaissance installations on both ends of the "outer rim" of the Migrant's Pass in the west between Beiteynu and Narikaton & Darnussia as a means to further solidify intelligence exchange and communication protocols as part of the JAMS framework with the MSCO.

The Naval Chief confirmed that any Beiteynuese efforts will take place in the Himmelshtern Beacon of Hope in the northwest - the navy's primary base of operations - to ensure the direct involvement of the MSCO via the CMRF's satellite office in Himmelshtern and Deltarian Admiral Commanding. To further expand the international nature of this endeavour and enable both ratifiers (N&D & Malivia), the BNC will organise and operate an extensive program of naval exercises, joint patrols and mock skirmishes with both states, MP-NG (MSCO) and the Beiteynuese navy in Sholemberg.

He concluded his remarks with the following:

This is a great win for both sides and a giant leap in ensuring regional security, together; despite those heavily opposing it.

Malivian's participation may soon call into question Luthorian naval deployments in its coastlines and their sphere of operability, considering how Fort William is neither a ratifier nor has it stood in favour of the agreement's main pillars of "binding collaboration" with the MSCO, which also sees a commitment from Narikaton & Darnussia and Malivia towards deterring any other military operations in the Migrant's Pass by any of their fellow Artanian states.

Despite Kasaema's silence on the matter, Dundorf's endorsement (and later ratification) of JAMS at the beginning of 5434 may prove to be pivotal, especially considering that the Artanian "side" of the Migrant's Pass is now fully "enrolled with the program" and the first collaborative steps are being taken which would gradually bar non-ratifiers from operating in the Migrant's Pass as a natural consequence.

MOD Patrick Jacobstone confirmed that the lucrative military offer to Kundrati (should it choose to partake in the JAMS framework) still stands.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Hogak25 » Sat Feb 10, 2024 10:57 pm


Breaking: United Medinat employee detained for questioning over suspicious wire transfer
August 5437 - A customer experience specialist was detained this morning in regards to an alleged wire transfer to an unspecified individual in Aldegar.
Also published on The Terran Times and distributed internationally

Yishelem, Beiteynu - The Interior Security Bureau (Agafim) today took in an employee of United Medinat Airlines into custody for questioning in regards to a suspicious wire transfer intended for an individual in the crisis-gripped nation of Aldegar. According to sources in Agafim, the employee is a Customer Experience Specialist at United Medinat who is alleged to have orchestrated a wire transfer (unspecified amount) to an individual in Aldegar in early August 5434. The transfer also included an unusually high operational fee, the inside source told Radio Beiteynu.

The detainment and subsequent questioning comes over three years after United Medinat flight YSH-RMZ 237 crashed in Aldegar in August 5434, killing all 228 passengers and crew on board. The passengers were mostly Beiteynuese citizens being evacuated from the country by the Foreign Ministry (MOFA). At the time, the Rose Administration demanded a full investigation into the crash urging Aldegarian authorities to allow Beiteynuese aviation officials to participate, however Aldegar plunged into further chaos.

Now, it seems Aldegar is showing signs of returning to stability, evident with the partial reopening of the canal and the return to democracy. Nevertheless, speculations are mounting linking the alleged wire transfer to the plane crash. The Agafim has not released an official statement or commented on the matter. In the meantime, the employee remains in Agafim custody, with officials briefly stating that the investigation is active and ongoing. Questions sent to United Medinat Airlines were not answered when this edition went to press.
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