Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Reddy » Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:01 am

Hezb al-Shuhada Proclaims Holy War on Federal Forces, Istalia

The Kalopian Ahmadist political party Hezb-al Shuhada (Party of Martyrs) a member of the governing February 12th Alliancehas proclaimed a holy war against the northern federal forces and their Istalian allies. The party has vowed to send hundreds of warriors into al-Najd to organise attacks against the "occupation forces" With the Kalopian government in a constitutional crisis and having withdrawn troops from al-Najd a few years back, many in Kalopia are deeply concerned by the apparent reconquest of most of al-Najd by allied federalist-Istalian forces and al-Shuhada has proudly claimed that several non-Ahmadis have volunteered to go into al-Najd under its commanders.

Propaganda poster in Malah

al-Shuhada's move is part of rising radicalisation of Ahmadis in al-Najd and Kalopia. The very idea of the mostly Hosian northern Mossavi "invading" the south and predominantly Ahmadi al-Najd is anathema to many Ahmadis in the region. Kalopia's security forces have without much poltical direction, silently continued in the country's attempts to protect al-Najd's independence in a much less conspicuous manner. Its role is now largely limited to training the ragtag al-Najd army and providing whatever limited support it can to the various Ahmadi militias, some of whom are focused on not only anti-occupation guerrilla activities but also attacks aimed at terrorising the federalist-Istalian occupiers.

Kalopia is also focused, perhaps with greater effectiveness on stirring up religious tensions through a variety of propaganda activities in al-Najd. The motivation for Kalopia no longer seems to be domination of the breakaway al-Najd but rather destabilising it enough to force out its enemies who would try to reoccupy it.
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Axxell » Sun Sep 03, 2017 2:19 pm

Election 4266: Progressive Democrats gain a supermajority while the tension with Western Kalopia increase again
Vanizelos will maintain the leadership of the party supporting its pupils, Tayyib Qatadah, as next Prime Minister

HELIOS - Difficult times to carry out the elections, especially in Al-Najd where only the 17% of the population was able to cast its vote, most part from the refugees Camps along the southern borders of Mossavi.
The PDP as expected by all the expertises collected the larger success from its foundation, gaining 61% of the seat into the Federal Congress. With the victory of the former General of the Army Erastos Damanakīs to the Presidency of the Federal Republic, Vanizelos won't be suitable to be appointed still again as First Minister, given the law which bar the Head of Government to come from the same ethnic group of the President. For this reason, Vanizelos, confirmed by the Congress of the Party to the Leadership just after the triumphal elections, already expressed his support for Tayyb Qatadah to be appointed as next First Minister.
Tayyb, already known as spokeperson of the Party into the Federal Congress, during the last electoral campaign emerged as one of the main opponent of the Hezb al-Shuhada, declared as terrorist organization and calling for all the Ahmadis which desire to be really free to profess their religion. Tayyeb expressed particularly its concerns about an ahmadi supremacist movement manoeuvred and manipulated by the Thallers and bowed to their interests, called once again Artanian invaders who will do nothing but subjugated and plagiarized the Ahmadis.
The reconquest of the last months of the western territories of Al-Najd through the successfull advance of the armored divisions and the retake of Karaniye, however, represented probably the most important political argoument of PDP, which convinced most part of the refugees from Al-Najd and the one in the zone under the control of the Federal Defence Forces in the southern State.
But in general, despite the foreign propaganda, the ties between all the rebel forces in Al-Najd with the Thallers has made largely decrease the support for separatist and wantunian nationalistic feelings.
The main region of the Wantunian ethnicity in fact has been simply destroyed, the land owners of the plateau, especially in the west of Al-Najd, saw their lands and crops destroyed, many tribes which desired a more democratic exploitement of the oil fields in the eastern region were disappointed by the hierarks of the Wantunian Republic, a militarized entity lead by few powerful wantunian war lords that are favouring only their family and who have been accused to have prioritizing their own affairs. The retirement of the Western Kalopian forces furthermore disappointed also those who supported the Thallers.
Vanizelos, finally, in these last days as First Minister, after the statements made by Western Kalopia on the possible reprise of the hostilities, reaffirmed that any attempt to send troops in Al-Najd, still a sovereign territory of the Federal Republic, will be considered as a declaration of war.
Furthermore, he announced that after dialogues into the Majatran Alliance, Istalia, that recently sees the thaller internal thread desappear, plagued by the reaction of the Istalian Justice, is ready, after the next elections, to promote an Emergency Found of the Alliance to support the efforts of the Federal Republic, but that Eastern Kalopia and Istalia are also committed to approach Deltaria to find diplomatic solution with Eastern Kalopia, making confince in the more moderate Thallerist Government in Majatra.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby cm9777 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:51 am

Deltaria calls for Peace Negotiations

Neighbouring Nation, The Deltárska Ríša has called for formal peace negotiations to be made and has invited all relevant leaders to the Deltarian Capital of Čachtice to hold a peace conference. The intention is for delegates from all involved nations to draft a peace treaty to resolve the situation. Tamás Gergely the Deltarian Foreign Minister as well as Cisár Szőke Norbert I Von Thaller have invited all parties involved. They have asked each party to send a delegation of not more than 5 representatives to help draft the treaty. As part of the conference, an official ceasefire would be enacted while the negotiations are taking place.

Invited Parties include a delegation from the following
The Confessional Republic of Kalopia
The Federal Republic of Kalopia-Watumi
The Republic of Istalia
The Majatran Republic of al-Najd

OOC: I don't know who rp's the smaller Kalopian Nations but I'd expect whoever does to represent them.
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Reddy » Mon Sep 04, 2017 7:55 pm

Kalopia: Reunification Not Peace Talks

Kalopian Foreign Minister Ret. Lt.Col Wolfgang von Redditz has rejected the offer of peace talks and instead asked for a "reunification discussion". Von Redditz said that the current violence in al-Najd was caused by one thing - the division of Kalopia and as such it could only be ended by the reunification of the country under the leadership of the west. He called on Istalia to use its influence on "Mossavi" (referring to the Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni) and ensure the restoration of peace in central Majatra. He warned that the conflict in al-Najd was radicalising Ahmadis everywhere and that countries like Istalia could soon feel the violent effects of this at home. The al-Najd Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah al-Razama has however signified interest in the proceedings but laid down recognition of the Majatran Republic of al-Najd as the minimal precondition for talks.

The recent easing of the embargo has restored some vigour to the Kalopian economy and some of the worst shortages in food and medicine have been alleviated. The Government is also better able to protect its interests in al-Najd and has now apparently resigned itself to sending aid through the Ahmadist Hezb al-Shuhada party which is believed to have sent as many as 800 fighters by now to al-Najd. It also retains a considerable number of security officers in the country, organising propaganda and training fighters. These join hundreds of volunteers from Kalopia which the Government has ignored, perhaps even encouraged on to al-Najd. The northern half of al-Najd is back under the control of allied federalist-Istalian forces and only the southern bits remain free. The focus for Eleopolis is no longer on keeping al-Najd free but rather making the federalist-Istalian occupation so unpleasant that they will be driven to abandon al-Najd.

According to Dr. Genzi Papademos from the Central Majatran Policy Institute, Eleopolis is pursuing a "if I can't have her, no one else can" strategy in al-Najd, ready to drive the total destruction of al-Najd as long as it weakens the northern half of the Federal Republic and hurts Istalia as well. This according to Papademos is an extremely short-sighted strategy as any radicalism coming out of al-Najd will primarily affect Kalopia in the long run. Yet it is too politically convenient for Archon Bej Fisnik who is still channeling nationalist sentiment as a force to acquire political legitimacy.
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby cm9777 » Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:35 am

Deltaria: If everyone agrees to it

Deltarian Foreign Minister Farkas Jakab said that the precise nature of the talks could be open ended and said that any such talks could go wherever they want. Jakab insisted that a Delegation from all invited nations should arrive for a discussion.

Whether it be peace talks or reunification talks, we should all discuss it together on neutral ground in Deltaria. We urge Mr Von Redditz to reconsider his position.
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Axxell » Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:02 am

Qatadah: "Ready to talk about retourn to the status quo, no re-unification! Never under the rule of some Thallerist and no recognition for their puppet state!"
Helios's Government responded to the Deltarian proposal by agreeing to find itself in Deltaria but also set serious limits completely rejecting those that were considered absurd and irrational requests by the Western Kalopia Government

HELIOS - While the northwest border is massively strengthened and the Federal Republic's forces besieged the coastal city of Kursi, the newly formed Government under Tayyib Qatadah's responded to the Deltarian government's invitation to start peace negotiations.
Both Helios and Romula had appealed to the Allied Government of Čachtice to find a mediation channel that was in dialogue with Western Kalopia in order to resolve the desperate situation of the Al-Najd conflict.
Qatadah, however, has reacted quite hard to the recent statements of the Western Kalopian Government and above all to his requests, judging them as unacceptable, irrational and absurd, and extremely dangerous and insensitive to the situation in Al-Najd.
These are the words of the Federal Prime Minister:

The conditions presented by the Government of Eleopolis are simply unacceptable! Reunification? It would be better to say "subjugation"! The Federal Republic has absolutely not intention to leave its citizens under the rule of a dictature still heavily influenced by the Thallers, under militaristic control, a "confessional" republic... what is it a confessional republic? A segregation regime to discriminate this or that ethnicity? I have seen how much are "democratic" in Western Kalopia, pushing the Ahmadis to clash against the other ethnicity, only to reduce the force of the TRUE Kalopians and the TRUE Wantunians and take even more power.
We present today our conditions:
- cut of all the support and retire of all the foreign fighters from the Federal State of Al-Najd by part of Western Kalopia
- stop of any support for the rebel forces of the so called Wantunian Republic of Al-Najd
- stop of any support for other rebel radical organizations
- stop to any claims about reunification or sovereignty issue: the Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni is and will remain a sovereign and free nation
The Federal Republic have to accept nothing and have to do nothing! Our territory has been occupied, conquered and destroyed! Al-Najd is a Federal State of the Federal Republic, the Wantunian Republic only a terroristic organization created by the Thallers to destroy us. Only this!
Western Kalopia is not negotiating, it is threatening to adop even more dirty tactics if their demand would be not accepted. They want to act like terrorists? Well, we're not used to deal with terrorists.
After all this scandal, we give to Western Kalopia 2 months to retire its bastards from Al-Najd, to cut any support for rebels in Al-Najd and to declare officially no more threat for the Federal Republic.
Two months, or the Thaller will be kicked out from ALL Kalopia with the fire and the blood!

Following Qatadah's hard and sharp declarations, which was followed by the general mobilization of all defense reserves, came the ones from the Romula Government, who by the voice of the Outgoing Foreign Minister said:

We thank the Deltarian Government for its availability, but how to deal with people who fuel destruction, terrorism and suffering only for their own little interests of power? How to deal with those who claim to threaten the most ignorant retaliation? West Kalopia is not in the position to claim a good deal! Istalia has pledged to alleviate the sanctions, but in the light of recent statements, we are ready to declare Western Kalopia a nation that supports and finances international terrorism, reinstating full sanctions and even taking further action.
In the light of this madness, in the light of this shameful behavior, Istalia can only go back on its footsteps and proceed without delay to assist Helios to crush foreign forces in the south of the Federal Republic and if Eleopolis will not end up threatening peace and stability of our allies, sanctions will kneel that regime until it is overwhelmed by the despair of its own people.
At Deltaria's Government, today we say this: you have proved to be definitely a different kind of duck, you have demonstrated moderation, rationality and comprehensibility, so I invite you to look and resume who is acting as a criminal terrorist and above all I invite you to reflect on how much can Deltaria benefit from communing with such nations, really Deltaria wants to risk going to a nation that supports international terrorism? I do not think so! So, for the sake of peace in Majatra, we invite Deltaria to analyze what will be right for itself, for its image and for its future into a Majatra who dies between sanctions and terrorism and it's only a threat for the world, or a Majatra that grows and develops in peace and harmony.

The Romula and Helios Governments therefore clearly point to a full return of the status quo, rejecting any claim of Eleopolis and inviting Deltaria to put in line what has become a military dictatorship in all respects, the shadow of a regime in decline that some man of power is trying to keep afloat for dreams of glory and wondrous interests: in this regard, Istalian Intelligence seriously fears the constant action of a world's Thallerist undersea terrorist movement for which he has already decided that he will seek measures Security Council, where, probably, Istalia will push to reinstall the sanctions against Western Kalopia if it will decide to proceed on its own way.
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Reddy » Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:09 am

Fisnik-Von Redditz Note

Kalopian Foreign Minister Ret. Lt.Col Wolfgang von Redditz has proposed a reunification plan to the parties involved in the Istalian conflict. The plan has been received with cautious optimism by all of the parties involved, with mediator Deltaria and Istalia expressing signs of approval. The plan known as the '"Fisnik-Von Redditz note" propose the reunification of Kalopia's three states in a confederation. al-Najd would be reabsorbed into the eastern Federal Republic of Kalopia-Wantuni and the two Kalopias would unite under a weak confederal government while the two states would keep most of their functions as they currently are. In return Western Kalopia will "take all possible steps to ensure a return to stability in al-Najd" The note, if accepted, will end the 49 year division between the eastern and western halves of Kalopia.

Razamid Peace Prize

Wantuni oil magnate Prince Baibars al-Razama has announced the creation of a international Prize - the Razamid Peace Prize which is to be awarded to all individuals who have advanced the cause of the peace and stability in Terra. The winner will get a sum equivalent to 1 million LOD. A 7 member committee will be responsible for picking the winner while the Razamid family will fund the operations through a trust set up for that purpose.
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby cm9777 » Wed Sep 06, 2017 8:16 am

Deltaria Supports Reunification Talks

Deltarian Foreign Minister Farkas Jakab stated that he was satisfied with the plan known as the Fisnik-Von Redditz note and has reiterated the invite to all parties to hold a meeting in Deltaria to finalise the conditions.
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby Axxell » Wed Sep 06, 2017 9:29 am

Qatadah on the confederation proposal: "It is an interesting proposal, we are ready to sit on the table of negotiation but one point should be clear: no more support for terrorists and foreign fighters!"
Recent improvement of the relations with the rulers of the Wantunian Republic to face the foreign fighters threat and the mediation of Istalia and Deltaria reinforced the hopes for a peace agreement

HELIOS - The President of the Republic Damanakīs intervened directly summoning the Prime Minister to talk about the recent proposal presented during the peace negotiation in Deltaria, the so called Fisnik-Von Redditz Note.
The proposal in fact comes after the conclusion of an important agreement established with the rebels of the south and the Federal Government after parallel dialogue carried out between Mossavi and Al-Najd.
The Federal Government and the rebels in the south in fact, convened to establish a dialogue to solve a problem which began to affect negatively both the side: the enormous numbers of foreign fighters, terrorist groups and other kind of mercenaries who, by now without side, are ravaging the south. The activity of the Foreign Raiders, how they are now called, in fact for several months are indiscriminately undermine both the Rebels and the Federal Defence forces.
Unconfirmed news report that Qatadah, which family came from Al-Najd, seems to have met with the main tribe chefs at the head of the southern rebelion after the so called "Raid of Dersaadet", an assaoult of the stronghold of the rebels by part of a "coalition of Raiders Groups" who fooled the local forces with which they were allied until recent years.
The Fisnik-Von Redditz Note furthemore pushed then Mossavi and Al-Najd to take foundamental steps to proceed for a peace agreement: Qatadah in fact proposed to the rebels the recognition of the Wantunian Republic of Al-Najd as successor of the Federal State of Al-Najd inside the Federal Republic which will recognize more authonomy to both the federal State (the Federal State of Mossavi probably will become the Republic of Mossavi). Both Mossavi and Al-Najd will maintain their own Governments with their own First Minister, buth a Central Government Council, formed by the members of the local Governments will manage the common policies lead by a Federal State Minister chosen by both the General Congress, which will be elected in part by the local parliament itself and in part by the citizens of both the Republic. The Federal State Minister and the Government Council will be responsable of the relations inside the proposed Confederation which will handle only the most important and general common policies as proposed by the Western Kalopians: foreign policy, international trade, basic common regulations, relations between the confederate members, common defence. The Wantunian Republic was pushed to accept the proposal and open to the dialogue by the assurance that the southern republic, as well as the other entities, will be able to maintain a local defensive forces. However, it is likely that this will be just a militia formed by some tribal groups exponent while regular forces will be reunited into the Federal Defence Forces with which they will partecipate to the Confederal Defence alongside the Western Kalopian Forces. But probably the most important argument for the Wantunian rebels was the promises of a joint venture between the northern and southern States for the management of the Oil activities.

Qatadah expressed then itself on the solution:

We are surprised but satisfied by the proposal from Western Kalopia, the assistance of Deltaria for the Western authorities we think it was an important factor to reach such agreement. There is still to work, but we think that we are on the right path. It is a good compromises which: will bring stability to the region, will assure to all the members of the Confederation an important degree of authonomy and we are convinced that it could be the first developement for furthermore integration. Today, all of us are conscious that a total reunification it is not possible, but the Federal Republic want to work so that could become in future a reality, in agreement with all the members and respecting our values of Democracy and respect of the basic rights.
But now, we have to solve this conflict and to do that we have to solve the most important problem and danger of this conflict: the presence of thousands and thousands of Raiders in Al-Najd. These criminals until now survived thanks to continued external aid, so, the first thing to do to improve the recent opening and dialogues is only one: these Raiders should be left alone without no more support so to be defeated, but this is a choice that doesn't depend by us.
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Re: Kalopia-Wantuni Federal Press

Postby cm9777 » Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:07 am

Official Statement by Farkas Jakab Deltarian Minister of Foreign Affairs

With the negotiation of this agreement, I no longer believe it is necessary to hold a meeting in Deltaria and invite a delegation from each nation. Instead, we should finalise an agreement and have all parties involved sign it. The Deltarian Government believes reunification via a confederation is the best option and we will continue to push for this until such an agreement is reached. I am willing to release a draft prepared by my government.

Draft Agreement

1) The Confessional Republic of Kalopia will immediately halt any support for any fighters, terror groups etc. in Al Najd and in Watuni
2) Any fighters in Al Najd and Watuni will be ordered to stand down or face arrest by local authorities.
3) Soldiers from the Istalian Army will be permitted to stay in the designated areas for a period of 5 years to enforce the agreement.
4) A United Kalopian State run by the Current Confessional Republic will be set up as a Confederation with significant local autonomy to the areas of Al Najd and Watuni
5) An Official End to Hostilities will take effect the moment the agreement is ratified by all parties.
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