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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby RPC » Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:57 am

OOC: Anyone want to have their embassy attacked?
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Captain-Socialist » Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:26 am

OOC: Ours.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby RPC » Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:53 pm

OOC: Ok, but you'll need to decide what to do with your ambassador. A statement or two from a government minister or some fascist leader would be nice also.

Al'Badara embassy under attack
By Julius Quintinius, Foreign Affairs Editor
July 2789

A group of NRF supporters cheer on militants as they storm embassy.

The embassy of Al'Badara within Auroria has come under attack from members of the 'Proletariani Legio' in the midst of already chaotic scenes within the Selucian capital. Late in the night, following attacks on religious and commercial sites throughout the city, a group of NRF backed militants appeared outside the Al'Badara embassy grounds. After breaching the eight foot perimeter wall that surrounds the embassy with rocket propelled grenades, they pushed on into the grounds of the embassy itself, cheered on by a thronging crowd. Sporadic fire was heard from inside the compound as the militants rushed to the embassy building, and they were then seen smashing windows and throwing grenades into the building. At this early stage it is unclear what the fate of the embassy staff will be, although rumours are circulating that the ambassador and his entourage had already fled in a helicopter earlier today, in anticipation of such an event.

It is likely that the embassy has come under target due to Al'Badara's status as an openly Muslim state. We will keep you posted on any developments in this breaking news story.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby RPC » Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:03 pm

Attacks die down as Proletariani Legio ordered to withdraw
By Herminius Brutus, Home Affairs Editor
August 2789

A group of Proletariani Legio line a street within the city outskirts.

Following almost a month of wanton destruction, atrocities and mayhem perpetrated by the Proletariani Legio within Auroria, activities of the militant group have begun to quieten some, following a statement by the National Revolutionary Front ordering them to stand down. The news also comes amid proclamations by the Selucian government strongly condemning the attacks, establishing a nationwide state of emergency and calling on the NRF to 'censure' and 'restrict' their paramilitary organisation. The government has also designated the Proletariani Legio as a 'domestic terrorist organization' and has undertaken steps to "root out and capture or kill the combatants" according to Defence Minister Zachariah Lanford. To deal with the damage caused by the terrorist attacks the government has appropriated relief funds which will be given to religious and private organisations affected.

The NRF leader Felix Titus Bestia responded immediately to the government actions, saying in a statement on the NRF website that the attacks were a merely a result of "misguided and overzealous commanders" and that they had been explicitly ordered to withdraw from Auroria. He also said however that "If government military forces attempt to engage them ... [then] they will return fire without the slightest hesitation" and threatened the government with more terrorist attacks should they attempt to intercept the NRF backed militants. With regards to the government declaring a state of emergency the NRF leader denounced it as a "despicable authoritarian action" which was designed purely to "restricting the rights of innocent civilians".
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby RPC » Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:19 pm

NRF becomes largest political party in Selucia
By Julius Cerro, Political Editor
February 2791

NRF militants parade in a street in Auroria

The National Revolutionary Front of Selucia has emerged from the January elections as the largest political force in all of Selucia, following impressive results in only its second election. The NRF garnered just under 40% of the popular vote, establishing large majorities in the regions of Korgana and East Shadar, and collecting a total of 199 seats in the Selucian Senate. The election also witnessed a rather dismal and unprecedented defeat for the Home and Hearth Party, who lost 208 seats, breaking their long standing domination of the Senate, and casting large doubts over the stability of the political establishment. There was one small victory however for the Home and Hearth Party as Eva Metrophanes IV retained the office of Imperator, beating off the NRF challenger Felix Titus Bestia, thanks largely to the complete and unconditional support of the Parliamentary Party, whom Felix Titus described as 'servile puppets' of the HHP.

Political analysts say the results show that despite the terrorist activities of the NRF and the atrocities attributed to their paramilitaries, they are attracting a huge swath of the Selucian population desperate for change in a barren and stagnant political landscape. Most of the NRF support appears to come mainly from the Plebeian classes who see the NRF as the only alternative economically and socially to the staunchly capitalist and conservative political elite of the HHP and the SPP, Other support is estimated to be coming from radical atheists and military personnel who support the NRF's views on religion and the plans for allowing the Selucian military to 'project power and the will of Selucia across Terra' as described in an NRF leaflet. In light of these views and other matters, the NRF paramilitary forces of the Proletariani Legio have seen an upsurge in recruitment as their total size has risen to over a million strong.

It is still unclear on what shape the political mould in Selucia will take, but it is expected that the Home and Hearth and Parliamentary Parties will combine to resist any moves by the NRF to enact drastic or radical changes. The NRF is likely to use its surge in popularity and paramilitary recruitment to extract concessions from the political establishment, at the threat of violence.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Captain-Socialist » Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:53 pm

New Far-Right Political Fraction Formed, Lead by Patrician Avitus Tyrannus
Avitus Tyrannus, noted in the past for his nostalgic history books and pronounced anti-democracy, anti-plebeian reactionary views has decided to enter politics.

Avitus Tyrannus, amateur historian, Patrician by birth and Patrician by nature was for many years simply another disillusioned descendant of a great family struggling with the modern world. An outspoken reactionary and pagan, his attacks on democracy, plebs, city life and Christianity have been dismissed as the scribblings of a intellectual hack and he as a "Patrician brat" unable to bear the rise of plebs and merchants over the landed Patrician class. As were he calls for a "national saviour", to "restore the ways of Jupiter". Now, he has discovered a talent for public speaking and has decided he is that saviour, "I soon realised that only I could take this great responsibility, as one cannot forever wish for leadership, but when none comes forth one must offer up oneself."

Yesterday, he was voted leader of the "Legion Optimates". Meaning "the best of men", the Optimates hope to "turn back the tied of degeneration" and confront the National Revolutionary Front by "fighting fire with fire". "Democracy is the first step towards total collapse" spoke Tyrannus "it makes way for it's own end. By encouraging the plebs to partake in politics, the democrat leaves the way open for the demagogues of the National Revolutionary Front to lure them with impossible promises and turn them against the natural order. One cannot convince a illiterate pleb who has been promised ownership of national assets to reconsider his vote, he won't understand unless you promise him more impossible things. One must instead show him his place".
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Captain-Socialist » Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:40 pm

NRF MP and Shadow Justice Minister Decimus Crescentius found Dead, Optimates suspected
Decimus Crescentius was a long standing member of the NRF and was immensely popular in his own area, often called a voice of the People by his supporters. Today, that long career of fighting for Socialism was ended abruptly when he was viscously beaten and left to die in a alleyway near the NRF Head Quarters.

The Legion Optimates has made little secret of it's violent nature in it's propaganda, it's claims Mars as it's patron God after all. When asked about it's role, the Legion neither denied nor claimed responsibility, but simply stated Crescentius "didn't know his place" and "brought this upon himself with his red, atheist hate mongering propaganda and actions". The Legion also said that the violence of the National Revolutionary Front would inevitably incur retaliation from "right-thinker and patriotic citizens."
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby RPC » Fri Jul 24, 2009 7:34 am

Attacks increase against wealthy classes in Korgana
By Herminius Brutus, Home Affairs Editor
June 2791

A Legio Proletariani machine-gunner stands guard on the outskirts of Auroria.

The opulent Patrician classes of Korgana have come under vicious attacks recently by the paramilitary organisation of the National Revolutionary Front - the Legio Proletariani. Murders and other atrocities are occurring with increasing frequency and callousness, most likely provoked by the murder of NRF Centurion Decimus Crescentius by the Legio Optimates. In addition to wanton violence and terror, there have been testimonies of mass seizures of private property, with those resisting suffering the particularly bloody fate of crucifixion. Police numbers estimate that in the month of May alone over 200 landowners and their families have been slaughtered, with over 10 crucifixions in Auroria alone. In addition, the Legio Proletariani has established such a vast and far-reaching presence throughout Korgana and East Shadar that they are quickly being considered as the only legal authority with any real control. Increasingly people are turning to the militant group in place of the police, resulting in a stark increase in extra-judicial killings throughout the provinces.
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby Captain-Socialist » Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:29 am

National Revolutionary Front and Trade Union properties Burned, Optimates claim responsibility
NRF building in Goldaria after LO blackshirts firebombed it.

Long operating beyond the law, now the National Revolutionary Front itself as become subject to political intimidation by the Blackshirted para-militarists of the Legion Optimates.
What was shocking was the indifference shown by the local population to these blatant acts of terrorism in their midst, for even though the operations where carried out in day time and the Legion openly admitted and celebrated the actions of it's members no action by the police was taken. In fact, it seems that the Legion has deliberately chosen the provinces which voted against the NRF and have used the fear of what is going on in the neighbouring provinces of Korgana and East Shader to justify their attacks. But, as one citizen who does not wish to be named told the Libererum, "they are not just attacking the NRF, which is what most of us are okay with, after all their just terrorists like the LO. But they''ve burned the offices of our Trade Unions too, even the old moderate ones, and are harassing anybody who isn't a Pagan, not all atheists are members of the NRF but the Optimates don't care. They've killed science teachers, people who don't have household shrines or go to the temple during holy festivals. Christians and Jews are targets too, which is terrible, as they seem to have no protection from both the NRF or the LO."
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Re: Selucianum Libererum

Postby RPC » Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:42 pm

National Revolutionary Front Triumphant Again!
Selucians rejoice with tears...of joy!
January 2794, by Somius Talentlesus Hackus

The wonderful and devoted Plebeian masses of Selucia rejoiced with glee last night as the National Revolutionary Front of Selucia cemented its place as the biggest party in Selucia, following another magnificent election performance. In the completely fair and free elections of January 2794, the glorious and benevolent NRF received an increase of 6,065,864 votes from the Selucian people - who were not intimidated or coerced in any manner by the Legio Proletariani - taking their total votes to 94,627,960. The NRF again was the biggest party in the Korgana and East Shadar provinces and added West Shadar to its list of unquestionable victories. Agian however, the election for Imperator was rigged as the political establishment forged several ballots to keep our leader from complete victory. Our readers are encouraged to fire-bomb their houses and to kill their pets.

An NRF spokesman said the results showed that the political establishment in Selucia is "Dying a slow and painful death" and that Selucians want "A workers state, free of patrician scum and their liberal apologists." The result is certainly something that is being celebrated by the masses - in one random and genuine interview one ordinary hard working citizen remarked as he wiped sweat from his brow "We love the NRF and our glorious leader Felix Titus Bestia. Long live the NRF! Long live communism." Another completely un-fabricated statement by a member of the public was "This was a great result for the NRF! Death to the Optimates and their paedophile leader!" We at the Plebeian Quotidie would like to congratulate the NRF and our beloved and utterly flawless leader, Felix Titus Bestia on this wonderful result.
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