Anarchist Workers' Union Newspaper

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Anarchist Workers' Union Newspaper

Postby stickypepsi13 » Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:16 pm

OOC: The AWU's in-game ideology is Anarcho-Warrenism. Anarcho-Warrenism is based off of Anarcho-Communism, specifically Makhnovism. Anything you want to know about Makhnovism can be found at


Our Beliefs and Purpose (OOC:Based on the real life Organizational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists)


Solidarity, Comrades! The Anarchist Workers' Union welcomes you to its newspaper. For those who are not a member of the AWU and want to learn about our ideas in general, we are glad you take an interest in our movement. We are Anarcho-Warrenists, that is, we follow the political philosophies of Bernard Warren, author and former Lodamunese MP for the Democratic Socialist Party. Warren, who died only days ago(Solidarity to his family), published a book called "the Warren Manifesto" a few months before his death. In it, he expressed his anarchist beliefs against nationalism, statism, and capitalism. We hold true to these beliefs.

While Warren laid out his great beliefs in his book, he provided no organizational structure into which the anarchist movement should be organized. We also wish to simplify our goals for those who do not have the time to read the Manifesto.

General Beliefs

I. Class Struggle
Like most societies preceding it, the modern bourgeois capitalist isn't united. It is split into two distinct camps, differing largely in their social position and function: the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The masses of the proletariat has for centuries been forced to bear the burdens of hard physical labor, the product of which does not go to them, but to the privileged bourgeoisie class of property and authority. The social enslavement and exploitation of the working masses form the basis upon which modern society stands and without which it could not exist. The social enslavement and exploitation of the working masses form the basis upon which modern society stands and without which it could not exist. This fact has given rise to a centuries-long class struggle sometimes assuming an open, tempestuous form, sometimes undetectable and slow, but always fundamentally directed towards transforming the existing society into a society that would satisfy the workers’ needs, requirements and conception of justice. In social terms, the whole of human history represents a continuous chain of struggles waged by the working masses in pursuit of their rights, freedom and a better life. At all times throughout the history of human societies, this class struggle has been the principal factor determining the form and structure of those societies. The socio-political system of any country is primarily the product of the class struggle. The structure of any society is an indication of what stage the class struggle has reached. The slightest change in the tide of the class struggle and the relative strengths of the antagonistic classes immediately produces changes in the fabric and structure of class society. This is the general, universal significance of the class struggle in the life of class societies.

II. Anarchism
The class struggle, born in violence out of the age-old desire of working people for freedom, gave rise among the oppressed to the idea of anarchism - the idea of the complete negation of the social system based on classes and the State, and of the replacement of this by a free, stateless society of self-governing workers.

Anarchism thus developed, not from the abstract reflections of some scientist or philosopher, but out of the direct struggle waged by the working people against capital, out of their needs and requirements, out of their psychology, their desire for freedom and equality, aspirations that become especially vivid in the most heroic stages of the working masses' life and struggle.

Anarchism's outstanding thinkers - Warren and others - did not invent the idea of anarchism, but, having discovered it among the masses, merely helped develop and propagate it through the power of their thought and knowledge.

Anarchism is not the product of individual creation, nor the object of individual experiments.

Likewise, anarchism is in no way the product of general humanitarian aspirations. There is no "single" humanity. Any attempt to make anarchism an attribute of the whole of humanity, as it presently stands, or to credit it with a generally humanitarian character, would be a historical and social falsehood that would inevitably result in justification of the current order and fresh exploitation.

Anarchism is broadly humanitarian only in the sense that the ideals of the working masses improve the lives of all people, and that the fate of humanity today or tomorrow is bound up with the fate of enslaved labor. Should the working masses prove victorious, the whole of humankind will be reborn. If they should fail, then violence, exploitation, slavery and oppression will prevail in the world as before.

The inception, unfolding and realization of anarchist ideals have their roots in the life and struggle of the working masses and are indissolubly bound up with the general fate of the latter.

Anarchism aims to turn today's bourgeois capitalist and faux socialist societies into a society that will guarantee working people the fruits of their labor, freedom, independence and social and political equality. This society is Anarcho-Warrenism. It is in Anarcho-Warrenism that there will be the fullest expression not only of social solidarity, but also the idea of free individuality, and these two notions will develop together closely, in perfect harmony.

Anarcho-Warrenism believes that the sole creator of all social assets is labor - physical and intellectual - and, as a result, that only labor has any entitlement to manage the whole of economic and public life. That is why Anarcho-Warrenism in no way justifies or countenances the existence of non-working classes.

If these classes survive and co-exist with Anarcho-Warrenism, the latter will recognize no responsibility towards them. Only when the non-working classes decide to become productive and wish to live within the social system of Anarchist Communism on the same footing as everyone else will they occupy a position in it, i.e. the position of free members of society equal to everyone else, enjoying the same rights of this society and having the same general responsibilities.

Anarcho-Warrenism seeks the eradication of all exploitation and violence, whether against the individual or against the working masses. To that end it creates an economic and social basis that fuses the country's economic and social life into a harmonious whole and guarantees every individual parity with everyone else and affords the maximum well-being to all. This basis is common ownership in the form of the socialization of all of the means and instruments of production (industry, transport, land, raw materials, etc.) and the construction of national economic agencies on the basis of equality and the self-management of the working classes.

Within the parameters of this self-managing workers' society, Anarcho-Warrenism lays down the principle of the equal worth and equal rights of every individual (not of "abstract" individuality, or "mystic individuality", or the concept of “individuality as an idea”).

It is from this principle of the equal worth and equal rights of every individual, and also the fact that the value of the labour supplied by each individual person cannot be measured or established, that the underlying economic, social and juridical principle of Anarcho-Warrenism follows: "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs".

III. The Negation of Representative Democracy
Representative Democracy is one of the forms of bourgeois capitalist society.

The basis of this democracy is the retention of the two antagonistic classes of contemporary society - labour and capital - and of their collaboration on the basis of capitalist private property. Parliament and national representative government are the expressions of this collaboration .

Formally, the capitalist democracy proclaims freedom of speech, of the press, of association, as well as universal equality before the law.

In reality, all these freedoms are of a very relative nature: they are tolerated as long as they do not contradict the interests of the ruling class, i.e. the bourgeoisie.

Capitalist democracy preserves intact the principle of capitalist private property. In so doing, it reserves the right of the bourgeoisie to control the entire economy of the country, as well as the press, education, science and art, which in practice makes the bourgeoisie the absolute master of the country. As it enjoys a monopoly in the realm of the country’s economic affairs, the bourgeoisie is free to establish its complete and unlimited authority in the political realm too. Indeed, parliament and representative government are, in democracies, merely executive organs of the bourgeoisie.

As a result, democracy is merely one variety of bourgeois dictatorship, its fictitious political freedoms and democratic guarantees are a smokescreen designed to conceal its true identity.

It is on these principles, and those not yet established, that the Anarchist Workers' Union is organized and run.

The Symbol of the AWU
Home Country: Murica
Political Ideology: Anarcho-Communism

Democratic Socialist Party of Lodamun-Inactive
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Location: KY, USA

Re: Anarchist Workers' Union Newspaper

Postby stickypepsi13 » Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:41 pm

First AWU Congress
At the first AWU Congress, it was decided by popular vote to form an AWU political party as soon as possible. It was also decided to form a student wing and a youth wing for the AWU. Anyone enrolled in high school, enrolled in college, or looking to enroll in a college may join the students' wing of the AWU. Anyone over the age of 16 and under the age of 28 may join the youth wing. Anyone that meets the criteria for both organizations may join both.
One of the banners waved at the First AWU Congress

The Congress also chose John Carpenter to be the main spokeperson for the Party when it is finally formed.
Home Country: Murica
Political Ideology: Anarcho-Communism

Democratic Socialist Party of Lodamun-Inactive
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Re: Anarchist Workers' Union Newspaper

Postby stickypepsi13 » Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:34 pm

AWU Officially Established As Political Party

Comrades! It's official! The Anarchist Workers' Union is officially a political party of Lodamun. While we have no elected delegates to the Presidium, the next election is right around the corner, Let's get Mr. Carpenter and other Union members as MPs!

Anarchist Workers' Union headquarters in North Vrassa, Norstavan
Anarchist Workers' Union campaign poster, featuring spokesperson John Carpenter
Home Country: Murica
Political Ideology: Anarcho-Communism

Democratic Socialist Party of Lodamun-Inactive
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Re: Anarchist Workers' Union Newspaper

Postby stickypepsi13 » Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:24 pm

Paramiltary of the AWU Formed
The Workers' Guard
A voluntary paramilitary for the Anarchist Workers' Union has been formed, called the Workers' Guard. John Carpenter, because of his extensive military and mercenary service, has been selected as Supreme Commander of the Workers' Guard. Currently, the Workers' Guard is made up of 10,050 volunteer soldiers from the ranks of the AWU. For now, the only permanent assignment the paramilitary has been charged with is the protection of AWU headquarters and security during the AWU Congress.
A Sergeant of the Workers' Guard

Next AWU Congress Announced!
The Second Anarchist Workers' Union Congress has been announced to be on March 23rd, 4043, so a spokesperson for the next election term can be elected. As there are no term limits or restrictions on who can run, John Carpenter or any other member of the AWU can run for spokesperson. However, many of those who wish to run have already announced their candidacy.
Known Candidates for Spokesperson
John Carpenter- Current spokesperson and Supreme Commander of the Workers' Guard, former mercenary and Sergeant in the Lodamese army.
Carpenter at the First AWU Congress

Natasha Duvall- Creator of the term "Anarcho-Warrenism", activist, author, blogger, co-founder of the AWU
Natasha's Family Potrait

Wilson Dean- Former DSPL member, author, and former Mayor of North Vrassa
Dean during a debate for Mayor of North Vrassa

We expect that Carpenter, being, in my opinion, the most notable of three, will serve another term as spokesperson, but you never know what will happen in the world of politics.
Home Country: Murica
Political Ideology: Anarcho-Communism

Democratic Socialist Party of Lodamun-Inactive
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Re: Anarchist Workers' Union Newspaper

Postby stickypepsi13 » Mon Jun 06, 2016 8:03 pm

Socialism and Authority
Movement for Percyism Against Socialism?
The Movement for Percyism has shown staunch opposition to the Economic Reformation Act, introduced by the AWU. They say that "forcing" socialism onto people is not the answer. This is our rebuttal. You cannot "force" socialism onto the workers. Why? They are socialism. They are its driving force. They are its life blood. The only people who oppose socialism are the bourgeoisie and the Percyist's obvious foreign interests. The Democratic Workers' Council cannot and shall not be optional and neither will socialism.
Wilson Dean speaking about the Economic Reformation Act of 4039
Home Country: Murica
Political Ideology: Anarcho-Communism

Democratic Socialist Party of Lodamun-Inactive
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Re: Anarchist Workers' Union Newspaper

Postby stickypepsi13 » Mon Jun 06, 2016 11:12 pm

Spokesperson Poll Held
A poll was conducted among the members of the Anarchist Workers' Union on who they would vote for during the Second AWU Congress for the office of Spokesperson.

Sgt. John Carpenter: 38%
Natasha Duvall: 35%
Wilson Dean: 27%

PLEASE NOTE: These results are results of a poll among a small number of AWU and not final results, which is to be determined at the Second AWU Congress.
Home Country: Murica
Political Ideology: Anarcho-Communism

Democratic Socialist Party of Lodamun-Inactive
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Re: Anarchist Workers' Union Newspaper

Postby stickypepsi13 » Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:14 am

Economic Reformation Act Defeated!
"With large opposition with the capitalist parties of the Movement for Percyism and the LNUP, and the support of the GNRG and LNC, the Economic Reformation Act(the main goal of the AWU this term) has been defeated. As Bernard Warren predicted during his time as an MP, they opened up the doors for the return of the bourgeois to Lodamun, and they have infected the politics of this once worker friendly nation. Workers of Lodamun, a vote for these new capitalist parties is a vote against yourselves. Workers of Lodamun, unite behind the true socialist parties of Lodamun! Workers, resist those who would return you to your chains!" -A statement by John Carpenter.

And sadly, everything in his statement is true. The Movement for Percyism and their Capitalist allies, the LNUP, have defeated the Economic Reformation Act. This defeats all hopes of the party achieving their platform this term. We can only hope the MfP and the LNUP will be defeated by true socialist parties next election.

The bourgeoisie monarch the MfP and LNUP would like to see oppress the workers
Home Country: Murica
Political Ideology: Anarcho-Communism

Democratic Socialist Party of Lodamun-Inactive
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Re: Anarchist Workers' Union Newspaper

Postby stickypepsi13 » Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:15 pm

Anarchist Workers' Union Congress Date Changed!
The date of the AWU Congress has been changed from March 4043 to March 4042
Home Country: Murica
Political Ideology: Anarcho-Communism

Democratic Socialist Party of Lodamun-Inactive
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Re: Anarchist Workers' Union Newspaper

Postby stickypepsi13 » Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:51 am

Live from the AWU Congress in Norsatavan!
Ladies and gentlemen, the votes have been cast and each candidate is anxiously awaiting the results! We have just recieved the number of votes cast: 45,651. They've counted the results and they are:

John Carpenter: 16,123
Natasha Duvall: 18,432
Wilson Dean: 11,096

Ladies and gentlemen, an unexpected and upset victory, Natasha Duvall has beaten both John Carpenter AND Wilson Dean.

Natasha Duvall Apparently Also Surprised At The Results!
Home Country: Murica
Political Ideology: Anarcho-Communism

Democratic Socialist Party of Lodamun-Inactive
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Location: KY, USA

Re: Anarchist Workers' Union Newspaper

Postby stickypepsi13 » Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:19 am

Reformation of the Anarchist Workers' Union
After 100 years, is it back?

After over 100 hundred years since the first Anarchist Workers' Union was disbanded, a new Anarchist Workers' Union composed of several smaller and local Anarcho-Warrenist organizations has arisen, led by the author and activist Steve Breen. In the August 4140 Presidium Elections, the AWU won 52 seats, with the most drawing from Golavia at 2,886,200 votes and 29 seats, and the least from Kregon at 6,089 votes and 0 seats. The AWU first tried to reform Lodamun's barbaric abortion laws, and attempted to have them replaced. Even with the Great National Republican Guard's support, the bill failed as usual allies, the Lodamese Nationalist Committee, voted with the right-wing parties. The AWU also opposed the efforts of the right-wing parties to revoke Workers' control of the means of production, and, once again, failed to do so even with GRNG support. The AWU also supported a bill attempting to reintroduce workers' control of the means of production, but even with LNC and GRNG support, the right shot it down.
Home Country: Murica
Political Ideology: Anarcho-Communism

Democratic Socialist Party of Lodamun-Inactive
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Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:00 am
Location: KY, USA


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