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Re: Davostag/Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:49 am

Prominent figures flees, gets captured and surrenders to the enemy forces

As the end for the Third Republic draws as nearer, as the enemy forces are with Fladborg, it seems as if prominent figures of the Third Republic has started to flee or even surrendered to the enemy forces. Some of those who was able to make a miraculous escape was Secretary of State of the Republic Christian Kvist (Shadow Council member), Minister of Science and Technology Klemens Grünfeld and Minister of Trade and Industry Ulf Hedegaard. Why we believe they have successfully fled the country is because of the Shadow Council's report that these figures have been declared traitors and sacked from their positions. Other declared traitors include Minister of Internal Affairs Daniela Hjertsson (Shadow Council member) and Minister of Justice Nanna Berg who was not fortunate enough to been able to hide and flee the enemy and was instead captured by them, the former by Telamonese forces and the latter by Hutorian forces. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Marianne Bruun, was one of the few ministers who did not accompany the cabinet and the Shadow Council to Fladborg and instead remained in the capital city Kivonia. With Lieutenant General Oskar Posse turning the city over to the enemy (which is rumored to been the work of Minister Bruun), the Minister of Foreign Affairs voluntarily surrendered to the Hutorian forces. As soon as the Shadow Council in Fladborg heard of the news she was also sacked from her position and declared a traitor along with Lt Gen. Posse. The other Ministers of the cabinet has for now remained in Fladborg with the Shadow Council and Counselor Julius Callus.

How some of the ministers were able to flee without being discovered has already began conspiracy theories, the most prominent one being is that the STASÄ (State Security Service) is in some way involved in the escape, as logically speaking the only way they would have been able to escape is if the STASÄ was involved and that this was actually a planned and carefully organized contingency, which went sideways for two of the ministers.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:53 pm

With the mainland lost, the Kivonian regime flees to the island of Dovmark

With the battle of Fladborg coming to an end with an astonishing Hutorian victory, the leftovers of the Shadow Council and the very few troops left fled to the Island of Dovmark. This was possible with the help of the small ships - that survived the Hutorian destruction of the Kivonian navy - stationed at a harbor west of the city of Fladborg with Admiral Wilhelm Leitz in command. Thousands of dead and thousands more captured Kivonian soldiers, the fighting is now finally coming to an end, but that depends on the Kivonian government. The Shadow Council, has set up its operations in Dovmark, in the city of Sankt Erwinsburg, the city named after Saint Erwin Reinhardt, father of Dictator August Reinhardt, the Kivonian hero. Early today however, the Shadow Council member, Minister of the Republic Viktor Haninge revealed that the Counselor of the Republic Julius Callus had died during the final moments of the battle of Fladborg, his body was supposed to been transported with helicopter to the harbor west of Fladborg, but was shot down by Hutorian forces and crashed down in the ocean sinking deep. The cause of death has therefore not been clarified, however, speculations as usual has been spreading that he either died of battle wounds caused by the enemy forces, or that he was assassinated by one of their own. As no clear de facto or de jure leader exists, and that the Shadow Council only consists now of three people - General Ruprecht Brandler, Minister of the Republic Haninge and Minister of Defence Thorsten Morgentaler - it has been decided that the Council is to be dissolved and replaced by a triumvirate known as the Continuation Government, composed of General Brandler who will be the commander-in-chief of the remnant forces, Minister of the Republic Haninge who will use his position as the de facto head of government and surprisingly Admiral Wilhelm Leitz, who was chosen to assume the newly created position Rikspresident (President of the Realm) as the head of state, the latter was included to keep the moderate officers present in Dovmark in check, as Admiral Leitz is seen as a non-partisan and moderate figure respected by nearly all of the armed forces before and after the war. Admiral Leitz was also a critic of the violent tactics of Counselor Callus and was one of the few to support State Officer Cederstam's opposition to the war in 4773. Unfortunately to the moderate officers disappointment, the now Rikspresident Leitz is merely a figure head as the real power lies with Minister Haninge and General Brandler both of whom seeks to continue the war, hence the name Continuation Government.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Tue Jun 30, 2020 7:55 pm

Military officers launches a coup against the Continuation Government

Early today communications all around the city of Sankt Erwinsburg (de facto capital of the Third Republic) was disrupted and the people there could see how Kivonian soldiers put roadblocks with barbed wires on the main roads. Kivonian National Salvation Party officials were seen arrested and put into trucks to be taken to the small military installation outside the city. The soldiers had also taken control over the tv and radio stations, and had marched in to the various buildings used as government facilities, moments later arrested government ministers was seen brought out of the buildings. The soldiers then forced themselves into the temporary Office building of the President of the Realm, in there General Ruprecht Brandler, the commander-in-chief of the remnant forces, and the head of government Minister of the Republic Viktor Haninge was apprehended. In one of the tv stations, the soldiers held a brief announcement, where to everyones surprise the former State Officer of the Republic Isabella Cederstam appeared. She explained that with the help of a few moderate officers and the Telamon government been brought to the island of Dovmark, she immediately met with Rikspresident Wilhelm Leitz in secret. A few days later, she had rallied other moderate officers wanting to end the war and bring the Kivonian regime to justice, as they launched the coup very effectively with no bloodshed at all. Rikspresident Leitz had lured Minister Haninge and General Brandler to his officer right before the coup was launched. Rikspresident Leitz then decided to speak to the people as well in the tv station and announced that he had officially appointed Cederstam as State Officer once more as the new head of government for the now called Peace Council. Cederstam continued with expressing her desire to meet with the governments of Hutori and Telamon to discuss peace.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:45 pm

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Re: Davostan

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:44 pm

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Re: Davostan

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:13 pm

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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Jul 09, 2020 1:04 am

Dovmarks Civila Nyheter|Dovmarks Civile Nyheder - Civilian News of Davostan

Small political group gains national attention, deems as of no concern by political analysts
Published 26 January 4782
Since the end of the Macon War, the people of Davostan has been tired and has mainly focused on resting, to rebuild and trying adjust to the current situation. Still no word has been made by Telamon concerning who they have appointed as Governor-General over the Telamonic occupation zone. The civilian administration over Davostan, known as the Civilian Advisory Assembly which is the de jure legislature, is tirelessly working with different actors concerning the rebuilding the nation. The Assembly is composed only of elected non-partisan members. No real major political movement exists, however, rumors have started to spread about a certain minor political club in the devastated city of Fladborg. This club, whose official name is the Club for the Revival of National Pride between Davostanis and Kivonians, more commonly known as the Fladborgian Club, seems to be the only active political “organization”, though not on any major nor minor threat for that matter. The club’s manifesto has been discovered and it states:
- Start a Revolution to end foreign occupation
- Form a National Convention to represent every Davostani and Kivonian
- Rebuild the Nation and form a Union Republic between the two peoples
- Nationalize every vital national industry
- Export the Revolution to Macon and nearby nations in Artania
- Build the Union Republic into a major international power
- Create a social welfare state for all Davostanis and Kivonians

Political analysts who basically have almost nothing to analyse at the moment, have taken the opportunity to discuss the small political club. Some analysts states that the club will never be able to rally people up for a revolution against the foreign powers, since the people is extremely tired and not so interested in politics any more. Other analysts have claimed that the Fladborgian Club could garner support once the occupation powers starts to pull out, and try to rally for a revolution then and claim to have been the ones to “drive out” the foreign powers. However, one source claims that the Fladborgian Club only has around 60 to 80 members, and that it has not tried to register in any local or national elections. Seeming more like a bunch of individual coming together to share and discuss their ideas.
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Re: Davostan

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:45 am

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Re: Davostan

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:28 pm

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