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Postby JuliaAJA » Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:03 am

All media related news from Barmenistan/Barmenia goes here. Everyone has a television channel and/or a newspaper and/or radio station.
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Klink Broadcasting of Barmenia

Postby JuliaAJA » Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:29 am

School Shooting
Brn Jezstad, Sisula
28 May 2741

A high school shooting on 31 March in Brmogundi, Sisula in the People's Democratic Republic of Barmenia has sparked riots all over Barmenia and in the surrounding nations. 15 students were shot by a frustrated student, 5 more were wounded before he took his own life. Justice Minister Dr. Lili Hoganmueller said, "We suspect this shooting was a protest against secularism and that it will not be the last of it's kind."

Dr. Wilhelm Klink XV, Klink Broadcasting
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Breaking News: Scandal in Barmenia!

Postby Yazman » Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:43 pm

Members of a group calling themselves the "National Socialist Barmenia Worker Party" have announced the assassination of Techno-Revolutionary Party leadership and their subsequent deal with prominent TR-P leadership members Thon Deng and Kel Varnsen to secretly register NSBWP members for the election as "Techno-Revolutionary Party (replacement)" candidates on the electoral marking sheets.

This clandestine coup by the National Socialist Barmenia Worker Party, led by someone known as Wolfgang Haram, has proclaimed its newly acquired position. In the wake of this fiasco, the leader of the Techno-Revolutionary Party, Sai Borjigin, yesterday made the following announcement:

"Today one of the greatest tragedies in our movement has happened. The Techno-Revolutionary Party has been abolished and under our own noses, some fascist bastards have stolen the seats that were rightfully ours! The people voted for what were labelled as Techno-Revolutionary Party "replacement" members on the ballots, while these "replacements" were registered to an entirely different party. Democracy has not been done on this day and the people's will has been violated fundamentally. Those of us who committed to the Techno-Revolutionary Communist Program have decided that we will abolish the party and return to military struggle, although one day the Techno-Revolutionary Communists may return."

The members of the National Socialist Barmenia Worker Party have released the following announcement in the wake of this scandal:

"This day the first step on our ultimate path to the power that the Barmenian people wish to see vested in us has been seen! To those who say, 'you have betrayed the people!' we say that it is the communists of the Techno-Revolutionary Party, the Communist Party, the Pan-Majatran Liberation Organisation, it is you communists who have betrayed the Barmenian people! You have betrayed them to the inferior Jews, you have allowed the Jews to control our banks, our wealth, you have subordinated our military and people to the will of the Jewish Beiteynu aggressors to the north! On this day we have done what has been required of us: we have gained power, and we will continue to do so until we establish the glorious Third Reich! The state cannot order us around! No, you jews and communists, you inferior races, it is not the State that orders us; but it is we who order the State! As time goes on our party will grow and expand, and we will drive out all those who oppose us: and especially, we will drive out the Jewish menace! All upright Barmenians will be National Socialists, but only the best National Socialists will be party members!

Heil Haram!"
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Re: Barmenia/Barmenistan News International

Postby Freelancer » Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:58 pm

On this day we have done what has been required of us: we have gained power, and we will continue to do so until we establish the glorious Third Reich

OOC: I know posting OOC response in news thread is frown upon, but I think this deserves a comment. :D

*Look around for SS or Gestapo before hurried back to Pontesi.*

Oh, and I am all for jews extermination. (In particracy only :P)
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Re: Barmenia/Barmenistan News International

Postby Cold » Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:45 pm

OOC: If I didn't think you'd probably go after my fellow Muslims, I'd support you all the way. But for now I'll have to settle with kill the Jews. :twisted: In Particracy, of course.
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Re: Barmenia/Barmenistan News International

Postby JuliaAJA » Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:14 am

The Terran Union for Schultzism is appalled by the rise of Nazis in Barmenia, we would like to ask what will be done about them?

OOC: After I find out what I'm doing in Gaduridos, I will return. Would Beiteynu like to comment?
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Re: Barmenia/Barmenistan News International

Postby Emunim » Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:27 pm

Cold wrote:OOC: If I didn't think you'd probably go after my fellow Muslims, I'd support you all the way. But for now I'll have to settle with kill the Jews. :twisted: In Particracy, of course.

OOC: Right now the "Kill Jews" policy has won Muslim backing, so I think there alright so long as the Fascists don't get too powerful.


Haram and NSBWP Stun Nation With Election Victory

In elections widely predicted to return the ruling Left Patriotic Front Coalition, Wolfgang Haram and his newly formed National Socialist Barmenian Workers Party have shocked analysts and defied exit polls by becoming the largest party in the peoples assembly and winning the Presidency by a wide margin.

Key to Harams Presidential campaign was his largely unexpected endorsement by Shiek Yakup Murat, spiritual leader of the Caliphate Revival Movement, just days before first round voting began.

I looked the man in the eyes, and saw a man sincere in his desire to kill Jews, said Murat.

Some, however, have been dismissive of the significance this victory. Mehmet Onan, of the Liberal think tank CentreBarmenia, has predicted only a short-lived success for the Barmenian Right: "This victory does not represent a major shift in Barmenian Politics. The NSBWP have simply been the most vocal opponent of communist rule. Their major suport does not come from genuine fascists, just those growing increasingly dissatisfied with the failure of the LPF to deliver on their promises. This is shown in exit polls, where voters appeared to be embarrassed to admit they had voted for the NSBWP."

In Jewish communities in the North, the victory is being taken as a sign of ominous events to come. Mordecai Eitam, a Jewish resident of Ekde, is already making preparations to move to Beiteynu: "I always said if Haram won, I would be moving to Beiteynu. Some people seem to think it's all just talk, but I'm not waiting around to find out- we've learnt about 'waiting around' the hard way from Clenon. The Brmek can sort out their own mess."

For detailed election results, see here: ... sid=212482
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Re: Barmenia/Barmenistan News International

Postby Emunim » Fri Apr 24, 2009 1:04 pm

Government Announces Success of Housing Programme

Government Officials today announced they had "exceeded targets" in finding new housing for Brmek people previously deemed to have been living in unfit housing. The programme, which has now been running for eighteen months, has taken the efficient route of finding new housing by liberating the property of the degenerate Jewish race, rather than indulging in the wasteful and costly house building programmes proposed by some socialist groups.

A Varistad Property rightfully returned to a Brmek owner

Degenerates put to Work as The fight against Terrorism continues

Barmenias new highway programme has also seen huge success, with newly acquired slave labour being used to expand lanes of the major highways and roads around Brn Jezstad and Kathre, in moves designed to reduce congestion and increase work the cities efficiency.

Jews refusing to either leave or accept their place in the New Order have continued their guerilla campaign in Ikegaru and Murdhild. Minister of Foreign Affairs Shiek Yakup Murat has repeated accusations that Beiteynu is training and funding these terrorists, however due to the lack of any diplomatic contact between our glorious peoples and the sub-human scum of the North, the Beiteynuese have tellingly refused to respond.
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Re: Barmenia/Barmenistan News International

Postby Karbrino » Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:52 pm

Communist won the controls of the nation!

After decades of fighting fascism and religious rule, a communist party known as Brme Zemojad Prta (translate: Labour Party of Barmenistan) have won the controls of the nation, it will nationalizes all industry and business operation under worker union's control and will seek good trade with other socialist nation.

It will also give the full power of school, college and university to Barmenian Teachers & Professors Union. The working class will now able to elect their class coordinator instead of usual apathetic owner and it will receives the quota set by region congress instead of national congress to ensure minimum surplus and efficiency production. The nation are ready to talk about Confederation with other socialist to strengthen socialism and communism against nationalism and capitalism. This day will be absolve into history book.
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Re: Barmenian Commonwealth Times

Postby matthew914 » Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:25 pm

Emperor Alexander I Recognized As The King of Barmenia By The IML
The Emperor Personally Releases A Statement Thanking the International Monarchist League & Shares His Hopes for the Future of Barmenia

Originally posted by Mr.Bean 111 in the Greater Hulstrian Chronicle

Commonwealth of Barmenia- After centuries of unruly Heads of State and dictatorships, oppressive communist regimes and corrupt governments, Barmenia was all but a paradise; rapid nationalization of industry and religious persecution has thrown the society and the cultural fabric of Barmenia into near ruin. The Hulstrian minority population within the country, that first immigrated there in the 25th century, had enough with the unstable governments and they were not the only ethnic groups that were fed up as well; the Barmenian League, composed of primary Hulstrians and Pontesians living in the country, rose from the ashes like a phoenix and dominated the political scene in Barmenia to a point where the ruling Marxist-Leninist Party of Barmenia was run out of the nation with the League capturing the majority vote within the Barmenian legislature. Running the platform of forming a constitutional monarchy, responisble government, democracy, and religious freedom, the Barmenian League proved to be popular with the citizens and offered them a government not seen in Barmenia for many, many centuries, a monarchy. Since Barmenia had not a domestic royal house, the population offered Alexander I of Hulstria & Trigunia the throne there at the hopes of having one of the most powerful Monarchs in Terra provide much needed stabilization and protection; Alexander I accepted the offer and was soon coronated as the King of the Barmenian Commonwealth, the new hereditary Head of State within that country in 2806. A Governor-General position was established by the Barmenian League similar to what Hulstria has and the party is starting to undertake several new economic and social programs, endorsed by the Hulstrian Imperial Family, to help revive the country

Alexander I brought this claim to the International Monarchist League, Terra's most powerful monarchist organization, for them to formally approve and recognize His Imperial Majesty's right to the Barmenian throne; after months of deliberation amongst the leaders of the IML, they eventually voted to recognize Alexander as the King of Barmenia in a vote of 4-0. The Emperor sent a letter of thanks to the four leaders of the International Monarchist League upon the hearing of the news.

The Emperor of Hulstria, Great Prince of Trigunia, and now the King of Barmenia Alexander personally released this statement on his new throne in Barmenia:

I first would like to send my utmost thanks to the International Monarchist League as if it was not without their approval, the Barmenian throne would be nothing and I'd be more or less a pretender to this throne; the IML leaders were very kind and their votes are very much appreciated by all of Greater Hulstria as am I. Greater Hulstria has a long history within that prestige organization and under my reign I will continue keep that line of communication immutable.

Now let me may turn my attention to the Commonwealth of Barmenia, a country torn by centuries of dictatorships and corruption, that has finally said enough with oppressive governments, enough with two-faced politicians; the monarchist Barmenian League approached me with the will of the Barmenian people behind them and offered me the newly created throne in Barmenia which I humbly accepted at the hopes of re-implementing order and establishing a new future filled with prosperity. I'm well aware of the culture of Barmenia and I'm willing to work with the culture of that country to work towards a better tomorrow; if the people of Barmenia put their trust behind me, the House of Rothingren-Traugoot, and government of a constitutional monarchy, I can put my trust behind them, the citizens, to work towards becoming a stable nation yet again.

In the halls of history, constitutional monarchies have been shown to be the pinnacles of prosperity and cultural development; I have no question or any hesitation in my mind that Barmenia will come to enjoy the same benefits the monarchs of Edward III of Luthori, Prince Adrian of Central Macon, Archduke Konrad of Vorona, and Diggory in Lodamun in their society. I will work with Barmenian government officials and local leaders to ensure that those benefits reach the villages and cities of the Commonwealth; my dear step-daughter and the wife of my dear son my heir Godric, Roberta Lusk, has already opened several new funds and has meet with Barmenian government officials in working out new social initiatives that will help millions of Barmenians affected by former dictatorships get back off their feet and out of the dirt. This is what the Monarch is committed to and what the Monarch will seek to follow through.

I hope that in the future Barmenia will become a thriving market with an educated people with mixed ethnic and religious affliations and a working government free of corruption. I, as well as my son and his sons and his son's son, will make sure Barmenia stays down this monarchist and bright road to the future; Greater Hulstria stands behind Barmenia as does the world.

Alexander I
Emperor of Hulstria, King of Barmenia, and the pretender to the Trigunian throne as Great Prince
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