Kafuri Civil War

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Kafuri Civil War

Postby A Socialist » Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:24 am

Ok then, the Kafuri Civil War has officially started. All nations and parties wanting to post actions and RP in the Kafuri Civil War should do so here, as well as in a newspaper if they wish. This is a civil war between the Arab/Central Asian Communist Party of Kafuristan and the Kalopian Party of the Pro-Kalopian Dynasty. The PPKD are trying to turn Kafuristan into a Kalopian dependency and subjugate the Arab/Central Asian majority in Kafuristan. They are a fascist and imperialist party. The CPK want to keep Kafuristan in the control of its Arab/Central Asian majority, as well as keep Kafuristan independent, and mantain its own communist regime. There is also a smaller party known as the People's Liberal Action Party, who are backing the communists wholeheartedly this time, but who also hope for a future democratisation of the nation. There is a strong racial element to this conflict, with the PPKD wanting to subjugate the Arabs and Central Asians, believing the Kalopians to be a superior race, and the CPK trying to exterminate the Kalopians in revenge for their attempted conquest of Kafuristan and unjust subjugation of the Arab/Central Asian majority.


The communists start out broadly in control of Tordary, most of Pabeus, and Hiamou, except for a large pocket of Kalopian resistance in the capital city of Buneri. The PPKD start out with some of Pabeus as well as Keletia and Kuchifey. Al'Dezir in Kuchifey shall be the main port of supply for the PPKD for now, whereas Tordar Port shall be the main port of supply for the communists.
Last edited by A Socialist on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
John Hodgkins, Leader of the Nationalist Party of Kafuristan
A Socialist
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Re: Kafuri Civil War

Postby Zanz » Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:42 am

OOC: No problem.
Last edited by Zanz on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Kafuri Civil War

Postby A Socialist » Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:44 am

Zanz wrote:OOC: Image

Put this in your post to get it there, A Socialist:

Code: Select all

Thank you for that.
John Hodgkins, Leader of the Nationalist Party of Kafuristan
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Re: Kafuri Civil War

Postby Imperialistic » Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:05 am

Aleksandr Prvovenčani I, Supreme-Commander of Deltaria made an executive order, the maritime patrols in the areas of Deltaria, Kalopia and Kafuristan have been adjusted. These adjustments included the following: patrols of fully manned and armed vessels in the areas between the Ushalande Bay and the Sea of Majatran, patrols of fully manned and armed vessels in the Majatran Sea bordering the international water lines of Kalopia and Kafuristan. Non of the patrols violate the said nation's waters. However if a vessel enters the waters of a nation without consent of the governing power the vessel has either gone rogue or was set adrift. As of now the vessels were ordered to stay stationed in Deltarian waters and international waters only. Prvovenčani made a brief statement on the order, "No hostility is meant by the positioning of these vessels. The vessels are there for the protection of Deltarian waters as well as any civilian ships coming in to the Majatran Sea and the Ushalande Bay."

OOC: I figure I shouldn't need anyone's consent for this single post because it can easily be ignored.
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Re: Kafuri Civil War

Postby Proletariat » Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:36 am


Proletariat send 425.000 paramilitary of our glorious militia to help our brother in Kafuristan against fascists and capitalists and restore the communism in this country.
Our militia is a libertarian militia. We fight against totalitarism and authoritarism, from the right side but also from the left side.
So our militia can't and wan't be involved in anykind of final solution for the Kalopian people, or can't and wan't be involved in anykind of ethnic cleaning.
To our comrades in Kafuri, we can only say that the true enemy is the fascism, the authoritarism, the capitalism, the bourgeoisie and the ruling class of every colours. This words can be apply for the Right and for the Left.
We fight in this war for the freedom of the kafuri proletariat not against it. There is no difference about a Kafuri proletarian and a Kalopian proletarian. Our enemy are others.
So we have decide that if the ethnic cleaning doesn't finish, we retire our militia. Or we stay in Kafuristan and fight against the right and the left for the freedom of the proletariat.

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Re: Kafuri Civil War

Postby Imperialistic » Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:17 pm

As of this morning the Supreme-Commander of Deltaria ordered the Deltarian vessels that were previously stationed outside of Kafuri waters were to be stationed in Kafuri waters. This was all done after the Supreme-Commander contacted the Party of the Pro-Kalopian Dynasty asking for admission to Kafuri waters. The PPKD agreed that the vessels should be allowed to patrol Kafuri waters for the protection of civilian and military vessels alike.
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Re: Kafuri Civil War

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:34 pm

It seems these latest blatant actions of the communist rebels in Kafuristan have sparked quite an international concern. We acknowledge Deltaria's angelic worry over neighboring affairs, but as a representative and leader of the government of the Imperial Lands of Kalopia, I call for Deltarian vessels and all mobilized navy to stand out and remain outside Kafuri and Kalopian waters, in order to avoid sparking irrational and plausibly deadly actions with unforeseen consequences for an already troubled land.

With benevolence,
Ridikolos Aristocrat
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Re: Kafuri Civil War

Postby Imperialistic » Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:54 pm

The Supreme-Commander and Deltaria gladly acknowledges Kalopian demands. As requested by the Kalopian government, the Deltarian vessels arranged in Kafuri waters have withdrawn back to their previous state. As before the vessels are now in stations near the International-Kafuri water boundary. The vessels have strict orders not to engage Kafuri waters. Once again if a Deltarian vessel precedes in Kafuri water that it has either gone rogue or has been set adrift. Not one vessel will be violating Kalopian or Kafuri waters. The Deltarian government cannot stress enough that the vessels are to maintain peace within the Sea of Majatran.
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Re: Kafuri Civil War

Postby A Socialist » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:56 am


After the burning of Al'Jarib by the fascist Kalopian forces, Mark Lewis, leader of the CPK, immediatly came out with a video harshly condeming 'the genocidal and daemonic attack on the Kafuri people by these Kalopian monsters.' and promised that 'this heinous crime against the Kafuri workers will not go unpunished.' Indeed, the Communist Bakar made sure that the wealthy Kalopians of this nation would not forget about this crime. Despite the Communist Party responding to international pressure by condemning racial attacks against Kalopians, and claiming that 'The CPK does not hate these people because of their race, but because of their class and their actions' it was not able to control the Bakar in the immediate aftermath of the Al'Jarib attack. In many Kalopian majority neighbourhoods, Kalopian residents were hauled out and shot by Bakar detachments. However, in the most spectacular retaliation against the burning of Al'Jarib, the entire Kalopian quarter of Tordar Port was burned to the ground. Although this district was a very wealthy district in the city, with many of the residents being wealthy Kalopians gettting rich of international trade coming through the port, many still claim that the attack was not motivated by class, but by race. In response to allegations of genocide by the international community, the CPK has promised to send inspectors to the Kalopian internment camps to investigate conditions there. When asked about a Kalopian genocide in Kafuristan, a communist representative said 'read my lips: There is NO genocide going on in Kafuristan'. Nonetheless, some of the sceptical and conspiratorial voices claim that the genocide is merely being driven underground and away from the sight of foreigners. However, the communist representative said that this was 'absolute nonsense. I mean think about it, we had 12 years of single party rule where we could have exterminated all Kalopians. We didn't, what makes you think we would now?'.

In military news, the CPK, in order to avoid losing the initiative in the war to the PPKD, launched a new siege on Buneri, filled with artillery, bombers, and tanks. The situation in the capital city is looking increasingly precarious for the PPKD, and there are worries that it will be 'starved out' of the city unless a way can be found to airlift supplies into the pocket. The Communist are also launching an offensive into Eastern Pabeus in an attempt to stop the genocidal activities of the PPKD. This is mostly being driven by infantry, and is being led by foreign militiamen. So far, resistance from the PPKD has been moderate. Time will tell how much force it will choose to muster here.
John Hodgkins, Leader of the Nationalist Party of Kafuristan
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Re: Kafuri Civil War

Postby Captain-Socialist » Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:25 am

Selucian Sends First volutneer Legions into Keletia, under the command of Gaius Vettonianus

Gaius Vettonianus' speech to his men.

Our glorious Legionaries have invaded the Arab region of Keletia in order to aid the culturally superior Kalopians against the Islamic barbarians. This this only our main motive, as war is desirable if we are to keep our Dictatorship and Imperium free of decadence. War shall purify the souls of our youth and turn them into perfect Optimates. The first wave of Selucian forces consists of 240,000,000 para-militaries from Selucia and 50,000 auxiliaries from the Imperium Selucianum Imperiosus Provincia Keymonum, with the professional Armed Forces largely remaining behind to police the Imperium and offering only air and armoured support.
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