Frente Unidad por los Socialistas y Progresistas en Egelion

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Frente Unidad por los Socialistas y Progresistas en Egelion

Postby dsbhsp » Sat Nov 04, 2017 6:58 am

To all the progressive parties of Egelion:

We are seeing how the country we have been working for has long been transforming radically into a more retrograde society. It is for this reason that we want to reactivate all the progressive forces of Egelion in order to debate deeply about the society and the nation we want.

We call a kind of conference where we will analyze point by point all the categories of our legislation and obtaining those points in common that all parties will immediately support an alternative majority to the current one.

Surely there will be aspects in which we will not agree, but it is more that unites us than the one that separates us. The work is long and cumbersome, but by devoting 10 minutes per day we can obtain a joint strategy.

All parties will continue to be independent and only a joint and unanimous vote will be issued to those proposals accepted and agreed upon by all.

Since at this time the Eco-Animalist Party is the most voted progressive force, we allow ourselves to begin to moderate this debate, accepting that some other political force wants to do it too. As of tomorrow the first paper on Laws of the Nation begins.

Egelion Eco-Animalist Party
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Joined: Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:50 am

Re: Frente Unidad por los Socialistas y Progresistas en Egelion

Postby dsbhsp » Sat Nov 04, 2017 9:20 am


About the retirement age:
- We believe that 60 years is a reasonable age.

About the Administration:
- The egelian nationality is obtained directly by birth or by request, being able to request any person without distinction.
- Public workers must have absolute political independence.
- Everyone in Egelion is equal before the law, therefore there are no noble titles, nor religious, and no one will be discriminated against for any reason.

About the Army:
- Egelion is a peaceful and pacifist nation. His army is professional, defensive and totally provided for this purpose. You can voluntarily serve any person without any distinction
- Weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, anti-person mines will not be used. Nor will arms be exported.
- In case of prisoners of war they will be treated with total humanity.
- Egelion is part of the Kerisian Defensive Alliance (KEDA). It has a defensive role of collaboration in this continental alliance.

About Health:
- Access to health is universal and borne by the government for people with low incomes.
- Also, consumers are offered a policy of informative transparency in consumer products.
- The health system is a priority and mostly public. The service may be entirely public or may allow private clinics under public supervision.

About the Economy:
- The banking system, the energy and the essential products is public. Private companies can be allowed under public supervision.
- Essential goods must have the lowest possible rates. Logically, luxury goods must have appraisals higher than 20%
- Child labor is prohibited.
- There can be no discrimination at work.
- A predominant role must be offered to trade unions in order to adjust the regulation of labor laws and propose them to the government.

About Justice:
- Access to Justice is free and subsidized by people with low incomes.
- There will be no discrimination in the judicial system.
- We understand that the security forces are based on being a civic policeman respecting all fundamental human rights. All citizens have the right to Habeas Corpus.

About Education:
- The educational system is a priority and mostly public. The service can be entirely public or it can allow private schools that in no case will be religious or belonging to any opinion group, and will always be under public supervision.
- No one will be discriminated against in this system and there will be no kind of indoctrination.
- However, a critical, cultured education with a social and political depth will be promoted.
- Education in healthy habits and self-acceptance and without prejudices will be encouraged.

About the media:
- The media are public but entirely transferred to non-profit organizations that will manage and offer information based on the critical spirit and the principles of objectivity.
- No government or political party may control any means of communication, either directly or indirectly.
- There is no censorship.

About the Culture:
- Egelion's culture will be promoted with public funds actively.
- Culture is public heritage of Egelion.

About Science and Technology:
- Egelion will promote technological and scientific advances trying to be a leading nation worldwide.
- There will be a massive state investment in these areas.
- Only animals will be used for medical research or in those areas that lead to an increase in the quality of life of the inhabitants of Egelion. Any type of suffering or unnecessary deprivation will be saved.

About Ecology:
- Egelion is a green society. It therefore promotes ecological behaviors, renewable energies, waste reduction, reuse of materials, recycling and the preservation of nature.
- Nature is a public good.
- Animals have the right to respect, not to suffer, not to fear and to be treated well. Therefore hunting and sport fishing is not allowed.
- These values ​​will be encouraged in schools.

About Agriculture:
- Egelion's agriculture will be the most respectful of the environment and organic farming will be encouraged.
- Livestock will be avoided to be intensive and, in any case, animals will have minimum standards of quality of life.

On Civil Rights
- In Egelion no person will be discriminated against under any circumstances.
- There will be freedom of sex, creed, thought.
- Human Rights will be respected and nobody will be deprived of freedom.

On Foreign Policy:
- Egelion will support in international organizations countries that have progressive legislation and principles similar to those raised here.
- Likewise, it will accept ambassadors from all countries if they voluntarily want to remain under the law of Egelion, where they will be treated like any other citizen.
- In case of a change of legislation or government that introduces discriminatory laws contrary to these principles, then it will be endeavored to give special protection to foreign diplomats at risk of being discriminated against or persecuted.
- Our nation is a host country, so any foreigner is welcome and invited to live in harmony with our laws.

About the Infrastructure:
- All Egelion's infrastructures are public. There is the possibility that they are partly ceded to be managed privately, always under state supervision.
- Being an ecological country, nuclear power stations will not be built and will be abolished by sustainable policies of renewable energy and environmentally respectful infrastructures.

About Wellbeing:
- Egelion is a socially progressive country and, therefore, seeks for the welfare of all its citizens with policies of redistribution of wealth and public social benefits, such as pensions, subsidies or abundant subsidies.

About Religion:
- Egelion is a secular country aconfesional. Policies of public prohibition of religions or religious acts can be carried out but in no case will they be able to be persecuted and they will not be acts illegal in particular and private.
Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:50 am

Re: Frente Unidad por los Socialistas y Progresistas en Egelion

Postby Marc Garrigós » Sun Dec 03, 2017 9:54 pm

We, the PCPE recognizes this program. We can defend the lider of the animalists in the next eleccions.
Marc Garrigós
Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:20 pm

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