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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Fri Jan 20, 2017 5:25 pm

No Compromising on Sovereignty
Foreign Minister warns international community against agression within Seleya

Kaliburg, Ananto, Kalistan
November 17th 4153

Kalistani Foreign Minister Laura Michelakakis has reaffirmed the nation's commitment to defending the sovereignty of its Seleyan neighbours. Following a number of veiled threats and diplomatic disagreements between the Federation of Zardugal, one of its key allies in Majatra, and the 2nd Great Democratic Republic of Lodamun, Kalistan's northern neighbour, Kalistan has felt the need to reassert its position. At a press conference in connection with the Kalistan for C campaign, Michelakakis remarked that;
Kalistan always has and always will promote the core, founding principles upon which our nation is built: democracy, freedom and self-determination. We believe those are rights not only extended to Kalistani citizens but to every Terran citizen. Therefore, when we find that there are nations which want to assert their dominance, bully other governments and push their own agenda and interests, we will stand up to them. Kalistan and Zardugal are important strategic partners; we know they share values so I say to the Federation, let the nations of Seleya determine their own destiny. Obviously, communicate with leaders and ask that they abide by our principles too. Ultimately, though, it is the exclusive prerogative of a democratically elected regime to decide policy within a country.

The comments represent a continued attempt by Kalistan to help defend Lodamun from the numerous diplomatic attacks launched by outside nations.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Sat Jan 21, 2017 12:15 am

Flying the Flag?
Citizens campaign to replace Republican flag gaining ground within the Labour Party

Kaliburg, Ananto, Kalistan
January 8th 4154

One of numerous proposed new national flags

A group of Kalistani citizens who want to see the nation's flag replaced with an updated design are apparently establishing an increased supporter base within the Labour Party. While the group, known simply as Change the Flag, still represent a minority of the population as a whole, they have come a long way in the five years since their foundation. A variety of reasons have been cited by members as to why they want a change, from dissatisfaction with the lack of cultural symbolism to simple disliking of the traditional republican flag. Likewise, there is no clear proposal around what an alternative flag would look like. Some supporters want to see a return to the previous flag, which is often associated with 'Imperial' Kalistan and others would prefer a new flag entirely.

In spite of their apparently split views, Change the Flag now has some noteworthy supporters. As of last week, no fewer than nine Labour Party Assembly Deputies had registered their backing for the campaign and that number looks set to increase, too. Furthermore, one of those nine Deputies is long-serving Culture Minister David McCrae. Given the weight of his position, and that he is touted as a future party leader, this could be extremely significant for the pressure group- providing them with a direct line of communication to the government.

Even so, such a controversial decision (which would require a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly) could not be taken lightly. Change the Flag have said they wish to see a referendum on the matter but such votes are extremely rare in Kalistan. For many, though, the fact that the nation is now in such a stable political position as to be discussing the flag is a powerful statement about the work of the Labour Party, the PEP and the Peoples Party in developing a 'consensus' in political discourse.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:05 am

The People's Press
Next Generation of Labour
Premier resigns following health scare, ushering in a new era of Labour politicians

Kaliburg, Ananto
September 30th 4154

Mauro Curti, grandson of former President Luca Curti, becomes Labour interim leader

Premier of the Republic Franklin Foster has been forced to retire from politics after suffering an ischaemic stroke. Foster, who is now sixty-two-years-old, served as Labour Party deputy leader before taking over as party leader upon the resignation of Jean-Baptiste Fabian. Across those two periods, he spent nine years as President before a further three years as Prime minister. Throughout his time, Foster has been surrounded by a group of parliamentarians who have become household names as cabinet minister. Yet many say they are also taking the opportunity to withdraw from the front line, creating an opportunity for a new, younger set of Labour Deputies to carry the party forward.

Mauro Curti, Foster's deputy, will become interim leader until an election has been held to find a permanent replacement but even he has said he is not willing to run. Other early favourites such as Education and Culture Minister David McCrae, Foreign Minister Laura Michelakakis and Finance Minsister Darcey Méndez have stated they will not stand for the leadership either. So far, Stefaan Samuel is the only person to have met the nomination criteria but others are expected to follow soon.

Samuel is not a particularly controversial candidate, generally voting with the party. Currently, it is not officially known whether Labour will stand a candidate in the next Presidential election or support the nomination of another party's. Given that Buccismo Genesis of the Peoples Party has now served three full terms, it would be in line with the general precedent that he will now step down.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Sun Jan 22, 2017 6:04 pm

The People's Press
Samuel to Replace Foster
New leader appoints much-changed Central Committee in effort to revitalise the party

Kaliburg, Ananto
November 3rd 4154

Stefaan Samuel is interviewed shortly following his election as leader

Following a remarkably respectful campaign, Stefaan Samuel has been elected as the next General Secretary of the Labour Party. Samuel- a National Assembly Deputy representing Vrassa- is a relatively inexperienced choice, having never served in government before. The twenty-nine-year-old's record contrasts to that of his predecessor who already had three terms as President and fourteen years as Labour deputy leader when he took over the role. Nonetheless, there is hope within Labour that Samuel can provide stable leadership and appeal to the young environmentalist vote that has kept the PEP in the plurality for so long.

Samuel's only opponent for the leadership, Lala Kalena, has been moved into the Foreign Affairs brief while experienced Minister David McCrae, who oversaw landmark education reforms over two decades ago, became deputy leader. In spite of his appointment, McCrae did not retain his Education and Culture portfolio; many have speculated that this suggests he will be Labour's Presidential candidate in two years time. He would be an appealing prospect, most in the public believe his work has benefitted schools across the country and he has proven experience.

The new leadership, like Samuel himself, has a decidedly environmentalist undertone and this is likely in an attempt to undercut the PEP. Even though they passed the legislation banning animal slaughter, the Labour Party is still seen as being behind the curve when it comes to environmental concerns. Samuel will no doubt make repairing that image, and relations with the Populist Environmental Party, a central aspect of his tenure.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TrentWright » Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:37 pm

Back in power!
The KRF won last month's elections.
A day no one saw coming happened as the Kalistan Radical Front is now back in power. The party spiraled into anarchy after the death of Randall Ross but now leader Owen Whitfield has thrown the party firmly back into power. He had to say this earlier, "Ha! You all thought we were gone but we are back! With around 50% of the seats you will now see what we have to bring to the table." The question now is what will happen next in Kalistan.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Wed Jan 25, 2017 9:24 pm

Coalition Victorious Once Again
Labour's David McCrae elected President and 'anti-fascist' coalition win majority in Assembly

Kaliburg, Ananto, Kalistan
June 1st 4156

McCrae, as Education and Culture Minister, discusses his reforms around language in schools

In a relatively convincing result, Labour deputy leader and former Education Minister David McCrae was elected President of the Republic. McCrae clinched victory on the first ballot, with the Kalistan Radical Front deciding not to run a candidate in their first election since reforming. Last month's election marked the ninth consecutive vote in which a member of the governing Peoples Party/Labour Party coalition was elected. McCrae has already proposed a 'moderate cabinet', compromising the current government plus the Populist Environmental Party, who endorsed him in May.

In his victory speech, McCrae highlighted Kalistan's need to promote justice and fairness across Terra. The Republic's relationship with Majatran partner Zardugal has become strained recently, due to the threatening rhetoric of Pontesi. The country, which is ruled by a single party, have threatened to invade Seleyan neighbours Lodamun and claim that Zardugal will support their actions. Foreign Minister Lala Kalena is believed to have contacted her Zardic counterpart in an attempt to de-escalate the situation. McCrae did not appear to mention the ongoing conflicts in Mikuni-Hulstria or Rutania.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:50 pm

Kalena's Tour of Dovani
Foreign Minister heads east to meet with allies as conflict continues on the continent

Iglesia Mayor, Ulbrach, Dranland
June 17th 415

Lala Kalena looks delighted on arriving in Iglesia Mayor

Lala Kalena, Kalistan's Foreign Minister, arrived in the Dranish capital of Iglesia Mayor this morning. Kalena, who was appointed to the position upon the retirement of experienced diplomat Laura Michelakakis, will meet with prominent members of the governing coalition tomorrow, including her counterpart Sonja Lee and Trade Minister Catherine Breckinridge of the Grand National Party. Afterwards, she will speak personally with Steward of the Realm Guinevere Morgan-Caleb regarding the ongoing crisis between Kazulia and Mikuni-Hulstria as well as the ratification of the Kalistan-Dranland Treaty of Cooperation and Friendship.

Various figures within the government have articulated their delight at Kalistan's new found relationship with Dranland, with President McCrae hailing it as 'a sign that Kalistan is a nation committed to internationalism, fair trade and peaceful, productive relations'. Nevertheless, the sudden resurgence of the Kalistan Radical Front, a party devoted to complete isolationism, makes signing any future deals difficult. Kalena's job will be made particularly tough if the KRF are able to obtain a National Assembly majority, allowing them to repeal previous trade deals established during the PEP-PP-LP coalition era.

Once she has concluded business in Dranland, Kalena will head south to Kalistan's key regional partner- Indrala. Following decades of uncertainty and internal strife, a robust republic has developed under the stewardship of the Social Democrats. It is hoped that the government, with their shared values and willingness to cooperate with Kalsitan, will consider closer ties in future. She will then, it is expected, continue on to Ostland and Lourenne.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Buccismo » Sun Feb 05, 2017 3:36 pm

Peoples Party Guard
Major Joshua Chambers buried with Honors
Vrassa City, Vrassa
November 10th, 4161

Major of the Peoples Party Guard for over 20 years, Joshua Chambers died last week of a heart attack while leading troops in a training exercise. Major Chambers was well known for his leadership style and logistical capability. After forming the Peoples Guard under Buccismo Genesis, Chambers, then a Lieutenant, led in the training, arming, and stationing of the Guard. In 4140, Chambers was promoted to Major and given command of the entire Battalion.

The funeral procession for Major Joshua Chambers

As of November 4161, the Peoples Guard consists of five light companies and several support companies, which provide assistance not within the light company's organic nature. Chambers was instrumental in the Peoples Guard, ensuring that every volunteer was given the best possible training. Hundreds of onlookers watched the procession, which carried Major Chambers to his burial site at the Peoples Party Headquarters in Vrassa City. Buccismo Genesis, who is in his 90s, made a few remarks:
Major Joshua Chambers was a friend, advisor, father, brother, and able military commander. He came into the Peoples Party with innovative ideas and boundless offers to help us prosper. We would not be at our current level without his support in and outside of the Peoples Guard. So, one last time from me: I salute you...friend.

Captain Gannicus, of the Ananto Guard Station, was promoted to Major and given the position to command the entire battalion. Gannicus offered a few words.

Major Chambers was my brother. We shared the same hardships and sacrifices. I only hope to honor him in my continued service.

Gannicus, 34, looks to further the Peoples Guard as a protection unit and proper paramilitary force, should it be required.
Peoples Party, United Republic of Kalistan
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:49 pm

The People's Press
Kalena is Nominated
Foreign Minister will run for President of the Republic next year

Kaliburg, Ananto
December 6th 4163

Lala Kalena prepares to launch her Presidential campaign

Following a meeting of the Labour Party Congress this week, Foreign Minister Lala Kalena has been confirmed as the party's nominee in June's Presidential election. Labour, who will be looking to beat out incumbent President Owen Whitfield, have already received the support of the Peoples Party, Socialist Party and Liberal Party, paving the way for a clear two horse race. Kalena is an experienced politician and has served in her current role for almost a decade.

In her campaign, the Foreign Minister will seek to emphasise the need for a moderate, internationalist President to retain Kalistan's reputation as an influential nation on the world stage. She will be relieved, however, that she is not up against a Socialist candidate in the election. Since their reforming and the rise of the Liberal Party, the Labour Party has seen its share of the vote shrink. Nevertheless, this may allow them to return to a traditional and successful strategy employed during the PEP-era. While Labour focus on winning the Presidency against the Kalistan Radical Front, their allies ensure that a majority in the National Assembly is achieved. Many refer to this as 'divide and conquer' because it stretches the Radical's resources across two fronts while the coalition of left-leaning parties have the combined might of four campaign machines.

Additionally, Kalena has sought to win over Kalistan's right-wingers with bold rhetoric on issues which usually divide Labour from the Radicals. She refused to rule out the establishment of a police force and said that Kalistan 'should not be taken advantage of when it comes to international treaties'. Though its entirely possible that this is purely political positioning, these are sentiments which have not been represented in the Labour Party for a century.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ElementBroccoli » Sun Feb 12, 2017 7:01 am

The Newsletter of Kalistan's Liberal Party

The Liberal Party, coming off a major victory in the district of Ananto, has named Samuel Whelton to the governorship there.

Gov. Whelton previously served as Promoter of the Liberal Party, and was most recently the Liberal candidate for Internal Affairs of the Republic. He will be replaced as party promoter by Donna Harmon, a Liberal internal pollster.

The party extends its thanks to the people of Ananto for the great level of trust they have placed in Liberal candidates.

Gov. Samuel Whelton
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