The Second International Thaller Congress

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Re: The Second International Thaller Congress

Postby Mbites » Tue Nov 07, 2017 6:49 pm

Cedrik calls for negotations with Istalia and Hutori

Cedrik responds to the remarks of his kinsman in Hultria with a suggestion, the head of dynasty calls for "friendly and constructive" negotiations. The family does not decline that in the conflict there are many complex intertwining opinions which have to be heard out and listened too. Only the family could act as a neutral body able to understand both sides, considering that Deltarian Thallers have a rather good relationship with Istalia for Thallerist measures.

No News from Walter
Authorities from Saridan could not answer the questions from the family security officers about the gone-missing Walter von Thaller, nobody knows what happened to him nor his delegation. Aside from him more than a hundred thallerist MPs went missing in Saridan. A great mystery occured.

Malivian Thallers talk Business
The Malivian Ambitionists call for family funds and ideas to help them in their election campaigning in Malivia. "It would be of great strategic value to get the malivian governments from hostile to a more cooperative position, we could achieve that."
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: The Second International Thaller Congress

Postby cm9777 » Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:13 am

Malgus III Implicates Family in his escape

Malgus Von Thaller, the former Tyrant of Kalopia through a slip of the tongue revealed that members of the family were in fact responsible for his escape several years ago. This unwanted admission came when he was discussing ways to further the family and how he had escaped from Dorvish custody. Realising his mistake, Malgus was able to avoid mentioning which Thallers in particular aided him in the escape. The Operation itself led to the deaths of five Dorvish Guards. Suspicion will likely fall upon the Deltarian branch and perhaps the main line in Narikaton.

Deltarian Thaller Branch supports calls for negotiations with Istalia and Hulstria

Head of the Deltarian Branch, Norbert I Von Thaller said he was willing to use his friendly relationship with the Istalian Government and the obvious family ties to the Hulstrian Royal family to mediate the dispute before it escalates into war. He mentioned the emergence of the Wolfsheim plague as the bigger problem that needs to be solved and that a military escalation in Dovani would only hinder efforts to stop the spread of the infection.
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Re: The Second International Thaller Congress

Postby Arapaima13 » Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:50 am

Nemo Says a Thaller Should Rule Every Nation on Terra

The religious zealot of the family, Nemo von Thaller said at the Conference that, "every Nation should have a Thaller ruling it." He also asked the family for guidance and support in attempting to retake the Kalopian throne from the "illegal peasants that currently are the source of destruction in my once great nation," so to achieve that goal of world domination. He further asked his Uncle, Malgus, that, should they take power from the Reform Party currently running Kalopi-Siphina, could he be given the throne in Kalopia.
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Re: The Second International Thaller Congress

Postby cm9777 » Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:40 am

Malgus promises to support Nemo

Malgus Von Thaller has agreed to Nemo's idea to install a Thaller in Kalopia. He has made a large donation of 3 million DTE to Nemo's personal bank account and has promised more support in the future.
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Re: The Second International Thaller Congress

Postby cm9777 » Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:21 pm


The events described here took place over a two week period so it is actually over, however given that these things take time to write, they will be updated over a wider period of time.
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Re: The Second International Thaller Congress

Postby Polites » Thu Nov 09, 2017 3:40 pm

Barmenian Thallers ask for help

Shb Zahr von Thaller, representing Sultan Intrsmor Jrl-Banmek-Sntazed, has updated the Thaller Congress on the situation of the Family in Barmenistan. Following the republican coup and the installation of a Federal Republic in the aftermath of his twin brother's assassination, the Twin Sultan has lost control over most Barmenian territory and is now in power only in Sekhmet and the surrounding hinterland, as well as a few pockets of pro-Thaller resistance in the rest of the nation. Shb Zahr considers that religious fanaticism and radical republicanism are to blame for this unfortunate reversal in the Family's fortunes, being particularly critical of the Ruhi cult and the fundamentalist Orthodox Felinist sects. As such Shb Zahr requests the assistance of his kinsmen in restoring the glory of the Thallerid Sultanate and defeating the terrorist-created Federal Republic, especially pleading for support in maintaining order over the few areas still loyal to the Family. Once the radical religious republic is defeated and those responsible for the treasonous assassination of Sultan Jemrjkai are brought to justice, Shb Zahr argues that Barmenistan and the Jrl-Banmek-Sntazed dynasty require help in putting down religious fundamentalism and sectarian terrorism and modernizing Barmenian society in line with Thallerist thought and principles.
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Re: The Second International Thaller Congress

Postby Mbites » Fri Nov 10, 2017 1:20 pm

Mainline states support

Cedrik II, incumbent monarch of Narikaton announced that he will use family funds and any ressources available to keep Barmenistan in the Thaller influence sphere and the family branch there in power. He also stated that the anti-Thallerist sentiment which they have fought against for decades now seems to increase again because of the myth that apparently all Thallers are authoritarian fascists but he declines all of these lies and allegations. Cedrik also agrees on the matter that fanatic religious peoples and republicans have always been a problem for thallerist ideas. Only true democrats and statesmen could understand the complex thoughts that wander through the minds of family members.

"Shb Zahr von Thaller should expect a letter from the General Secretary of Family Finances and the Supreme Commander in Chief of Family forces."
-Cedrik II von Thaller
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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