8th General Assembly Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aethan » Tue Jun 20, 2017 8:38 pm

Cynthia Amphion, Selucian Ambassador to the World Congress
I want to apologize for the long absence of my nation from this body, due to the previous isolationist governments it has had. Now Selucia is back to the game, and ready to make decisions again from its seat in this Congress.
Now, coming back to the matter, disarmament could sound good in a utopian world. We have to be down to earth. Unless all the Terran nations agree with it, and actually do it, this would leave to some dangerous situation. Plus, which nation would like to take the first step and be the first one to be totally without defenses? It is a thorny issue. Of course a world without weapons would be great, and should be an objective, but we all know there is always going to be, even if nations finally come to the total destruction of its weaponry, little terrorist groups still creating weapons and using them. That's humanity, whether we like it or not. Selucia will support any form of disarmament decision, but having in mind the for and against of every action taken.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby stuntmonkey » Wed Jun 21, 2017 1:08 pm

Isobella Descartes, Baltusian Ambassador to the World Congress:

Members of the General Assembly please take time to read a report into nuclear weapons capability I have had commissioned and which has been presented to the Security Council.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Govenor12 » Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:56 pm

Beiteynu strongly objects to thise kind of initatives. Currently, the Knesset discusses the Kind David Initative (http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=525620), which will be aimed at rebuilding the nuclear, biologcial and chemical capabilities of Beiteynu during the next 40 years under enormous costs. This also includes a new development of n-b-c artillery to make sure that such weapons can be used efficently and accurate.
We envison the use of such weapons as a fast and efficent way to end costly wars.

Ezechiel Argov, ambassador to the World Congress
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Re: General Assembly

Postby jamescfm » Fri Jun 23, 2017 8:11 pm

Shahrzad Rahija, President of the General Assembly:
With the deepest respect to you Minister Stinson, the World Congress (as you know) is not only composed of fifty member states but of opposition parties, trade unions, religious representatives and other non-governmental organisations. Therefore, you characterisation of it as a decision-making body misrepresents its true role as a forum for diplomacy and conflict resolution. Evidently, you have made clear that you do not want to pursue this particular initiative with regard to multi-lateral disarmament. Your view is that this is not desirable for Luthori at the present time. With that said, I ask that you allow those parties who do wish to pursue this objective to discuss the issue further rather than attack us for doing so. Finally, your accusations against Vanuku are clearly malicious and without reasonable evidence. Unless such evidence can be presented, I ask that you consider withdrawing them and do not repeat them.

Generally, to all representatives, I ask that you take into account the discussions we have had thus far. It is detrimental if we continue to make the same points continuously. As a chamber we have agreed that an ideal world is one free of nuclear weapons but that unilateral disarmament is dangerous. Our next question is clearly: how do we facilitate disarmament which is multi-lateral, balanced and which does not create international instability?
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Kubrick » Sat Jun 24, 2017 3:29 pm

Mister Speaker,

With all due respect, the representative from Luthori is talking utter rubbish. A message was once sent to Luthori and the Patriot government, that is correct, but this message, drafted by a minister of the now dissolved Liberal Party, simply stated that the Kingdom of Vanuku would be very interested in building a strong monarchist alliance if Luthori would return their ancient monarchy. How can that in any sane way be perceived as a threat? In fact, mister Speaker, I would accuse Luthori of threatening the Vanuku state for this is the reply we received: "I would warn your nation from challenging ours with regards the removal of our monarchy. Be very careful." If anything, I would deem that a threat. Government records also show that minister of the Patriot government further threatened to invade Vanuku and wage war on us. All in all a very saddening affair that a former great nation like Luthori has to steep as low as to a common warmongering dictatorship and attempt to lure out one of the most peaceful nations on the planet.

The Vanukean delegation sincerely hopes the World Council will take this in accord and act accordingly. Thank you.

~ Ambassador Juhn-Hannes Krlmek of the Kingdom of Vanuku.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Govenor12 » Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:08 am

"As a chamber we have agreed that an ideal world is one free of nuclear weapons"
Can the President pleaese outline on which offical resolution/vote he bases this part of his statement?

Ezechiel Argov, ambassador to the World Congress
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Re: General Assembly

Postby jamescfm » Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:24 am

Shahrzad Rahija, President of the General Assembly:
I presume you refer to me, Ambassador Argov, despite your inability to discern my gender. As I am sure you are aware, the General Assembly does not operate on the basis of resolutions or votes; the Security Council holds sole power to pass resolutions for the World Congress. In terms of the reasoning behind my statement, it is based on the response of numerous delegations.
Representatives from Trigunia, Baltusia, Kanjor and Selucia have all expressed support for the initiative we are developing. If this is not sufficient basis for the ongoing discussions, would you prefer me to seek a Security Council resolution backing disarmament?
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Govenor12 » Sun Jun 25, 2017 4:42 pm

As far as Beiteynu is concerned women belong to the kitchen, however we will adress the lady as it is apporpriate.
Members of the World Congress, so obviously there is not a majority of nations supporting this unrealistic plan but moreover there is not even a Security Council resolution. Even the Security Council cannot come to an opinion on this matter so how does the President believe that this will be the case in this chamber with participants from all over the world?
We believe that whole the idea should first be discussed when more then just four or five nations agree, since the feasability of this idea depends so much on a total global cooperation, as e.g. the repr. from Selucia has outlined. Finally, a thorough analysis of the whole proposal should be done in the security council, especially since Istalia has objected to the nuclear weapons report. So even the figures are not yet clear.

Argov, Ambassador from Beiteynu to the General Assembly
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Re: General Assembly

Postby jamescfm » Sun Jun 25, 2017 5:06 pm

Mariana Fonseca, General Secretary of the World Congress:
Ambassador Argov, you must immediately withdraw your offensive remarks or face removal from the chamber.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Cirith » Sun Jun 25, 2017 5:12 pm

James Stinson, Shadow Foreign Secretary of Luthori and Deputy Leader of the Royal Conservative Party;

Madame General Secretary, I do not agree with the comments from the Ambassador, but I question your right to deem them offensive and remove him from this Congress!
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