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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby robbie_1989 » Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:47 am

Republican Party braces for elections
Party leaders remain sceptical on success

The Republican People’s Party of Mordusia has convened a party convention to discuss the upcoming elections that are scheduled to be take place in May 3906. Party leaders remain sceptical whether the party will be able to get out of its low performance cycle.

The party base is shocked due to the weak performance in the two past elections and has refrained from active legislative proposals in the Counsel, further adding to the lack of visibility. Nevertheless, the party has been included in the Government with the responsibility for Internal, Justice and Health/Social affairs, but merely due to the desire of the major political parties to out-manoeuvre the Socialists, which hold 44 out of 130 seats in the Counsel.

The position of party leader John Knox remain stable, but he expressed the readiness to resign should the party fail to gain a minimum of 20 seats in the upcoming elections. Should this occur, Knox encouraged a general overhaul of the party and its stance on political issues, while maintaining its core value – determination to prevent an increased role in the political dealings in the country.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Luxis » Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:42 pm

Sarah Genevieve to run on ARP ticket


Following the announced retirement of current Chancellor Madison Lefevre, the party convention, in a surprise move, nominated Ms. Sarah Genevieve, a political novice by most standards. A darling of the more religious wing of the party, she has pledged to ensure that 'teachers can pray and God takes center-stage in this great nation of ours.' The hard-line religious wing has felt mostly ignored in recent Counsel sessions, which some of the rank and file have blamed on the 'politics of surrender.' Ms. Genevieve used more conciliatory language in her speech, but, when pressed, she refused to lay anything off the table in terms of greater involvement of religion and the Bishopal Church in the lives of Mordusians.

The Bishopal Church of Mordusia declined to comment but did refer journalists to an article on the importance of conscience in matters of faith, apparently a cornerstone of that church's belief.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Luxis » Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:46 am

Mordusians reject the 'center,' Socialists and Fascists take lion's share of the vote

With losses for both Alliance Res Publica and the Republican People's Party, Mordusians issued strong rebukes to the 'centrist' parties that for decades have provided the basis for compromise and coalitions, though this has had its exceptions over the years. Party leaders within Alliance Res Publica are scrambling after its been discovered the electorate at large believes the party no longer hold views in favor of stronger role for the Bishopal Church in society. Party Chief Sarah Genevieve, after the party's dismal showing in the race for Chancellor, has already issued a controversial bill that would require all citizens to attend services at the official Bishopal Church in Mordusia at least once a year, failure to do so falling in line with laws concerning blasphemy.

The Federative Mordusian Socialist Party has been a staunch opponent of the market reforms that have been passed by the Fatherland Republic and Alliance Res Publica over the past few years, with everything from pensions to health care being on the chopping block in terms of slashing government spending, even amidst tepid economic growth. The Socialist Party gained the largest share of the votes and nearly achieved its first term as Chancellor, save for a last minute decision by Alliance Res Publica to throw its support in the second round behind the Fatherland Republic, a self-declared 'fascist' party that has taken to aligning itself more closely to the shifting electorate.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby robbie_1989 » Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:13 am

Republican People’s Party temporarily dissolved
RPP convention incapable of agreeing to party internal reforms

The Republican People’s Party had been under severe pressure over the past decade as the party was struggling to maintain its centre-leaning political agenda against newly formed political parties, as well facing increasing pressure from the Alliance Res Publica and the Fatherland Republic.

As the party had entered a severe crisis due to failing performance in elections, especially the elections of 3906 where the party managed to gain a meagre 10 seats in the Counsel, the party base was shocked.

As a result the party base had called for an extraordinary party convention, where the Chairman of the RPP Mr John Knox announced his resignation as the party failed to reach a minimum of 20 seats – a result that would be considered moderate, but still enough to remain a relevant force in Mordusian affairs.

While a minority of the party base called for a revision of the parties political agenda and standpoints, including on religion, a majority demanded that the party remained true to its values and maintains its current course, regardless of election performance.

Failing to agree on a revision of the parties agenda, the convention voted to immediately invoke a temporary halt of the parties activities with the clear understanding that someday it would return on the political stage of the Federal Republic.

With the termination of all activities of the Republican People’s Party an almost century long chapter in Mordusian politics comes to an end.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Theoden » Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:29 pm

Rise of the Left
October 3928

Over the past year and a half, two blocks of the left have come together and formed political parties, determined to have their say in the future political development of Mordusia. Championing the cause of the liberal left is the Mordusian National Liberal League while the Mordusia Progressive Party champions that of the progressive left. The next national election is happening in little over a year and after almost a decade of single party rule by the Fatherland Republic, the people of Mordusia will have more political variety. Both of the new Parties have been establishing their political platforms in hopes of gaining real influence in the country, but this will have to wait until the elections are complete in January of 3930.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Theoden » Fri Oct 30, 2015 1:35 pm

The People Have Spoken
February 3930

With the elections last month, the people have spoken, propelling the Mordusian National Liberal League to lead the Counsel of Mordusia with 54 seats and giving the Mordusian Progressive Party 33 seats. The next four years will show what this rise of more moderate and liberal perspectives in the Mordusian government will bring.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby zester » Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:55 am


Reports have been received today of the Leader of the Traditional Conservative Party suffering a breakdown on the floor of the Congress of Mordusia during a debate on which parties should represent the people in government.

The breakdown follows the recent election where the TCP gained the majority of seats in Congress but requires the support of other parties in order to hold a majority. Arguments from the Conservative Reform Party, which recently won the presidency of Mordusia, that there should be a government of all the parties were met with an aggressive outburst of swearing and accusations between both parties that each were acting in a dictatorial manner. Samuel L'Estrange seemed to take particular offence at being branded "insane" and went on to call the representative of the Conservative Reform Party a "f***tard". Such un-congressional language led to the leader of congress emptying the chamber to allow members of congress to calm.

When congress met again after the weekend, Michael Hildreth announced that Samuel L'Estrange had suffered a breakdown caused by the stress of the role of leader and blamed Mr. L'Estrange's inexperience. Michael Hildreth is now interim leader of the TCP and is inviting discussion and debate on the form the Mordusian Government should take and whether a cabinet of all the parties reflects the will of the people or if there should be an official government and an official opposition.

Kerry Augustine
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Chronicles of Mordusia
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Announcement of the Mordusian Alliance of the Right (MAR)

Postby zerooverzero101 » Mon May 22, 2017 5:29 am

Rechtenburg - August 4214, Sean Martin, leader of the Neoliberal Party, stepped out in front of the Neoliberal headquarters in the capital city to make an announcement. After weeks of negotiations between Johnny Park, the leader of One Mordusia, both parties are ready to announce they will be seeking a coalition. Mr. Martin had this to say about the coalition:

Mr. Park and I are pleased to announce we have reached an agreeable coalition between our two parties. The new Mordusian Alliance of the Right is a coalition to ensure the far left and socialist parties in Mordusia are kept out of power for the benefit of our people. I will not be seeking a term as President of our great nation, and I wholeheartedly support whoever Mr. Park's party runs for President. [MAR]

This coalition comes right as elections for Mordusia draw near. After the power vacuum left by the Mordusian Conservatives, parties within the Congress have been hoping for early elections, but each attempt has failed due to a lack of a quorum. The Neoliberal party, one of the newer parties in Mordusia, has been the main proponent in demanding early elections as the leaders of the party believe they can grab quite a few seats from the existing parties.

The news of the coalition has received mix feelings from members within the Neoliberal party. The Neoliberal party identifies itself as a centrist party, which takes ideas from both the left and right, but has always been staunchly against radicalism within Mordusia. When asked how a center-left Neoliberal voter felt about the new coalition, she said:

I'm uncertain about the new coalition. I became a member of the Neoliberal party when it was first founded in 4212 as I believed in its potential, but I was always a voter who disliked both the Socialist and Right parties. Mr. Park is more conservative then I would prefer. I'll have to see the other options on the table, but for now I believe in Mr. Martin's decision to form a coalition, and will vote for the One Mordusian candidate.

The Chronicle also conducted a poll with Neoliberal party voters to see what they thought of the MAR. Voters were asked which ideology they identified as, and what their opinion on the coalition was. Each ideology had equal representation in this poll:
Question: Do you approve of the new Mordusian Alliance of the Right?
31% of center-left Neoliberal voters approved, 57% disapproved, 12% had no opinion
68% of center-right Neoliberal voters approved of the coalition, 13% disapproved, 19% had no opinion
54% of the center Neoliberal voters approved of the Coalition, 42% disaproved, 4% had no opinion

Question: Will you be voting for the One Mordusian candidate for President?
55% of center-left Neoliberal voters would vote for a One Mordusian candidate, 20% would not, and 25% were undecided
89% of center-right Neoliberal voters would vote for a One Mordusian candidate, 3% would not, and 8% were undecided
62% of center Neoliberal voters would vote for a One Mordusian candidate, 16% would not, and 22% were undecided

Will the MAR be successful in the upcoming elections? It is hard to say. There are a few things to account for. The first being, the Neoliberal party has not yet been tried on the national stage, so how many votes they will receive is unknown. On top of this, even if the Neoliberal's gain a sizable amount of votes, how many will be loyal to what the Party leadership wants, and how many will simply not vote or vote for one of the other parties?
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby The Tea Party » Mon May 22, 2017 9:23 am

The Tea Party's Decision on the Right Wing Alliance

Rechtenburg, August 4214, George Busch, the President of the Tea Party has turned down the invitation to endorse One Mordusia in either rounds of the Head of State Elections. After a Congress meeting on August 15th, reporters asked him about any potential alliances with One Mordusia and here's what he had to say:

My party and I have decided that we will not be forming any coalitions with One Mordusia or the Neoliberal Party. If we want a right wing president we need more right wing candidates so that there is a higher chance of a right wing president. We have 3 Ministies currently, this gives us more power when governing and we are stronger when by ourselves. The elections are coming up and I will be running for President again. I know that the people are sick and tired of politicians talking too much and not doing anything but we have proven to the people that we are Taking Care of Business and we will continue Taking Care of Business. We know that the poor are trying to put food on their family and they are not able to do that and we will help them. When the left control Education, we must ask - is our children learning? But we control the Ministry of Education so our children is learning. But back to the question: We will not be forming any coalitions with anyone for the moment and I will run for President this election.

George Busch answering the question about forming a coalition with other parties

The Tea Party is the oldest party in government and has produced 3 Presidents and many long serving Ministers of Foreign Affairs. Polls state that they will do well in this election however the election is still a few months away. Will the Right Wing Alliance be successful or will the left secure the Presidency? Only time will tell.

Keith Boot
Mordusia Daily News
Last edited by The Tea Party on Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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December 4214 Election Results and Analysis

Postby zerooverzero101 » Tue May 23, 2017 12:31 am

After early elections were finally agreed upon, and held, the results provided a strong insight into what the people of Mordusia wanted to see from their government.

The biggest winners of the night were the Tea Party, winning 185 seats additional seats in the Congress, as well as securing the Presidency. The People's Democratic Party, and the Neoliberal party also saw gains in the legislature, winning 169 and 82 additional seats.

The Presidential Election

The first round of elections saw a close runoff between the Tea Party and the People's Democratic Party. The Tea party won around 35.6% of the vote, while the PDP won around 30.5% of the vote. The New Labour Party, One Mordusia Party, and Independent Party failed to gain a large amount of the vote with 16%, 13%, and 4.6% of the vote respectively. A big question on everyone's mind was, what went wrong with the Mordusian Alliance of the Right? In the national Congressional elections, the MAR as a whole received 15.1 million votes. Even with all these votes, the One Mordusian candidate Mr. Park wouldn't have made it to the second round, but Mr. Park only received about 8.5 million votes. This means only about 631,405 Neoliberals voted for Park.

Congressional Election
The Tea Party won a plurality of seats in the Legislature with 266/750 seats, or about 35% of Congress. Following them, the MAR coalition has a combined 173/750 seats, or about 23% of Congress. The Social Democratic parties of the PDP, New Labour, and Independent party won 169/750 (23%), 112/750 (15%), 30/750 (4%). The Tea Party has been placed in a strong position if it wants to form a Majority Coalition with the center and right parties, shutting out the leftist parties.
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