Professor What and the Dorvleks

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Professor What and the Dorvleks

Postby Aquinas » Thu May 11, 2017 11:40 pm

July 4209

The Dorvleks are coming!
Hit TV show reflects popular unease over rise in Dorvish influence, says sociologist

The Dorvleks

A new Trigunian, alternate reality, science fiction television drama series called Professor What and the Dorvleks has become a massive hit in Trigunia, and is fast becoming popular all over Terra, with television stations queuing up to buy the rights to broadcast the show.

Professor What being captured by the Dorvleks in episode 2

The show is written and produced by the staunchly nationalist Trigunian film director, Nikita Pasternak, and is about the adventures of a Trigunian genius called Professor What, who works with Trigunia's Tsar Nikolay and other companions to foil the efforts of the Dorvleks to conquer the universe and subject the whole of Terra to slavery.


In the show, the Dorvish people have been transformed into a race of militaristic robots called Dorvleks, by the mad scientist Dorvrosh, who is half human and half Dorvlek. However, by the end of the third episode, Dorvrosh's creations have turned against him and overthrown him, replacing him as leader with former Dorvish President Hendrietta Schroeder, who appears as the Supreme Dorvlek.

Hendrietta Schroeder as the Supreme Dorvlek

The Dorvleks have not so far succeeded in conquering the universe, as the Trigunian heroes, led by Professor What and Tsar Nikolay, always succeed in outwitting them at the end of each episode. Several times the Dorvleks have seemed very close to becoming invincible, but have always ended up being held back by limiting factors such as their inability to climb up stairs and the lack of dexterity in their robotic limbs, which makes it difficult to perform tasks such as operating equipment or using computers.

Pasternak's show has attracted controversy because it uncompromisingly presents all of the Trigunian characters as brave and heroic, whereas characters from other nationalities are almost universally presented in a more negative way. In fact, Trigunians are the only ones presented as humans, with all of the other races and nationalities depicted as alien monsters.

Alorian Prime Minister Daniel Leitzke

The Solentians, who Professor What rescued from extermination in episode 5

Davostag''s Lord Medivh Evil, an enemy so terrible Professor What had to temporarily team up with the Dorvleks in order to defeat him

The Indralans, depicted as a race of power-hungry plant monsters

The Narikatonites, who sometimes join forces with Dorvleks but usually end up feuding with them eventually

The Istalians, often portrayed as cowardly and unreliable

King Kezkai II of Vanuku, cast as a foolish buffoon who is jealous of Tsar Nikolay's dignity and intelligence

The Kirlawans, presented as giant radioactive fanged flesh-eating maggots

The Baltusians

Dundorf's President Maria Sophie Truberschatz

Hutori's Prime Minister Christine Bates (left) and Defence Minister Alexa Dotson (right) learning they are about to be exterminated by the Dorvleks

Malivia's President Julian Ferdinand being cared for by a Trigunian aid worker after being rescued from the Dorvleks by Professor What

The Barmenian Ambassador

Lidochka Popov, one of Trigunia's most renowned sociologists, has commented:

Deep down, I think what this show reflects is the increasing sense of insecurity Trigunians feel about their status in the world. They're used to feeling like they're amongst the top dogs, but now, with the problems over the last 10 years or so, they're getting a feeling they are lagging behind. This is why an escapist show like Professor What is suddenly so popular, because its given them a reassuring image of the world where the Trigunians are all brave and noble people in contrast to the rest of humanity.

The Dorvleks are fascinating. I think they reflect a growing sense, both in Trigunia and elsewhere, that Dorvik is on the rise again as a world power, both economically and politically. There is some degree of anxiety about that, and the Dorvlek, when you look at it, represents Terra's very worst, most paranoid fear of what a revival of Dorvish power might mean.
Last edited by Aquinas on Fri May 12, 2017 3:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Professor What and the Dorvleks

Postby Pragma » Fri May 12, 2017 6:40 am

Tirza Sommer Calls Trigunia 'A Racist Hellhole' And 'An Enemy of Dorvik'


During an interview in which she was asked about the recent television program created in Trigunia, Doctor What and the Drovleks, Tirza Sommer unleashed a rant against Trigunia that made her previous rant look like a three-year old who didn't get to play with his favorite toy because their sister was using it. She seemed calm throughout the interview until the show was brought up. She said that the creators of the show 'should be imprisoned' because 'they are poisonous, racist scumbags'. Her full comments were as follows (note how the interviewer is too scared to interject):

The idiots who made that show should be imprisoned because they are poisonous, racist scumbags. I bet their mothers don't love them. Trigunia women are so cold. I mean it's a racist hellhole. Their government is failing, their economy is failing - so what do they do? Disgrace the image of hard working people across the globe. Cast presidents as monsters. Trigunia is an enemy of Dorvik and we might have to invade and sort them out soon. Every last one of them is evil. They're barbaric people.
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Re: Professor What and the Dorvleks

Postby Adithya » Fri May 12, 2017 7:17 am

Schroeder Laughs off Trigunians Show portraying Dorvik in a bad light as"a symbol of Trigunia"s Fear of Dorvik

Mrs.Schroeder Speaking to Reporters:-


Today the Leader of the LKP Laughed off a New Trigunian Show which portrays only Trigunians as humans and the others as being aliens and robots

Really,That show is a joke!The Show is reflective of how the Trigunians​ are so very afraid of the rise of Dorvik in the world stage.Some say that i was portrayed as the Head "Dorvlek" which is laughable,Trigunia is already failing and as many sociologists state,it is the reflection of the fear of Trigunians towards Dorvik.Trigunians can continue to live in their fantasy land as long as they want as their country continues to fail and Dorvik continues to surge ahead.

They must try to revive their economy,I agree with my friend Tirza that they are very racist and Xenophobic,This Show is also reflective of how arrogant the Trigunians are.Has Trigunia ever helped anyone?Dorvik has always been a accepting and diverse nation unlike Trigunia which is a Racist and Backward Thinking Nation.
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Re: Professor What and the Dorvleks

Postby Axxell » Fri May 12, 2017 10:03 am

Giorgia Maltini commented the trigunian sci-fi tv series "Doctor What"
A pretty tv series but which reflects the fear of a decadent and tormented society


MILONA - Also in Istalia comes the controversy arise around the recent trigunian TV series of science fiction "Doctor What" which has already talked about in Dorvish.
In fact, the series was criticized, but it mainly made smile for the transposition of the trigunian themselves and many other nationalities, the first as human heroes, the others as terrible hideous inhumane monsters, and which particularly targeted Dorvish, designated as the main enemies.
The conductor of the well-known talk show Pomeriggio Istalia, Giorgia Maltini, former singer of the Jailbait girl-band, described the TV series as follows:

I do not think we should be scandalized, indeed, the TV series is also compelling and imaginative, but if we put it in the trigunian context endearing! It is the clear expression of the social and even historical disconmfort that the trigunians are living, a disunited and perhaps decadent society, which didn't find social stability for decades, which can not understand and support anymore their own role in the world, he does not know what to do with the Tsar whose throne for half century is very shaky, not to mention the fact that the economic and political influence of a time is definitely lost. The art also reflects certain things, and cinema and TV are no exception! Anyway, in general I would recommend seeing it, maybe we will help trigunian tv to stay afloat... I also have to say that I like how Istalians have been presented, as exotic and stylish, although I cannot say the same for the charaterization as coward and unreliable, because I have also to say that in the past we have shown a lot of "affection" for Trigunia and especially for the monarchy, helping them to restore the Zar in Deltaria too! I hope the trigonians can regain in future a bit of serenity!
Last edited by Axxell on Fri May 12, 2017 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Professor What and the Dorvleks

Postby RandolfUrquhart » Fri May 12, 2017 12:48 pm

Die Dorvische Zeit: October 4209
Controversial Trigunian TV-character Doctor What

Haldor, Kordusia- The Federal President supposedly had an emergency meeting with the ambassador of Trigunia earlier this month to speak about the new Trigunian hit show Doctor What, in which the Dorvish people are portrayed as a brutal and warmongering race of machines called ' the Dorvleks '. Many politicians have reacted furiously on the broadcasting of the show in Trigunia, some going as far as saying that the creators of the show should be jailed.

When asked by a journalist of the Dorvish Times about the meeting President Urquhart said the following:
Yes, I can't deny that we had a short meeting earlier this month following the news that this program had become quite popular around Trigunia. I informed the ambassador that the Dorvish Federal government respects the creative freedom of the Trigunian nation, but that we also feel uncomfortable with the downright incorrect depiction of the Dorvish people as a violent and amoral civilization. The ambassador was warned that these kinds of publications could hurt the Trigunian economy due to a decrease of Dorvish investments by companies who may feel insulted by the show, which would worsen the already dire situation of the Trigunian economy. The government did only gave advice to the Ambassador, as any demand for action would confirm the Trigunian fear of an increasing Dorvish influence over Trigunia, which is an irrational fear however. Dorvik is not planning to infringe on the soevereignty of any nation, including Trigunia.
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Re: Professor What and the Dorvleks

Postby Aquinas » Fri May 12, 2017 4:10 pm

November 4209

Trigunian monarchy basks in popularity of Professor What

Tsar Nikolay Kirillovich of Trigunia

Despite the international controversy surrounding his role in the Trigunian Liberation Army uprising, Trigunia's Tsar Nikolay Kirillovich has enjoyed a massive popularity boost since Professor What burst onto our television screens. Trigunian support for republicanism, which not so long ago had been perilously high, is now being reported in opinion polls as less than 14%. Public interest in and attendance at royal events is higher than ever, more people than ever are flocking to official palace openings and tickets for royal garden parties are more eagerly sought after than at any time in recent memory. Also, books, souvenirs and mementos related to the Tsar and his family are selling at record levels.

Professor What facing the Kalistanis, portrayed as giant poisonous spiders

In the TV show, Tsar Nikolay features as Professor What's companion, often intervening at key moments to save the day and help defeat the forces of evil. In the latest episode, he used his mystical ancestral powers to bring Professor What back from the dead after he was bitten by a giant poisonous spider (presented as Kalistani Prime Minister Oswald Crofton ). In an earlier episode, he saved the world from a global warming catastrophe by staring at the sun, forcing it to retreat trillions of light years away in terror.

Tsar Nikolay forcing the sun to turn back

The show's creator, Nikita Pasternak, is well-known for his rigid Trigunian nationalist ideology and sometimes racist and prejudiced attitudes. He is not known for being fond of non-Trigunians, but non-Trigunians, it seems, are increasingly falling head-over-heels in love with his show. It has been particularly popular with children and teenagers, who love the special effects, the aliens and the suspense-filled story-lines. However, it has also attracted a lot of controversy, and in many countries, including in Dorvik, there have been calls for the show to be axed, or at least for broadcasters to cease airing it.

Nevertheless, there are some indications Pasternak may be softening in some of his attitudes. Having previously proudly declared he had "never travelled abroad because there is nothing worth seeing there", he has now announced that next year he will go on a tour around Terra to help promote the show. This has already sparked calls in some countries for him to be barred entry, and it is widely believed he is likely to attract protesters wherever he goes.

Pasternak has also relented somewhat on his insistence on only employing Trigunians to work on the show. He has now taken on a Sekowan set designer, Rokurou Nakashima, an Istalian marketing director, Pasqualina Soldati, and is thought to have begun employing non-Trigunians for positions amongst the technical and backstage staff. Under pressure from his financial backers, he has even agreed to employ non-Trigunian actors, although he insists they can only play parts as alien monsters. The human/Trigunian roles are strictly reserved for Trigunian nationals who can prove they are of pure Trigunian descent for at least the past 5 generations.

Indralan Emperor Wu Ren, depicted as a giant plant monster, attacking one of Tsar Nikolay's palaces

A Kalopian

Zardugal's President Diogeno Radomirido

Jalal Al-e-Ahmed, rising up from the Mad Dog Ocean

Mariana Fonseca, General Secretary of the World Congress
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Re: Professor What and the Dorvleks

Postby TheTsar » Fri May 12, 2017 4:41 pm

Речь Народа
The Emperor of Trigunia, Nikolay Kirillovich I, has accepted to give our newspaper an interview revealing his true view on "Professor What". The following extract from the interview shows his view:
Although I rather enjoyed the show, for its comedy, I disagree with the fact that all characters, except Trigunians, are portrayed as aliens. Obviously Mr Pasternak does not actually think that all other nationalities are monster-alien things, but he simply believes that they are conspiring against us, and used his creativity to display it in such a way. I respect his view, although I disgree with it. It was also very funny when the sun apparently fled my gaze, defying all the laws established by science. I would like to finish with this: this film series does not represent the views of the Trigunian government.

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Re: Professor What and the Dorvleks

Postby Aquinas » Fri May 12, 2017 11:50 pm

January 4210

Pasternak sparks new Dorvish/Dorvlek controversy

A Dorvlek spraying a baby in a pushchair with toxic chemical gas

Nikita Pasternak, the creative brains behind the Professor What TV series phenomenon, has further antagonised his critics by airing an episode in which the Dorvleks invade the Trigunian city of Lustenmarkt and attempt to exterminate the civilian population with chemical weapons. In one particularly gruesome scene (above), a Dorvlek sprays a baby in a pushchair with toxic chemical gas. Fortunately, by the end of the episode the Dorvlek invaders are inactivated after Professor What and Tsar Nikolay's 11 year old nephew Sergei orchestrate a massive cyber attack against their central computer in Haldor. Also, at the very end, Tsar Nikolay uses his mystic ancestral powers to bring all of the victims back to life, including the baby in the pushchair.

Pasternak caused further exacerbation by giving an interview after the show, in which he said "The Dorvish really would use weapons of mass destruction - that's the kind of people they are" and cast doubt on Dorvik's recent declaration that it would never use chemical or biological weapons in civilian areas, saying "that's all lies - if you believe that, you'll believe anything".

The green organic blob that lives inside a Dorvlek, which Pasternak calls "the Dorvish inside the Dorvlek"

Pasternak's interviewer then suggested that in his series, he was presenting the Dorvleks, and by implication the Dorvish people, as "unfeeling, amoral robots". Pasternak replied that he understood "some people think we're giving the Dorvish a hard time" and explained...

We don't present the Dorvleks as 100% robotic. They are evolved from human Dorvish, after all. Also, in some scenes, where a Dorvlek is opened up, you get to see that there is a living, breathing green creature with lots of tentacles inside the metal shell - the Dorvish inside the Dorvlek, if you like. So we're not saying the Dorvlek's aren't sentient. Yeah, fundamentally they are still evil and destructive, but then again, aren't a lot of humans exactly like that as well? I mean, just look at the Dorvish.

The Trigunian Equality Association has responded by launching an online petition, calling for Culture Minister Arseniy Toropov Yevgenievich to ban the show.
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Re: Professor What and the Dorvleks

Postby Aquinas » Sun May 14, 2017 12:42 am

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Re: Professor What and the Dorvleks

Postby Aquinas » Fri May 19, 2017 1:57 am

January 4213

Voronin fury at "Dolphoids" episode

Lera Voronin, the self-described "Dolphin telepath", popularly known as "the Dolphin Woman"

Lera Voronin, the popular "Dolphin telepath" from Trigunia, has expressed her "fury and indignation" after a Professor What episode appeared to poke fun at her claim that the dolphins are communicating to her telepathically and urging her to visit the great underwater cities they have constructed for humanity to relocate to.

The "Dolphoids"

The episode begins with a woman called Vera Borodin, a scientist who seems to be loosely based on Voronin, making exactly the same claims as Voronin about the dolphins communicating to her and about the underwater cities. However, unlike Voronin, Borodin is able to persuade the government to lend her a submarine in order to visit the fabled underwater location.

Although she succeeds in this mission, the dolphins do not turn out to be as benign as she imagines. It turns out the dolphins have evolved into a a new and super-intelligent race called the Dolphoids, a human-dolphin hybrid who transform themselves into cute and innocent-looking dolphins when in human sight, but who actually have ambitions to take over the universe. They have lured Borodin to their underground lair because they want to extract information from her about the world above the oceans, in preparation for their planned overground invasion.

Fortunately, by the end of the episode, Professor What and Tsar Nikolay rescue Borodin and thwart the attempted invasion, by using a massive fishing net to entrap the Dolphoid army before it can reach the land.

Lera Voronin has accused the show's makers of "completely misrepresenting who the dolphins are and who I am" and called for "all right-minded citizens" to write to the Culture Minister demanding the show should be banned.
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