International Motion Picture Academy (IMPA)

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International Motion Picture Academy (IMPA)

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 27, 2018 11:59 pm

The International Motion Picture Academy is an international organisation dedicated to recognising and promoting quality in the art of motion pictures.
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Re: International Motion Picture Academy (IMPA)

Postby jamescfm » Wed Dec 18, 2019 12:40 am

First edition of Kaliburg Film Festival held for almost a century
Support from the Academy, Kalistani government and several industry figures allows historic festival to flourish once again in Ananto

28 April 4681

The historic Kaliburg Film Festival concluded overnight in the Kalistani capital city following its first edition since 4592. Films from across the globe were in competition for the festival's top prize, the Golden Mantis, and individuals from all aspects of the filmmaking process, as well as critics and members of the public, were in attendance. The Kaliburg festival is the first of an expanded range of film festivals taking place this year in order to mark the 2500th anniversary of the foundation of the International Motion Picture Academy and was able to take place thanks to backing from the Kalistani government and others.

Between 3881 and 4107, the Kaliburg festival was held in high regard alongside the three major IMPA-supported festivals held in Valois, Rittersheim and Kaizhou. Kaliburg juries and audiences had a reputation for rewarding alternative and genre films in a manner not typical of the other three festivals and a particularly memorable period for the festival was the "Golden Age of Horror". For seven consecutive years beginning in 3923, the festival's top prize was awarded to a horror film despite none of the other three festivals rewarding these films.
Above: Tang Zhenya received the Best Actress award for her first feature film appearance following a successful television career as the title character in Wuying

The relationship between Kaliburg and the horror genre is even reflected in the prize given to the best film in competition. The Golden Mantis is based on 3450 horror classic Mantis, in which a giant mantis brings terror to the Kalistani island of Ananto. Although it struggled to make back its budget, the film gained a cult following in the decades after its release and has been recognised by critics and film historians as a seminal film in the genre for the way it uses special effects and the manner in which it reflects societal concerns present at the time.

Over two hundred films were available for audiences across the festival's nine day programme. On top of the numerous film screened as part of the main competition, there were a variety of out of competition and special screenings including some classic films from across the festival's history. In characteristic fashion, both the Golden Mantis and the Audience Award were given to Kyo horror-thriller Terror.... Written and directed by veteran filmmaker Pae Pyong-ho, the film marks his return to Kyomal-language filmmaking for the first time in over three decades, having spend a significant period of his life living and working primarily in Hutori.

Acting awards were presented to Indralan newcomer Tang Zhenya for her role in satirical comedy Countdown to Deployment and Kalistan-native J. Fletcher Compton for his starring role in crime drama Streets of Sulari, which he was also responsible for writing and producing. In an interesting coincidence Dorvish director Jakob Tischner received a lifetime achievement award on the same day that his granddaughter Ann-Katrin Schütz won the competitive directing award for her second feature film Friedrich and I.

Following the success of the Kaliburg festival, the International Motion Picture Academy turns its attention to the rest of the year's programme of events. In addition to the annual festivals in Lourenne, Dundorf and Indrala, the Academy has organised three further events to be held in Istapali, Vanuku and Egelion as part of their anniversary celebrations. Capping off these celebrations are the annual Academy Awards to be held next January, which will feature an expanded selection of awards to recognise the most influential films and figures over the two and half millennia that the Academy has existed.
The International Motion Picture Academy is an international organisation dedicated to recognising and promoting quality in the art of motion pictures.
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Re: International Motion Picture Academy (IMPA)

Postby jamescfm » Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:21 pm

Triumphant return to Valois for Descombes
Veteran Kanjorien director wins top prize at the festival with first Canrillaise-language film in fourteen years

18 July 4738

Octogenarian Kanjorien film director Marie Emilie Descombes has taken the Valois Film Festival by storm with her latest film Judith Boucher. Across a 192-minute runtime, the film follows the title character, a woman from Descombes' hometown of Aubernesse, as she navigates significant events throughout her life. While the director insists the film was not intended to be autobiographical, she conceded that it drew on "a great deal of reflection on my own life". Not only did the film earn Descombes the festival's top prize the Rose dorée (Golden Rose) but she was also awarded Best Director, a rare occasion on which both awards went to the same individual.
Above: Veteran filmmaker Marie Emilie Descombes on the Valois red carpet, the 4738 edition of the festival marks the seventh time one of her films has premiered at the festival

Descombes' return to the festival marks the end of an extended period away from the film industry. Despite winning multiple Academy Awards and achieving massive financial success in her early career, Descombes' later films received limited exposure. Following the box office failure of her Luthorian-language musical A Little Song and Dance in 4726, she announced she was retiring from writing and directing. Although she has made small appearances in films since then, Judith Boucher is her first major project in twelve years.

Elsewhere, Luciano Marzullo won the Best Actress award for her performance in L'affare Scopelliti (The Scopelliti Affair). The film marks her return to Istalian language filmmaking following an extended period making films primarily in Luthorian, as well as a reunion with director Rosalinda Gambetta, with whom she broke into mainstream success in the early 20s. Dramatising a well-known Istalian political scandal, the film had a mixed reception despite widespread acclaim for Marzullo's performance.

Best Actor was won by Jakanian newcomer Yurt Akyildiz for his performance in the crime thriller Age of Horses, an international co-production between Jakania, Dorvik and Vanuku. Akyildiz became the first Jakanian to be recognised at a major festival since the incumbent Jakanian Premier Yilma Bal won Best Director at Valois for his documentary film Nerede ve ne zaman (Where and When).

Outside of the main competition, there was a strong crowd reaction to a collection of three films by the mysterious animation director known as 56 Moments. Two features films and a short film were premiered at the festival, each based around a different central character identified as being some form of social outcast. The films seem to have polarised audiences. The short in particular, entitled No Hope, was criticised by many moviegoers for its seemingly sympathetic depiction of a man who commits an act of terrorism. On social media, 56 Moments responded that critics had misunderstood the film and that he was being unfairly targeted.
The International Motion Picture Academy is an international organisation dedicated to recognising and promoting quality in the art of motion pictures.
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Re: International Motion Picture Academy (IMPA)

Postby jamescfm » Thu Apr 16, 2020 10:16 pm

First edition of Romula film festival off to strong start
Supported by funds from the Istalian government, the new festival positions itself at the heart of awards season

9 November 4741

The inaugural edition of the Romula International Film Festival commenced this week in the Istalian capital. Film critics and industry professionals alike have welcomed the festival, which is the most significant of its kind in Majatra in recent history. Like the major festivals in Valois, Rittersheim and Kaizhou, the festival is organised by the IMPA but the Romula festival is aiming to attract a much wider audience as part of the Academy's ongoing attempts to open up the world of film to many more people across Terra. Support from the Istalian ministry of culture has also allowed the festival to maintain an expanded scope compared to other similar events, including a special section dedicating to films exploring religion.
Above: Kazulian film icon Thorbjørn Fuglestad was in Romula to support the release of his latest film alongside frequent collaborator Hannah Asker

President of the Academy Csonka Hajnalka joined Istalian Minister of Culture Marco Lianno and legendary Istalian western director Sebastiano Bria at a small opening ceremony event on the festival's first day. At the classic Speranza theatre in the centre of the city, the three gave comments to the press before joining ordinary festival attendees for a special 35th anniversary screening of Bria's debut feature L'uomo in bianco (The Man in White).

The variety and number of films showing throughout the ten days of the festival is unprecedented for an Academy festival of this sort. Hajnalka told journalists on the opening weekend that she hoped the festival would serve as a gateway to different genres and styles of film-making for audiences and that Romula was well-positioned as a major continental hub to attract larger crowds than other events. Including fan-organised screenings taking place in conjunction with the festival, some have estimated that as many as four-hundred films could be shown across the entire period.

At the top of many attendees lists will be those films already being tipped for awards success. Among these is the sophomore effort from cult Indralan directoring partnership Tao Hong and He Ming, who rose to fame in 4736 with their thriller Bùjiànle (不见了; Gone). For their second film, the pair have sought to further develop the style that they've termed "fem-sploitation", violent exploitation films that feature female lead characters and subvert traditional character tropes. Notably they have chosen to make this film, entitled Occupé l'après-midi (Busy in the Afternoon), in Canrillaise, a decision seen as an attempt to appeal to awards bodies.

Another major film receiving its worldwide premiere at the festival that might be expected to compete when awards season arrives is Åpenbaringen (Revelation). Directed by Kazulian Hannah Asker, the film marks her third collaboration with screen legend and compatriot Thorbjørn Fuglestad and is screening as part of the festival's spotlight on themes of faith and religion. At almost three hours long, the film was described by Istalian critic Irene Pucci as "the culmination of Asker's long battle with the silence of God and the seemingly boundless evil in the world". Widespread praise for Fuglestad's performance as a priest struggling to balance the troubles of his congregation with his personal battles has seen him become an early favourite for many Best Actor awards.
The International Motion Picture Academy is an international organisation dedicated to recognising and promoting quality in the art of motion pictures.
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Re: International Motion Picture Academy (IMPA)

Postby jamescfm » Sat Jul 25, 2020 10:20 am

ImageA Star Will Shine wins Best Motion Picture at annual Academy Awards ceremony in Mesul
Image27 January 4790

Deltarian blockbuster A Star Will Shine has won an unexpected three International Motion Picture Academy Awards in a remarkable first for production company Hvězda. In addition to winning the prestigious Best Motion Picture award and Best Original Song, Deltarian leading man Marián Švec also won Best Actor for his performance as fading Likatonian singer Patrick Ward. Despite being well-received by audiences since its wide release at the end of last year, the film was not expected to achieve such significant awards success.

Collecting the Best Motion Picture award last night at the ceremony in the Jakanian city of Mesul, the film's producers heralded it as a film about "real people with real problems" and spoke of their pride in the work of the entire cast and crew. In addition to the three awards that it won, the film was also nominated for a host of others including Best Original Score and Best Costume Design.

In an unusually competitive year, no film won more than three awards. The only other film to match the tally of A Star Will Shine was the Dranian drama Jump, which picked up Best Director, Best Editing and Best Cinematography. Focusing on the life of forty-year-old man dealing with the loss of his wife and daughter, the film under-performed compared to many critics' expectations, notably failing to win the Best Screenplay award.

Actors and actresses from across the globe achieved recognition too. Talmorian actress Chinwendu Nwankwo won a second Best Actress award in three years for her role in the international co-production No Bite and veteran Alorian actor Dyfan Wathen won Best Supporting Actor for the third time in his career, which has now spanned half a century.
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Re: International Motion Picture Academy (IMPA)

Postby Luis1p » Thu Jan 18, 2024 7:31 pm

#Fishhook #ntoto #keris #jamie #ValoisFilmFestival #cildania #IMPA
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