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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Elf » Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:19 pm

International Democracy Watchdog Ranks Pontesia Worst Dictatorship on the Planet

Ms. Maxima is reportedly getting more accustomed to a 'free world life-style' in Istalia, in part because of her relationship to Ex-President Andreatta

ROMULA, ISTALIA - In a recent study published by well-renowned Yingdala-based Shi Yawen Institute for Democracy Studies, an institution that monitors democracy and human rights on a Terra-wide scale, Pontesia was ranked as the worst dictatorship on the planet.

The exiled leader of the Pontesian opposition wasn't late to comment:

It should come as no surprise that our government is rapidly making 'Pontesian' synonymous with 'dictatorial' and 'oppressive' for the rest of the world. Half od the civilized world look upon us with horror and disgust, and the other half views us as an international laughing stock. 'People live in caves and eat each other in Pontesia', they say, 'that is why they need an oppressive government'. That has long been the role of certain Majatran countries, but it's shameful to see Pontesia, being such a phenomenal melting pot between various great civilizations with such a glorious heritage, demoted to this role. If the government back in Campus Stella has any inch of shame in their bodies they should resign and call for new general elections, free for all organizations to participate in and monitored by international observers. It's the only thing they can do now to show any care for the Pontesian nation.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby TPPDJT » Tue Sep 19, 2017 11:08 pm

Marshal Papazian Dismisses Institute for Democracy Studies Report as "Leftist Propaganda"

Dawnstar, Campus Stella

In a televised interview with the state run "Pontesi Today" Marshal Papazian was asked about the recent study proclaiming the Sovereign Republic of Pontesia as the worst government in the world.

Interviewer: "The Shi Yawen Institute for Democracy Studies recently came out with a study implicitly stating that Pontesi is the worst government on the planet, below Kundrati. What is your reaction to this?"

Erik Papazian: "This is yet another attempt to undermine the legitimate government in Pontesi and prop up support for the Libertarian leeches in the FDP. Pontesi is a wonderful and beautiful nation with great people and an even greater leadership. In Pontesi we have cracked down on crime via tough, smart measures such as torture and permanent mutilation. If a criminal wants to commit a crime, he will pay for the rest of his life. This would have a tendency to lower crime rates, would it not? We have also moved to reduce the economic incentive to commit crimes by liberalizing the economy and encouraging free market capitalism. In the event people cannot succeed, they are well taken care of until they reenter the workforce. In essence, this study is nothing more than leftist propaganda attempting to smear order and promote radical socialist and libertarian legislation in the nations of Terra"

Interviewer: "The leader of the FDP, Ms. Augusta Maxima, recently made comments from her exile in Istalia about this report. In particular, she had this to say: "If the government back in Campus Stella has any inch of shame in their bodies they should resign and call for new general elections, free for all organizations to participate in and monitored by international observers. It's the only thing they can do now to show any care for the Pontesian nation." "Would you like to comment on this?"

Erik Papazian: "Of course. Ms. Maxima is very anxious to allow international organizations to participate in our elections, mainly because she can not win without their electoral interference and rigging. Almost half of this country voted for the National Unity Party, and I doubt this number will decrease in the elections one year from now. In short, the NUP will not allow any international organizations to monitor our elections unless they are approved by the NUP first. Regarding her early election request, I would like to tell you that the NUP has granted this request. Obviously we in the NUP voted against this. However, the handful of FDP delegates are welcome to vote yes if it makes them feel any better.

Interviewer: "I believe that this is all the time we today, Marshal Papazian. Thank you for diverting from your busy schedule to visit us."

Erik Papazian: "Of course, my pleasure."
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Zanz » Sun Oct 08, 2017 7:19 pm

Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Elf » Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:02 am

Pontesia set to improve relations with both Istalia and the Jelbosphere as Cedar Progressives take over

Alessia Jenova Aedinius, Princess of Pontesia

DAWNSTAR - After returning from her exile with her co-religionists in Barmenistan, upon taking her oath of office as Head of Government, Augusta Maxima, the leader of the Cedar Progressive Party and long-time head of the opposition against the previous regime, presented a short five-point programme for the nation's immediate future:

- Repealing all oppressive laws passed by the previous fascist regime, those against Pagans in particular, and banning the glorification of the ideology of the previous regime as incitement to terrorism.
- Restoring the Pontesian Dynastic Commonwealth and it's traditional symbols, bringing forth a renaissance for traditional Pntek culture in the framework of a pluralistic, multi-ethnic Pontesia.
- Presenting a constitutional framework which guarantees the democratic and decentralized, confederal character of the Pontesian Dynastic Commonwealth.
- Joining the Union of Jelbic Peoples and fostering good relations and cultural ties with the entire Jelbosphere, our brothers and sisters in Barmenistan in particular.
- Actively seeking closer ties with the free world, Selucia and Istalia in particular, negotiating an integration process with Selucia.

One point not future elaborated is this 'constitutional framework', as the August Senate of the Cedar Throne - as it is soon going to be known as once again - is set to reintroduce the Pontesian 'republican' monarchy under the Aedini family, who've served as the nation's heads of states in periods since 3577. The next Aedini in the line of succession is the young Alessia Jenova, only 24 years old, a historian and philanthropist who've spent much of her time in exile in Selucia due being a target of the previous regime's oppression, and who is said to follow a multitude of faiths at the same time - including at least Hosianism, Felinism, Religio Seluciana and Geraja. Her Serene Highness has a considerable interest in traditional 'High' Pontesian (Abuék Pntekai) culture, to the point of actually having learnt to converse in their traditional heavily Luthoranized dialect herself. However, Alessia Jenova has agreed to not claim the family's traditional title of Dux Pontesiae (Duke/Duchess of Pontesia) out of respect for the Pontesian people's recent decade-long struggle against authoritarianism, preferring to adopt the title of Princeps (Prince/Princess) et Domina Protectrix Rei Publicae Dynasticae Pontesiae (and Lady Protector of the Pontesian Dynastic Commonwealth). Some suspect this to be an act of appeasement to calm certain groups concerned about the Princess' passion for traditional High Pontesian culture, as Republicanism still has a large following among the Seluco-Pontesian minority and those (especially among the Pagan priesthood) still clinging to the ideology of Xarfaxianism, for which the mere thought of having a hereditary monarchy is still something very controversial. It remains to be seen into what constitutional framework this will be integrated (some experts have suggested an - at least nominally - elective 'republican' monarchy) and whenever the title will be recognized by the International Monarchist League.

Crest of the Aedini Family

A rumour that has been all been confirmed suggests that the Princess will host her coronation in the ruined Medrengaard Experimental City and Habitation Occupation Zone. Built in the 31'th century by the then-ruling Mederagaar dynasty who ruled over Pontesia in a plutocratic fashion as its Director Generals, the M. E. C. H. O. Z. was a place for societal engineering where people were to live and be exposed to societal experiments in exchange for a number of benefits. Situated a couple of miles west of Lerna, the old Pontesian capital, it later served as the seat of the Mederagaar government during the Pontesian civil war against Alamar Xarfaxis and his crusade. Since then, the Experimental city fell into disuse and became a place for outcasts, fanatics, criminals as well as urban explorers searching for ancient artifacts or simply wishing to experiencing the city's archaic atmosphere. Many urban legends exist surrounding secret and arcane weapons or machinations left behind by the Mederagaars, and with many accidents being reported each year, the Experimental city is far from a safe area to stay. However, if the rumours are true and Princess not only wishes to not only hold her coronation her but also rebuild the city as a way of spearheading a renaissance for Abuék Pntekai culture, there will certainly be a need to appease Seluco-Pontesian traditionalists among her family's supporters as well.

The Mederagaard Experimental City during it's heydays
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Axxell » Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:04 pm

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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Elf » Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:40 pm



Rumours of Plans to Relocate Capital to Mederagaard


MEDERAGAARD, CAESPASIA - As was expected, the coronation for the Aedini claimant, Alessia Jenova, took place in the centre of the Mederagaard. In the presence of represents of representatives from the various ethnicities and religions of the nation, she crowned herself Princess.

Let it be known, before the Gods and our ancestors, that I, Alessia Jenova of the Aedini, descendant of Alamar Xarfaxis and Julius Nerses, solemnly swear to uphold the tenets of the Republic and serve all the peoples of Pontesia as Lady Protector of their Pontesian Dynastic Commonwealth. It is by this declaration I hereby lay claim to my crown.

A Constitutional Committee is still working to finalize the framework of the Aedini Principality inside the framework of a confederal republic. Reconstruction of the Mederagaard Experimental City is also well underway, being done in a manner that respects the place's historical architecture and machinations. An airport harbour is rumoured to be planned for the city's Princely residence. There are consistent rumours that the Princess, due her interest in Abuék Pntekai culture and Old Pontesi, will propose relocating the capital to Mederagaard City at some point in the future.


DAWNSTAR - Pontesia has also been visited by representatives of the nation of Istalia, one of the Pontesian people's main benefactors from their struggle against Fascism. They were greeted by the Pontesian Grand Vizier-General, Augusta Maxima.

Rumours state that the Grand Vizier-General herself may be interested into moving to Istalia herself, where she lived for several years in exile from the old fascist government in Pontesi, in the villa of an Istalian former president whom she was thought to have a "special" relationship with.

Grand Vizier-General Comments

DAWNSTAR - While Pontesia had to back away from Selucian proposals to fully integrate the country, the two countries have instead joined something called the Auroran Association, which is a treaty for free trade, open borders, juridical and military cooperation and cultural exchange for countries with a Selucian heritage. The Grand Vizier-General comments:

We recently became free from over a decade of fascist tyranny, and we need to build up our own country. Well Selucia is just like a real man on a date, no facade of spinelessness no, but wanting to do it all here and now! But Pontesia and Selucia are very different in certain aspects. For instance - the Pontesian armed forces could not be integrated with Selucia's dito as the forces who deliver police- and military- services to us are fully autonomous. I'm very glad that this treaty ensures that we will develop closely together in the future!


DAWNSTAR - Pontesia has also joined the Union of Jelbic Peoples. Magistrix of Foreign Affairs Phoebe Highfort-Crassius, a woman of partly Abuék Pntekai heritage herself, had this to say:

This is an historical occasion as all of the Jelbic nations might well be reunited once again under a symbolic union. Pontesia seeks good relationships with all of its neighbours - and all of the world, really. We think of ourselves as an extra-important member of the Union as we are a bridge between the north and the south and understand both of these worlds very well.

However, rumours state that the foreign affairs magistrix isn't pleased with the amount of votes (3) that Pontesia has been given in the electoral council for the Protector of the Jelbic Peoples, as the way those votes are distributed give Vanuku and Barmenistan a majority together no matter what. It is rumoured that forces in both the Pontesian and Jelbanian governments would prefer an agreement (which wouldn't need any renegotiation of the treaty) where the holder this title was elected by a super-majority at least, to ensure consensus among the members.


DAWNSTAR - The Pontesian Magister of Defence is welcoming military trainers from Kazulia this weekend:

Our armed forces may be autonomous and we intend to keep it this way, but we also need to ensure that those who deliver our military services stay adequately equipped for our needs. Since our forces lack tanks, who are unsuitable for our terrain, need to improve our ability to airlift, and mobility in general. If war ever breaks out, mobility and agility will be the most decisive factors if the homeland is to be successfully defended.

Meanwhile, the Pontesian government is sending 40 military experts in, among other things, mountain warfare and cavalry tactics to Skalm, Kazulia, to train the Kongeforsvar in the Pontesian ways.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby FPC » Tue Oct 17, 2017 4:29 pm

Apostolic Army detonate suicide vest inside Senate Building, Minister Augustalis killed

Earlier this afternoon a bomb was detonated from the press gallery of the National Senate Building. 17 people were killed including 3 Senators and the Minister for Education and Culture Pisentia Augustalis. Many more are badly injured and are currently being treated at the Dawnguard General Hospital. The Senate building itself was badly damaged by the bomb and subsequent fire. The terrorist group, the Apostolic Army in Majatra, claimed responsibility and said that a Hosian Radical had masqueraded as a journalist and detonated a suicide vest from the press gallery. The leader of the militant group, Jusuv Frj, released the following statement via online video:

We the Apostolic Army in Majarta, claim full responsibility for the attack on the Pontesian Senate Building. The explosion was caused by one of our brave martrys who gave his own live for the glory of Elijah and detonated a bomb hidden within the press gallery. Years ago Hosianism was shunned in Pontesi, by a selfish Duke who felt intimidated by our holiness and ashamed of his own sins. He forced Apostolic Hosianism underground and outlawed our rightful worship.. Many hade forgotten this, but we did not. Our faith is never ending, we have struck back at the heart of Pontesi. More attacks will come across Pontesi and Majatra, until Hosianism is the one and only faith across our continent.

This is the first attack the AA has conducted outside of Barmenistan but experts surmise that many more are to come unless governments take action against the orginisation.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Elf » Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:10 am




Highfort-Crassius: "Gran Tadraki is Part of What It Means to be a Pontesian"
by Lukas Redbottom-Harkwood

Phoebe Highfort-Crassius

MEDRENGAARD - Today the Pontesian Enquirer has the pleasure of introducing our audience to the Pontesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Phoebe Highfort-Crassius. She joins ur for an interview with our correspondent, Mr. Lukas Redbottom-Harkwood:

LRH: Greetings Madame foreign minister, and welcome to Pontesian Enquirer Webb-TV.

PHC: It's my pleasure!

LRH: Let's get started: About a month ago the parliament building of Dawnstar was hit by a terrorist attack, killing 17 people, including three senators and a colleague of yours.

PHC: Yes... well - it was 18 people actually. I'm sad to tell you that one of our senators, Grzoziklune Lofrkadkaisrmko Tuzmhamék - his soul have peace - was the human of a cat, Snowball, who was always with him, and perished with him. We pray for the souls of our dearly the parted - for the cat gods to receive Snowball... and the humans as well of course.

LRH: Right... Hmm.. I was actually gonna ask you, Madame, about your religious views... if you wouldn't mind.

PHC: I am a spiritual being. That's really all there is to know. But if you want to know about my religious interests, sure, I was born in a Hosian family but nowadays I'm more into Felinism and Daenism as they're so... meaningful... But the Ruhi also interest me quite a bit. I would even welcome them to establish themselves in Pontesia.

LRH: That's an interesting viewpoint coming from you Madame - considering how your Government - in your Preventive Measures Against Terrorism Act - has prohibited the construction of Apostolic Churches and Non-Felinist Ahmadi Mosques in the entire Commonwealth. Both of these religions are - after all - intimately associated with Barmenia just like the Ruhi.

PHC: And yet both of them did their part in the genocide of Felinists, in persecuting and tearing down one of the greatest civilizations in our age - Barmenia under House Mede. We are great friends and allies of our siblings in Barmenistan - but you know what the diviners say: For God so loved the cats that he gave them a giant litterbox called Barmenistan. *giggles*

LRH: Right. But honestly Madame - isn't this act a pretty big crack down on religious liberty? And what did the Ahmadis have anything to do with this?

PHC: I for my part, do not believe in "religious" liberty. I believe in spiritual liberty with all of my heart and will fight for that to the end of my days - but what separates spirituality from religion is that the later is also ideological - to a large extent. No one has any absolute liberty to follow an oppressive ideology that threatens other living being's right to a life in liberty and hapiness. The Qedarite religions in particular are a problematic bunch, and Ahmadism is really just another totalitarian ideology in my opinion. We've already had enough of fascism in the country during the almost two decades under a fascist dictatorship - we do not need to import more of that as well. As for Apostolic Churches - we settled this already under Duke Julius Nerses, a few hundred years ago. Apostolic Hosians have all the right in the world to practice their faith under the auspices of the Terran Patriarchial Church. The so-called Apostolic Churches have acted like an anti-Jelbic and anti-freedom group of folks during the centuries so to them we say: "not in our country, thank you".

LRH: But isn't the right to follow any ideology or religious - or religious ideology for that matter, if that's how you view Ahmadism, Madame - a fundamental right in a free society?

PHC: They would disrupt social harmony in the country. Pontesia has, I'm sure you're aware, a delicate ethnic balance that needs special care and this Government is careful to prevent anything that would disrupt our social harmony from happening. Ahmadi religious law - among other horrors and atrocities - dictates that cows should be made to bleed to death under prayers to the savage Ahmadi God, to be clean enough to eat. This would be grossly offensive to our Gerajan Rajutti population in particular, and would go against our animal welfare laws as well. Also, please remember, the promotion or glorification of the fascist ideology of Erik Papazian and his group of sickos is already illegal in the Pontesian Dynastic Commonwealth, and if we can ban one fascist ideology, why cannot we ban another?

LRH: Right. Let's move on. The Government of Pontesia has taken care to foster good relationships with two its neighbours: Barmenistan and Selucia, but there hasn't been any such attempt that I know of to open borders to the third one, Beiteynu. Madame, may I ask you, what is your and the government's opinion on Pontesia's future together with the Beiteynuese?

PHC: That's an interesting question. One that I'm gonna reply to in a very honest way: none at all. Governments led by my party's predecessors, all the way back to the Crusaders and Alamar Xarfaxis actually, have attempted to ally themselves with Beiteynu. I'm now telling you that this strategy was and is not only futile, it was risible to begin with. Beiteynu is a country that is characterized by extreme nationalism and doesn't give a damn about the rest of us, but have rather committed genocide against our kin, against the Pntek in the historically Pontesian region of Gran Tadraki. In my opinion, we should use our friendship with the other Jelbic countries to press our ancient and historically indisputable claim on Gran Tadraki.

LRH: That's certainly interesting news - would you, Madame, perhaps even consider going to war over that region?

PHC: Hmm... perhaps not. But we certainly require some form of compensation for the genocide and a recognition of our historical right to the area. Gran Tadraki is part of what it means to be a Pontesian. One solution would be for the Beiteynuese to recognize our Princess, Alessia Jenova, as Duchess of Gran Tadraki, and let Pontesians freely settle in that area. We also need a formal apology and an assurance that the Beiteynuese Government will never again indulge in the discrimination or hatred of other ethnic or religious groups, perhaps through an amendment to their constitution or something like that?

The Medrengaard Experimental City, now the seat of the Pontesian Government

LRH: Ehrrm.... okay... Anyway, I wanted to ask you about something else entirely. How do you feel about the Government's move to Medrengaard City, madame?

PHC: I feel great about it. The Medrengaard Experimental City and Habitation Occupation Zone is a tribute to the genius and hard labour of Old Pontesi, and it is about time we started to renovate and rebuild it.

LRH: There are rumours though... of ancient hidden artifacts scattered around the city - potentially dangerous ones even, such as the fabled secret weapon of the Medregaars.

PHC: *laughter* Fairy tales invented by urban explorers to make their hobby more exciting. Not that I mind though. I love a good story though, so I don't mind. We're making sure though - that our archaeologists look for and take care of any ancient remains before the renovation of a building starts.

LRH: Okay. Lastly.. Madame, you are a member of the Cedar Progressive Phalanx, are you not?

PHC: Indeed I am! And a proud one as well. Our movement restored freedom and democracy and civilization in Pontesia!

LRH: How do you feel about the party adopting the name 'Phalanx'?

PHC: It's a tribute to an ancient Pontesian party that existed during the Commonwealth's inception back in the 22'rd century. For me it's a great symbolic move to show the country that we care about it's glory days of old and wish to return to them. There is no conflict between Seluco-Pontesians and the High Pntek, and there should be none. Many of us are of mixed heritage, and we cherish the contributions of all of our traditional communities to this great nation. We should stand united against the savagery that unfortunately characterizes much of this continent. That's how I feel!

LRH: Very interesting. Well, thank you for your time Madame, it's been an honour. The Pontesian Enquirer wishes you good fortune in your future service to the nation.

PHC: The honour is mine. I wish you good fortune to you as well!

Emblem of the Cedar Progressive Phalanx
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Elf » Fri Oct 20, 2017 7:01 pm



❧ Pontesia declares official neutrality in brewing Majatran conflict, offers to mediate
❧ Solution 'could be to have Deltarian Despotate recognize Grzkai XVI, while retaining presidency and full autonomy'

Phoebe Highfort-Crassius

MEDRENGAARD - In a short press release, the Pontesian Minister of Foreign Affairs has commented the brewing conflict in Deltaria:

We interpret the situation as Grzkai XVI H'an claiming sovereignty over Deltaria, not Jelbania. Thus it is a internal affair of the Despotate of Deltaria, and cannot be viewed as anything else, even if there are foreigners supporting one or the other side. There also seems to be a Thallarid monarch with some historical legitimacy whose supporters have been bullied by the more recent political establishment. This is unfortunate.

The Government of the Pontesian Dynastic Commonwealth is devoted to the cause of world peace and seeks friendly relationships with all of the nations of the world. We do not take a stance on whoever should be the constitutional monarch of Despotate of Deltaria or if there should even be such a position - however - if we can do something to ensure that the situation does not escalate into violence, we are ready and willing.

A spokesperson for the Pontesian Foreign Ministry said that the Government would be well interested in mediating between the supporters of Grzkai XVI and the Deltarian government. He said:

The Istalian response to the events taking place in Deltaria has not been adequately sensitive about the cultural differences involved. Jelbic people have other codes of honour and values than people in the 'Free world'. We must remain culturally sensitive and open to diversity even though it sometimes results in tragic misunderstandings like this. A good way of preventing the situation from escalating into bloodshed could be to simply have the Despotate of Deltaria recognize Grzkai XVI as Tsar, while keeping their presidency and full autonomy. The Despotate of Deltaria would not be the first country in the world to solve the dilemma of having a monarchy or a republic by having an elected head of state who is formally the representative of a monarch.
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Re: Pontesian Enquirer

Postby Elf » Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:17 pm



'Once again we witness the inherent barbarity of the Ahmadi religion'

Phoebe Highfort-Crassius

MEDRENGAARD - Pontesia, which has dispatched one of its cavalry divisions to help Selucia fight the disastrous fires that are currently ravaging their country - was astonished to hear about the Barmenian Ahmadi Sultan's statement on the matter, claiming the fires was the result of Godlessness on the Selucian people's behalf. In a public statement, the foreign minister lashed out against Ahmadism in general, hinting a connection between the fires and Ahmadi terrorists and tougher measures against followers of the religion in general.

Again we learn about the nature of the bloody Ahmadi God, who orders the torturing of cows to their death, says that women are unclean and makes them walk around like walking tents, hates all that is fun and beautiful and promotes genocide and death. This is how he treats those who do not do as he pleases - with terror and death. Yes, indeed - actually we have information that suggests that the fires in the Selucian Republic is the work of Ahmadi terrorists.

Let's not forget that there probably wouldn't be any 'Ahmadi Sultanate' in Barmenistan were it not for their bloody genocide against Felinists several hundred years ago. Not long ago - I said that if we could ban the fascist ideology of Erik Papazian, we could ban other anti-freedom ideologies as well. Our Government has already prohibited the construction of non-Felinist Ahmadi mosques in the Commonwealth, but we may also be open to a joint declaration with Selucian Republic to ban the practice of Ahmadism entirely from the Auroran Association. It should be entirely justifiable for any civilized woman or man, considering what's happening at the moment across the Selucian Straits.

When asked whenever her government would, as has been rumoured, announce any plans to retract its recognition of the Ahmadi Sultanate and only have dealings with the Felinist one, she responded:

It is not my place to have opinions about Barmenistan's internal affairs.... but I sure wish the glory days of the Medes would return and that the nation would reject the savage Ahmadi ideology for good. As a matter of fact, I'm sure this government would be willing to help our Barmenian kin to make that happen.
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