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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Zanz » Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:17 pm

Patriarch Mikiel III ascends
New Patriarch of Qart Qildar elected by Holy Synod


January 4068 - The Apostolic Church of the East has a new Patriarch today as Mikiel III ascends after election by the Holy Synod in Cildania.

Mikiel is the first Patriarch to have been a Brother of the Society of St. Michael the Watcher, from whom the Patriarch takes his regnal name. The Society of St. Michael the Watcher has become a key pillar of the Apostolic State after if empowered the previous Patriarch, Hannibal XXXIV, as head of state of Cildania.

Mikiel III is younger than his predecessor, and less is known of him - the Brothers are a famously insular group, though they are devout.

The Patriarch's first action in his position was to decry the "violent influence" of Ahmadism in Majatra - comments that come after the assassination of the previous Patriarch, apparently at the hands of Ahmadists, and a devastating terrorists attack in Wiel, Vanuku for which the "Ahmadi Front of Majatra" has claimed responsibility.

OOC: Backdated a bit.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Zanz » Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:33 pm

Patriarch Mikiel III condemns Aldegarian Church Auditing Act
Apostolic State offers political asylum to all seeking refuge from Aldegarian government's persecution of Apostolic Church

May 4069 - The passage of the Church Auditing Act in Aldegar this month has drawn condemnation from the Patriarch of the Apostolic State, Mikiel III.

In an interview with Apostolic news outlets today, the Patriarch stated that "the populist Aldegarian government has abandoned itself to avarice and corruption. In questioning the Holy Church, the cowards question Elyon Himself. His pious followers are beyond reproach, and shall have His protection. The Apostolic State shall make all arrangements necessary to provide for the safety of the faithful of Aldegar."

The Patriach's comment signifies a renewed interest in foreign affairs in Cildania, though some critics question whether the nation, dealing with its own economic difficulties in the wake of the Suffets, can make a real defense of Apostolic Hosians abroad.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby massai » Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:02 pm

Get ready for great changes in the country!
People choose a new direction of the country and return to religious tradition.

April 4125 - Cildanian people in voting decided to ask for a return of the traditions of the country. The new president Samuel Schneider (CDCP) will try to listen to the voice of the people and will do everything for the revival of the country.

The new President of Cildania Samuel Schneider (CDCP)

Samuel Schneider has the support of citizens for the changes and is about to make fundamental reforms in the management of the country, justice, defense and religious issues. His diplomatic skills will try to show in foreign policy. He is a supporter of peaceful resolution of conflicts and peace keeping between countries of Majatra and the Terra.

Samuel Schneider was born in 4091 in Qart Qildar. He studied at the university in the capital. He is married and has two children.
Cildanian Democratic Conservative Party
"Freedom of religion, freedom of the business environment and peaceful solution of crises."
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby massai » Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:10 am

President Schneider declared the freedom of registered religions
Slight panic in religious circles are unfounded.

October 4128 - In the previous election term there came to changes in religious questions. Country declared state religion and it is Yeudism. After fears from the other religions the President Samuel Schneider is trying to calm the heads of local religions and confirm them freedom and equal status in the country.


"There is no fear for persecution or other threats to citizens who identify themselves with the different religions. We respect and declared freedom for all citizens." president said in an interview to state television. At the same time he is trying to joint meetings of all the religions and continue the changes in the country, which will be beneficial for all citizens.
Cildanian Democratic Conservative Party
"Freedom of religion, freedom of the business environment and peaceful solution of crises."
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby theoriginaltrotka » Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:00 pm

The Cildanian Communist Party is Back, Accuses Minority Rulers of Being Apartheid Regime
After over two-hundred years of absence, the Communist Party of Cildania is back. The Communist Party of Cildania existed from 3858 to 3911. Initially, they took power in a revolution, instituting the Great Cildanian People's Republic. But after electoral tampering, and backing by a large private army, a Selucian apartheid regime took power and installed an Empire. The Communist Party, and its Leader, Adonibaal bin Hiempsal Mekir, actively opposed the Selucian apartheid monarchy, and defeated them with the help of a multi-ideological and international coalition, installing the house of Thomas back on the throne and installing bin Hiempsal Mekir in the Adonship (Prime Ministry). Eventually, the Communist Party came to the forefront, and the Cildanian Free State became a unique constitutional monarchy overseeing a socialist republic The Communist Party's strength has stemmed in the past from its staunch opposition to imperialism, minority rule, and eldership. The Party's new leader is a trade union activist, much like the celebrated Mekir, and he is named Honoratu Pitravi. Pitravi, whose parents were both communists, and who was raised in the tradition of Metz, Mekir, Kaminski, and Leonid, is devoted to class warfare and the defeat of the minority regime that took power, the Democratic Conservative Party. In a brief interview, Mr. Pitravi said the following:
The Cildanian people are a proud people and will break these imperialistic chains of Yeudic fascism, which is stifling dissent and silencing all freedom of speech. They are destroying our language, customs, and making us slaves to their capitalist system. The humble laborer shall no longer abide this sad state of affairs. Workers of Cildania, unite around the polls! And if that doesn't work, unite around the People's banner and Our Free State's Banner!
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby theoriginaltrotka » Mon Dec 19, 2016 4:47 pm

Student Protests Erupt Against Yeudist Regime
November 4137
Above: Students at the University of Qart Qildar on protest. At least five major universities are having protests and civil squabbles

At the beginning of this month, Surby Qibuzzistit Qildarit (The Communist Party of Cildania) declared a "Month of Resistance and Education" against the Yeudic Beitenyuese controlled government of the Democratic Conservative Party. The Leftist Students for A Democratic Cildania, the front organization for organizing on university campuses, has played a large part in spearheading such demonstrations. On the day after this was declared,a massive call to action led a major walkout by students at Qart Qildar University, the esteemed University of Technology and Sciences (Ylrit), Qart Ramesh University, Universitas Veileres, the University of Qam, and Ramal University. This action was largely uncontrollable, but there were some squabbles with police at the University of Qam and Qart Qildar University, in which some students claimed to be injured.

On the 10th of November, LSDC declared a massive strike had been organized by the Leftist Students, the Union of College and University Students (which represents students who conduct research and teach courses as teachers assistants), The Union of Academic Toilers (Adjuncts and graduate students), certain left-wing locals of the Scientific and Technical Workers Association on university campuses, The Union of Custodians and Sextons (which represents most university custodians), and the Amalgamated Plumbers and Electricians Friendly Society. While most that went on strike were on campuses, some solidarity strikes occurred. This labor action lasted until it was officially ended on the 20th of the month, having left classes almost at a standstill for a week, and certain universities suffering from un-answered maintenance issues.

The police reportedly responded violently to the strike in Qam, beating several students, arresting several for beating people who crossed picket lines, and one for hitting an officer in the face. Tear gas was deployed at one point, prompting massive outcry

The CBC has interviewed several students and union members involved in the protest. Adonbagħl Smendheg, who is a student, who disavowed affiliation with the Communist Party, and claimed to be a 'Cildanian Patriot in solidarity with the liberators'
In My Great, Great Grandparent's day, the Communists liberated Cildania from the Selucian regime. The Nationalists took power. The Selucians are the Yeudis, and we will destroy their government. We will build a People's Free State, like Sudru Sus and bin Hiempsal Mekir. The students will send this message.

Dr. Eliħebed Għażżi, 42, is a leader of the Scientific and Technical Workers Association local at Qart Qildar. We interviewed her while on strike, asking her what she thinks of the whole thing:
I am avowedly anti-imperialist, I don't like capitalism, I'm anti-racist, and I'm secularist. Most of my colleagues here would agree. I am against this conservatism that the Yeudist regime is spreading, and a religious minority ruling is not what Cildania wants or needs. We want more jobs, more prosperity, more liberties, and equality. That is what we are protesting for. We stand with our students and the workers who keep our classrooms clean and lighted, we stand with the Majatrans, Selucians, Hebileans, the Qildaris, the Draddwyr, Ahmadis, Hosians, and all others. We do not want a minority regime
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby theoriginaltrotka » Tue Dec 20, 2016 7:44 pm

Communist Militancy Re-Emerges After Centuries
June 4138
Above: Members of the Cildanian People's Revolutionary Front making their presence known on a street in Ramex (Qart Ramesh)

For the first time since the collapse of the first iteration of the Communist Party of Cildania, the Cildanian People's Revolutionary Front has appeared. While their leader/spokesperson, who is known as Comrade Miqdeḣ (Literally: Comrade Lamplighter), claims to be unaffiliated with the Communist Party of Cildania, this is only likely to be a legal tactic, given the illegality of paramilitaries in Cildania. So far, it is estimated that there are at least 2,000 of these militants. Early this month, a detachment of the force was seen in the woodlands of Ylrit by some hikers, who reported that they were evidently performing military exercises, and weapons training.

More recently, small squads of these militants have been seen at labor actions such as strikes and walkouts, student protests, and near pro-government rallies. Their leader says that the CPRF is devoted to "defending the working class in their exercise of their rights, protecting students, and protecting all of the people from the constabulary". Furthermore, in that same video, released over the internet, he/she said "if it becomes necessary, we will resist capitalist foreign occupation by force, we are not friends of the Yeudi Imperialists, the Luthorian Imperialists, or Selucian Imperialists. We are Cildanian, Hebilean, Cildano-Yeudi, Draddwyr, Majatran fighters, and first off, we are communists. We will bring back Metzist equality and restore Mekir's legacy!"
Above: Comrade Miqdeḣ, leader/spokesperson of the Cildanian People's Revolutionary Front
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby theoriginaltrotka » Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:39 pm

Communists Celebrate Election Victory!
April 5, 4139
Above: Qart Qildar's Ta'om Square, named for the royal House of Thomas, became the scene of a festive and joyous rally over the victory of the Communist Party

Returning after over two centuries, the Communist Party of Cildania once again holds a majority in the legislature, and the Presidency. Several years of economic upset and uncertainty, as well as a feeling of national insecurity at Yeudi (non-Cildanian Yeudi) control, has led most of the country to vote in the Communist Party of Cildania. The new President is Honoratu Hiempsalo Pitravi, the outspoken trade unionist and Chairman of The Communist Party's Politburo. He announced on election night, after hearing of his party's win that "this nation will truly be Qildar again, it will no longer be a Beiteynu satellite state, or a tool of the Luthorians, it will be a socialist, populist, democratic state vying towards communism for the good of the people and preservation of our customs". Mr. Pitravi won 24,042,875 votes, around 61% of the vote, while incumbent Samuel Schneider won 15,476,989 votes, around 39%.

However, the Communist Party is accusing the Democratic Conservative Party of electoral fraud and machine politics. They claim that the low turnout in provinces that went for their opponents was damning evidence of fraud, as in some areas Communists won almost as many votes as the number of people overall who showed up to vote in Hebilon and Akinawa. The Communist Party has used this reality to accuse their opponents of repressing "The Hebilean people's right to suffrage and decision over their lives and futures" due to such low turnouts in Hebilon
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Mbites » Thu Jan 26, 2017 5:40 pm

LLP does not have a Candidate

Today the Liberal Loyalist Parties which won the last three elections for the Doge announced that Sergio Conte, the current party-leader, will not stand for another term.
Instead, they will support the candidate from their coalition partner the Cildanian Labour-Democratic Alliance.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby DoubleJacks » Mon May 08, 2017 7:32 pm

Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation
Soldatkaren for Cildania Forms Amidst Spark of New Political Life in Cildania
10 December 4207

A new political party has formed in the Republic of Cildania, following an eruption of political interest in the nation. The Soldatkaren for Cildania (SKC) is a political organization mainly staffed and supported by veterans of the Cildanian Armed Forces. The Adon or party chairman is Aydl binAdoniim, a former General of the Cildanian Army. The 68 year-old used to work for the Cildanian imperial Military Industries, before their deterioration in light of new regulations and laws against defense industries in the country. Suspicions have arose that former executives from the CIMI were behind the most recent political party, especially after the public donation records for the new organization referred to mainly three sponsors who each invested over $10 million cildars into its inception.

Regardless, the political party has already released its constitution and reiterated its standing support for the current All Cildonia-led government of the Republic. Included in its party bylaws, members of the political organization are forbidden from running for the Office of Presidency and binAdoniim has already stated that the SKC intends to support current President Ahamdi Kanu in the June 4212 elections in five years. Growing interest in the SKC has lead to a swell of supporters, and the Saba'i Soldatkaren (Armed Soldier's Union, the paramilitary wing of the SKC) has grown to over 100 members. The SKC paramilitary leader, former Army Lieutenant Bodo binBalnor, has confirmed that recruitment has ended due to the surge of interest and current regulations by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has limited the size and scope of the SKC paramilitary.

Already the party has made waves in the Senate, convincing a backbencher of the All Cildania party to propose a Private Member's Bill that was submitted by the SKC. Immediately controversial, the bill applies religious conditions for service in the Armed Forces and forcibly excludes the minority Abadism subset of Ahmadism as well as the irreligious. In defense of the article in question, Magon binPalabast, a senior member of the new party, stated that "minority religions threaten to destabilize the cohesion of the military in Cildania" and that "foreign religions open the door for foreign threats."

More popularly, the bill also mandates the removal of the public restriction to the defense industries, opening up the door to billions of cildars worth of business in the private defense industry. In relation to the generally rascist language of the bill, that provision also excludes companies with over 10% composition of the religious minority of the Abadism subset of Ahmadism and the irreligious. There has been no debate yet on the bill in the Senate, and no comment from other political parties on either the first legislation by the SKC or their inception.
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