
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby Adithya » Thu May 04, 2017 1:52 pm

Vanakalam Votes For Change-Elects New Prime Minister

Newly Elected Prime Minister Ms.Jaya Ramakrishnan Waving to Supporters as she arrives at the Swearing in Ceremony:-


Vanakalam has,for once has voted for change,The Socialist Party had been Ruling the nation with an iron fist for the past 40 years and opposition party leaders were regularly arrested and prevented from contesting Elections.But as the Economic Recession Started affecting Vanakalam,The Socialist Government was unable to hold on to power as people started pouring into the streets and protested in Large Numbers.Therefore it called for "Free and Fair Elections"For the first time in as many years and people exercised their franchise in huge numbers.

The Result was that the Turnout was at 90% and the Socialist Party was swept out of power by the Centre Right Democratic Peoples Alliance

Kalam (OOC:-Tamil):-Jananaayaga Makkal Koottani

Malivia(OOC:-Malay):-Pakatan Demokratik Rakyat.

The DPA was formed 4 years back as a coalition of many small centre right and centrist parties to challenge the Socialist Government and has proved Quite Successful.The Alliance was led by the Charismatic Jaya Ramakrishnan who is a well known Soap Opera Actress.She campaigned on a platform of Privatising Most of the Industries(The Government currently owns every single industry)and to reduce the unemployment rate which currently stands at 20%.

The Final Results was as follows:-

Total:-500 Seats.
DPA:-75% of the votes:-450 Seats

Socialist​ Party:-20% of the votes:-40 Seats

Independents:-5%:-10 Seats.

The Newly Elected Prime Minister Ms.Ramakrishnan stated that this is a vote against Corruption and Economic Stagnation:-

This is a mandate in favour of a strong and Secure Vanakalam,A vote for democracy and Development which we will respect and ensure that we progress Economically,Our First Priority is to reduce the unemployment which is at 25% and immediately Privatise Industries which are ALL being currently owned by the government.We will also investigate Corruption committed by the Socialist Party and its ministers.
Last edited by Adithya on Fri May 05, 2017 6:11 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Adithya » Thu May 04, 2017 2:12 pm

Vanakalam Embraces the Market

The Prime Minister Signing Files for the first time:-


Vanakalam"s New Government has been working swiftly on its promise of Privatisation as the Socialist Command Economy has been dumped for Capitalism.The New Prime Minister moved swiftly on her promise by kicking off the Disinvestment process which meant that many industries such as Energy,Steel,Cements,Textile and Media,only to mention a few.Have Been Completely Privatised and sold off To the Private Sector and the national government said that the Disinvestment process has generated 30 Million Vanakalam Rupees or around 2 Million LOD in revenue.

Investors From Many Countries such as Dorvik have decided to invest in the nation"s new capitalist Economy for its "Pro Business Environment".

The Prime Minister said in a statement that Vanakalam shall continue to open up the economy to the private sector which will "stimulate economic development"

The Government has also removed all of the Restrictions on free Trade and have also decided to allow "private competitors into sectors such as Healthcare and Education"they have also decided to allow private firms to competitively receive contacts for the Construction of Infrastructure
Last edited by Adithya on Fri May 05, 2017 6:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Adithya » Thu May 04, 2017 2:21 pm

Vanakalam Cracks down on Organised Crime

Police Patrolling the Streets of the Capital City of Vanakalam:-


The Government of Vanakalam has cracked the whip on crime and criminals as the previous government"s inactivity led Vanakalam to have one of the highest rates of crime in the whole of terra.The Government​ has increased funding to the police department and has also hired 10,000 New Police Officers over the past month.The Number of Criminals arrested stands at 45,000 Over the past month.The Police has been conducting raids all of the time and has been "clearing"Cities of Criminals.

But it has indeed led to a steep 40% fall in the rate of crime in the nation and the Government insists that it will fall even more.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Adithya » Thu May 04, 2017 2:31 pm

Economic Development Rises to 5%, Unemployment falls to all time "low"of 10%

The Newly Constructed International Airport in The Capital Of Vanakalam


As Vanakalam Continues to move forward in its path of Privatisation and transforming it into the hub of east Dovani,The Economic Growth Rate has reached 5% for the time in Vanakalamese History.The Government has also been heavily investing into the growing tourism industry and for that-The Government has constructed the nation's first International Airport in The Nation"s Capital City with the help of various private firms.This is said to be the first step towards encouraging tourism in the nation.The Country has also expanded and upgraded the nation's highway network.

According to Analysts,This Move is expected to rapidly boost tourist arrivals which could be a great source of foreign exchange.

The nation has also seen the unemployment rate falling to an all time low of 10% way down from the 20% rate which existed when the Conservative Government came to power.The Government says it is a sign that Vanakalam is progressing despite The Global Economic Slowdown.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Adithya » Fri May 05, 2017 4:36 am

Tourism Industry Progresses at a quick pace due to improvements in Infrastructure

The Kalamese Shore Temples,a major tourist attraction


As the government of Vanakalam in Cooperation with multinational firms rapidly speeds up infrastructure improvements,Tourist Arrivals in Vanakalam has jumped from just over 500 per year, 5 Years back to around 60,000 this year.The Tourism Industry now Accounts for 8% of the GDP and employs around 10% of the total Vanakalamese employment force.It has contributed to a further 2% fall in Unemployment.

The Government has also been advertising Vanakalam"a rich tradition,heritage sites and long coastlines across Terra.The Tourism Minister of Vanakalam says that The Tourist Arrivals will jump up to 100,000 and that it is expected overtake Agriculture in terms of Contribution to GDP in a few years.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Adithya » Sat May 06, 2017 3:20 am

Vanakalam sees massive surge in Literacy Rate

Vanakalam has seen a surge in the literacy rate following the government's adult education plan and it's commitment to build a school every 1 Kilometre and A college every 5 Kilometres.

The Literacy Rate has risen from 60% as of 4202 to 80% as of 4206.The Nation's Education Minister says that this is another sign of how Vanakalam is progressing in a rapid rate not seen during the previous government.He says that that Government will strive to achieve cent percent literacy over the next ten years.
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Adithya » Sat May 06, 2017 4:11 am

Vanakalam Legalises Stock Exchanges

The Vanakalam National Stock Exchange Building:-


Vanakalam''s First Stock Exchange was inaugurated today by the Prime Minister.Stock Exchanges were banned when the Socialist Party came to power.But,the new government has decided to legalise stock exchanges.And the Government has created the SEBV[Stock Exchanges Board of Vanakalam]to regulate the operations of the stock exchanges.The Government says this is another move to show to the world that Vanakalam is embracing a Market Economy and that it is open to even more amount of Foreign Direct investment
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Re: Times Of Vanakalam

Postby Adithya » Sat May 06, 2017 1:33 pm

Mariani Inc Decides to invest in Vanakalam

The Vanakalamese Economy once again received a boost as the Istalian Giant PMI has decided to invest in the nation citing its ''Promising Business Environment''in the nation.The Nation Currently Boasts having the Lowest Corporate Tax Rates in East Dovani at 10%,The Government has also been applauded for rooting out corruption and for having reintroduced democracy to the nation.

The Unemployment has fell to 5% which is the lowest rate of unemployment in Vanakalamese History and it is lower than even some western developed nations.

Private Investment has been enriching the nation and Malls which had never even been known in Vanakalam before,have sprung up in all major cities with this one being recently opened in the Capital and it has been cited as Vanakalams Largest Mall:-

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Voice of Kalkalistan

Postby jamescfm » Fri Jan 05, 2018 2:47 pm

The Voice of the Nation (Rajutti: राष्ट्र की आवाज Zaqrami: قوم کی آواز Ananti: ਦੇਸ਼ ਦੀ ਆਵਾਜ਼) is the largest news outlet in Kalkalistan.
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Re: Voice of Kalkalistan

Postby jamescfm » Thu Jan 11, 2018 7:51 pm

Speculation Abounds Following Emperor's Death
Procedural reforms instituted in the last decade make succession unclear

9th October 4331

Prince Rana Bahadur of Kishur was the last ruler to arrive in the capital

Journalists from across the globe have gathered at the Neele Mahal as the country awaits the election of a new emperor. Following the death of Kerala Varma IX last month, the rulers of each of the nation's numerous diverse territories have convened to begin deliberations on who will succeed the controversial conservative Emperor. Under Kerala Varma, the rules for selecting the Emperor were changed for the first time in centuries due to immense pressure from regional leaders over the perceived dominance of the three most influential territories: Rajutta, Bhapore and Zaqram. Although the exact procedures are not known to the general public, it is understood that they enabled the three regions to ensure their chosen candidates even when faced with opposition from the remaining electors.

Nonetheless the new rules, which the late Emperor only agreed to implement after protests threatened to bring down his regime, grant each territory the same power in the clandestine election and have led to uncertainty about who will emerge from the palace as the new Emperor. Traditionally, the election of the Prince of Zaqram would follow the rule of a Rajutti Emperor however it is unlikely that many of the other territories will support this proposal in light of their struggle to convince the more influential regions to reform their institutions. Employing a certain degree of Bashnyology, experts have suggested that Prince Rana Bahadur of Kishur could be the front runner, due to his late arrival in the capital.

According to the historic rules which govern the Emperor's election, the rulers will spend the next three weeks inside the the Neele Mahal takings soundings, listening to speeches from candidates and holding secret ballots until there is unanimous approval for a candidate. If this is not achieved within the given period then the leaders can request a further week to reach a decision. In the meantime, the global media will no doubt spend many hours speculating on the identity of the next ruler of Kalkalistan.
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