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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Mon Jul 20, 2020 11:51 am

OOC Source: Reddit

Cahtice: Deltarian Foreign Minister Jeroným Holub has, in response to Vanukean requests for details on one of their citizens, released a statement saying, "Dnkai Amrun has, after extensive investigation, been confirmed as the one death on board of the hijacked plane during the ZNZS intervention. Amrun was shot in the head in a hail of bullets coming from the AKS submachine gun of one of the terrorists. He was also struck in the chest and neck by the gunfire. We give our deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of Dnkai Amrun and the Vanukean state. My foreign ministry has arranged for the Vanukean state to retrieve the body of Amrun and we welcome them to do so so he can finally be put to rest."

On the question why it took so long to identify Amrun minister Holub stated that, "The scene was chaotic when it was over. We retrieved the body and first brought it to the medical bay on the base to be examined. When we found out that we didnt have the appropriate equipment for a full examination we transported the body back to Deltaria where we eventualy came to the conclusion that it was indeed the body of mr Amrun." The foreign minister denied any wrongdoing on the part of Deltaria. When asked about Vanukean suspicions that Amrun was held captive for information the minister stated, "The idea that Deltaria would hold captive a man that was tortured by terrorists and had to undergo severe stress and tension is out of this world. Deltaria did what needed to be done and acted to resolve the situation and not let the terrorists go unpunished for their deeds. We again hand our condolences to mr Amrun his family and hope that they will be able to process the immense loss."

It is unclear when the Vanukean state will pick up the body of Amrun, which is currently held in a cooling cell on the Cahtice International Airport, ready for transport. According to inside sources both ears of the victim in question were cut off, further confirming it is mr Amrun.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Mon Jul 20, 2020 1:01 pm

OOC Source: Reuters

Cahtice: The Federal Authority and Distribution Act otherwise known as FADA has passed the Imperial Senate with a vote of 410 in favour and 212 against. The new reforms in FADA were criticized by oppossition figures and large parts of the more progressive public who see the bill and its reforms as the first step to yet another authoritarian government. Despite these concerns and large protests accross the nation the bill and its reforms still passed the senate mostly thanks to conservative and hosian senators of the party. A large part of conservative Deltarians welcomes the bill as they see it as a way to "restore" Deltarian values and traditionalism, allowing the hosian conservative government currently in power to influence the judiciary and media publications. By doing this these Deltarians hope that the hosian values of the party will be reflected in other parts of society. Koleno already stated he intends on "redefining" Deltaria but has so far been unclear into what he intends to redefine it in.

Upon the passing of the reforms however the government didnt wait a single moment. Under the new bill police is allowed to disperse groups if they are "deemed a threat to public safety". With over 800.000 people on the streets nationwide the government classified the protests as a threat to public safety, allowing the 1.2 million officers of both regular federal and local police and the CUVO to crack down on the protests and end them. For more then 2 days security agencies of all kinds mopped up the protests, resulting in some heavy clashes which in turn resulted in 9 deaths and 942 injured amongst protestors with also one officer killed when cornered in Branovice. In the end 2.210 protestors have been arrested and the protests dispersed. While the destruction from the protests and riots can still be seen in cities like Cahtice and Branovice most major protests if not all have now been dispersed and the calm has mostly returned to the streets. Several international human rights organizations have condemned the heavy handed response from the Deltarian government against the protests but large parts of the Deltarian population itself seems relieved, mostly amongst right leaning communities with people saying, "If the protests grew who knows what it would end up like. Im glad the police intervened." Understandably left leaning Deltarians feel extreme resentment towards the government calling it a "police state" and posting pictures of the dead protestors on social media with hastags such as "JusticefortheHeroes" going viral.

Minister of Internal Affairs Nikolas Prokop, responsible for the police response, stated that he is "satisfied" with the end of the situation and hopes that "Calm will return to Deltarian streets so we can work on the economy and ensure that our state is protected from external and internal threats thanks to FADA." Minister of Justice Radovan Brabec, which will now play a major role in the administration as he can approve or deny appeals, has stated that the 2.210 arrested protestors will be released gradually over the next few days with some receiving fines and others only receiving a warning notice at home. Despite the chaos of the situation many seem to agree that these past few weeks have been a victory for the increasingly authoritarian Koleno and his government.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:12 pm

OOC Source: Google

Cahtice: Despite earlier signs of a possible economic boom Deltarian economic growth is stagnating. This is a conclusion that can be made from a recent report on the state of the Deltarian economy. According to the report economic growth peaked at 2.1% last year but remained around that number for the last few months. With the growthrate now being 2.0%. The reason for this stagnation in economic growth is the recent unrest both at home but also particularly in Lourenne. Lourenne and Deltaria have been vital partners when it comes to automobile manufacturing and consumer goods which both took a major hit when the crisis in Lourenne started. While economic growth has stagnated and is not expected to improve in the coming year it is still at a steady rate, allowing the government to slowly resume spending once more. The large 1 trillion funds, of which half is still available, also allows the Deltarian state to keep the economy stable and invest into sectors that are doing less well in the current economic climate. While this growth does allow the Deltarian state to return to normal spending levels it also creates a problem. The immense economic downturn during the crisis caused for the Deltarian GDP to shrink by over 13% during the crisis that lasted 2.5 years. To win back that chunk of the GDP growth would have to be higher in order to do it in a sufficient timeframe. With the current growthrate it is expected that the 13% lost during the crisis will be won back after 6 years, a timeframe that is unnaceptable for many Deltarian leaders. Furthermore the debt to GDP has risen to 101% and continues to steadily rise, causing even less cash to be available. While the government expects economic growth and further expansion of economic influence to return when the situation in Lourenne and terra as a whole calms down it is still a heavy onstacle for the government to overcome with several Ministry's now working to come up with a strategy to continue the four branch supremacy doctrine of the Armed Forces as well as preparing the Deltarian economy for a possible expansion in influence and growth of markets once the situation stabilizes.

While economic growth is less then expected the unemployment rate, something possibly even more important then the growthrate, continues to go down. From 11% two years ago to 8% now it is clear there is a downward trend when it comes to unemployment, something a lot of KDU politicians are happy about. This lowering unemployment rate and a recent report stating that wages are going up for the first time in 5 years means that despite a slowing economy ordinary Deltarians are still feeling improvement coming there way. This sense of improving conditions can also be seen in the governments popularity. While at the beginning of Koleno and his government taking office their approval rating was 48% it has now risen to 58%. A month ago it went down to 46% after the crackdown on protests but since then the sense of economic recovery and a general calm on the streets since the riots where other country's are on fire has resulted in a rebounce of popularity for Koleno and his government. What many wonder is if Deltaria can maintain their path of economic recovery and increase the growth of their economy or if they will once again end up in economic trouble due to the loss of important trading partners.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:42 pm

OOC Source: Stormfront

Cahtice: Earlier this week representatives from the private aerospace defense company SATURN and the Deltarian Ministry of War signed a agreement officially involving the Ministry of War and thus the Armed Forces in SATURN's "Project-F" their project to develop and produce a new multirole jetfighter for the Deltarian Armed Forces. At first the company did this on its own, working on the design for the aircraft for over 6 years behind closed doors, only interrupted by the economic crisis, before continuing with the plan. The company launched the initiative on its own after receiving credible reports from inside sources in the MF-1 program. A program the company itself also worked on. According to these sources the MF-1 multirole fighter, in service with the Deltarian Airforce and Navy for around a decade, was performing "extremely poorly" and did not do what was required of it. In fact, while first intended as the main Deltarian multirole fighter the MF-1 quickly proved to fragile and light to be truly considered a multirole fighter. Its modern features did make some difference during combat but the aircraft proved to be completely incapable of defending itself in air and was only able to carry small payloads, resulting in it not being a multirole fighter but more a small strike aircraft. All these reasons combined caused the rumours that the Armed Forces were actually either to partially replace the MF-1, using them instead as trainer aircraft in favour of more capable multirole aircraft.

SATURN thus launched their Project-F to create a true multirole fighter, capable of supermaneuverability, being excellent in air to air combat/dogfights and being able to carry large payloads in order to be used as a strong strike aircraft, capable of performing ground strike missions and air superiority missions almost simultaniously. While first reluctant the military has thus now officially joined Project-F with the first prototype aircraft currently being constructed in a undisclosed SATURN facility. This after a total of 8 years of R&D and several changes in the design during that process. The signing of the deal between the military and SATURN gives SATURN the financial resources to continue the project with the Ministry of War reportedly paying billions for costs already made and possibly 2 billion more for the further development of the Project-F multirole fighter. One condition attached to the contract is the creation of two variants of the aircraft, a ground based variant and a carrier based one. SATURN has hinted at the possibility for one overall fighter thats capable for use on both aircraft carriers and on the ground, it is unclear whether two seperate variants will be developed or the design will be one single design for both roles. It is expected that the Project-F prototype will be complete by the end of july with test flights to be conducted throughout the remainder of the year and early next year.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Kubrick » Wed Jul 22, 2020 8:32 pm

"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:42 am

OOC Source: Military Watch Magazine

Cahtice: The DNS Mrazek, Deltaria's lone nuclear powered supercarrier, has after almost 4 years of construction left its modernization and refit program and moved into its sea trials, operating with its carrier strike group through the majatran and maddog sea for a year to test its new and modernized systems. While initially the modernization and refit program was scheduled to last 2 years the expansion of shipyards and certain materials not arriving on time caused the process to last a additional 2 years amounting to 4 in total. The costs of the program are in line with expectations with the end cost amounting to 1.2 billion, around 200 million more then initially expected. While several fiscal conservative senators are unhappy with even this slight increase in costs most seem satisfied with the end result. The end result being that if sea trials prove a succes the DNS Mrazek can once again operate with its strike group for the next 40 years, giving Deltaria a large fleet to project its power overseas whenever necessary. Allowing it also to defend allies and reach the far corners of the globe if necessary. Systems that have been improved on the carrier are the launch system, with the electromagnetic launch system improved allowing for a safer and quicker launch of aircraft, a improved radar system allowing the ship to coordinate better with its strike group as well as an update for most of its other systems in board to be on par for modern standards.

With the DNS Mrazek modernization and refit complete another opportunity is showing itself. As the expansion of shipyards is also nearing completion and no major shipbuilding projects have been announced the MoW is reportedly looking into launching their next major shipbuilding project. While no details have been released on this project it is expected that it will either include a expansion of the surface fleet or the long awaited modernization and expansion of the submersible fleet. More details on this project will be released by the end of the year. Furthermore the government itself has ordered the construction of 40 additional ships for the merchant marine, expanding Deltaria's trade capacity as was the intention of the previous government until the economic crisis hit. The construction of these additional merchant ships, with a majority likely being freighters, will be done together with a variety of private contractors to ensure the private shipbuilding industry is also revitalized. It is expected that the construction of these 40 new ships will be happening over the course of the next 6 years. The DNS Mrazek is expected to return from its Sea Trials by april next year.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:20 pm

OOC Source: BBC

Cahtice: Deltarian Foreign Minister Holub has responded to Vanukean requests for official documents on the ZNZS raid conducted against plane hijackers in Malivia two years ago. Holub and his ministry have reported that, "all documents related to the operation and that are not classified under state law have been handed over to the Vanukean SSA for them to conduct their own investigation." Holub stated that, "Deltaria will do what it can to aid in a Vanukean investigation but there are ofcourse limits. Such as the fact that we can under no circumstances allow Vanukean agencies access to the Czar Dusan base, for obvious reasons, as well as us not being able to hand over specific details regarding the operation. What we can do is hand over details regarding the death of mr Amrun and the atopsy report we conducted. Furthermore we have helped the Vanukean state in transporting the body of Amrun to Vanuku and we have confirmation that his body did indeed arrive in Wiel earlier today." When asked about the sum of 40 million requested by the family the foreign minister stated that, "The Deltarian state did what it had to do in order to protect innocent civilians from death. While we managed to save most on board mr Amrun was unfortunately killed by the terrorists in the crossfire. We give our condolences to the family once more but cannot hand over the 40 million as requested since it is in the opinion of our agencies that Deltaria is not responsible for mr Amrun's death."

The IDI and CUVO have reportedly stepped up security in and around the Czar Dusan base to prevent Vanukean SSA from infiltrating and conducting a investigation on the base. The foreign ministry has stated that "Deltaria has done what it could to work with the Vanukean agencies.", signalling that Deltaria will likely not come forward with additional information on the incident and considers this case closed. Some hawks within the senate have condemned Holub, stating that "Deltaria does not need to testify in front of a damned Jelbic tribunal. We did what they wanted to do but couldnt. They should be happy no-one else got killed." The foreign ministry has kept its neutral stance but has in fact stated it will not hand over more information to Vanukean intelligence as all remaining information is, "classified under Deltarian law." OKOB, the new cyber security branch of the armed forces, has encrypted all files related to the operation with some reportedly even destroyed. It is unclear how the Vanukeans will respond and whether they will accept the forthcoming of the Deltarian state.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:51 pm

OOC Source: Entertainment Tonight

Cahtice: Deltaria's most succesfull film company Hvezda Productions has released the trailer for their first blockbuster movie since "Dark Horizon" named "A Star will Shine". The new movie, starring popular Detarian actor Marián Švec and Luthorian actress Eva Monroe, is about a popular Likatonian traditional singer named Patrick played by Marian and a unknown amateur singer named Ava, played by Eva. Patrick is popular but slowly losing fame, causing him to spiral into a depression and addiction. Ava has tried for years to become known but has so far failed to do so. The two meet as a club where they start to talk and develop a relationship that brings them joy but also challenges at the same time. It is classified as a drama but also has several feel good moments in it. According to Petrov, now leading CEO of Hvezda Productions, the new movie wont be as costly as previous blockbuster projects but is "close to my heart" and has truly inspired the entire crew during filming. In between Dark Horizon and A Star will Shine the company has mostly reserved itself to smaller projects, not dedicating large funds to major projects. Compared to other blockbuster projects the movie was not as costly, 30 million for the entire production. However, for the first time Hvezda is planning on launching a major marketing campaign, adding another 10 million to the sum with TV commercials, interview appearances and large reveals during for example the Ritterheim festival in Dundorf the company plans on blasting A Star will Shine into homes and theaters, hoping to "give the audience the same emotional connection with the movie that we felt during the filming process." According to Hvezda both Marian and Eva have, together with the musical production staff on the team, written and sang all songs themselves, really elevating the feel of passion within the movie.

Another big thing for the movie is adressing addiction and depression, "both these subjects are sensitive and people rather not talk about them. But we really feel like it needs to be shown and people need to understand that depression and addiction are serious and real." said Petrov. The trailer for the movie has received over 20 million views worldwide and #ASWS is trending on several social media platforms. It seems the first blockbuster from Hvezda in 1.5 decades will be received with open arms. The movie is set to release early next year.

The trailer for "A Star will Shine" which has already racked up 20 million views in its first few days
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:20 am

OOC Source: Reddit

Cahtice: HEAT. The missile defense network first introduced during the socialist deltarian regime, was in the process of being reintroduced when the economic crisis hit, prompting the government to halt the costly project. Now, three years since the end of the recession, the MoW has announced the relaunch of the HEAT project. The HEAT network consists of several layers of missile defense to defend most of Deltaria and especially its urban centers and strategic locations. The first layer of defense is the long range missile defense network consisting almost exclusively of S-300 systems. Currently Deltaria has enough systems to cover 2/3rd of its urban and strategic sites, which means under the HEAT program new systems will be build. The second layer of defense consists of 2K12 medium ranged missile defense systems capable of intercepting missiles and aircraft from medium ranges. The last layer, if the first two fail to stop all threats, consists of different short ranged systems such as the modern 9K35 missile systems and the much older SPAAG systems, which are only capable of firing autocannons and not missiles and is also partially radar guided. All these systems are mobile meaning that even though they have a standard location they operate from they can move at any time making the HEAT network efficient and resilient if necessary. However, to cover all strategic sites additional medium ranged and long ranged systems need to be constructed. This construction has thus now resumed with the state owned DDS tasked with constructing the additional systems. It is expected that by the end of the program all or at least a vast majority of strategic sites and urban centers are covered by the network. The General Ground Staff has already created a subdivision named the "Imperial Missile Command" or IMC which will be tasked with monitoring the entire network once in place and lead it during peace and war. By having a seperate command for the HEAT network the General Staff hopes to make the network adaptable and give it a quick response time to neutralize as many threats as it faces.

The MoW believes that the entire HEAT network will be fully operational within 2 to 3 years, giving Deltaria a strong missile defense network to protect it against the increasing threat of ballistic missiles and other aerial targets.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:57 am

OOC Source: RVD

Cahtice: The Czarist Election of 4778 was a quick and descisive election mostly contributed to the fact that none of the Dukes was willing to put a challenge to the rather popular Maria of Alazan. Maria had been the Czarina for 10 years and had, at the time of the election, a approval rating of more then 76%. Many saw Maria as the defender of democracy in Deltaria, the only person technically within the government to repeatedly defend democracy whenever possible. Therefor Dušan of Cstibors and former Czar Mikuláš of Georgijević-Tesař both firmly supported Maria during this election, with Dusan previously reserved about supporting her now doing so quite convincingly. Furthermore Vadir of Swaefheard and Péter von Thaller had drifted apart over the previous decade with Vadir trying to drift into a more independent course from Cahtice and Péter coming closer to the national government due to increased economic connectivity between his region and the other Deltarian regions.

Péter, Mikuláš and Dušan thus decided to vote for Maria as she promised to continue to uphold the constitution and do what she could to be there for all Deltarians and their rights. Vadir of Swaefheard voted for himself, now 93, he is expected to abdicate his position as Duke of Doron Akigo in favour of his son Sigor of Swaefheard (46) soon and this vote is seen as one last symbolic show of defiance, defiance that is typical for Doron Akigans. The First Minister Koleno was also present during the ceremony coronating Maria for the second time and later gave a press conference congratulating her majesty on her reelection as monarch of Deltaria. Despite the rumours of the two not particularly liking eachother and clashing on several occassions both talked kindly of one another, being a likely sign that while they dont like eachother they respect the offices they both hold, a perfect example of a well functioning organization of state.

Czarina Maria and her husband Czar Samuel have planned a tour through Deltaria visiting the regional capitals as well as the Czar Dusan base in Malivia to celebrate the renewal of her mandate and connect with the ordinary Deltarian populace. It is expected that the tour will last a total of 5 weeks after which she will resume her normal duties.
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