Bekenial Conference.

Conferences, visits and other bilateral or multilateral meetings.

Bekenial Conference.

Postby Maxington » Fri Mar 24, 2017 10:46 pm

Whilst the reports flocked around the Defence and Foreign Ministers of the Holy Luthori Empire during their visit to the northern federal republic, others were engaged in matters sensitive to the eyes and ears of the general public.

Having hitchhiked with the political entourage to the northern federal republic, Bryson Maxwell, Chairman of the Joint Select Committee for Intelligence and Communications (the Luthorian government body responsible for overseeing the operations of the Luthorian intelligence community) and former Head of the Special Political Actions Division of the General Intelligence Service, managed to slip through the horde of reporters and away from the noise and commotion.

There he sits opposite to his Hutorian counterpart's office. The meeting which is about to take place was on a need to know basis and the general public doesn't need to know.
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Re: Bekenial Conference.

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Mar 24, 2017 11:12 pm

Strictly speaking the Hutorian Security and Intelligence Service didn't work on Hutorian soil. It was supremely ironic that most of HSIS' activities were launched and coordinated from downtown Bekenial where Maxwell was sitted.

While the Director of HSIS, a political appointee, was a public figure, and they did have a large office at the "official" HSIS Headquarters in the government district of Bekenial's downtown, the majority of the clandestine work was coordinated out of a front shell office in Apollo Tower run directly by the Deputy Director of Operations, a career Intelligence Officer and a closely held secret.

In this case the HSIS DD/OPS was a relatively young woman by the name of Rose Briar. Just entering her forties, she was an attractive blonde woman that could lie ten or fifteen years off her age without anyone daring call on her out on it. What revealed what she was her piercing gaze, the eyes of a seasoned intelligence officer and one who had served many years in the field before being promoted behind a desk. It was popular rumor around the intelligence community she was a member of the mythical Alternative Options Branch of HSIS's Office of Observation, their black ops unit, before it was shut down by a former administration.

She shook the Chairman's hand with a firm grip. "Welcome to Bekenial Mr. Maxwell, a pleasure to finally meet."
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Re: Bekenial Conference.

Postby Maxington » Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:31 am

Bryson nodded as he was received by the young woman. He was interested in her appearance for he had been in a married relationship for more than thirty-years and his ability to zone out on beauty was a clear sign of this. He toned down the firm shake of the woman by applying his own strength to give his aching hands an ease. He sat in the chair opposite to the woman, his attention centred on the towering chandelier which stood over the two's position at the centre of the room. However his attention was immediately brought inline after seeing the woman awaiting a comment from him at the corner of his eye.

"Now, seeing that we have interests in the area of black operations, in which i was head of GE-2's black operations division, the Special Political Actions Division and from what case officers have told me, you yourself being a former member of the feared HSIS Alternative Options Branch, i do believe that the agreement i am proposing to you could be of some interest to the HSIS." Bryson starred at the floor in discontent. "We have a problem with a southern nation, the Republic of Istalia. Their foreign intelligence agency breached out mainframe servers and bolted with information pertaining to our black operations." as he explained the situation, one would here he was gradually growing in anger. "Although a counter-assault was mounted by which we wiped the servers of all their intelligence agencies, the files were not recovered, suggesting that there are hard copies of its contents."

"We are aware of the presence of your agents and we are aware of ours. I have come to you Ms. Briar to propose an agreement between our countries within respect to the intelligence world. Our intelligence agencies cooperate on every level, including black operations." Bryson leaned back into the chair,"I know that you wish for something in return and i am prepared to grant this based on its accessibility."

Bryson concluded as he watched his counterpart contemplate on her options.
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Re: Bekenial Conference.

Postby colonelvesica » Sat Mar 25, 2017 12:45 am

The Deputy Director when she had inherited the corner office had thought the 56th floor view of Acton was a little over the top. But as it turned out, the view had its perks, being able to impress any who came into her office with both her looks, the surroundings and the skyline, especially at night, made more then one person feel a little overwhelmed. She gave him a fairly warm smile. "Believe me I know, what kind of intelligence outfit hides in Apollo Tower... but as it turns out, who would ever bother to look in plain sight."

While Maxwell went over the details she nodded, a gleam appearing in her eye when he mentioned her alledged past in the Alternative Options Branch. The field was something she to this day still missed. She had run into her fair share of members of the Luthori SPAD in her work, rarely did allied nations keep their black ops operatives away from one another; even if Bekenial and Fort William had remained distant but congenial neighbors, intelligence communities usually kept dialogues open far above that.

When he finished she turned for but a moment towards the skyline muttering, just loud enough for Maxwell to hear. "Istalia.. that up and comer." When she turned back she nodded again. "I understand the issues with Istalia. They have been a rising star in the south for numerous years, emboldened by their successed with the Majatran Union and on the World Congress and its Security Council. I would hardly call them the shining star of the intelligence community, but I wouldn't discount their twin agencies either."

She tapped her cheek thoughtfully. She did have one possible thing she could use from their Artanian cousins... but she had to make sure they were being totally forthright with her before she went on. "Before I can give you an answer, I do have to ask why come to us about this. Istalia is.. a headache, but surely one that the SPAD could handle. Why do you need Hutorian assets in on this?.. and please remember". Rose gave a bright smile. "Flattery will get you no where with me."
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Re: Bekenial Conference.

Postby Maxington » Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:39 am

"To be frank with you, our intelligence gathering efforts are not as complex as the HSIS. You have had run-ins in the past with the former State Security Directorate of Trigunia, which means that your intelligence gathering capabilities are complex." Bryson folded his arms and continued. "In the past years we have establish one of the most formidable, complex and in the eyes of our neighbors in Artania, the most dangerous cybernetic system. Where we lack in human intelligence gathering we make up in signals, cyber intelligence and measurement and signature intelligence".

Bryson pointed at the young Deputy Director,"We need the assets of the HSIS to assist our human intelligence in our operations both against the current regime of Istalia." he kept constant eye contact with the young Deputy Director. "We have many black operations groups in our intelligence community, however that is simply not enough to achieve our goal: retrieve the information stolen and systematical infiltrate the istalian intelligence community."

"Also we have been following the developments in Vanuku. It is imperative that we assist in restoring the monarchist regime in the country. Our contacts in the SSA have informed us that the republicans are steamrolling a series of republican themed legislations, aimed as systematically destroying the deep roots of monarchism in the country." Bryson waited once more for the response of his counterpart. In the mean while, he fiddled with his cellphone.
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Re: Bekenial Conference.

Postby colonelvesica » Sat Mar 25, 2017 1:45 pm

The Deputy Director, nodded. Going through school and through Selection, she had studied on the Cold War between Hutori and Trigunia shortly after the Great Terran War. In all of the north, in terms of the intelligence world, the Black War between Trigunia SSD and Hutori's HSIS had been the stuff of legends, a endless game of cat and mouse.. with in most cases no one remembering who was cat or mouse. No one could really say who "won" the half century long Black War between the two of them... but considering that HSIS was still standing and the SSD was a thing of the past many at the Sarah Steuart Intelligence Center liked to point their way.

"Fair enough... yes we can help you on the ground and in everyway that you can help us in the other methods that matter. What I need is not something I need but rather our cousin agency HSEC needs. Where we are strong at HUMINT, we need all the help we can get with ELECINT and SIGINT. Greater cooperation in that regard would go a long way to helping us with other matters that I know down the road we could do jointly."

She got up from her desk going to a tall cabinet that contained almost every kind of cantor with innumerable amber liquids, pure scotch if anyone was to guess. She poured two glasses giving one to Maxwell. "You have my interest Bryson. What is exactly do you need from us in terms of HUMINT assets?"

She made a face when the Republican regime change in Vanuku was mentioned. "I completely agree that I prefer the Kings in place in Wiel... unfortunately the... "current administration" a decidedly Republican party, along with almost every major political party is likely more then happy to see the Republicans win and the Crown Party crushed privately... I don't think we could expect any official support from my government in terms of that... but I have little doubt that my own contacts in Wiel.. and a few my operatives across the southern border." She mentioned Zardugal with a sly grin. "Would love to offer WHATEVER assistance they could in making sure the proper people who put back in charge."
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Re: Bekenial Conference.

Postby Maxington » Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:28 pm

Seeing that the young Director was interested in what the Holy Empire had to offer with respect to ELECINT and SIGINT, he began to layout the schematics. "We have air force bases in undisclosed locations one in the western hemisphere and one in the eastern hemisphere. The sites contain an extensive satellite ground station and are communications intercept and missile warning site, the base in the west is the most sophisticated of its kind." Bryson slowly pushed himself out of the chair and into a standing position. He then starred at the dense urban area from the window over looking the city.

"We have the capability of intercepting communications from any hole throughout the world. It just us the ability to jam radio frequencies and breach high level electronic warfare counter measures. On the command of HSEC we could either intercept communications between individuals." He turned to face the young Director. "What we need from you is the ability to infiltrate the intelligence agencies of Istalia. Although we have already begun the process to do so, we are aiming for higher posts, if you get where i am coming from." Bryson rubbed his aching wrist before taking a seat due to his knees aching once more.

"With respect to our southern interests, i am sure our Military Intelligence Service will be willing to reinforce the efforts of your agents in Majatra. If that is settled do we have a deal Ms. Briar?" Bryson waited for the response of the Director.
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Re: Bekenial Conference.

Postby colonelvesica » Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:37 pm

Briar finished her drink, downing the scotch in a single draught, a testament to her history and experience of consuming body and mind altering substances. She gave a coy smile. "Who says we don't already have assets in Istalia?" She didn't go any further into detail. She let that statement sink in for a moment. "If you have a secure way to contact your people in Istalia then have them, or preferably someone with an Official Government Cover, meeting with Arnold Trevor. He's the... "Cultural Protocol Officer" at the Embassy in Romula. He is also with the Office of Diplomatic Information and is the Case Officer for HSIS for Istalia. He can offer help for your agents... and point them in the right direction. Needless to say Istalia has been on my radar for a long time."

She sat back down at her desk. "Yes Bryson, I think we can certainly do some business."
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Re: Bekenial Conference.

Postby Maxington » Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:58 pm

Bryson rose and shook the Ms. Briar's hand, departing. When he was escorted back out of the building he immediate bolted to the aiport,for the empiral contingent sent to Bekenial were preparing to leave. Bryson knew that before him, was a period of intense work in coordinating the efforts of the intelligence community. However it is once again a day as Chairman of the Joint Select Committee on Intelligence and Communications.
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