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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Arapaima13 » Tue Jul 18, 2017 7:40 pm

Les Temps Economiques
Monet the Redeemer

- GPLK make huge gains
- Looks favourite to form a government
- PUF Lead in Numineux cut drastically
- Monet praised as "the man who beat fascism"

Elouan Monet has led his party to considerable success in these elections, helping to bat back the fascist threat.

The GPLK have made huge gains within the Kanjorien Senate, after a very successful election campaign saw them double their vote, and place themselves in pole position to lead a new government into a more progressive era against fascism. Elouan Monet has been widely praised for his party's successes, and can now confidently say that the right wing shift paid off. Whilst they were unable to attain the Presidency, the GPLK have effectively prevented another fascist cabinet, in favour of a more liberal one.

The PUF prided themselves upon their strength in Numineux, however this election tested that, as the GPLK came a very close second, earning just one seat behind. This came as the party performed better in four out of the five States, with the only exception being La Tondelle, where they lost a singular seat. The party also gained governorship of Oléri État, which is the first time that they have controlled a State since their inception in 4232.

Meanwhile, the UPD floundered, and dropped seven seats, putting them, and also the Parti Socialist on 24 seats each. This shows a clear message that left wing politics is currently disliked within Kanjor, and that makes Monet's move seem all the more wise. By making the party appear more classical liberal than social liberal, it has helped shake off a centre-left tag that we can now see was the reason for the dramatic failings of the last election.

This election will be hailed as the first electoral success for Elouan Monet, who has managed to turn a party in crisis around in less than three years. Despite being an outsider going into the leadership election, he successfully defeated Tobie Moineau, and has been on the up since then. He became the first ever right wing politician to speak at the Socialist's Rally, and was the main opposition to the government throughout its Ministry. Consequently, it can only be him that this success is attributed to. His vocal opposition has won him supporters from both sides of the spectrum, and that has resulted in the GPLK's best result in terms of percentage of votes.

After the election, Elouan Monet spoke in front of an excited and jubilant crowd in Soulon:

People of Kanjor what a day we have had! Our rise has shown that people are sick and tired - even after just two-and-a-half years - of fascism. They do not want a totalitarian government. They want a government that offers them choice, freedom and expression. A government that allows them to make their own way in life. A government that wants to protect everyone - regardless of differences such as sexual orientation.

The PUF have been abominable, but I am glad to say that this should no longer remain the case. I have already initiated conversation between other parties,
and I am confident that they will share our vision to oust this fascist party. I will press for widespread national and international reform, and return Kanjor to the great nation it was.

You have spoken. You want civil rights. You want freedom. Well I promise you now: you shall get those things under a GPLK government. You shall get prosperity under a GPLK government. I promise to instigate globalism and capitalism. I promise to instigate protective measures that help the most marginal within our society. I promise to instigate action that cuts down on the economically and socially negative trade unions. I promise to deliver what this party believes in - and what you voted for.

I thank you sincerely for voting for us - I promise we will not let you down. God Bless You and all the People of Kanjor! Goodnight!
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Zanz » Fri Jul 21, 2017 5:42 pm

Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Arapaima13 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:47 pm

Les Temps Economiques
Monet Places Navy on Standby and warns that "No Istalian Ship Will be Allowed in Our Waters"

- Several Ships deployed in the Silliers Channel
- Monet also announces large armament project, which will see "Kanjorien Military Influence Grow"

Several ships have been deployed across Kanjorien waters to escort any Istalian ship out of our territory.

The Prime Minister today placed all Navy personnel on standby, in light of the recent bill within Istalia to create a blockade around Vorona. This move also follows controversial former Rildanorian Foreign Minister, Cyrillic Rodier speaking out about the possible Istalian Fleet's course which would most likely have to travel through Kanjor's waters, as well as Kanjor's close allies, Rildanor.

Already several of our Navy's finest ships have been deployed to patrol the Silliers channel. Several more have been placed around the Southern side of the La Tondelle Isle. Meanwhile all other personnel have been called to standby as the Kanjorien government remains adamant that no Istalian ship will be allowed to enter its waters despite the cost. The Kanjorien Navy has a long and distinguished History. With much of Kanjor bordering the sea, a strong Naval tradition has built around the nation, and despite not having the same capabilities as some of the Istalian ships, the spirit of the personnel has always been very high, and a strong addition to our Navy.

In a speech that he is set to deliver to the Senate, in which he will fill in for the currently vacant role of Defence Minister, Monet states the need to stand up to aggressive nations, and that having a strong military will help achieve that:

Naturally, in light of recent actions taken by the Istalian government, I believe it is imperative for us to make sure that our Military is up to date,
and ready to take on anyone. It is about time that Kanjor finally has some say in world affairs, and whilst I fully commit to expanding this through diplomatic relations with other nations, having a strong military force is also needed to increase our presence. Indeed, Kanjorien military influence must grow to see us become the world power we strive to be.

Therefore, I promise to this Senate now, that within a decade, Defence Spending will increase to 150 billion Kanjorien Rupees. This will be achieved by privatising healthcare, education, and infrastructure, to create a faster flowing economy, and thus meaning government funding can be allocated elsewhere.
I believe that this move will help show the world that we are serious in our ambition of growing into an important and influential nation.

In regards to current affairs, I can confirm that I have placed our Navy on standby, with ships being deployed around La Tondelle Isle. I am adamant when I say that no Istalian ship will be allowed in our waters. Any move to do this will be treated as an act of aggression against our nation, and in violation of our jurisdiction over our waters.
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Arapaima13 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 6:04 pm

Les Temps Economiques
Kazulia sends Advisers to help Kanjorien Military Training

- Kanjorien Troops to be trained by Kazulian Trainers
- Cooperation against Istalia is "imperative"
- Kramer says that Kanjorien troops should be "honoured" to work alongside such highly trained Professionals

Foreign Minister, Laban Kramer has said that Kanjor's armed forces should feel "honoured" to work alongside the advisers Kazulia are sending. The move, which will help the army increase their levels of professionalism, and technical and practical training, comes during times of further tensions between the Canrillaise nations and Istalia.

Kazulian advisers from across the ground forces, navy, and air forces will be sent during the advisory period, which will see the Kanjorien troops subjected to many training methods within Kazulia in order to create a more stable, and professional military.

Despite Istalia's current withdrawal of the intention to place an Aeronaval blockade around Vorona, and claims from the country that the ships working within this blockade were currently located in Baltusia, Kramer confirmed today that the government has still refused to lift the block upon Istalian ships passing through the Silliers Channel. He said that cooperation with Kazulia can help make this a much more effective operation, and can help boost Kanjor into a strong and powerful nation.

He also spoke about the furthering of relations between the two nations, saying that it would be a privilege to further work alongside Kazulia in order to help defeat this looming Istalian threat.

I am pleased to announce that our troops will be receiving training and assistance from advisers sent from Kazulia. It is a privilege to work alongside such a great nation, and I would be delighted should this move blossom into further friendship between our two nations. Right now, we are both of the agreement that Istalia is a menace and a danger to the sovereignty of individual nations and the people who vote in their own governments. Through this adversity, I hope that we can stand side by side to help overcome this Istalian threat.

Regarding the President's decision to stand their military action down, I am full of great jubilation. Despite this, I can confirm that patrolling of the Silliers Channel will remain active, and all Navy personnel shall remain on standby. We will continue our policy of turning away any Istalian ship that enters our territory. Our cooperation with Kazulia will help us achieve this. Indeed, our soldiers should be honoured to work alongside their advisers, and should take note about their professionalism and dedication.

Prime Minister Laughs Aside Criticism from Rildanorian President
- Says that the President does not speak for her people
- Calls upon winner of upcoming election to take a hard line approach to "entitled" Istalia
- Endorses the Front Nouveau Canrillaise

Elouan Monet has laughed off criticism from the Rildanorian President, and has claimed that she doesn't represent the views of the Canrillaise people. Speaking in front of a packed press room, Monet told the media that he was flabbergasted how such an anti-Rildanorian candidate could have been elected President of Rildanor.

Monet also spoke about the upcoming election, triggered by the dissolution of the President's own party, and called upon all Rildanorian parties to stand up to Istalia and continue to push for their position on the Security Council. In particular, he said that the FNC were a strong example of a party that wanted to stand up for Canrillaise culture, and that he was of the opinion that they would provide the most secure future for Rildanor.
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Arapaima13 » Sun Jul 23, 2017 7:48 pm

Les Temps Economiques
Kramer: "Embargoes have failed. It is time to talk."

- Kanjor pulls out of Vorona Embargo
- Foreign Minister says military action from any nation is unjustified
- Labels Blockade supporters as "war mongers"

Kanjor's Foreign Minister Laban Kramer, was critical of those who support a blockade within his speech at the Foreign Ministry.

Kanjorien Foreign Minister has made a major speech on Kanjor's policy towards Vorona today, as he decided to pull the country out of the current embargo imposed by many nations world wide for Vorona's decision to legalise the slave trade. Whilst Kramer maintained that Kanjor in no way supported the slave trade, he said that the only way any solution would be reached is through a policy of talking rather than sanctions or military action.

Kramer was also very critical of those who support military action, with the proposal of a blockade continuing to ruminate throughout many legislatures, despite the Istalian government's decision to shelf the plan for the time being. He labelled those pressing for the blockade as "war mongers" and was adamant that conflict was not the way to resolve the matter.

He also spoke that he had been in contact with the Foreign Minister of Vorona, and that he was informed him that Kanjor was going to draw up an economic arrangement between the two nations. Kramer argued that the other nations were being too narrow minded, and that acting like "grownups", a term that he also used when delivering a statement to the Mordusian government, and talking would be the best way to calm a crisis that has been building up for years now.

Laban Kramer speaking:

Today, I can announce that Kanjor will be permanently suspending all sanctions that we previously had on Vorona. The Foreign Ministry understands that this move may prove controversial, however we believe that sensible discussion, rather than threats are needed in order to come to a resolution between all represented within this crisis.

This is in no way a condoning of slavery. We have made clear on many occasions, including to the World Congress that we do not accept slavery. However we need to look at the full context here, something that has not really been done so far. The current government have not supported slavery, they have just said that they will not ban it. In truth, should the international community have wanted to take military action, they should have done it during the regime where slavery was introduced. The fact is that the international response has not helped change the fact that slavery is still legal in Vorona. We need reasonable and sensible talk and implementing sanctions is not the way to go about doing it.

As for those who want military action, they are simply war mongers. In who's world is creating a blockade going to help? The truth is that we all need to start behaving like grownups. Right now, countries such as Istalia are being incredibly childish over the matter. They are being incredibly reckless, especially within the current political climate; they are playing with fire, and attacking Vorona in such a manner will just bring Terra closer to a situation we really do not want to be in.

It is also really interesting how people continue to switch sides on the sovereignty issue whenever it suits them best. People who lambasted the Security Council's Resolution 23 - quite rightly it must be said - are now saying that we must sanction and attack a democratically elected government because of their polices. This is hypocrisy, and to see it on this level of politics, in international politics, is really rather disturbing.

I want us all to be optimistic about dealing with this circumstance. That is why I can announce that I and Finance Minister, Thaïs Bettencourt, will from today be drafting up an economic agreement between our nation and Vorona, in the hope of former closer ties with the nation. Mr Baum, their Foreign Minister told me that many nations have not even been bothered to contact Vorona regarding the issue. Well let us pave the way for them to do that, by showing that Vorona is still open for dialogue, regardless of what is happening.

Finally, I would like to let other countries know that Kanjor urges them to reconsider their position regarding Vorona. I want you to ask yourself if sanctions have actually made any difference, except causing many innocent Voronan citizens go hungry? We now need to be talking with Vorona and treating them as we would any other country. Let us behave responsibly. Embargoes have failed. It is time to talk. Thank-you very much.
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Arapaima13 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:22 pm

Les Temps Economiques
Kramer: "Vorona Has Given the World Congress a Massive Kick up the Backside."

- Kramer comments on Vorona slavery U-turn
- Says the dupe has made the World Congress look useless
- Adds to calls that the WC should be reformed

Foreign Minister, Laban Kramer, was very critical of the World Congress - and the leading nations.

Kanjorien Foreign Minister, Laban Kramer has commented Vorona's meteoric u-turn on its slavery policy, choosing to attack the lack of effectiveness of the World Congress with a new found ferocity. This move comes as growing pressure mounts on the World Congress, with many calling upon major reform of the organisation.

Part of this must be attributed to the current anti-Istalian sentiment that is ruminating throughout Terra. As the nation is such a large influence to the World Congress, it has take a large share of the blame - whether this be fair or not. The Kanjorien government have been one of the loudest advocates against Istalia over the last fifteen years - sharing attacks with Kazulia and Rildanor.

This attack today is the latest condemning of the current international establishment by many who feel underrepresented. Yet the severity of the comments really show the magnitude of the situation, and how the tensions are reaching a critical, and potentially dangerous climax.

Kramer has in particular made his latest move in context of the u-turn conducted by Vorona. Whilst many will question his lack of criticism for Vorona, he wants to make transparent the failings of a poorly conducted Assembly. By prioritising his criticism upon the Congress, he is jumping onto a bandwagon which includes a variety of nations and parties from across Terra. Clear examples include Dorvik.

In the television interview, Kramer said:

Vorona has most certainly given the World Congress a massive kick up the backside. It has duped the bureaucratic organisation no end, and it is most amusing to see it try to scramble together a response. In all honesty, it does show the hopelessness of the organisation, and how it cannot stand up to those who stand in its way. To be honest, the WC should be embarrassed.

The main reason that this organisation has failed, in my opinion, is due to the leadership. At the top we have had some weak leaders, only really out for their own gains. The obvious example here would be Istalia. If the WC began doing more for the whole for Terra and less for Istalia, then we might see it be able to achieve something.

But for this to happen, we need real reform to the WC. We are going to need to get a few heads together, and fix the issue we have now. And that is going to take everyone to achieve. From Istalia to Vorona. If we cannot reach a change of some variety, the scandalous nations at the top of the WC will continue to make decisions that negatively impact our world.
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Arapaima13 » Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:11 pm

Les Temps Economiques
I&F Minister Challenges Monet for the Leadership!

- Calls upon a return to the centre ground
- Says social liberalism should be championed above economic liberalism
- Proposes official factions within the party

The three candidates aiming to end favourite Prime Minister Monet's tenure. They are (top left) Gustave Cormier, (top right) Tobie Moineau, and (bottom) Lesly Bettencourt.

The Infrastructure and Transport Minister, Gustave Cormier has announced his decision to challenge Elouan Monet for leadership of the GPLK, as growing unrest amongst the more liberal Senators causes many to speak out against the current Prime Minister. Although it is likely that Cormier will lose the contest, due to Monet's large popularity within the party, and endorsement of major cabinet officials including Bettencourt and Kramer, the I&F Minister will certainly gain support from those who disagreed with Monet's move to the right after the resignation of Edmond Lambert.

Gustave Cormier based his platform over a more overarching government, with some economic intervention on top of the small social intervention that is currently a key party policy. He argued that a truly free market required rules that allowed competition to occur, and small businesses to prosper, and promised that he would be the Prime Minister of Small Businesses, should he get elected.

Speaking in front of his supporters within the Senate, Cormier also suggested the need for official groups within the party - saying that it would otherwise be unpractical to hammer out conflicts between the liberal and the libertarian sections of the party. Although several Senators have claimed to be part of unofficial groupings of these two factions, Cormier's election would see the two groupings of GPLK Senators made proper.

Whilst Cormier cannot claim to have support from major Cabinet Officials, he does have the backing of several lower Cabinet Members, including Georges Trudeau (defence), Guo Zhelan (food & agriculture), and Elodie Duchemin (trade & industry). Duchemin in particular has been a strong advocate for the election of a more liberal candidate, and was seen as a way of appeasing the liberal wing of the party, when positioned by Monet in 4240.

The Prime Minister gave a short statement about the affair, commenting that he welcomed the opportunity to further his leadership credentials, and that he had every confidence that he would be victorious. He also dismissed the factions idea, as well as warning cabinet ministers that their positions could be at risk should they decide to back Cormier:

Naturally, I feel a little let down by my fellow cabinet members. We are all part of the same party - and this sort of infighting will not do. Having said that, I look forward to furthering my leadership with a victory. Whilst cabinet ministers obviously will not lose their positions before the next election as we would not be able to pass through a cabinet proposal, they would be obviously dropped from the bench should they decide to back Cormier.

Meanwhile, Cormier spoke about the opportunity for a fairer Kanjor under his leadership:

In truth, we must accept the fact that government responsibility and regulation is required for a functioning nation. A complete state of deregulation within the economy will inevitably lead to an economic crash. Whilst I stress that I am confident laissez faire policies are the most beneficial for all citizens of this nation, and indeed Terra, the irresponsibility of Monet's style of capitalism means that the poor will often miss out.

That is why I want to propose a fairer version of the GPLK's vision of a free market economy. I want an economy that truly works for everyone, and that talks sense for members of the working class, middle class, and upper class. I want a party that fights for more healthcare regulation, and I want a party that wants to give equal opportunity at schools. Now, I am not arguing for the nationalisation of these sectors, but I am arguing of further government control in order to provide the best care possible.

The interesting factor is that the election is open to any Senator who can receive more than 5 endorsements from the GPLK Senators. Consequently, old timer of the GPLK, Tobie Moineau is running again, as is the sister of Thaïs Bettencourt and Executive of le Comité d'Ardoise (the GPLK's backbench committee), Lesly Bettencourt. Although running at the expressed discontent of the CdA, Bettencourt has received support from Ilonna Bessette and Jade Suchet, both of the cabinet. Consequently, we could see a surprise, and neither of the main candidates take victory. Whilst this appears out of the question, a good performance from Lesly Bettencourt could see her feature in the next cabinet.

The election will be held and results will be announced in early September, later this year. The nature of the election will see the Senators vote for candidates until two are left, whereby a vote will be held between the 345,000 strong GPLK membership.
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Arapaima13 » Mon Jul 31, 2017 11:23 am

Les Temps Economiques
Monet Storms to Victory

- Says victory is a rejection of leftism within the party
- Sacks those who supported Cormier
- Calls upon Party Members to remember Lambert's core values

The Prime Minister has stormed to an overwhelming victory against Gustave Cormier in the GPLK eadership election, in what was seen as a battle between the social and economic liberalists within the party. Following the result, Monet sacked Gormier, Zhelan, Trudeau, and Duchemin from his cabinet, in what has been seen as a purge upon the social liberal faction of the party. The leader of the GPLK also praised Moineau who stepped down from the leadership contest to support Monet, despite looking set to take second place in the vote.

The sister of current the current Finance Minister, Lesly Bettencourt, had a poor result, only receiving six votes from her fellow Senators. This puts her position as executive of le Comité d'Ardoise in serious doubt, as many of the Senator's believe that she should not have run whilst holding this executive position. The Vice Executive, Senator Esther Livremont has today called a vote of no confidence to be held by the Executive Committee with the exception of Bettencourt in order to decide her future.

The results are as followed:

Round 1 (Senators Only):

Elouan Monet: 20
Tobie Moineau: 10
Gustave Cormier: 8
Lesly Bettencourt: 6

Round 2 (Senators Only):

Elouan Monet: 24
Tobie Moineau: 11 (Pulled Out)
Gustave Cormier: 10

Round 3 (Whole Membership):

Elouan Monet: 76.5% (263,925 votes)
Gustave Cormier: 23.5% (81,075 votes)
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Arapaima13 » Tue Aug 01, 2017 3:43 pm

Les Temps Economiques
New Frigates Shown off by Kanjorien Navy

- Villiers Class the nation's best ships yet
- Plans for more to be built in the future
- Unveiling comes as tensions refuse to disappear


The Government of Kanjor has today unveiled the new Villiers-Class frigates after their four year building programme, as part of its dedication to restoring Kanjor as a major military influence in Terra. The three ships are a statement of intent from the government, however, with a new defence report scheduled within the Senate in a few days time, this can surely only be the beginning of militarisation for Kanjor.

Each of the ships completed a small journey out into the Silliers Channel from their building point in la Tondelle. They will soon frequent that channel as the government has still not called a halt to the patrolling of the Channel, though in the announcement made by temporary Minister of Defence, Gaétan Sarkozy, Istalian ships will now be granted passage through following an inspection.

The building of the ships cost a total of 2.6 billion Kanjorien Rupees. This saw the government go over their target of 2.4 billion (800 million per ship). In the finance report, the extra 200 million KRP was mainly placed so to finish construction for the original date set out.

What we are all watching for now, however, is the upcoming defence spending review, which should outline the new government targets on this militarisation. Though the navy is thought to get priority again, this review should also include increases to the army's and airforce's numbers and equipment. This comes several years after Monet said that he wanted to increase Kanjorien influence through increasing the military budget to 150 billion KRP - something that has not yet been achieved.

The building of these vessels comes in the backdrop of heightened tensions within Terra, with Kanjor at the forefront of the resistance against Istalian imperialism. With Istalia having a very strong military presence, it is quite clear that Kanjor feels the need to protect itself from a very dangerous enemy, and this move will only help in achieving that.

Below is the temporary defence minister speaking:

I am pleased to announce that these frigates will help create the backbone of our new, modern navy. They are the first in our plan to rejuvenate our military, and many more plans shall be released in the upcoming review. These aims shall then be tackled following the election, with a massive injection of funding into defence to see us achieve that 150 billion promise we made for 4250 should we get a strong enough mandate from the voters.

To see the bill granting the construction of these ships back in 4246, click the link below:
http://classic.particracy.net/viewbill. ... lid=530911
Last edited by Arapaima13 on Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kanjor Times

Postby Arapaima13 » Tue Aug 01, 2017 6:23 pm

Les Temps Economiques
Large Military Spending Announced

- Major increases to personnel
- Sees Villiers-Class Frigate Progamme completed
- Shows off Kanjor's determination to militarise

The new defence programme sees the building of ten new Belfort-Deims Class Jets; the secondary jet in the Kanjorien military.

The Kanjorien Government has today released its vision on the further rearmament of the nation. Following the introduction of three new frigates, a few days ago, the Government has announced its plans to help expand and improve the military within the next five years. The 4.2 billion Kanjorien Rupee plan covers a wide aspect of the military, including all three branches, and sees funding allocated to the construction of more equipment, vessels, and aircraft, as well as the developing of the training received by the members of each military branch.

It has been the outlook of Kanjor since Elouan Monet made it his target after gaining the role of Premier Ministre in 4243. Whilst Monet retains that a diplomatic project to extend influence is crucial, he is adamant that the militarisation of Kanjor will help protect it and exert influence over its enemies. This is especially prominent in the fact that Kanjor has played a large role in recent international affairs - being one of the main voices in the push against Istalian imperialism.

The project's most ambitious spending outlay is the purchase of a further three Frigates, currently the most powerful ship within the Kanjorien Navy. These are set to replace the current Atyr-Class, which will be pulled out of service in 4255. Interestingly, the government has said that it will be able to purchase these vessels at a cheaper price than before. This may be due to an agreement reached between the government and the unnamed supplier that it has commissioned to build these ships. However, it could also suggest that supply is increasing of military equipment and vessels, pointing rather frighteningly at the prospect of conflict between two or more nations, should the tensions burst.

The temporary Defence Minister, Gaétan Sarkozy, announced these proposals in a statement delivered to a full Senate. This is undoubtedly one of the biggest government announcements in several years, and Senators from all parties were keen to listen to the plan Sarkozy had laid out at the request of his Prime Minister, Elouan Monet.

Defence Minister, Gaétan Sarkozy, addressing the Senate about the details of the Government Defence Programme, April 4250.

Our fully funded plan sets out a reasonable increase in our nation's defence programme. No one can deny that currently, we do not have a strong a military as some of the nations that we have recently sparred with in the World Congress. Many of those nations in particular have been very vocal in their threat of military conquest in other parts of the world, and for that reason, I feel it necessary to protect our nation through a significant investment in our nation's military.

To give Senators a brief overview of the programme, of which I am sure they will take further inspection later on, this bill will see an additional 50,000 active personnel across all three branches, with 20,000 more reservists. There is also 100 million KRP for development of training and practice routines for each branch. Regarding equipment and vehicles, I can announce there will be fifty new tanks, thirteen new jets, and thirteen new ships. The costings of each different vessel, vehicle, or jet is listed in the report.

Regarding the recently unveiled Villiers-Class frigates, I can report that they are already being sent out to patrol the Silliers channel. Following the decision from Vorona's legislative body, we have decided that we should decrease the level of patrolling in the Channel. However, I must reiterate that no Istalian Naval Ship shall be permitted through until the abolition of slavery has occurred, and any attempt to do so before hand shall still remain a breach of Kanjorien sovereignty. We shall take our navy off standby following the bill's passing in Vorona.

In regards to the costings of this venture, I can inform the Senate that this will cost 4.167 billion Kanjorien Rupees. This money shall come from the currently unallocated funds in the defence budget, that were introduced by this government several years ago. Further to this, I can confirm that this government would seek to increase the defence budget further should it remain in power, and have a large enough mandate following the election in November. The bulk of the cost came from the three new frigates, each costing 733 million KRP. This naturally makes the Navy spending the largest of all three branches, with a total of 2.75 billion KRP. The army was given just shy of 1 billion KRP, whilst the Air Force received 470 million KRP.

I recognise that the spending for the Air Force is not as substantial as the other two branches. I and the Prime Minister feel it necessary to secure our two most important branches. I have however promised the Air Chief Marshal that a GPLK government would look into the acquiring of new jets following the completion of this enterprise. Whilst we do not want to look to far into the future, for we cannot accurately predict the future political and military climate, I would like to think that this would be the first of several increases to the Kanjorien army over the next several decades. Certainly, a GPLK government will continue to help strengthen Kanjor into the mighty country that it used to be.

The overall aim of this military spending increase is to see Kanjor reformed into a global influence regarding both its military and economy. Military spending helps provide jobs, and boost the economy, so we feel that this move is beneficial to achieve both these aims. Consequently, our citizens will be both economically, and militarily more secure and safe - and this is, of course, the main priority of any government. Our goal undoubtedly is to increase Kanjor's position on the Economic and Military Power Lists set by the Zardic Institute of International Relations by its next release. This would be beneficial as it would act as a strong deterrence against other nations who so wished to attack our people, land, and sovereignty.

The government would hope that it would have the support of the opposition to carry out this programme, for the greater good of Kanjor. Naturally, we hope that all of our upgrades only need be used as a deterrent, yet it is critical to have the right equipment, training, and vessels in place should a nation put our country, and our citizens at risk. This is a crucial step for us to achieve that, I am glad to say that this government is doing what it should be doing to guarantee Kanjor's and Kanjorien's safety for the short and long term future.
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