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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby TheTsar » Sun Jul 30, 2017 9:34 am

Речь Народа
Trigunian Foreign Minister, Baron Nikolay Nabokov, has officially condemned the, now officially recognised as terrorist organisations, "Coalition" and MARINE paramilitary, and the attacks on the World Congress Office in Istalia, and the murder of 5 and wounding of 7 Badaran and Istalian officials, including the murder of Badaran Foreign Minister Abu Bakr Sharik, as well as the wounding of Istalian President and Prime Minister, Lavinia Maggi and Fatima el-Nouri respectively. He also followed up by condemning the bombing of the Istalian embassy in Badara, resulting in over 80 casualties and the attack on the BNC offices where 13 perished, as well as the attacks on the Istalian humanitarian mission in Badara. As a final statement, he has said that "the Trigunian government is willing to assist the legitimate government of Badara, by any means required to destroy terrorism and preserve peace on Terra".
Baron Nikolay Nabokov
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby jvsom » Sat Aug 05, 2017 9:12 am

Речь Народа
After the 4251 elections, People's Monarchist Union got 18.15% of the votes, and People's Alliance for Democracy got 81.85%. Now, PAD has constitutional majority.
"This is caused because PMU passed unpopular reforms", says Vladimir Naumov, new prime-minister of Trigunian Empire.

State Council seats: 246 seats PAD, 54 seats PMU
State Duma seats: 242 seats PAD, 58 seats PMU
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Тригуанские государственные СМИ (Triguanian State Media)

Postby FPC » Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:08 am

Свет Революции (The Light of Revolution) brought under state ownership

Today the Communist paper Свет Революции was brought into state ownership by the new Communist Government, the paper was renamed Тригуанские государственные СМИ (Triguanian State Media), and is now the main media outlet in Triguania. The Government issued a decree stating all other media outlets have been banned and subsumed by the TSM effective immediately. The Government is investing extra money into the paper meaning it will soon be able to expand into television and internet news. Today is a glorious day for Triguania and the Light of Revolution will shine through the State Media outlet!

The New Office Buildings of the TSM
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Maxington » Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:39 pm

Центрист | Information for the masses.
Internal Cleansing: Government reasserts public trust in Security Services.
Prosecutor-General launches investigation into misconduct within Security Services; Vows to reassert public trust in Security Services
Minister-President Benedikt Shchekochikhin announcing the government's intention to regain public confidence in the Security Services.
2nd November, 4273

The Prosecutor-General has launched an investigation into misconduct within the security services. The investigation is aimed at weeding out corruption and insubordination within the various security and law enforcement services. The Investigation is currently being jointly conducted by the Department for State Prosecution and Investigative Affairs and the Office of the Prosecutor-General and is expected to target all branches of the Armed Forces and most levels of the law enforcement and security services. The investigation was given the "go-ahead" by both the Minister-President, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defence, with Minister-President, Benedikt Shchekochikhin calling the investigation "a necessary step towards the Reconstruction and re-institution of stability and peace within the nation," and also came to the podium to discuss the investigation with the media.
As it is already known by the masses, the Office of the Prosecutor-General, in collaboration with the Department for State Prosecution and Investigative Affairs, has launched an investigation into corruption and misconduct within the armed forces and security services. It is the share opinion of Office of the Minister-President, the Internal Affairs Ministry and the Defence Ministry that the Armed Forces and the Security Services have been at the master-point of corruption and misconduct. As of recent times, around one hundred NCOs and law enforcement officials have been arrested over charges relating to espionage, high treason, financing terrorism and corruption, with around fifty high-ranking military and law enforcement personnel being arrested under similar charges. It is imperative that a level of secrecy of the investigation be upheld, as such this Ministry does not intend on releasing any more information pertaining to this.

The move is an extraordinary risk given how corrupt the armed forces have become giving rise to a concern about a possible coup against the government. While not commenting on the matter, the government appears to be relying heavily on local police and state police for the time being with police out in increased presence across the city as if to reinforce civil control. Across the nation, National Defence units were activated and surrounded federal military installations in order to prevent any serious backlash as heavily armed federal agents, backed up by local authorities and rapidly increased "deputies" moved in to arrest and detain the officers. There were no comments from the Presidential Palace or from the Prime Minister's Office.

Центрист | Information for the masses.
National Assembly passes Shchekochikhin-Khalturin Plan and Critical Industrial Investment Programme
President Alexei Kommenov to approve legislations aimed at combating effects of international economic crisis on Trigunia.
2nd November, 4273

The National Assembly has recently passed the controversial Shchekochikhin-Khalturin Plan (a government strategic guideline in which the repair of the economy against the effects of the economic crisis can be introduced through), handing Minister-President Benedikt Shchekochikhin and Minister of Finance Yevdokim Pakhomov significant victories against the economic crisis. The monetary investment plan is estimated to be worth around 500 Billion Rabols, and would encompass a series of government investment programmes. It is estimated to save around 1.5 million jobs and could possibly create 3.4 million jobs. As previously mentioned, the plan is encompasses a series of government investment programme, which include Increased government support for smaller businesses in the form a 2 year period of tax exemption for start-up businesses, specifically those in the area of infrastructure, medicine, education and technology as well as Government implementation of a credit based welfare system, by which pensioners are able to receive a formidable pension amount. This welfare system should be established in a manner which allows corporations/companies both public and private to invest in (under the guidance of the Central Bank).

Apart from the implementation of Shchekochikhin-Khalturin Plan, Minister-President Shchekochikhin is expected to spearhead the Critical Industrial Investment Programme, which is a government act aimed at insulating the domestic economy from large influxes of revenue, as from commodities such as oil (a major trade resource of the country). According the legislation's content, it intends on forming an expenditure fund which would act as the balancer of the Federal Budget. It intends on accumulating the necessary finances through Export Duty for Oil and Petrochemicals (which a Duty Fax of 25%), Oil Mining Operations (As apart of the Trans-National Oil Mining Taxation Act) and taking 12% of the Government Surplus (Every Two Fiscal Terms). This would bring about a payout of around $25 Billion Rabols and $8 Billion Rabols respectively (with the 12% of the Government Surplus being dependent on government expenditure). It is expected that the implementation of these economic stimuli would come with time, but many advise that if this were to succeed, the Government should immediately move to exercising the provisions of the Economic Stabilisation Fund Global, which would allow the fund to act as an international investor, investing into various industries and businesses across the world. Although Minister-President Shchekochikhin has his intention of doing so, he has stated that he would like to centre his attention on internal matters and once said matters are resolved, then he intends on focusing on exercising the global provisions of the Economic Stabilisation Fund.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Maxington » Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:44 pm

Центрист | Information for the masses.
Re-engagement: Minister-President outlines foreign policy.
Minister-President announces reformed approach to foreign policy of Trigunian Federation
Minister-President Benedikt Shchekochikhin announcing the government's reformed foreign policy.
17th May, 4274

After many years of political and diplomatic silence, the Trigunian Federation is making a return to the international stage. It has been years since diplomatic word has come from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the most recent dating back to the nation's minor involvement in World Congress Affairs. After several tries to form a cabinet coalition, the Trigunian Social Democratic Party and the Centrist Party have buried their difference for the betterment of society. Recently appointed Minister-President Benedikt Shchekochikhin in a media brief earlier this morning in the Bashnya told reporters that he does intend on ushering Trigunia into a new era of diplomatic activity. During the briefing he spoke on the many policy reforms which will come to the foreign policy where he had this to say:
We intend on reforming out current foreign policy to one which we fit the needs of the nation during this time of reconstruction and development. It has come to this government's attention that the various treaties which this nation is apart of do not benefit the nation in any form. As such we intend on launching a review of our foreign policy and the various treaties we are currently apart of as we examine whether they serve the interests of the nation as they are intended to.

In Trigunia's silence or "slumber" as some might call it, there has been much discord within the World Congress General Assembly as the various representatives lockhorns on certain issues, usually those pertaining to the interventions of the Istalian Republic. Minister-President Benedikt Shchekochikhin stated that he intends on pushing the nation's diplomats to a stronger involvement in the decisions being made in the General Assembly and also intends on using the foreign policy clout of the nation to push for the various representatives of the Security Council to work in the interests of the various nations and not in their single minded interests.
I believe that the behaviour of certain representatives within the World Congress is not necessary as it accentuates the irrational and nonsensical tendencies of said individuals. I do intend on pushing our diplomats for greater involvement in decision-making and discussions in the organisation. Additionally, I intend on pushing the various representatives within the Security Council to work in the interests of the international community and not themselves.

So it appears that Trigunia is coming back to the International stage swinging. We do hope that this break of silence could mean the raise of T participation in World Events , especially those which will truly benefit the nation as a whole. History is unfolding and the government is not waiting until the very end to capitalise on this.

Центрист | Information for the masses.
Defence Minister:"Military needs to jump-start activity"
Defence Minister calls for Military fence-sitting to stop.
A Trigunian Naval Infantryman during a combat exercise underneath 186 Hours of total defence.
17th May, 4274

The Armed Forces has suffered from years of equipment deterioration and a decrease in operational effectiveness, this is due to the fact that for the past decades the Trigunian Armed Forces has received neglect from the previous government. As a means of turning the hand of time on the gradual deterioration of the Trigunian Armed Forces, Minister of Defence Vitaliy Tyushnyakov (former Director of the State Directorate for Security (GBD)) announced the future implementation of major reforms to the Trigunian Armed Forces and the return of the once respected operational effectiveness and capacity of the Trigunian Armed Forces. Minister Tyushnyakov spoke on the Armed Forces where he called for the military to stop fence-sitting and get to modernising and jump starting its activity.
The aim of our armed forces is to defend Trigunia against internal and external threats and to secure our national interests. It is merely impossible for these aims to be achieved if our armed forces and its respective subordinate divisions are fence-sitting. It is understandable that years of government neglect, misuse of equipment and a lack of training and experience have been factors in the deterioration of our defensive and possibly offensive capabilities, but it is not an excuse for fence-sitting, it will only get us into deeper trouble strategically. Over the past years our equipment have not seen the light of maintenance, and our soldiers have not seen the light of external training.I blame that on previous governments, but, i blame the military's lacklustre mentality on the various heads of divisions. The Navy, the Air-force, the Airborne Forces and the Strategic Missile Corps have all failed in their duties due to everyone's fence-sitting.

The Minister did not go light on blasting the Chief of General Command Staff, and the Commanders-in-Chief of the various branches of the military after a think-tank report showed during the period of neglect and fence-sitting, there was an increased amount of unauthorised aircraft entering our airspace without permission. It also showed that several light sea-worthy vessels were able to sneak pass both the Coast Guard and the Navy before being turned around by patrol boats of the Federal Police Service. In response the Minister threatened to find replacements for both the Chiefs of Staff responsible.
Stupidity is a gift which clearly many abuse. This report is an entrancement to the modus operandi of the military. An increase in airspace breaches, coast breaches by unauthorised aircraft and vessels shows the true stupidity of military leadership. It truly shows that most of you here have failed in your duties. I can assure you all, each and every single one of you are very easy to replace. You could hate me and/or you love me i was not born nor appointed to this position for you to do either of the two.

Minister Tyushnyakov then moved to give orders to the various division heads of the military in order to jump start the activity of the military and to bring an end to fence-sitting in what he calls "168 hours of total defence." Which is, in a period of seven (7) days, all arms of the armed forces are ordered to act as though the military warning level were at stage 2, Military ready to mobilise in 72 hours. Officials from the Ministry of Defence say that it is a drill to inspect the combat readiness of the arms of the armed forces as a means of deciphering the many holes in its modus operandi. It is expected that after the seven day drill, all arms of the armed forces will heighten their efforts in living up to their set aims.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Maxington » Fri Sep 22, 2017 6:26 pm

Центрист | Information for the masses.
Reassurtion: Trigunia to reassert itself as a serious military power
Defence Ministry announces moves to reassert Armed Forces as a serious military power
The famed TKVM-Petrovgrad, the flagship of the Trigunian Navy is expected to undergo a multi-billion dollar modernisation programme.
2nd May, 4276

The appointment of the Defence Minister comes at a time when the Trigunian Armed Forces has been spiralling in a hard decline due to recent defence budgets cuts and the"retreat" of the Armed Forces from foreign involvement and exercises. The Defence Ministry has launched a review into the current capabilities of the Armed Forces. According to a previous review conducted in July 4144, the Trigunian Armed Forces was categorised as "Projective", meaning it is offensive in nature, and intended to deploy troops abroad. Defence Minister, Vitaliy Tyushnyakov stated that during his tenure as Defence Minister he intends on implementing the recommendations made under the Report, but also stated that the report does not signal a significant change in Trigunia's defence capabilities when compared with current levels, and can therefore be best described as being a ‘steady as she goes’ review.

The Defence Minister stated that in-order for the country to reassert its place as a serious military power, re-engage in the areas of defence, security, diplomacy and international development. It was also made clear to the Defence Minister of the current events which plague terra. From terrorism to internal conflicts, the Defence Ministry has manner headaches ahead to which it must counter. Thus in addition to bolstering the strength of the armed forces, the Defence Ministry intends on ensuring that the Trigunian security and intelligence services have the resources needed to prevent and disrupt plots against the state.

The Recent increase in the Defence Budget is reported to be favouring the Ground Forces, the Intelligence Services and the Navy. On the Ground Forces side, Defence Command has announced the re-organisation of the Army in-order to fit the needs for the rapid deployment of a massive fighting force. Their goal is to shift the Armed Forces from a projective armed force to an expeditionary armed force. The Defence Minister stated that the renewed emphasis is on strategic and tactical mobility, and maximum flexibility. It is stated that most general infantry battalions will be converted into Mechanised Infantry battalions reinforced by high-tech equipment. It is clear that they are moving away from the strength in numbers policy to training, mobility, and technological advantage to overpower numerically superior opponents. As such Defence Command has also announced that around three-hundred training exercises are to be conducted during the current Defence Minister's tenure.

On the Intelligence Service side, the Federal Communications Agency (the state intelligence and security organisation responsible for providing signals intelligence and information to the government and armed forces) as well as the State Directorate for Security (GBD) (the foreign and domestic intelligence services) are expected to see an increase in their budget, as the budget of the Foreign and Internal Affairs Ministries recently increased. There have been rumours of a joint venture between the Air-Force and the Intelligence Services on the construction of a communications intercept and missile warning site as a means of reinforcing the efforts of the Surveillance and Data Collection Act. Nevertheless, the Intelligence services are expected to see an increased 10,900 staff members.

The Navy is expected to see an increase in its funding as well as repairs to a series of its combatant vessels, including the TKVM-Petrovgrad and the proposed construction of an aircraft carrier which the Defence Minister believes will transform the Navy’s ability to project Trigunia's influence overseas. The proposed aircraft carrier will provide a six acre operating base for the Trigunian military, one that is need to accomplish the shift from projection to expeditionary. Naval High Command announced that they too along with Defence Command intend on conducting a series of exercises during the current defence minister's tenure.

In conclusion, opinion in Trigunia appears to lean distinctly in favour of this latest move to strengthening defence and security as an antidote to the military austerity proposed years prior. As Chief of General Staff, Admiral Victor Skorobogatov said when commenting about the recent moves by the Defence Ministry and the Armed Forces "Trigunia is reasserting itself as a serious military power".
Last edited by Maxington on Sat Sep 23, 2017 12:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Maxington » Sat Sep 23, 2017 12:04 am

Центрист | Information for the masses.
Open Skies: Government continues bomber patrols.
Minister-President authorises continuation of strategic bomber patrols.
A TI-55 Strategic Bomber during a patrol.
2nd June, 4276

Minister-President Benedikt Shchekochikhin announced before members of the State Duma and the National Security Council that long-range strategic bomber patrols were to be continued and increased. The Minister-President announced that he had intended to resume the practice during the period prior to his appointment as Minister-President. The decision comes amid a government investigation into intrusion into the nation's airspace following the nation's temporary silence. According to the Bashnya, around ten (10) strategic bombers took off from Groromorsk Air Base near Lishma, Tirgith. During the Cold War posterior to the Great Terran War, said strategic bomber patrols developed a cat-and-mouse game with various nations and their respective air-forces, citing the incidences in Vanuku and in some regions of Hutori. The flights are expected to be conducted beyond the nation's borders and will be supported by a virtual fleet of refuelling tankers ready to maintain the operational distances of the bombers.

Insider information from the Defence Ministry has cited that apart from being equipped with cruise missiles, due to the fact that the bombers are apart of the nation's four pronged nuclear triad, the bombers also carry cruise missile armed with nuclear warheads. This allows the nation to launch a tactical nuclear attack against any nation which poses a grave threat against the security of the Federation. The Ministry of Defence announced that the bomber flights will increase pending acquisition of a series of new aircraft under the nation's upcoming modernisation programme.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Maxington » Sat Sep 23, 2017 10:12 am

Центрист | Information for the masses.
Reassertion: Minister-President in Indrala to mend relations.
Minister-President in Tian'an, Indrala to mend centuries of uneasy diplomatic relations.
Minister-President Benedikt Shchekochikhin exchanges greetings with an Indralan diplomatic official.
23rd September, 4276

Minister-President Benedikt Shchekochikhin landed in Tian'an, Indrala earlier this morning becoming the first government official of the Trigunian Federation to visit the State of Indrala (formerly the Celestial Empire) since the period of normal diplomatic relations between the two nations prior to the Great Terran War. A massive Trigunian delegation swept into Tian'an with the sole intention of restoring diplomatic relations between the Trigunian Federation and the State of Indrala. Diplomatic relations between the governments in Novoadrinsk and Tian'an had broken down posterior to the collapse of Eight Economies. The Government in Tian'an had since then maintained a degree of diplomatic distance from the Trigunian Federation and vice-versa. The Minister-President's visit to the nation comes amid his government's attempts at reasserting the nation's presence on the international scale, citing the nation's diplomatic silence as a period of reflection for the nation. Among the thousands of persons pouring into Tian'an following the Minister-President's arrival were members of the reformed State Directorate for Security (GBD), which acted as the Minister-President's delegation's legion of bodyguards.

For various Trigunian media outlets, the Minister-President's visit was the first of its kind, two nations known for their almost destructive hatred of each other converge on mutual terms to discuss a possible conclusion to their heated diplomatic situation. Persons who have studied the diplomatic relations between the two nations have stated that the wall barring the two nations from mediating their diplomatic bickering will be brought down when Minister-President Shchekochikhin meets with Chancellor Feng Xinyue.
There is some chatter/conspiracies that the reason behind the re-engagement between the two nations is due to the fact that Minister-President Shchekochikhin needed the State of Indrala to be more stable than it currently is as he intends on re-opening channels formerly closed due to the cold war. Personally, i don't believe in these conspiracies but with the current events, i am yet to see confirmation of my own views.

Said Director for International Dialogue at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Georgiy Mamin.

According to Foreign Minister Rustem Andronikov, the Minister-President intends on increasing the nation's oil and natural gas production following more than five decades of freezing its production in-order to raise natural gas prices and save the northern oil and natural gas market from saturation. Former Director-General of the Main Directorate of Energy and Energy Affairs, Yarmolnik Antonovich and former Chairman of the Trigunian Federal Petroleum Commission Berezin Stepanovich jointly forced Neftkomp to freeze its output following decreasing oil and natural gas prices in the northern hemisphere. Antonovich allowed for the Kalistani National Petroleum Company (KALNAPECO) to regain access to the northern energy markets and virtually act as a vacuum consuming the surplus oil and natural gas in the northern markets. Now, with the government pushing for Neftkomp to broke the chains and increase production by 35%, KALNAPECO is expected to be barred from gaining access to the northern energy markets following the company's collapse.

Shchekochikhin is expected to discuss the possibility of a trade agreement between Trigunia and Indrala, mainly on the basis of agriculture and services, with Chancellor Feng during their scheduled talks later today. Currently Shchekochikhin is touring the Indralan countryside and is expected to return to Novoadrinsk in the next five days.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Maxington » Sat Oct 07, 2017 11:18 am

Центрист | Information for the masses.
Minister-President visit to Barmenistan opens cooperation.
Minister-President visit to Barmenistan heralds increased cooperation between nations during first official visit
Miniister-President Benedikt Shchekochikhin with the land forces of Barmenistan.
2nd September, 4283

Minister-President Shchekochikhin initiated his official state visit to Barmenistan by meeting with Barmenistan's Head of Government, Táhirih Sirghastané, pushing the notion of increased cooperation between the two nations. The visit to Barmenistan was the first by a Trigunian official and has been seen as a turning point in Northern Majatran politics. Minister-President Shchekochikhin called upon the various political sects of the nation to champion the cause of forward development and peace, citing the nation's current internal instability in-light of the scourges of dissidence being peddled by the Apostolic Army in Majatra. Minister-President Shchekochikhin highlighted that during the Cildanian Civil War, the Trigunian Empire fought against the Apostolic Army (which at the time had been supported by the Principality of Vanuku). He called upon the terrorist organisation's leader, Jusuv Frj, to cease promoting dissidence in the nation and dissolve the organisation completely. Furthermore, he warned Frj of the asymmetrical response which will be delivered by the federation if its international interests are put at risk by the terrorist organisation.

Shchekochikhin intends on concluding various agreements with the Barmenistani Government in the areas of oil and natural gas, diplomatic and military cooperation, and agriculture. A large emphasis had been placed on the agreements pertaining to oil and natural gas. Trigunia has stopped producing oil and natural gas for more than a century. This was done in-order to increase oil and natural gas prices in the northern hemisphere which were at a record low at the time. The Main Directorate for Energy and Energy Affairs announced that it had been contemplating on approving calls by the nation's oil and natural gas giants to allow for them to increase oil and natural gas production. Chairman of Neftkomp, Rodion Lyutov stated that although the company has focused on other areas of industry, the government's ban on producing oil and natural gas defeats the purpose of the company's existence as an oil and natural gas company. The agreement to be brokered with the Barmenistani Government and Shchekochikhin would allow for such as Sambovenergetickorp and Neftkomp to operate in the nations. Although the agreement will allow for Trigunian oil and natural gas companies to operate in the nation, it does not allow them to increase their production at home. CEO of Sambovenergetickorp, Yevdokim Lyapunov stated that his company, one of the few remaining privately-owned oil and natural gas companies in Trigunia, intended on merging with Neftkomp since the medium sized company could not afford to compete with the oil and natural gas giant in other industrial areas. It is hoped that increased relations with the Sultanate of Barmenistan would truly usher in a new era of economic, diplomatic and military cooperation between the two nations.
Last edited by Maxington on Sat Oct 07, 2017 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Maxington » Sat Oct 07, 2017 1:55 pm

Центрист | Information for the masses.
Defence Command to modernise TKVM-Petovgrad.
Government contracts companies to assist in final modernisation of flagship carrier.
The flagship of the Trigunian Navy, the TKVM-Petrovgrad prior to being sent to the dry-docks for modernisation.
11th September, 4283

The final modernisation scheme for the TVKM-Petrovgrad is expected to commence in the coming months at the Goncharov Shipyard in Chadonia, Central Trigunia and is expected to last for more than five (5) years. The TKVM-Petrovgrad has been coined the flagship of the Trigunian Navy, outshining its relatively young cousins: the TKVM-Yegorovich and TKVM-Brakav (both Yegorovich-class super-carriers), due to its extensive combat experience and sentimental value to the Trigunian Federation. During the Great Terran War, the carrier had been credited with turning the tide of the conflict posterior to its return from the Majatran theatre where it had been battling the Cildanian and Vanukean Navies. Apart from obtaining the honour of "Hero of the Trigunian Empire" from then Tsar of Trigunia, Ivan II, the carrier has played an immense role in enforcing the nation's foreign policy. The carrier had been sent to various nations throughout the world in a show of the force and might of the Trigunian Armed Forces.

The government concluding a contract with Goncharov Shipyard on the modernisation of the carrier. According to officials from the Ministry of Defence, repairs on the ship will include replacing all eight of the carrier's turbo-pressurised boilers. In addition, the aircraft carrier’s flight deck will undergo major modernisation including replacement of the deck covering, tail hooks, aircraft arresting gear, and other aspects of the take-off system. Furthermore, the carrier will be equipped with modern systems of electronic warfare, communication, intelligence, navigation, and combat control. According to an analysis conducted by the Defence Ministry, this modernisation programme will be the last modernisation programme of the carrier, citing that the carrier will be either decommissioned and scrapped or decommissioned and converted into a naval museum after it has exceeded it's lifetime.

The modernisation programme is expected to cost around 15 Billion Rabols and the upgrades are expected to extend the carriers service life by 25 years.
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