
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Davostag News Network (DNN)

Postby 18107 » Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:52 pm

Protests Turn Violent

Anti-Left and Pro-GMO protests turn violent as food deprivation rises.


Protests organised since November have started to become violent, as a serious lack of food becomes prevalent across the nation. Prominent supermarkets, once filled with food to sell, are now resting on limited supplies with consumers fighting over the last ounces of stock that remains on the shelves. Hundreds of stores have become victim of closing down due to the serious lack of supplies and resources to sell, many employees of large chains have been laid off because of the lack of money to pay them or the lack of a need for the employee altogether. Companies like Food Inc. have had to lay off a great deal of employees has they've yet to recover from the GMO ban.

To make matters worse, due to the lack of food, people protesting have started to begin more violent protests in anger against the government and their GMO ban. This has been primarily focused in the Davostani mainland with Mordustad-Muronia and Davogard being mainly unaffected by the protests. With the government recently allowing for ATF units to be deployed against riots in the ATF Civilian and Domestic Use Act, they've been called into secure order across Davostan, many units have been deployed in the Kevonia area where the riots have affected the area the most.

ATF forces rush in to secure order
Kevonia city centre from above
Up close battle between ATF and riot police against rioters

But what will happen, is up to the government, will they begin overturning their GMO ban or continue their anti-GMO pretense over the Davostani peoples lives and safety?
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Re: Davostag News Network (DNN)

Postby 18107 » Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:47 am

Nationalists Celebrate Electoral Victory

Recent Davostan elections see the DNP win Presidency

Kevin McDee addresses the Davostani crowd after electoral victory

For the first time in many years, the DNP have declared an official electoral victory as their party sweeps the votes and declares victory in the Presidency election. This is a significant victory, as the last time the DNP had won a Presidency election was back in 3907 with Marissa Schuler winning the Presidency for 7 years total.

This election has even seen the fall of the once prominent Co-Operative Party which lost a total of 101 seats during the 3980 election, the party was the prominent "voter choice" for the past 2 decades holding the Presidency position for 28 years, and for the first time in those 28 years has lost the position to the DNP.
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Re: Davostag News Network (DNN)

Postby X7-CQ » Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:29 am


February 4173, 23:00, launched the very first satellite, MU-72 Celestial Traveller in Imperial Davogard Fortress. Space entusiasts crowded the launch site as they witness the launching of the very first made in Davostan sattelite.
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Re: Davostag News Network (DNN)

Postby X7-CQ » Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:46 am

Frances Josephine Jackson gives party leadership to Lea Lenin- former DDSP Premier

February 4174, Frances Josephine Jackson inaugurates Lea Lenin, former DDSP Premier for Johnson believes that she is worthy of the position.

"Her loyalty to my brother and his party is much big as my soul" quotes in her farewell speech.

-Davostan Central News Agency
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Re: Davostag News Network (DNN)

Postby X7-CQ » Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:50 am

Findley Currie Retires

The Leader of the Socialist People's Party and Prime Minister Findlay Currie has today announced his retirement from politics. He has long been hailed as the First Father of the Revolution and a man who has truly brought change to Davostan. He has been a very successful politician winning several general elections. However in the recent elections his party lost a great deal of seats and thus the government lost their majority. He said in his speech that he wants to hand over to a new generation who have the stamina to achieve the 500 seats the party badly needs.

An extract from his speech:
"I no longer feel it would be right for me to carry the mantel of leader and Prime Minister. Due to our firm commitment top democracy, the next leader of this party will be elected in a leadership election in a month. I have devoted my life to the politcs in this country, and I hope my hard work pays off. I am an old man now, and I hope I will live to see the day when we are no longer "the Unholy Davostag Empire". Thank you to everyone who assisted me and voted for me. And I wish my successor the best of luck"

The leader also announced that as his party lost the election they feel they should no longer be the government and have no right to continue acting as a government. So all SPP ministers are resigning and have appointment temporary care taker ministers until the SRP form their own government once again..
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Re: Davostag News Network (DNN)

Postby Blockerz92 » Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:20 am


Socialist Peopls's Party decides to dissolves after years of hardwork and struggle to change Davostag.

His speech:
Today I am announcing with great sadness that we are dissolving as a politcal party. We have tried to do our bit but the people of Davostan have said otherwise, we have made our mark and transformed Davostan into a country with better human rights and living conditions, but the people have no further appetite for change. Maybe in the future our party will return but for now it is the end of our story. We fully endorse the DRF and wish them luck in the future, remember us and remember Findlay Currie immortalize him as the First Father of the Revolution. Thank you all, goodbye.

Gordon Beckett
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Re: Davostag News Network (DNN)

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Aug 03, 2017 11:57 am

Medivh Dynasty Falls!

Years of oppression and prosecution by the ruling Satanalist Regime in Davostag has come crashing down as a popular revolt swept the so called "Evil Dynasty" from power lead by a Hosian sect known as the Holy Ordered Church and in particular it's leader, Ignatius Rex, the High Father of the Church.

Davostag has spent centuries under the yolk of the sadistic Evil Family, the only known Satanilists in Terra, where they used the combination of the extreme poverty conditions of the western Macon nation and their powerful Unholy Imperial Guard and mostly closed borders to brutally control their populace.

Their prosecution extended into all aspects of Davostani life including the open suppression of other religious beliefs such as Hosianism. Under this regime a group of Lutherans lead by Rex, created the Holy Ordered Church as a counter to the central government. Using their oppression as a weapon, the Holy Ordered Church organised their followers and eventually stormed the Unholy Imperial Stronghold in Dankuth.

Highfather Ignatius Rex

Rex has moved to consolidate power and root out lingering Satanilist elements throughout the nation even as the Holy Ordered Church begins the long process of purging Satanilist influence and legacies from Davostag.
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Re: Davostag News Network (DNN)

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Aug 06, 2018 6:32 pm

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Re: Davostag News Network (DNN)

Postby XAT » Thu Aug 23, 2018 12:44 am

The State of the Confederation
A Third-Party Independent Paper
The Election of 4442
Publication approved March, 4443 | Written January, 4443


Kivonia, Davostag - The surprisingly contentious 4442 elections are over, with the shocking result of the United Capitalist Party being relegated to 2nd place. Though the election looked at first to be an uncontested victory for the UCP, the re-mobilization of the Satanist party, as well as the formation of the National Revolutionary Movement and the Communist Union in the interim years has led to voter migration from the UCP, from the left, right, and from the nationalists. The oldest party of the Confederation, the Satanist Party, came out on top in the elections, though they have failed to take a majority in legislature. The UCP continues to control the presidency, though they had to face the upstart NRM in a second round to secure the office.

Despite being in 2nd and 3rd place respectively, both the UCP and the NRM declared victory after the election. During his inauguration, Ben Herbert of the UCP declared that he would bring "swift change", and would move to "suppress the far left and right wing parties", stating that "These people are insane if they think they can take power and destroy our great nation". Though the UCP's claim to victory appears to be damage control at first, there is some degree of truth to their declaration - as no coalitions have been formed, and with no party achieving a majority, the UCP is likely to retain control of not only the presidency, but also of the cabinet and the office of First Minister for the next term.

The newly-established NRM declared victory shortly after the vote count, with presidential candidate Alavaro Kazimirez holding a rally proclaiming the death of the "legacy party", and promising that the NRM will be "a party of action, a party for and by patriots". The party, though having held no seats prior, had already blitzed the legislature with a dozen bills, and rapid calls for the re-mobilization of the military. We were able to approach a NRM campaign volunteer for an interview post-election:

NRM Logo (Interim)

How can you proclaim victory when you only achieved third place?
Let us be frank - the NRM was never going to win the elections - our party is only one year old, after all. But what we can see - what everyone can see - is that the legacy party of the UCP is bleeding public support. Our party, with only 12 months of preparation, was able to gain roughly half the votes the UCP was able to - when elections occur again in 4 years, I have to wonder what the UCP will be left with! We offer an alternative for the current corruption-ridden Confederation, and even though we aren't that well known yet, the ballot box has just proven that is the will of the people!

What is your opinion on the UCP proclamation of victory?
Pure vanity - I'm of the belief that going from first place to second does not constitute a victory! A legacy party that used to control all of legislature should not be proud of securing only 35% of the vote. Honestly, I can't perform the mental gymnastics necessary to proclaim this result a victory - a resurgent party just crushed them, and believe me when I say that the insurgent parties are after them next! For a party that was based in St. Muron to then come in 3rd place behind a newly formed party, then claim victory? If your paper is ever looking for new staff in the satirist column, I think you've found your guy!

What is your opinion on the other parties, and what can we expect from the NRM in the next 4 years?
The UCP is a legacy party, and their continued corruption feeds our growth. But I place nation before party, so if I had any advice to the UCP, it would be to reform - few like the status-quo, and I don't see that improving any-time soon. I've unfortunately not been able to talk to representatives of the Satanist party too much, but so far, they seem the patriotic sort - that said, I will reserve judgement. The Communist Union appears to share our distaste for the status-quo - though we disagree on issues of national defense, and the degree of centralization, the CU appears to be a party we can work with, on issues of regulation and health, and I hope that our two parties can continue in that spirit! As for the NRM, expect action! To those who are waiting for the ending of the volleys of NRM legislation, I say, don't hold your breath - we were elected to change the nation, and that's exactly what we're going to do.

Other parties were contacted during the creation of this piece. This paper offers no endorsement to any political party.
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Re: Davostag News Network (DNN)

Postby Apulia-2 » Tue May 07, 2019 6:34 am

National Satanilic People's Party Established

Oroth Gyver, Grand Nagus of the NSPP

KIVONIA, DAVOSTAG -- The establishment of a Satanilic Party in Davostan and St. Muron has created strong contoversy, with many pointing to the oppression of past Satanilic regimes in the region. What makes it all the more interesting is the presence of not only Satanilic activist Oroth Gyver, but also the presence of author Valentine Gendelbh, known for her best-selling work "World Shaker". Gendelbh was briefly imprisoned for the strong anti-communist themes in the novel. "I will stand beside my country, even if from a jail cell," Gendelbh said to DNN.

Oroth Gyver gave a passionate speech in the Red Square of Kivonia, to about 50 Satanilic protestors,

"The Satanilic Blood Tide shall again wash over the lands of Davostan, in its current horrid form," said Oroth Gyver, an outspoken critic of the communist regime. "There will be a blood toll to pay if the various nationalists that currently stand against the Communist Party are not heard. We will gain entrance into the Council, or we will fight our way in!"
National Monarchist Party of Hutori

"A George divided against itself, cannot stand!"
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