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Re: Davostan

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:13 pm

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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Jul 09, 2020 1:04 am

Dovmarks Civila Nyheter|Dovmarks Civile Nyheder - Civilian News of Davostan

Small political group gains national attention, deems as of no concern by political analysts
Published 26 January 4782
Since the end of the Macon War, the people of Davostan has been tired and has mainly focused on resting, to rebuild and trying adjust to the current situation. Still no word has been made by Telamon concerning who they have appointed as Governor-General over the Telamonic occupation zone. The civilian administration over Davostan, known as the Civilian Advisory Assembly which is the de jure legislature, is tirelessly working with different actors concerning the rebuilding the nation. The Assembly is composed only of elected non-partisan members. No real major political movement exists, however, rumors have started to spread about a certain minor political club in the devastated city of Fladborg. This club, whose official name is the Club for the Revival of National Pride between Davostanis and Kivonians, more commonly known as the Fladborgian Club, seems to be the only active political “organization”, though not on any major nor minor threat for that matter. The club’s manifesto has been discovered and it states:
- Start a Revolution to end foreign occupation
- Form a National Convention to represent every Davostani and Kivonian
- Rebuild the Nation and form a Union Republic between the two peoples
- Nationalize every vital national industry
- Export the Revolution to Macon and nearby nations in Artania
- Build the Union Republic into a major international power
- Create a social welfare state for all Davostanis and Kivonians

Political analysts who basically have almost nothing to analyse at the moment, have taken the opportunity to discuss the small political club. Some analysts states that the club will never be able to rally people up for a revolution against the foreign powers, since the people is extremely tired and not so interested in politics any more. Other analysts have claimed that the Fladborgian Club could garner support once the occupation powers starts to pull out, and try to rally for a revolution then and claim to have been the ones to “drive out” the foreign powers. However, one source claims that the Fladborgian Club only has around 60 to 80 members, and that it has not tried to register in any local or national elections. Seeming more like a bunch of individual coming together to share and discuss their ideas.
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Re: Davostan

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:45 am

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Re: Davostan

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:28 pm

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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Tue Jul 21, 2020 4:51 pm

Dovmarks Civila Nyheter|Dovmarks Civile Nyheder - Civilian News of Davostan

Since the formation of the Korridorsäkerheten in 4785, the threats against civilian Davostani officials have decreased rapidly
Published 4 April 4788
KS officers in heavy gear during a public exercise

In November 4785, the Civilian Advisory Assembly of Davostan approved the long debated bill to form a small security agency tasked with protecting Davostani civilian officials, something normally handled by the Hutorian occupation forces. Governor-General McColeman approved the request made by the CAA to allow the formation of it as a first step towards having a independent security force for a future Davostan free of occupation. Chairman of the CAA, Georg Lundell, has stated that "a free and independent Davostan is now at the horizon". The security agency known as the Korridorsäkerheten, KS (Corridor Security) has as primary task to protect during all occasions the public civilian officials having a part in maintaining the civilian administration of the country. As planned, up to July 4786, the personnel of the KS increased to that of 300 employees, and is estimated to be at the moment up to 435 employees. The KS is at the moment the only security agency operated by the civilian administration and has therefore attracted many former soldiers of the Macon War, who are mainly of Kivonian ethnicity. The Civilian Advisory Assembly is now looking over the proposal of implementing forced quotas of having the KS be a completely assimilated agency, with both Davostanis and Kivonians in it to make sure no bias is held by the employees. The head of the agency is the Director-KS, who is suggested by the Civilian Advisor of Domestic Affairs (commonly known as Minister of Internal Affairs) to the Civilian Advisory Assembly who then decides whether to accept him/her for the position. Two weeks after the formation of the KS, Louise Seiner was appointed the first Director-KS. Seiner is a former low-ranking officer of the Third Kivonian Republic, who aided in the help to overthrow the Continuation Government in December 4777.

The Korridorsäkerheten has also organized a branch for intelligence and investigation which began its operations in March 4787. This branch simply known as KS Intelligence and Investigations (KSII). The KSII is under heavy supervision by both the Civilian Advisory Assembly and the Hutorian Occupation Authority to ensure it does not reach the same level of a security threat as the former Statens Säkerhetstjänst (State Security Service; STASÄ) of the Third Republic, or does not engage themselves in collusion with the feared organization such as hiding remnants of it. The KSII has together with its occupation supervisor created an efficient network in Davostan and the Macon continent in order to root out the threats given to both civilian and occupation officials. A specific number has not yet been confirmed, but it is speculated that up to 200 people have been arrested, all from suspicious sympathizing with National Salvationism of the former regime to directly helping the remnants of the STASÄ. This has resulted in a massive decrease in threats given to officials in all services working in Davostan.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:40 am

Dovmarks Civila Nyheter|Dovmarks Civile Nyheder - Civilian News of Davostan

The Civilian Advisory Assembly begins preparations for a future withdrawal of Hutorian troops
and an end of the occupation

16 January 4789
Chairman of the Civilian Advisory Assembly Georg Lundell

With the increasing responsibility given to the civilian administration of Davostan, the Civilian Advisory Assembly and the leading Advisors of it has began preparations for a future withdrawal of Hutorian troops and an end of the occupation. The people of Davostan has begun to become increasingly aware of the heavy presence of foreign troops, with many calling for an immediate removal of the troops. Per agreement, Hutorian presence would last for 20 years, but it is rumored that backroom negotiations took place to discuss a slow withdrawal after only 10 years. Something the politicians and bureaucrats in Kivonia seems to be using to push a narrative of independence from Hutori as 10 years is to reach in a few months. The Hutorian occupation authority together with the Korridorsäkerheten has began small exercises of new recruits who joined the agency in the absence of a military force. Leaks claims that these recruits will make up a Hutorian trained defense force for Davostan as an official military, something that helps push the idea of a Hutorian withdrawal. Chairman of the Civilian Advisory Assembly, Georg Lundell said this concerning such a withdrawal:
A end of the occupation must happen. And we of the civilian administration believe that it must happen sooner rather than later. The people of Davostan has to be able to carry the right to choose their own leaders and they should not for twenty years live under harsh foreign occupation. So the Civilian Advisory Assembly has decided that we will contact the Hutorian government concerning this issue and to see if something could be agreed upon. Thank you.

Political analysts in Davostan have now become increasingly more active as new theories are up for making. The largest speculation is over the future system of government, with some theorizing that a sort of Confederation or Federation will be established, while others believe that a Provisional Republic will be set-up until the preparations for a union is ready. Other more anti-Kivonian commentators fear a possible Fourth Kivonian Republic, and according to them, if people of Kivonian ethnicity is allowed to be part of the power structure such a Fourth Republic would be inevitable. However, something agreed on by the majority of experts is that the rapid popularity of Unionism between the Davostanis and Kivonians will with certainty decide how future governments will shape.

The small political organization known as the Fladborgian Club has in the recent months attracted many followers, mostly since the talk of a possible Hutorian withdrawal became one of the most common political topics. A sister club seems to have been founded in the city of Nyberg called the Club for the Preservation of the Revolutionary Ideals of a Union between Davostan and Kivonia and more commonly known as the Nybergian Club. It was founded after supporters of the Fladborgian Club organized a large demonstration in the city of Nyberg against the Hutorian occupiers, the demonstrators numbered up to a million people. Which after one hour turned into violence and the demonstrators was eventually cracked down upon by Hutorian occupation military police. In the midst of fighting, five people was killed and twelve injured, the Nybergian Club has proclaimed the incident as the Union Revolution, but it is popularly called the Nybergian Revolution instead.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Fri Jul 24, 2020 11:31 pm

Dovmarks Civila Nyheter|Dovmarks Civile Nyheder - Civilian News of Davostan

Lawmakers in Davostan has now pushed for a withdrawal and an end of the Hutorian occupation
18 January 4790
Civilian Advisory Assembly

During the recent weeks the Civilian Advisory Assembly had discussed intensely over the matter of Hutorian withdrawal and an end of the foreign occupation. The Occupationist faction of the assembly - who's influence and members have decreased in the recent years - tried to fiercely oppose any suggestion of ending Hutorian occupation, but this was in vain as the Liberationist faction - who had garnered enough support and to be exact over a 2/3rd majority in the assembly - proceeded to set in motion the preparations which had been made for the establishment of a Provisional Republic. During a press conference, the civilian administration of Davostan confirmed that they had contacted Bekenial to inform them of their decision. They also made contact with the government of Endralon and secured a defense and trade treaty with their oversees neighbor. Despite what might seem as good news, political analysts are baffled over the move the civilian administration had done. Basically the civilian administration of Davostan had no real decision making powers, internally or externally, and was under the absolute authority of the Hutorian Governor-General and the Hutorian Occupation Authority, but despite this, the Civilian Advisory Assembly seemed to have taken the courage to stand up to their occupiers in hopes of a peaceful solution. Some rumors goes that civilian administrators offered to make the withdrawal a slow one, to ensure that Hutori still were in control. In any case, the date for the formation of the Provisional Republic has been set to be on 1 September 4790, and the Civilian Advisory Assembly seem to hope that the Hutorians will accept their demand to end the occupation before this date.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sun Jul 26, 2020 2:51 pm

Dovmarks Foreløbige Nyheder|Dovmarks Provisoriska Nyheter - Provisional News of Davostan

Finally, the first free elections in 41 years. The Fladborgian and Nybergian Clubs takes the political landscapes by storm.
20 November 4790
National Convention seat distribution

With the formation of the Provisional Republic of Davostan in September this year, a special election took place to inaugurate the newly formed National Convention, which serves as the Provisional Republic's supreme decision-making body with 700 members. The National Convention decided to elect the former Chairman of the Civilian Advisory Assembly of Occupied Davostan, the non-partisan Georg Lundell, as the new President of the National Convention. The President of the National Convention serves as both the head of state and government, but as a difference of other systems around Terra, the officeholder is nominated and appointed by the National Convention. Georg Lundell's first act was to organize new but free elections for the National Convention, these elections were held on the 18th November 4790 and the results seemed to have surprised everyone. The small Fladborgian and Nybergian Clubs had received 165 and 157 seats respectively, the non-partisans still holds a majority of 378 seats but this seems to be radically changing the political landscape of Davostan.

The Hutorian withdrawal is at the same time occurring but at a slower speed than expected, and it seems as if negotiations were made that the withdrawal would be complete on the 1 August 4799, thus completing the goal of the treaty of Bindeborg by having the occupation last no less than 20 years. While withdrawing the Hutorian military has begun to train new recruits for the newly created armed force of Davostan, simply known as the Davostani Defense Force (DDF), the goal is to have the DDF be manned with 8,000 troops until 4799.

The National Convention's recent major act was the organizing of the 'Constitutional Convention for the Future of the Nation' (CCFN), the CCFN is intended on inviting political, economical and other experts as well as representatives from the political groups within the National Convention to discuss the future system of government for Davostan. The Committee of the CCFN has announced that the plan is to have a decision for the future decided until 1st January 4795. The CCFN Committee also decided to allow regular citizens to send in their own proposals to the Committee, upon which they will decided which ones to present for the Convention. However, the first thing that was discussed was not the system of governance but the temporary flag for the Provisional Republic. The one decided became a tricolor from top to down, black-grey, gold-yellow and blue. The blue part was however not popular with the Fladborgian and Nybergian Clubs, but it was reluctantly accepted since the two political clubs decided over the black-grey part.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Mon Jul 27, 2020 10:52 am

Dovmarks Foreløbige Nyheder|Dovmarks Provisoriska Nyheter - Provisional News of Davostan

President of the National Convention Georg Lundell secures power after a failed coup in the legislature
8 April 4791
President of the National Convention Georg Lundell and his wife Linnea Lundell

Apparently in the recent weeks, the National Convention was at its peak in intrigues and scheming, which resulted in yesterdays coup attempt. This coup led by Minister of Internal Affairs Edvin Lund, Minister of Foreign Affairs Linnea Selander, Minister of Defence Calle Tornquist and many others within the National Convention. These had organized together with the Fladborgian and Nybergian Clubs a coup to overthrow the incumbent President of the National Convention Georg Lundell. The two clubs had been promised several seats within a new government, however, it seems as if President Lundell were quicker and when the coupmakers within yesterdays meeting called for the vote of no confidence both Clubs turned on them and instead voted them out of the government. Georg Lundell had met with Torbjörn Ohlsson and Sarah Lind of the Fladborgian and Nybergian Clubs respectively and promised several positions within a new Lundell government, he had also promised the appointment of former Third Republic Admiral and President Wilhelm Leitz as the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and former State Officer Isabella Cederstam as new Minister of Defence, both of these figures have been during and after the war very popular with the people as moderate officers. This has made Georg Lundell secure the necessary power over the Provisional Republic and the National Convention by having his enemies be removed from the state institutions.

Georg Lundell born in 4734 in the city now known as Fort Reinhardt. His mother were a Kivonian and an officer in the military, while his father were a Davostani teacher. Lundell came to study at a local university of political science, and later on went to study a year at the Vermillion University. He became an efficient bureaucrat who was made Deputy Mayor of Kivonia during the Third Republic. When Hutorian troops closed in on the capital city, Lundell was one of the few who advocated to the Lieutenant General Oskar Posse of the Capital Defense Corp to hand the city over to the Hutorians. This action led him to the custody of the occupation powers but with good treatment. His mix of origin, experience and actions during the war led the occupation powers to see Lundell as the perfect figure for the civilian administration. And now he has become what he had always dreamt of, to be the ruler of the nation. Some has reported to see signs of hubris by Lundell, with some saying that he [Lundell] wants to become a sort of "father of the fatherland" for the future Davostan.
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Re: Davostan

Postby Augustus Germanus » Mon Jul 27, 2020 3:13 pm

Kulturnyheter|Kulturnyheder - Culture News of Davostan

The Ministry of Education and Culture begins construction of brand new museum of history and arts
13 May 4791
The museum at close

Ever since the occupation began in 4779, the newly appointed Chair of the Civilian Advisory Assembly Georg Lundell frequently spoke of his intentions of constructing a museum to collect recent history and arts. He began organizing this project in 4787 and the construction has now started in 4791. The chief architect of the project is the Kivonian Ervin Hanson who graduated from the Vermillion University and studied more architecture abroad in Endralon. The corporation known as Shippington has stepped in to help fund parts of the construction, with an estimated 5 million Davosti. The museum is to be located in the capital city of Kivonia and the official name has been announced to be the 'National Museum of Davostani-Kivonian History and Arts', but that a honorary name is going to be given as well, some leaks says it will be called 'Adlartok-Museum', after the President and Chancellor of the Republic of Davostan and Federation of Davostan-Kivonia respectively.

The museum together with the alley of trees

Some radical Davostani nationalists have criticized the project and began a petition a few months ago to remove the Kivonian part of the name as well as to hinder any Kivonian history to be presented at the museum, the petitions have now numbered up to a 100,000 people, which resulted in unlawful demonstrations. These quickly fell into violence when Kivonian nationalists showed up, which made even more people angrier as Kivonian nationalism is now seen as part of National salvationism, the ideology which were the foundation of the Third Kivonian Republic. The Ministry of Education and Culture has made it very clear that no history - no matter who it belongs to - will or should be removed just to fit or satisfy one groups narrative and/or anger.

The Vermillion University is another key factor in the establishment of the museum. As about 40 years ago, the University began working on collecting and storing history of both the Kivonian and Davostani people. The museum which now is being built, was actually originally planned by the Third Republic regime and the information collected by the University was to be stored there, the construction begun in the early 4770s but was halted with the tide turning against the Third Republic in the Macon War. Ervin Hanson was the architect under the National salvationist regime, and was almost prosecuted for collaborating with the regime but was on the request of the civilian administration pardoned. The Vermillion University has made it no secret that they intend on using the museum as a way to achieve even more prestige and status as on of the most prominent universities in Macon, and as recently the Higher Education Framework has ranked the university at spot 16 of higher educations of the globe.
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