Security Council Election Results

The decision-making body of the World Congress with the power to pass formal resolutions and composed of five elected members.

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Re: Security Council Election Results

Postby Auditorii » Wed May 03, 2023 3:22 pm


Elected members of the Security Council
Seat A: Dorvik
Seat B: Beiteynu
Seat C: Tukarali
Seat D: Seko

Detailed information
Full breakdown of the votes cast in each are shown below, including the number of abstentions. Elected members are shown in green. Changes since the last election are shown in brackets. In all seats, the country with the most votes was elected with the exception of Seat E where there was an uncontested election. Please note due to the delay, the new results date will be the 3rd of the month.

Seat A
Dorvik = 13
Malivia = 5
Dundorf = 5
Kundrati = 4
Luthori = 4
Beluzia = 1
Rutania = 1
Endralon =0
Aloria = 0
Keymon = 0
Narikaton and Darnussia = 0
Kirlawa = 0
Ikradon = 0
Hobrazia = 0
Abstain = 33 (of 58)

Seat B
Beiteynu = 19
Deltaria = 3
Solentia = 2
Istalia = 2
Kalopia = 1
Vanuku = 1
Badara = 1
Cildania = 1
Zardugal = 1
Jakania = 1
Selucia = 0
Jelbania = 0
Kafuristan = 0
Pontesi = 0
Abstain = 25 (of 58)

Seat C
Tukarali = 7
Likatonia = 5
Baltusia = 4
Mordusia = 2
Yingdala = 2
Rilandor = 1
Lodamun = 1
Kalistan = 1
Alduria = 1
Valruzia = 1
Saridan = 1
Aldegar = 0
Gaduridos = 0
Abstain = 32 (of 58)

Seat D
Seko = 9
Hutori = 8
Lourenne = 7
Dankuk = 1
Kizenia and New Endralon = 1
Egelion = 1
Trigunia = 1
Vorona = 1
Dankuk = 1
Davostan = 0
Dolgavia = 0
Talmoria = 0
Hulstria and Gao-Soto = 0
Kazulia = 0
Telamon = 0
Abstain = 29 (of 58)

Seat E
To be determined
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Security Council Election Results

Postby jamescfm » Fri Jun 30, 2023 10:20 pm


Elected members

Full details

Full breakdown of the votes cast in each are shown below, including the number of abstentions. Elected members are shown in green. In all seats, the country with the most votes was elected with the exception of Seat D where there was a tie between Lourenne and Seko. Since Seko held the seat more recently, Lourenne was elected. The election in Seat E was uncontested.

Seat A

Dorvik= 14
Dundorf= 4
Kundrati= 4
Luthori= 4
Malivia= 4
Beluzia= 1
Kirlawa= 1
Rutania= 1

Abstained= 25

Seat B

Beiteynu= 23
Deltaria= 2
Istalia= 2
Badara= 1
Cobura= 1
Jakania= 1
Kalopia= 1
Solentia= 1
Vanuku= 1
Zardugal= 1

Abstained= 24

Seat C

Tukarali= 6
Likatonia= 5
Baltusia= 3
Mordusia= 2
Yingdala= 2
Alduria= 1
Kalistan= 1
Kanjor= 1
Rildanor= 1
Saridan= 1
Valruzia= 1

Abstained= 34

Seat D

Lourenne= 8
Seko= 8
Hutori= 7
Dankuk= 2
Egelion= 1
Kizenia and New Endralon= 1
Trigunia= 1
Vorona= 1

Abstained= 29

Seat E

Dalibor= uncontested
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Re: Security Council Election Results

Postby jamescfm » Mon Jul 31, 2023 11:13 pm


Elected members

Full details

Full breakdown of the votes cast in each are shown below, including the number of abstentions. Elected members are shown in green. Changes since the last election are shown in brackets. In three seats, the country with the most votes was elected. In Seat D, there was a tie between Lourenne and Seko. Since Lourenne held the seat more recently, Seko was elected. The election in Seat E was uncontested.

Seat A

Dorvik= 14 (=)
Dundorf= 4 (=)
Kundrati= 4 (=)
Luthori= 4 (=)
Malivia= 4 (=)
Beluzia= 1 (=)
Kirlawa= 1 (=)
Rutania= 1 (=)

Abstained= 25 (=)

Seat B

Beiteynu= 25 (+2)
Istalia= 2 (=)
Badara= 1 (=)
Cobura= 1 (=)
Deltaria= 1 (-1)
Jakania= 1 (=)
Kalopia= 1 (=)
Solentia= 1 (=)
Vanuku= 1 (=)
Zardugal= 1 (=)

Abstained= 23 (-1)

Seat C

Tukarali= 6
Likatonia= 5 (=)
Baltusia= 3 (=)
Yingdala= 3 (+1)
Mordusia= 2 (=)
Alduria= 1 (=)
Kalistan= 1 (=)
Kanjor= 1 (=)
Rildanor= 1 (=)
Saridan= 1 (=)
Valruzia= 1 (=)

Abstained= 33 (-1)

Seat D

Seko= 8 (=)
Lourenne= 8 (=)
Hutori= 7 (=)
Dankuk= 2 (=)
Egelion= 1 (=)
Kizenia and New Endralon= 1 (=)
Trigunia= 1 (=)
Vorona= 1 (=)

Abstained= 29 (=)

Seat E

Suyu Llaqta= uncontested
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Re: Security Council Election Results

Postby TRA » Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:31 pm


Elected Members

Seat A - Kundrati
Seat B - Beiteynu
Seat C - Tukarali
Seat D - Lourenne
Seat E - Nsanlosa


Full breakdown of the votes cast in each are shown below. Changes since the last election are shown in brackets. Elected members are shown in green. Results and history are also available on Moderation and the RP Committee can generate the code for this post from that site.

Seat A (Artania)

Kundrati = 13 (+9)
Dorvik = 12 (-2)
Luthori = 6 (+2)
Dundorf = 3 (-1)
Malivia = 2 (-2)
Kirlawa = 1 (=)
Rutania = 1 (=)

Seat B (Majatra)

Beiteynu = 24 (-1)
Istalia = 3 (+1)
Badara = 1 (=)
Cobura = 1 (=)
Deltaria = 1 (-1)
Jakania = 1 (=)
Kalopia = 1 (=)
Solentia = 1 (=)
Vanuku = 1 (=)
Zardugal = 1 (=)
Selucia = 1 (+1)

Seat C (Seleya)

Tukarali = 6
Likatonia = 5 (=)
Baltusia = 3 (=)
Yingdala = 3 (+1)
Lodamun = 2 (+2)
Mordusia = 2 (=)
Alduria = 1 (=)
Kalistan = 1 (=)
Kanjor = 1 (=)
Rildanor = 1 (=)
Saridan = 1 (=)
Valruzia = 1 (=)

Seat D (Makon, Keris, Dovani)

Lourenne = 12 (+4)
Sekowo = 6 (-2)
Hutori = 6 (-1)
Dankuk = 2 (=)
Egelion = 1 (=)
NEK = 1 (=)
Trigunia = 1 (=)
Vorona = 1 (=)
Signed by the ghost of the 2300s, GreekIdiot.
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Re: World Congress: Elections for the Security Council

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Oct 01, 2023 7:59 am


Elected Members

Seat A - Kundrati
Seat B - Beiteynu
Seat C - Tukarali
Seat D - Lourenne
Seat E - Vascania


Full breakdown of the votes cast in each are shown below. Changes since the last election are shown in brackets. Elected members are shown in green. Results and history are also available on Moderation and the RP Committee can generate the code for this post from that site.

Seat A (Artania)

Kundrati = 12 (-1)
Dorvik = 9 (-3)
Luthori = 8 (+2)
Dundorf = 3 (=)
Malivia = 3 (+1)
Kirlawa = 1 (=)
Rutania = 1 (=)

Seat B (Majatra)

Beiteynu = 22 (-2)
Istalia = 3 (=)
Kalopia = 1 (=)
Selucia = 1 (=)
Solentia = 1 (=)
Vanuku = 1 (=)
Badara = 1 (=)
Cildania = 1 (+1)
Cobura = 1 (=)
Deltaria = 1 (=)
Jakania = 1 (=)

Seat C (Seleya)

Tukarali = 8 (+2)
Likatonia = 6 (+1)
Yingdala = 4 (+1)
Baltusia = 3 (=)
Lodamun = 2 (+2)
Mordusia = 1 (-1)
Rildanor = 1 (=)
Saridan = 1 (=)
Valruzia = 1 (=)
Alduria = 1 (=)
Kalistan = 1 (=)
Kanjor = 1 (=)

Seat D (Makon, Keris, Dovani)

Lourenne = 12 (=)
Sekowo = 6 (=)
Hutori = 5 (-1)
Trigunia = 2 (+1)
Dankuk = 2 (=)
NEK = 1 (=)
Vorona = 1 (=)
Egelion = 1 (=)
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Re: World Congress: Elections for the Security Council

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:10 pm


Elected Members

Seat A - Kundrati
Seat B - Beiteynu
Seat C - Tukarali
Seat D - Lourenne
Seat E - Nsanlosa


Full breakdown of the votes cast in each are shown below. Changes since the last election are shown in brackets. Elected members are shown in green. Results and history are also available on

Seat A (Artania)

Kundrati = 12 (=)
Dorvik = 11 (+2)
Luthori = 7 (-1)
Dundorf = 3 (=)
Malivia = 3 (=)
Kirlawa = 1 (=)
Rutania = 1 (=)

Seat B (Majatra)

Beiteynu = 22 (=)
Istalia = 3 (=)
Kalopia = 1 (=)
Selucia = 1 (=)
Solentia = 1 (=)
Vanuku = 1 (=)
Badara = 1 (=)
Cildania = 1 (=)
Cobura = 1 (=)
Deltaria = 1 (=)
Jakania = 1 (=)

Seat C (Seleya)

Tukarali = 8 (=)
Likatonia = 6 (=)
Yingdala = 4 (=)
Baltusia = 3 (=)
Kalistan = 3 (+2)
Lodamun = 2 (=)
Mordusia = 1 (-1)
Rildanor = 1 (=)
Saridan = 1 (=)
Valruzia = 1 (=)
Kanjor = 1 (=)

Seat D (Makon, Keris, Dovani)

Lourenne = 12 (=)
Hutori = 6 (+1)
Sekowo = 5 (-1)
Dankuk = 3 (+1)
Trigunia = 2 (=)
NEK = 1 (=)
Vorona = 1 (=)
Egelion = 1 (=)
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Re: World Congress: Elections for the Security Council

Postby Luis1p » Fri Dec 01, 2023 3:34 pm


Elected Members

Seat A - Kundrati
Seat B - Beiteynu
Seat C - Tukarali
Seat D - Lourenne
Seat E - Hanzen


Full breakdown of the votes cast in each are shown below. Changes since the last election are shown in brackets. Elected members are shown in green. Results and history are also available on

Seat A (Artania)

Kundrati = 14 (+2)
Dorvik = 11 (=)
Luthori = 9 (+2)
Dundorf = 2 (-1)
Malivia = 3 (=)
Rutania = 2 (=1)

Seat B (Majatra)

Beiteynu = 27 (+5)
Istalia = 4 (+1_
Kalopia = 1 (=)
Selucia = 1 (=)
Solentia = 1 (=)
Cildania = 1 (=)
Cobura = 1 (=)
Deltaria = 1 (=)
Jakania = 1 (=)

Seat C (Seleya)

Tukarali = 9 (+1)
Likatonia = 5 (-1)
Yingdala = 4 (=)
Baltusia = 4 (+1)
Kalistan = 2 (-1)
Lodamun = 2 (=)
Rildanor = 1 (=)
Saridan = 1 (=)
Valruzia = 1 (=)

Seat D (Makon, Keris, Dovani)

Lourenne = 20 (+8)
Hutori = 10 (+4)
Sekowo = 5 (=)
Dankuk = 2 (-1)
Trigunia = 2 (=)
Egelion = 1 (=)
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Re: Security Council Election Results

Postby jamescfm » Mon Jan 01, 2024 11:25 pm


Elected members

Full details

Full breakdown of the votes cast in each are shown below, including the number of abstentions. Elected members are shown in green. Changes since the last election are shown in brackets. In four seats, the country with the most votes was elected. The election in Seat E was uncontested.

Seat A

Kundrati= 17 (+3)
Luthori= 15 (+6)
Dorvik= 7 (-4)
Dundorf= 3 (+1)
Malivia= 1 (-2)

Abstained= 15 (-2)

Seat B

Beiteynu= 28 (+1)
Istalia= 4 (=)
Cildania= 1 (=)
Cobura= 1 (=)
Deltaria= 1 (=)
Jakania= 1 (=)
Selucia= 1 (=)
Solentia= 1 (=)

Abstained= 20 (=)

Seat C

Tukarali= 11 (+2)
Baltusia= 4 (=)
Yingdala= 3 (-1)
Kalistan= 2 (=)
Likatonia= 2 (-3)
Lodamun= 2 (=)
Alduria= 1 (+1)
Rildanor= 1 (=)
Saridan= 1 (=)
Valruzia= 1 (=)

Abstained= 30 (+1)

Seat D

Lourenne= 21 (+1)
Hutori= 9 (-1)
Seko= 4 (-1)
Dankuk= 2 (=)
Dolgava= 2 (+2)
Trigunia= 1 (-1)

Abstained= 19 (+1)

Seat E

Hanzen= uncontested
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Re: Security Council Election Results

Postby jamescfm » Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:09 pm


Elected members

Full details

Full breakdown of the votes cast in each are shown below, including the number of abstentions. Elected members are shown in green. Changes since the last election are shown in brackets. In four seats, the country with the most votes was elected. The election in seat E was uncontested.

Seat A

Kundrati= 17 (=)
Luthori= 15 (=)
Dorvik= 7 (=)
Dundorf= 3 (=)
Aloria= 1 (+1)
Malivia= 1 (=)

Abstained= 14 (-1)

Seat B

Beiteynu= 28 (=)
Istalia= 3 (-1)
Cildania= 1 (=)
Cobura= 1 (=)
Deltaria= 1 (=)
Jakania= 1 (=)
Selucia= 1 (=)
Solentia= 1 (=)

Abstained= 21 (+1)

Seat C

Tukarali= 11 (=)
Yingdala= 5 (+2)
Baltusia= 3 (-1)
Kalistan= 2 (=)
Likatonia= 2 (=)
Lodamun= 2 (=)
Alduria= 1 (=)
Rildanor= 1 (=)
Saridan= 1 (=)
Valruzia= 1 (=)

Abstained= 29 (-1)

Seat D

Lourenne= 19 (-2)
Hutori= 9 (=)
Seko= 4 (=)
Dankuk= 2 (=)
Dolgava= 2(=)

Abstained= 22 (+3)

Seat E

Vascania= uncontested
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Re: Security Council Election Results

Postby jamescfm » Fri Mar 01, 2024 1:02 am


Elected members

Full details

Full breakdown of the votes cast in each are shown below, including the number of abstentions. Elected members are shown in green. Changes since the last election are shown in brackets. In four seats, the country with the most votes was elected. The election in seat E was uncontested.

Seat A

Kundrati= 15 (-2)
Luthori= 14 (-1)
Dorvik= 6 (-1)
Dundorf= 3 (=)
Aloria= 1 (+1)
Kirlawa= 1 (+1)
Malivia= 1 (=)
Narikaton and Darnussia= 1 (+1)

Abstained= 16 (+2)

Seat B

Beiteynu= 26 (-2)
Istalia= 3 (=)
Badara= 1 (+1)
Cildania= 1 (=)
Cobura= 1 (=)
Deltaria= 1 (=)
Jakania= 1 (=)
Selucia= 1 (=)
Solentia= 1 (=)

Abstained= 22 (+1)

Seat C

Tukarali= 9 (-2)
Yingdala= 5 (=)
Baltusia= 3 (=)
Kalistan= 2 (=)
Likatonia= 2 (=)
Lodamun= 2 (=)
Alduria= 1 (=)
Rildanor= 1 (=)
Saridan= 1 (=)
Valruzia= 1 (=)

Abstained= 31 (+2)

Seat D

Lourenne= 19 (=)
Hutori= 8 (-1)
Seko= 4 (=)
Dankuk= 2 (=)
Dolgava= 2 (=)
Trigunia= 1 (+1)

Abstained= 22 (=)

Seat E

Vascania= uncontested
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