New Verham

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New Verham

Postby Kubrick » Sat May 20, 2017 12:53 am

The New Verham News Agency is the media channel of the Republic of New Verham, it publishes articles from the NVNA itself as well as other news organizations with different political tones. They are listed below.

New Verham News Agency - the state news network, the government of New Verham owns a 55% stake in this news company, a certain bias towards the sitting government can be expected but overall they are the most neutral news agency.

Baru Banstill Courant - a well-respected newspaper within the Republic of New Verham, it is known to be of a more conservative and right-wing nature but often posts very neutral news.

Daily Messenger - a populist tabloid known for its wild and sensational articles, most of the time they publish nonsense but once every blue moon their over the top stories may even be correct, they have a reputation to publish almost anything that is sent in, as long as it's dramatic.

Red Dawn - a leftist newspaper known for its Metzist tendencies, they are the centre of the far-left opposition towards the government and often criticize the state.

Verham Times - a centre-left newspaper owned by a large media moghul, they publish a mixture of factual and populist articles.

News of the Nation - a far right pro-monarchy newspaper, known for glorifying the colonial times and calling for New Verham to become a monarchy.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: New Verham News Agency

Postby Kubrick » Fri May 26, 2017 4:57 pm

New Verham News Agency| Daily news, daily facts.

Baidan victorious in presidential elections
Radical agenda wins over conservative plans of Irawan.

President-elect Baidan addressing the crowd of her party, the League of Resurgence.

November 4216 - The elections are over, all votes have been counted. The new President-elect of the Republic of New Verham is Aisyah Baidan. The charismatic female leader of the League of Resurgence has won the elections with a margin of 2.8% over her rival Guntur Irawan. The League of Resurgence has a rather radical program, wanting to overturn the entire nation and cause a resurgence of New Verham. According to the President-elect the Republic has seen a decline, especially since the economic recession, which has not been battled "enough" by the Conservative Party candidate Irawan. The inauguration will take place in two weeks, after which Baidan can put her words to work.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: New Verham News Agency

Postby stuntmonkey » Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:11 pm


Lieutenant-General Dietrich Hohenstein, Commander of Hulstria's Armed Forces in Ostland, has issued a warning to the neighbouring New Verham government to control its citizens who are trying to leave the country.

It is believed people in their thousands are attempting to migrate north into Ostland and ultimately reach more developed countries to escape the ravages of the plague, which has now claimed tens of millions of lives.

Hohenstein has warned the government in New Verham that any further attempts to illegally cross the border may lead to Hulstrian troops entering the country to control the situation. The general said he had orders to take all action necessary to protect people in Ostland and Hulstria from a further influx of plague victims.

A map of the former colonies, which also shows the developed nations of northern Dovani.
“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”


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Re: New Verham News Agency

Postby stuntmonkey » Fri Nov 17, 2017 12:46 pm


Hulstrian troops are reportedly moving towards the border with New Verham as a second - and apparently final - warning was issued to the Republican government in regards to controlling migrants.

The Foreign office has received word from the Imperial Crownlands that the situation on the Verham-Ostland border had become "intolerable" and all measures are on the table to prevent the movement of refugees, many of who may be carrying the plague virus.

New Verham President, Gisela van Barragat, said the warning from Hulstria was "seriously threatening" and she feared the migration issue would be used to justify an "invasion" of the northern provinces of the Republic.

She called on the international community to re-double their efforts in stopping the totalitarian regime in Hulstria - which has already set up a protectorate in neighbouring Ostland - from carrying on with its expansionist plans.
“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”


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Re: New Verham News Agency

Postby stuntmonkey » Sat Nov 18, 2017 1:28 pm


Reports are starting to filter in that Hulstrian troops have crossed the border from Ostland into the Republic.

New Verham border guard units have fallen back with little resistance. It is not known what has happened to the thousands of migrants camped on the border who were looking to move north. More will follow...
“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”


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Re: New Verham News Agency

Postby stuntmonkey » Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:58 am


Hulstrian troops advancing into North Verham have been stopped in their tracks after more than a third of party members refused to back Chancellor Leopold Nimitz's plans for invasion and occupation.

Herr Nimitz suffered a massive blow after asking for backing for his plans to permanently intervene in North Verham to stop the flow of plague carrying migrants heading north into Ostland and, subsequently, Hulstria.

Imperial Crownlands troops looked set to continue their progress which had encountered very little resistance until the embarrassing vote became the main stumbling block. Without the 2/3rds majority needed to prosecute the war, the Reichskanzler does not have the constitutional right to continue with the intervention. He has now been forced to order the withdrawal of troops back to the border.

However, in an angry exchange with ruling party colleagues in the Reichstag he said: "Without the full support of this government, I cannot continue with this intervention and I will call on our troops to advance no further and look to withdraw in good order.

However, when the chaos ensues once more and the plague and other diseases once again threatens Hulstria and Ostland I will remind you of this moment."

It is seen as another blow for Herr Nimitz whose support has become gradually eroded and undermined by factions appearing in the Party.

New Verham President Gisela van Barragat said she believed it to be a momentary halt in the invasion and, once again, called on the international community to send military aid and other support to block a new offensive.
“I venture to suggest that patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime.”


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Re: New Verham News Agency

Postby Edward123456 » Mon Jan 08, 2018 5:19 pm



The Vanukeaan People's Party (VPP) leader, Huibert Verduin, has won the Presidential Elections in New Verham. He won against the politician from the ethnically Kunikata and big-tent, National Party, Nishi Yui, who claimed that the election was rigged by outside countries to ensure their interests where represented and not New Verham's. Verduin won 53% to Yui's 39%, which is unusual considering that the Kunikata is the countries largest ethnic group.

Verduin brushed off the allegations of vote rigging and said that all of the people of New Verham simply listened to his message of progress for the country economically and more relations with other nations all around Terra.

The VPP also swept the Legislature, winning 113 seats out of 199 with the Nationals on 70 and the Orinco Party winning 9, meaning that Verduin's reforms will likely be strongly put in place.

Despite New Verham seeming unified, many people are angry, specifically ethnic Kunikatas and some Socialists who oppose the VPP. Across the nation, people are rioting, leaving 11 dead and 384 injured so far. Verduin has called to end the violence, calling for peace and unity and to prevent a civil war, but it seems the tension is already brewing.
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Re: New Verham News Agency

Postby Jabotinsky22 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:14 am

Government declares martial law

Roits swept the country leading to violent clashes in streets, theft, vandalism, and rape. The Republic had at last reached the point of no return. The current administration has decided to implement a temporary form of martial law with intention of maintaining law and order until tensions simmer down. The Army shall be placed on standby with orders to mobilize if necessary.
Last edited by Jabotinsky22 on Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Verham News Agency

Postby Jabotinsky22 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:42 pm

Infantry deployed

This evening barracks located on the outskirts of the capital received a call from the high command authorizing the deployment of Infantry along with armour. The troops have been ordered to prevent the spread of rioting towards areas of commerce. military personnel have explicit permission to shot on sight without prior warning.
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Re: New Verham News Agency

Postby Jabotinsky22 » Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:30 pm

Troops Open Fire on Rioters

This morning at around 11 am shoots rang out as infantrymen armed with assault rifles and shotguns opened fire upon rioters brandishing clubs and cobblestones caught looting one of the many businesses in Amslaanger district of Niew Haarlem killing 30 and wounding 110. the orgy of violence that began with the victory of The Vanukeaan People's Party (VPP) earlier this week has sadly spread throughout the capital. infantry have also been responsible for the execution of several Socialists credited with inciting violence in a otherwise peaceful locality. as a result of such needless bloodshed Government officials have begun to flee elsewhere taking with them thousands of urban refugees seeking stability and a long awaited return to normalcy. hospitals are being flooded with the wounded from both sides of the struggle despite the apparent lack of medical staff and supplies. those fleeing the capital are advised to do so asap and to avoid using frequented routes.
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