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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Sun Nov 19, 2017 12:34 pm

Wantuni Republican One of the Arrested in Istalia

One of the five arrested in Istalia for organised criminal activity includes Georg Zacharias, who is believed to play a large role within the Wantuni Republican League, a paramilitary that has terrorised the Territory of Al-Najd with a series of terrorist attacks over the last decade. The extremist, who has masterminded several terror attacks within the region, and is believed to be a significant figure within the illegal organisation, is wanted in Kalopi-Siphina by Ministers to face trial here for his crimes.

The Justice Ministry confirmed that Zacharias was wanted for the organising of multiple terror related attacks. They called for his extradition so that he could see a lengthy prison sentence for treason and terror within Kalopi-Siphina. The other four men all had records of illegal drug dealing within Kalopi-Siphina, however the Department of Justice confirmed that they would not be pushing for extradition in this case. Arbenia Ciftja, the Justice Minister gave a statement to the press:

The Istalian Government have carried out an extensive raid on illegal organised crime regarding drug-related offences, as well as black market offences. The Kalopi-Siphinan government is willing to assist them should they need any further help in hunting down these heartless criminals who deserve no less than a lengthy prison sentence. The five Kalopian men involved were Amru al-Shaheen, Amantin Fakaj, Cristoforo Rigas, Darian Teresis, and Georg Zacharias.

We believe the ring-leader, if you will, of these five men, Zacharias, led them to Istalia several weeks before these raids occurred in order to introduce them to an unidentified Ahmadi extremist, who he had been put in contact with through his position in the Wantuni Republican League. We believe this was part of a radicalisation process, and that the purpose was to turn these men into cold-hearted terrorists. We are unsure yet to how these men became involved within this illegal organisation, however pending investigations are looking into the matter.

I shall also be contacting the Istalian Justice Minister to discuss the extradition of Georg Zacharias to face charges of murder, and organising terrorist attacks within Kalopi-Siphina. We would hope that Istalia shall be open to his extradition, and support it. I can confirm that all other men have no charges against them within this country, bar minor altercations and petty theft, things we would not pursue extradition for.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Axxell » Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:36 am

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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby IstalianLib » Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:21 am

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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:16 pm


Reform Party Reformed: Promises "Neolibertarian Paradise" for Kalopi-Siphinans

New Leader, Malan Berisha spoke to The Right Way (Rruga e Duhur) about the reformation of the Reform Party

Fifteen years after the monumental collapse of the Reform Party, who held a hegemony on Kalopian politics for over a decade, the party has made its return to the political stage. Advocating a "neolibertarian paradise" for Kalopi-Siphinans, the reformed Reform Party has shifted to a more radical platform against Majatrans and Turjaks, which includes policies such as banning the Knowledgeable and Wise Imam Society from the Assembly.

Its new leader, Malan Berisha, is a philosophy student, and Siphinan. His parents, former members of the Reform Party, were killed by militant Turjaks in the Junta which followed the collapse of the original party. Along with other children of party members who were persecuted, Berisha founded the Children of the Reform Party organisation (which now acts as the party's paramilitary), to connect former members' children. Soon afterwards, with large support from the organisation that had garnered several thousand members, Berisha took the next step to restart the party.

His background has definitely influenced his politics today - something that he admits - and is evident when he talks about the necessity of Kalopi-Siphinan nationalism, and the need to reestablish the Republic of Kalopi-Siphina. Speaking to The Right Way, Berisha talks about his struggle through the Junta and how he is ready to take Kalopia to a new golden age.

Phoena Perri [PP]: Hello, Mr Berisha. I am delighted you could join us. Firstly, may I offer you congratulations on the recreation of the Reform Party. My first question to you is this. What does your Reform Party believe in, and what is it set out to achieve?

Malan Berisha [MB]: I'm glad to be here. I believe that Kalopia was on its way to greatness two decades ago. We had the right formula; we were making progress.
That progress was abruptly destroyed by the Turjaks and the Majatrans, who took away everything that the Kalopi-Siphinans had been fighting for. President Haxhi spearheaded much economic growth - indeed it was his economic policies that are still having a positive impact on the economy today. The Reform Party believes in the continuation of these policies, and the creation of a neolibertarian paradise. This means the deregulation of the economy, and expanding of social freedom for Kalopi-Siphinans.

PP: One of the former President's last acts was to remove the party's anti-Majatran stance. However, you are positioning the party very strongly against both Majatrans and Turjaks. Why is this?

MB: The simple answer to that is that the true people of Kalopia are Kalopi-Siphinans. That means that Kalopia belongs to the Kalopians, Siphinans, and Istochniaks,
and not to Turjaks and Majatrans. These two races have consistently shown throughout Kalopian history their desire to gain power through conquest - demonstrated through the last Junta, which took the lives of my parents, and many other Siphinans. We have to stand up to these violent people and take back our country. This is done in either two ways. The first is complete mandatory emigration from Kalopia for Majatrans and Turjaks, a relatively sensible preposition assuming we border Kafuristan and Jakania. The second option is to pursue a two-State solution. Either way, it is necessary to get these people out of our country.

PP: Elections are pencilled in for 4322. How well do you think you will do, and which policies will you immediately seek to pass?

MB: Well I am not in the business of speculation, and I would not feel comfortable predicting electoral results for an election that is two years away. Naturally, our goal will be to win as many seats as possible, but I could not give you an estimate of where we think we may end up. In terms of detailed policy, there are many things we wish to do. I think that there could be a big emphasis on repealing social regulation, especially policy such as capital punishment, which I am proud to say that the Reform Party abolished in 4298.

PP: I understand that you don't want to predict the results of the election. However, if it comes down to coalition talks, who would the Reform Party be open to talking to?

MB: Again, I feel that this is a tricky topic to discuss. After all, coalition building also depends upon the relationship between two parties, as well as ideology. Naturally, we cannot, due to severe ideological differences, accept any coalition deal that includes the Knowledgeable and Wise Imam Society. I have to say that we are also rather concerned with the fascist, and hence socialistic, policies of the Ultra Nationalists, who are ignoring the right to freedom for Kalopi-Siphinans. They seem to agree with KWIS too much, and I feel that their abhorrent, and oppressive policies are ones much more akin to an Ahmadi Caliphate than a free Kalopia.

PP: We have run out of time, I'm afraid, Mr Berisha, so I only have room for one more question. You seem to be quite opposed to the Ultra Nationalists. What do you have to say about their current Morality Reform Act?

MB: It's disgusting. It refuses to recognise homosexual relationships, and that infringes on the freedom of the people. They are quite clearly not pro small government, as they try to claim, and might as well come out of the closet (bet they don't like that phrase), and declare themselves as communists. They say it is for the sake of "morality", However we feel that their opinion is more inline with extreme Ahmadism, than mainstream Kalopian opinion - and they will suffer as a result of their views at the next election.

PP: Thank you Mr Berisha for your time.

MB: Thank you for having me. I look forward to being invited again.
Last edited by Arapaima13 on Fri Dec 22, 2017 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Franco Urquhart » Fri Dec 22, 2017 9:15 am

Kalopian Economy On Track For Further Growth: Castellanos

ELEOPOLIS -- Finance Minister Gregory Castellanos has called the recent economic report on Kalopia's economy to be indicating a stronger year for the Kalopian economy next year, due in part to strong policies implemented by the EPS Government that has allowed Kalopia's business confidence, consumer confidence and productivity per worker to rise, by rolling back more than 40 regulations in the past year that were severely restricting economic potential in Kalopia. The EPS, the main governing party since the fall of the Junta in 4314, has had a strong economic track record, with the massive cuts to the income tax, by reducing the top rate from 35% to 19% and the bottom rate from 12% to 3%, and by harmonising the national sales tax regime to ensure ease of compliance and understanding. The Finance Minister said that, "for a Kalopia to be strong, the government must be prudent and fiscally responsible. The EPS pledges to continue a regime of no deficits, unlike the previous Junta, which repeatedly financed massive spending through tax increases on the most productive members of our economy, and we pledge to continue having an open and free market with fair competition and low regulations for our economy to continue prospering." When asked by reporters about whether he would continue as Finance Minister in the next government, Castellanos said that, "all I can say is that for the EPS to be part of any coalition, the EPS must get the Finance position. Whether or not I will continue will be a decision for Prime Minister Vlachos and the Party's Central Executive Committee to decide on." Castellanos also emphasised that the EPS's "strong track record on the economy should be a point for voters to remember, and that a strong economy is necessary before any other freedoms and decorative policies can be implemented."
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Franco Urquhart » Fri Dec 22, 2017 9:33 am

EPS Has Strong Record of Economic & Social Stability: Vlachos

ELEOPOLIS -- In an dialogue with reporters and business leaders yesterday, Prime Minister Sebastianos Vlachos was asked about a wide range of issues, especially since an early election is expected since the demise of the KSK. On the issue of the controversial Kalopian Communities Reconstruction Act, the Prime Minister commented that, "in the televised Grand National Assembly debates on this bill, I think we all can see that some parties are obviously trying to exploit the issue of race and religion to attack other parties, which I think is definitely not acceptable of any public servant because our nation is still very fresh from the apartheid rule of the former Junta, and any of such prodding will only deepen the tensions and unhappiness between different groups of people in Kalopia. Freedom of expression is important, but we mustn't overstep the religious freedoms of others." The Prime Minister also emphasised that the main issue in the election should be whether or not Kalopia wants a free economy and a civilised populace, or whether it wants anarchy and lack of stability. The Prime Minister called upon prominent business leaders like Anand Al-Shabir, CEO of ZentraLand Group, Liam Tsipras, President of WPE Industries and Giovanni Michelopoulos, Chairman of Vulcan Industries, and discussed the issue of the election. The three business leaders agreed that the election was important, and said that the current climate the EPS has engineered in Kalopia was the most conducive for businesses to flourish, because of the strong, stable social conditions that have been laid down, with adequate freedom and yet enough control to ensure stability. They indicated that if the election swung towards a Kalopia that teeters close to instability due to excess freedom, their companies would seek better opportunities elsewhere to bolster the security of their profits and operations. The Prime Minister said in response, "this is not very desirable, but understandable given that you are private businesses, but I sincerely hope that that would not happen, for the good of Kalopia and for the good of the future."
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 5:03 pm

BREAKING: Malan Berisha Claims Legislative Victory for Reformists
- Calls for major constitutional and social change
- Berisha says results show Majatrans and Turjaks not wanted in Kalopia
- Reform Party defeated in Presidential Election, as Incumbent given Conservative Endorsement

Malan Berisha spoke in front of a large audience at the Reform Party headquarters, following his legislative victory in the Kalopian elections.

The votes have been counted up, and Berisha's men have stormed to a large 118 seats in the Assembly. Amassing 40% of the vote, the Reform Party has retaken Kalopian politics comprehensively, taking three regions - including two with outright majorities. Although defeated in the Presidential Election, due to a widespread conservative campaign by the Ultranationalists and National Conservatives, which saw the Reform Party suffer in the Second Round, Malan Berisha has said that it his party has been given a mandate to "shake up constitutional and social legislation" for the people of Kalopia.

Positioning themselves as the "liberal" choice in this election, despite their nationalistic tendencies, the voters flocked behind the Reform Party who helped steady the ship two decades ago, and restore Kalopia to an era of stability. Attacking oppressive, fascistic policies, such as those of the Ultra Nationalists, has paid off for the Reformists, as most Kalopians remember vividly the dire Turjak Junta, which nearly flatlined both social and economic development. It is clear that espousing permissive views has been successful, as the KWIS, Ultra Nationalists, and National Conservatives all came out with poor results - with the more moderate EPS having a modest rise in their vote.

But now in this position, what are the Reform Party seeking to achieve? We have already been informed by the Party's Executive Committee that the De-Turjakising Act shall be reintroduced to the Assembly in order to receive the 2/3 majority it requires - which should easily pass should all the parties vote "yes" a second time. The Communication and Press Director for the party, Dafni Michelakos, also communicated that the Reform Party wants to start discussion around legislative seat numbers, and how voting is conducted. We can also expect a myriad of new social reform being brought to the House, although this may be harder for the party to force through, with the majority of the House remaining socially conservative.

There is also need to talk about possible coalition building. Although some in the Reform Party would perhaps favour a supply-and-demand minority government, it is hard to see where they would get the needed support to carry this out. As for coalition partners, the only two viable options are the EPS, due to the lack of a strong relation with the Ultra Nationalists, the lack of seats from the National Conservatives, and the clash in ideology with the KWIS. Despite being the largest party, and commanding a large mandate from the people of Kalopia, the Reformists ending up in Opposition is still a factor.

For now though, the party is in a jovial spirit, shown by the enthusiasm with which Malan Berisha addressed supporters at their headquarters in Siphina. Putting aside racial and religious differences, Berisha praised the province of Al-Najd (he refuses to name the region by its Turjak variant) for backing the Reform Party, and said that the Wantuni populace definitely gave a helping hand in the electing of the Reform Party. In the same fashion that saw the original party veer away from its anti-Majatran stance, it seems that Berisha may be prepared to do the same with Reform Party Version 2. Despite this, he was still very critical of the Turjak populace, who he says, are the reason that the KWIS were able to win in Mossavi.

We have much to be thankful today my friends. On top of our truly spectacular victory, we must praise the people of Al-Najd for supporting the Reform Party. I think that the Wantuni have said shown that they want to be part of Kalopia, and we must and should respect that. I thank them for putting their trust in the Reform Party. We must have a serious talk within our party over what position we should take on the matter, and I would hope that we can see a greater recognition of Wantuni in our party in the near future. However, my friends. The Turjaks are not as willing to support us. They allowed the extremists to win in the state of Mossavi. This is unnacceptable, and shows that they cannot conform with Kalopian society. Ever since the Junta these people have been a problem, and it has to end. Kalopia is not the traditional home for the Turjaks. It is not right that they remain here. I promise I will be pursuing legislation that, firstly restricts the movements of extremist organisations - including the KWIS, and secondly, looks into sending Turjaks back to their own country.
Extract from Malan Berisha's Speech to Reform Party members.

The nation is at a crossroads. The Reform Party has the potential to change Kalopia forever, with wide sweeping changes, and reforms. Whether this will happen however? We will have to wait and see.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Franco Urquhart » Sat Dec 23, 2017 2:58 pm

EPS Open To Coalition Talks, But Reminds Reformists That They Don't Hold All The Cards

ELEOPOLIS -- Incumbent Prime Minister Sebastianos Vlachos has indicated that the EPS would be open for coalition talks once more, but promises no guarantees, and hints that due to the precarious situation in Kalopia since the latest legislative election, which has seen a hung Kalopian legislature, fresh elections may once again be called if coalition talks fail to reach fruition. The EPS gained 10 seats while seeing its current partners in the Grand National Assembly lose a significant number of seats to the liberal Reform Party in this election, however, close cooperation among the 4 parties has seen the Reformists denied a clear majority in the Grand National Assembly, making it very possible to see that the Reformists may very well join the ranks of the Opposition due to the lack of seats.

This is the full text of Vlachos's speech to the EPS yesterday.
"Kalopia has reached a turning point. The EPS has done well, with all incumbent cabinet ministers and members retaining their seats, and seeing 10 more of our illustrious members getting elected. We also congratulate Governor Maximus Afroudakis for his strong performance in Minosasa. However, much remains to be done to better the lives of all Kalopians. The EPS has led Kalopia through an unprecedented period of stability even when the state of the Kalopian Grand National Assembly may wonder how it was even possible with such a divided legislature. It just shows the credibility the EPS and our valuable partners in our governance of Kalopia. Under the EPS, Kalopia has seen a rebound in the economy with all our partners embracing the ideals of free market capitalism, and allowing the invisible hand to do what it does best, creating prosperity for every single Kalopian. Under the EPS, we have healed the wounds of the racial divide Kalopia once had under the military Junta, but we face yet another challenge, the Reformists, no matter their seemingly-liberal agenda, have something much more terrifying up their sleeves. They anti-Majatran, anti-Turjak, anti-Ahmadi agenda is seriously damaging to the social stability of our country. They promote blatant racism, blatant ethno-religious biases, and stoke the flames that will destabilise Kalopia and harm our economy. The Kalopian people have rightly chosen their representatives. They have rightly demanded that same balance of power between the current 4 parties that form the spine of the current government we have. The Majatrans rightly chose KWIS to represent them, the Hosians rightly chose the National Conservatives, the Ultranationalists rightly captured the hearts of strong social conservatives and militarists, while us, the EPS, we have a share of every group in Kalopia. Our 4-party alliance makes our nation strong, our communities stable, and forms a glue that holds us all together. We cannot afford to lose the social stability we have as a nation. We cannot afford for another era of apartheid. We cannot choose a way of life that demonises others blindly. Kalopians, we must stand together, and fight against hypocrisy, stand for strong communal and moral values, free markets, and harmony in diversity. All Kalopians belong to our wonderful Kalopian family, our Kalopian nation, and we must not divide ourselves and allow foreigners to exploit our tensions. We must show the world of our unity, and we must, show the world that we are Kalopians, regardless of race or religion. The Reformists need to be reminded that they do not hold all the cards in this legislature. They need to know how to give and take. They must recognise that they have no right to stomp on those they require the support of. Unless this happens, all coalition talks will still be ongoing, but I guarantee that Kalopia under the EPS will have a better and brighter future, a nation of equal opportunities will manifest itself for all Kalopians. Because we believe in Kalopia, we believe in you, the people, and because we stand together as one people, one family, one Kalopia!"
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Sun Dec 24, 2017 11:04 pm

BREAKING: Kalopia On Verge Of War
- Kalopian Parties unite against foreign threat.
- Malan Berisha appointed "war time" Prime Minister in National Unity Cabinet.
- Tensions begun by the passing of the Border Wall Act in the Solentian Senate.

In an unprecedented whirlwind of events, Kalopia has found itself on the brink of all out war with Solentia, following the passing of a bill in the Solentian Senate confirming plans to build a wall between the two nations. In events that nearly mirror the rise in tensions two decades ago, Kalopia has found itself again preparing for war against Solentia as all parties in the Grand National Assembly unite to fight the foreign threat.

For the second time in the 44th Century, Solentia have threatened to build a wall on the Kalopi-Solentian border. This time, the move was orchestrated by the self-proclaimed fascist party, the Faschistische Nationalbewegung (FNB), who is characterised by its Solentian-nationalist, and anti-Istalian views. Whilst some of its domestic ideas align with opinions in the Grand National Assembly, it is clear that all parties in Kalopia are hellbent in their aim to prevent foreign aggression against their nation. Being the largest party by some distance, the FNB were able to easily dictate the Senate such that it was not difficult to find a majority for the wall.

As a consequence of these actions, Kalopia has pledged to "tear [the] wall down", and will send in both military troops, and paramilitary troops, to dismantle any part of the wall that is actually built. The government is also very clear that should any of these troops be attacked in any form by Solentia, this shall be viewed as an act of war, and Kalopia will declare war upon Solentia. This now seems probable, as it is doubtful that the FNB would be willing to back away from a wall between the two nations, and it would be too financially costly for them to allow Kalopian troops to continue to break down the wall peacefully.

A consequence of this aggressive behaviour from Solentia, has actually resulted in agreement within Kalopia. It appeared that we were set for months of negotiations in order to determine the first new cabinet since the demise of the EPS. Although progress was being made, the two main negotiators, the KWIS and the Reform Party, were still hammering out a deal, and agreement appeared a way off. However, through the actions of the FNB and the Solentian Senate, the parties have agreed to a National Unity Cabinet which will allow all the parties to work together on protecting Kalopia. The new Prime Minster, Malan Berisha, has already sent off a message to Istalia, whilst the Foreign Minister has also made contact with Solentia.

Now, we are resigned to wait; the fate of Kalopia resting upon the decisions of politicians. We seem destined to go to war - however, should commonsense prevail in Solentia, then just maybe, we could avoid conflict all together. We will just have to wait and see.
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Re: Καλοπίκή Ειδήσεων (Kalopian News)

Postby Arapaima13 » Tue Dec 26, 2017 10:28 pm

BREAKING: Berisha Says No to Fascist's Compromise
- Confirms Kalopia's terms remain the same
- Says he wants Kalopia and Istalia to discuss possible military action
- Warns that there is no place for fascism in Terra

Berisha has announced Kalopia's response to the offered compromises to the Kalopia-Solentia Crisis from the Fascists in Solentia. In a strongly worded statement to the Government, the Prime Minister said no talk would occur unless Solentia backs down. He also maintained Kalopia's position that should any violence be used by Solentia - even teargas and water cannons, which have been placed at the construction site - war would be inevitable.

Within Solentia, it appears that the FNB may now have a harder time in pushing through agenda, with a reduced seat share. Although they are adamant that the wall will go ahead, should those who voted against the bill choose to repeal it, they could be successful. This is undoubtedly the best outcome - a simple bill through the Senate, and the avoidance of bloodshed. However, this is reliant on the SPS (who abstained last time) not supporting the bill - and it is not known which way they would vote.

In Kalopia, however, there is a clear consensus to stand up to Solentia. Winning the support of regional, and global power Istalia, will empower the Kalopian government to be more bold in there actions and there demands. This, though, may lead to the government becoming overly confident, and all-out war spilling out as a result. Berisha showcased this in his latest remarks towards Solentia, as well as his latest remarks to the press:

Undoubtedly, Solentia's actions are clearly blatant and unwise. They are damaging relations with neigbouring nations, and pursuing an incredibly aggressive foreign policy against other nations. We will not back down from our position, and hence we expect them to shift, or we fear the inevitably is conflict. Let us remind ourselves, however, that should conflict occur, the country to blame will be Solentia. I have full confidence in the Kalopian military that they will - should the time come - show Solentia why they did not want to act in this manner to our nation.

I will call on Solentia again to repeal their Border Wall Act. You have the votes to do so within the Senate. The building of the wall begins within just a few weeks. Should a bill be brought to the House, you may just spare your nation from facing the inevitable consequences of your actions.

The Prime Minister also had a strongly worded message to the FNB, who questioned the Grand National Assembly about why Kalopia believed the wall to be a breach of national sovereignty:

We do not wish for there to be a wall between our nations, wherever it is positioned. We will therefore tear it down as it is built - peacefully. Should a Solentian troop fire upon these peaceful soldiers tearing down your wall, this will be an act of war, and we will respond accordingly. It is that simple. We have permission from your President to do so, and hence us entering your nation is not a violation of your sovereignty. We will ask you again to stand down.

Meanwhile, the military, and several paramilitaries have begun conducting training drills together in order to prepare for possible conflict. This is a monumental moment, as it is the first time that paramilitaries have worked with the army since the fall of the Junta. It is believed, however, that nearly all known paramilitaries support government action in Solentia, and only a few radically far-left organisations have refused to become involved in helping. In particular, the Reform Party paramilitary: Children of the Reform Party, has already been moved towards the border, in order to prepare for incoming police forces from Solentia.

The Kalopian Army training in case of conflict.
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