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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Martinulus » Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:23 pm

HDV-NKHP result "a bit underwhelming", but Hosian Democrats "confident for the future"

Quirin Goddestreu, the HDV leader, is looking a bit glum

Kien, Hulstria - After an election which saw the former natural party of government score last, the HDV-NKHP leadership have admitted that the results were not as expected as the Hosian Democrats and Conservatives look set to enter into the first post-revolution Cabinet as the third-strongest force. "A far cry from the overwhelming victories enjoying the Kurosawa effect," admitted Viscount Fukuyama, comparing the HDV performance to the overwhelming 80% victory the Hosian Democrats enjoyed as heirs of the original 15th of September Movement. "But this is a different country. Maybe it'll take some more work to match our historic party name."

The Hosian Democrats remained remarkably stoic under their performance in the elections, with many members pointing out there was no way to predict the result, and that that way was certainly not comparing to centuries ago. "Face it," said one office worker at 9 Michelsplatz, the Party's new Central Office. "Our historic predecessor lost its dominance at some point, too. Maybe we just shouldn't expect too much." The faithful from the HDV and their Ronthingrenist allies, Geraniengau's NKHP, certainly did not blame it on their leader, Quirin Goddestreu, who remarked on one important fact: "We may have some building to do, but we're back in one historic spot: at the heart of the Crownlander party system. Whether over left or right, the governmental tradition of the HDV and the recognisable values of Hosian Democracy are crucial to our future."

Indeed, the Hosian Democrats are indispensable for any connected coalition through the centre, and are joining a Cabinet as the pivotal player between the centre-right LVP and the centre-left KDP-NKEP formation. The new Cabinet sees an all-HDV contingent: Goddestreu himself moves up to Education and Culture and Vize-Staatsminister, switching places with Geraniengau, who becomes the new Klubobmann of the combined HDV-NKHP Reichstagsfraktion. Kinuye Arinaga becomes the first Minister of Defence, while the ever-applauded diplomat Viscount Fukuyama continues to represent the Crownlands abroad. "We've got a strong team," Goddestreu concluded. "Glaub dran."
Hosianisch-Demokratisches Verbund - Hulstria and Gao-Soto

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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Elf » Wed Dec 27, 2017 6:52 pm

Glücksman to be Challenged for Congress, Plans Ideological and Structural Overhaul, Booting Out Competitors


KIEN - Trouble seems to be on the horizon as the Freedomite Crownlander League (FKL) prepares to hold its triannual Congress. The party's leaders has proposed a series of motions aimed at transforming the FKL from a grassroots movement into a strongly centralized organization. A very important change is the merge of the positions of parliamentary leader, head of the party's executive board and party secretary (employer of its civil servants etc.) into a single office called the Executive Director, to which Jörg Glücksman was supposed to be the sole nominee. Until now, when Claudia Thronstahl - the former leader of the liberal faction of the Hulstrian Party that split away and merged with the FKL - has announced that she is challenging him for the position. Thronstahl draws her support from wings of the party that both accuses Glücksman of doing too little, and seeking to turn the FKL into a conservative party. The Executive Board has responded by starting internal person cases for Thronstahl and many of her supporters, accusing them of ideological deviance and secretly plotting to use the FKL as a plattform for the return of Hulstrian one-party state. They are expected to be formally excluded after the Liga's Congress this summer, as long as the people in charge get re-elected. The post of head of the electoral commission was also supposed to be submerged into the Executive Director, but this was changed after internal protests. It remains separate and in the hands of Gücksman's protegé (and stepdaughter) Terīzā Raushenbāgu, who also chairs the FKL's Mitrania district.

Mrs. Thronstahl has commented the developments:

It's mind-boggling, really. They're going to exclude me on grounds of 'ideological deviance' - yet it is THEY who are ideologically deviant. Our movement is called the 'Freedomites' and not the 'Conservatives for tax cuts and larger forests'. It is their fault we are now in the opposition instead of using the tiny centre-right majority to form a government with the HDV and the LVP. I'm confident I have the grassroots movement on my side and that I will win. But are they to act in this kind of undemocratic way, I will take the case to court. I promise. Undemocratic parties are supposed to be illegal in this country after all.

However, Mr. Glücksman seems to feel confident about his cause and pays little attention to her claims:

Being a member of the Liga is not a right for anyone, it is a privilege for those who share our values. We are enacting these reforms to help running the Liga in a more efficient way. The decision our members' representatives are gonna make on abortion not the least, will show that we have their support. If the members don't like me, their representatives can always vote me out of office.

Mr. Glücksman's mention of 'abortion' is a mention of another one of his motions, for the Liga to take a clear pro-life stance, which is expected to become another hotly debated topic on the Congress.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Alain Delors » Thu Dec 28, 2017 10:59 am

Landbund Balks at Von Track's Civil Rights Reforms
August 4324

Mitranian Minister-President Sepp Pfalzinger is not happy with the Justice Minister's performance

Dismay is growing within the ranks of the Landbund, the conservative LVP ally in the Crownland of Mitrania as federal Justice Minister Christina von Track is increasingly taking flak from LB members for the progressive course of her civil rights reforms. While they grudgingly agreed to vote in favor of her cannabis legalization law (recognizing its potential opportunities for the farming industry), they have been strongly taken aback by her recent proposals regarding the legalization of gay marriage and abortion, which she has already presented to the Imperial Diet in the form of the Zivilehegesetz and the Fristenlösungsgesetz. While these bills will almost certainly receive the endorsement of urban LVP deputies as well as the senior coalition partner, the centre-left KDP, it might lead to an internal row as several Landbund members have declared their unwillingness to simply go along. According to Hertha Trempelmüller, backbench MdR for the rural Mitranian constituency of Hütthal-Untersteinbach:

"(...) the Landbund fields the strongest Crownland delegation within the federal LVP caucus, so we expect at least to be heard. It is at least as much an question of consultation as of ideology that we are taking issue with. I do not deny my personal opposition to either gay marriage or abortion, and other Landbund members, particularly those from more urban places like Syakusen or Numamura, might very well come out in favor of these bills. But Frau von Track hasn't bothered to confer with us before crafting these predictably controversial bills. In fact, I have the impression that she has been deliberately trying to dupe us by tying the issue of gay marriage to the introduction of civil marriage as such. She could, at the very least, have split the bill in two.

Federal Justice Minister Christina von Track (pictured) has been running into difficulties in the Diet

Landbund dismay was not limited to the backbenches. At the recent opening of a state fair in the arch-traditionalist Oberflachland region, Mitranian Minister-President and Landbund leader Sepp Pfalzinger took a swipe at Von Track that echoed the anger of his deputies in the Diet:

"I have always said that we will not be pushed around by Kien. These issues might be seen as no-brainers in the big cities, but the the Kleine Leute here in Mitrania are posing legitimate questions related to ethics and procedure. If Frau von Track believes she can just slam these bills on the table and have us rubber-stamp her every demand then she is thoroughly mistaken. A brilliant jurist such as herself will be insightful enough to understand that such an approach will not be received with open arms.

Despite the outbursts, Pfalzinger did not close the door to the possibility of whipping his adherents in Kien in line. But this would require some red meat to be thrown at the Mitranians elsewhere, particularly in the area of agriculture. Vize-Staatsminister and LVP chairman Hademar Holzinger, himself affiliated to the Landbund through his Mitranian background, has not intervened in the debate despite his personal conservative leanings on both issues. Critics attribute this to his "fatherly patronization" of the Justice Minister. "She's the teacher's pet", said one Landbund MdR speaking on the condition of anonymity. "She can basically do whatever she likes as long as she keeps proposing bills and puts our party in the headlines."
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Elf » Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:32 pm

Freie Zeiten|Furēe zēten|フリータイム
Glücksman Boots Out Competitors, Rewrites Party Programme
by Julia Sandmann


Syakusen, Mitrania - The Congress is over and resulted in Freedomite Crownlander League (FKL) transforming into the Freedom Democrats (FD). Taking a turn to the conservative side, the rebranded Freedomite party faces new challenges as the country's only Septembrist opposition. Our correspondent, Julia Sandmann, sat down with the party's strongman, now formally called the Executive Director, Jörg Glücksman, to discuss what's new and where the party is heading.

JS: Thank you for receiving me, sir.

JG: Welcome to the Residence of the Free. A please to have you here. It's good to see a new Freedom-loving newspaper seeing the day.

JS: So, Herr Glücksman - or should I say Reichsritter Glücksman you are soon to receive a Knighthood.. How does that feel?

JG: First of all - please - just call me Jörg. We have a rule here: behind these walls, no one is a Herr oder Frau anything. It's important for me to keep an informal atmosphere so that we can skip all of the formalities and trivialities of the usual party politics. Secondly: yeah it's awesome, isn't it? A suitable recognition of my heroic endeavour and the importance that I had in making the Crownlands free again. I've been quite busy designing our family's Coat of Arms. There are so many rules to keep in mind, but here's what I've come up with. Cool, isn't it?


JS: It's beautiful! What's the symbolism?

JG: The stars represent the starhood of our noble House Glücksman, the red flower our fierce passion and determination, and on in the middle the synthesis between those. The three may also represent the unity of Hulstria, Gao-Soto and the creole Mikuni-Hulstrians. Also - the tower above the helmet concludes what I am and who we are - a steadfast tower protecting an Empire of Freedom, the values pictured in the shield.

JS: You seem to have a high opinion of yourself. Yet you seem allergic to formality and titles.

JG: Oh, but it's just my style. If you're truly great, you don't have to constantly remind people about it. And I can't stand people who are way too formal or too idealistic. They're just annoying to have around. And - trust me on this - they always have some dark and dirty secret they're trying to hide with their general asshattery. Really. So I've decided that here, in this party: no one is going to act like he or she is better than anybody else, we address each other by the first name. Period. Did you know that in the Imperial Diet, they have one entrance for politicians and another one for our civil servants? We'll have none of that. My employees always have the honour of entering the building together with me. And after work is done, they bring a few beers - preferably Draddwyr Ale if available somewhere - and they get to drink them with me and keep me company. We sit and relax and talk about anything really: sports, guns, cars, beautiful women, religion, video games - anything that's not work-related, really. It's a great way of fostering a nice atmosphere at work and make sure you only have chill folks around you.

JS: Sounds intriguing. Do you think your style of governing your organization relate to your party's ideology?

JG: Yes - it relates to that in a way. Our ideology is freedomite (freiheitlich) and social conservative - we support empowering small business and local communities above deep government or multinational banks. At the same time, we are a social homeland party (soziale Heimatpartei), we support a welfare state built around the active participation of the community and private business competing for public funds to deliver healthcare, schools and such. Above all we area blue-green (blaugrün) party, we seek a society where every living being can fulfil her potential in harmony with the laws of nature and the divine. Some things just are the way they are. We don't need any titles or any formality to remind each other of that.

JS: You've change your party's name. What was the reasoning behind the name change?

JG: Well - first of all, the former name just sounded a bit unsexy, in my opinion. It was kinda hard to pronounce, and even harder to relate to. Secondly, it symbolizes our transformation from a "league" into a proper party with proper bye laws and stuff. Thirdly, it nicely sums up what we are, "Freedom democrats" - kinda "exactly what it says on the tin", in my opinion..

JS: One of the decisions made at the Congress was firmly taking a stance against abortion. And you talk quite a lot about local communities and the civil society. Sounds quite Hosian Democratic to me, no?

JG: Yeah. I think a lot of traditional Hosian Democrats would feel at home with us and with my way of thinking. At the same time, my personal beliefs are not Hosian, as you probably know. I have a more holistic way of looking at things. The Qedarite religions are sometimes a bit too Antopocentric (man-centred) for my taste. I mean - I'd save my cat any day before a stranger. Nothing personal of course, stranger. *haha* The puritan thinking were stuff have to comply with rigid ideological beliefs - like "humans have an infinite value" - not that idea itself but that entire way of thinking - it tends to go against basic human nature in my opinion, and confuse personal stuff with political stuff. Of course in the later case, you might say that the state is a contract between humans and should rather save the stranger... hmm... I think I kinda lost the red thread here lol

JS: Hmm... but still, it was kinda an interesting example. You have taken an interest in Draddwyr Daenism, I've heard.

JG: Yes. One day, when I'm retired from day-to-day politics, maybe I could become a Daenist Druid myself. Personally, I believe that Zenshō (OOC: Zen) Druidism holds an answer to many of the challenges posed by modern society. And for us whiteys whose ancestors partly came here as invaders with no roots in this soil - this mythical folk, the Draddwyr - who lived for thousands of years as tribal societies on the Great North Dovani Plains, who were one with nature and its cycles - under the spiritual guidance of their Druids and their Bards - they offer us something to relate to, whose roots run deeper into the ground than the Hulstrian Empire ever did. But for me, I never mix my private religious business with politics.

JS: So how's politics going, in your opinion? How does it feel to be in the opposition?

JG: I'm fine with it. It's good to have some competition in politics. As for how politics is going in general, I am kinda disappointed in my Septembrist colleagues stance on military autonomy. I get that they don't want to have paramilitary organizations running around and taking over, but our proposal was designed to prevent exactly that. We can't always rely on the state to protect us in our darkest hour, as we've seen in the past. A stringent commitment to anti-authoritarianism is vital for the survival of Septembrism in these nations. I still hope for a centre-right coalition with the LVP and the HDV though. We have more in common than not.

JS: Speaking of authoritarianism - after this congress, you booted out quite a few people from the party, no? I've read a total of 87 people have been expelled, most former Hulstrian Party-members. And more seem to be on the way. Frau Thronstahl... eh.. Claudia, whatever you want to call her, has said she is going to take your "undemocratic" behaviour to court, referring to the ban on parties without a democratic system of governance. Are you worried about that?

JG: Not at all. It's ridiculous, anyone can see that. Being a member of the Freedom democrats is not a 'right', it's a privilege for those who share our values and our determination. And everything we do, we do for the protection of Democratic values and in the name of our Septembrist ideology. I.. I mean we - are planning to set up a permanent Committee on Anti-Septembrist Activities inside the party. From now on - they're gonna review all membership applications and reject those who espouse ideologically doubtful behaviour. You'll going to be impressed, I promise.

JS: I hear one of the reasons for exclusion has been certain people promoting of the works of the archaic writer Ernst Jüngarn, a writer from the Greater Hulstria era. Wasn't that almost 2000 years ago? Is it really necessary to exclude people on such grounds?

JG: Absolutely! The way I... eh we, see it, Jüngarn was an "aristocratic" fascist who criticised the extreme right for being to "plebish" - not because of its racist and fascist ideology. He had an elitist ideal that is simply unacceptable for us. People who promote such works are unfit for membership in our organization. They are not democratic.

JS: Some call this anti-Jüngarn swing of yours as a symptom of the lack of academic education among your party leaders. No one in your Executive Committee have any sort of academic degree, no?

JG: Academia is overrated. They consider themselves important because they sit on their backs and talk a lot, using complicated words normal people hardly understand. We should have more people moving out to the countryside growing their own carrots than moving into the cities to study "intellectual" subjects that provide absolutely zero jobs for our country, unless the government is forced to step in and employ people as "gender studies experts" or whatever. And that's the kind of elitist mentality I've been talking about, that makes people unfit for a party with "Freedom" and "Democrats", right there in the party name. They're crypto-Nimitzists. All of them. Fortunately for them, they can always go that new little party we've been hearing about - the Vaterland Bewegung.

JS: Speaking of the Vaterland Bewegung, how will the Freedom Democrats act if they end up in the Imperial Diet after the next election?

JG: We will never cooperate with them or form a government with them, but we are always ready to form a centre-right government if there is a parliamentary basis for it.

JS: But will you accept governing with their parliamentary support?

JG: We are always ready to form a centre-right government if there is a parliamentary basis for it.

JS: So they're evil elitists and crypto-fascists who lack democratic values, but they're till okay for propping up a centre-right Septembrist government?

JG: We are always ready to form a centre-right government if there is a parliamentary basis for it. You hear what I'm saying. Lol. If then, eh... "some people" would prefer a centre-right minority government over a more left-wing one, that's preferable to the alternative, of course. I think our voters expect us to do what we can to see our policies implemented.

JS: The Vaterland Bewegung have said they want the Crownlands to provide a counter-balance to a resurgent Yingdala. Don't you agree with that?

JG: Well, depending on where Yingdala is heading, that is something we might be able to agree on. Dovani needs a strong alliance of free world, democratic nations, to protect our values and our civilization. We need to be ready to use force to guard our and other people's freedom, if it would ever have to come to that. But I doubt some superannuated old Junkers are having such noble intentions in mind.

JS: You've mentioned that you're considering having everyone re-apply for membership so that those with a doubtful ideological orientation can be denied continued membership. The FKL never had that many card-carrying members, how many could remain if you continue to boot out so many of them for promoting millennia old writings and stuff?

JG: Well, that's only a natural part of our reorganization. We're a political party now, not a popular protest against an oppressive government. Not everyone who had a place in the later suits in a more organized political structure. But that's not my direct responsibility. Talk to Terīzā (Miss Raushenbāgu, editors note) about that, she heads the nominations committee.

JS: You mean your stepdaughter?

JG: Yeah. A smart and very promising politician, that one. I happen to know that she's on a ski trip in Ostland with her boyfriend at the movement, so she might be a bit unavailable right now. Never been much for skiing myself, don't see the charm in it. All the snow. You have to look like a walking car tire to survive. But she doesn't understand my taste for Druidic ceremonies far deep in the forest, so I guess we're even there lol.

JS: Herr Glü... Jörg - thank you for your time! This has been a quite interesting conversation. I'm sure our readers will enjoy reading it.

JG: Thank you. And I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again soon enough. Best of luck with Free Times!
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Adithya » Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:05 am

Hulstrian Greens Enter the Political Scene

Party Co Leader Helene Weber Speaking to Reporters in Kien:-


Earlier Today,The Green Party of Hulstria and Gao Soto was officially registered as a Political Party with the Electoral Commission,The Party has been formed by Helene Weber,A Criminal Lawyer well known in the Kien Area and by Philip Tanaka,who Owns a Chain of Supermarkets in the Labsburg Area,The Similarity that they both have is that they are Former Members of the Freedom Democrats dissatisfied with Mr.Gluckmann"s Leadership and were booted out of the party for being "too Progressive",The Party has already been active proposing policies in the Chamber which deals with a Variety of Issues such as Abortion, Environmental Regulations,Corporate Taxation and Payroll Contributions.

While Speaking to Reporters in Kien,Mrs.Helene Weber said that her Party is not just about protecting the Environment but said that it will also favour Reduced Government Involvement in the Economic As well as Social Spheres and that it is in favour of Progressive Social policies such as Allowing First Term Abortions and to Provide Adoption Rights to Gay Couples,She said that the Party Supports a Minimal Welfare State and said that her Party favours the Introduction of a Flat Tax in the Long Run and also stated that the Party Encourages Privatisation of Existing Government Enterprises such as Postal Services And Railways.She stated her Parties Firm Support to the Septembrist Movement and Praised it's role in "Bringing back Democracy and Freedom Back to the Nation".
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Elf » Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:03 am

Freie Zeiten|Furēe zēten|フリータイム

by Julia Sandmann

Syakusen, Mitrania - The Freedom Democrats has announced the formation of a "shadow cabinet" of their own. While the shadow cabinet has no official status in the Crownlands, it is meant to prove as an inspiration, to show voters what an FD-led government would look like and to present the people in charge of party policy on different areas. Glücksman has said he considers his team a "Peoples' Cabinet", and no - that's not a typo.

"I call it 'the *peoples* cabinet'. Not 'the people's'." (Glücksman chuckles) That would amount to ideological deviance. We're stalwart Septembrists after all. For us, everything we do are about 'the peoples'. 'Two peoples united' as our song goes.

For me this is a cabinet for the peoples because it's made up by folks most can relate to. Including me of course. Hehe.

Governor-General: Jörg Glücksman


Turning 40 this year, Knight Jörg Glücksman is looking to crown his political career by eventually running for Governor-General. Hailing from the small town of Rosenburg in rural Mitrania - Glücksman made it through High school with average grades and has taken a few courses in journalism and religious history, but holds no academical degree. Before launching the tax revolt, Glücksman had a background as a professional restaurant reviewer with a beer tasting self-professed speciality. He nowadays spends most of his time at the Residence of the Free, a building outside Syakusen technically owned by the party and serving as its headquarters. Glücksman has recently made arrangements to expand the Residence of the Free with a swimming pool and a tennis court, to keep party leaders like himself 'fit for fight' as he says.

If all goes as planned I plan to run for Governor General but I'm sure I'd fit in as Staadsminister too. The peoples long for their heroic knight in shiny armour to come and rescue them once again. Don't they?

Foreign policy: Terīzā Raushenbāgu


Terīzā Raushenbāgu, 27, is Glücksman's stepdaughter and leader of FD's Mitrania district. She left High School with good grades but has since then worked full time for the FD, and has never had any other professional life. Already seen as Glücksman's heir apparent by some, she is notable for being both less of a neoliberal and more socially liberal, being outspokenly pro-LGBT but also anti-abortion. Religiously, she describes herself as a deist. She likes hiking and skiing and outdoors activities in general - something she considers to her advantage. Foreign policy is something of a hobby, and she has lobbied actively to create a global party organization for pates sharing the FD's values, something that has been met by rather lukewarm interest from others in the Executive Comitee.

I am an active person and I strive to actively spread the values of freedom and democracy around the globe, and in our corner of the world, in particular. I love to met people from other cultures and backgrounds. With me in charge of foreign policy, our neighbours would think twice before taking any steps down the path to fascism and ethnonationalism that so plagued this continent in its past.

Welfare issues: Hilda Lieberndörfer


Hilda Lieberndörfer, 46, works as a naturopathic nurse and has taken several courses in alternative medicine. She is also a small-time businesswoman who imports and sells biocomputers used for bioresonance therapy, a form of medical treatment not considered scientific by the mainstream medical community. She also happens to be Glücksman's mother-in-law. Lieberndörfer views a privatization of the health care system as an equality issue.

We need to introduce competition inside the public health care system. Right now, nature-based medicine is unavailable for anyone that doesn't own a fortune. I have a friend who works as a nurse at a 'vanilla' hospital, and she is not allowed to administer colloidal silver even to patients who wants that, because it's not considered 'scientific'. Big pharma and the socialists are sitting in the same canoe and you're the one doing the paddling.

As taxpayers, we pay for health care effectively as a form of insurance. When we are in need of its services, we should be treated as customers to satisfy rather than dumb peasants in need of the wisdom of buereucrats and their overlords in the multinational pharmaceutics industry.

Finance: Theophilus Unger


Theophilus Unger, 52, is the owner of a small pub and liquor store in rural Mitrana. Unger was the man who introduced Glücksman to Draddwyr Ale which he soon became completely hooked on. Publicly joined the tax revolt against the dictatorial regime in the Freedomite movement's early years. Nowadays, he is most notably famous for importing Draddwyr ale that he promotes as "Authentic Druidic ale made from the spring water of the purest of sacred groves" and "a refreshment for both the throat and the soul". He also has a professional background as a truck driver. Unger states that he is going to have a great use of his personal experiences when working with economic policy.

Small businesses are the foundation of the Crownlander economy. Yet - few politicians seem to have any idea what it's like to run one. We need to repeal the harmful minimum wage laws our current government is set to introduce and stimulate the creation of green jobs in the industry. The income tax needs to be flattned and eventually abolished. It is an archaic way of taxing. In most cases, a government which governs the least governs the best.

Environment: Aeronwen de Rouge


Aeronwen de Rouge, 36, belongs to the Crownlands' small Draddwyr minority. Before getting into parliament she worked as a fortune teller with Glücksman as one of her clients. Rumours of the two having an extramarital relationship are said to have created trouble inside the party, this is something Glücksman has denied categorically, however.

I think my connection to our ancient spiritual heritage and to the spirit world will prove very valuable for any government. When you work in my profession, you don't just talk about the environment, you *feel* it. Mother nature is angry and restless over the ruthless exploitation of natural environments and the animal kingdom by multinational predators ,who seek nothing but their own pecuniary interests. We need a law that requires all public institutions to buy food that is vegetarian and organic. It's the best thing we can do if we're serious about protecting our environment and encouraging green capitalism.

Justice and the interior: Renault Bürgermeister


Renault Bürgermeister, 23, is the incumbent leader of the Ring Freiheitlicher Demokratischer Jugend (RFDJ), the FD's youth organisation. An avid video gamer with rumoured far-right tendencies, Bürgermeister left High school without graduating due failing to achieve acceptable grades in maths and physics. He is a 'somewhat practising' Auroran Hosian, this is mostly noted by a frequent use of nicknames related to the term "crusader" on different social media sites. Had a somewhat troubled time as a teenager when he was convicted for crimes related to internet piracy and shoplifting, the later which he ascribes to having personal issues with concentration that makes him forget to pay for what he takes at times. Has vowed to bring down all copyright-related laws - which he describes as the work of multinational economic predators - and ban the use of closed source code. He is also known for being Terīzā Raushenbāgu's boyfriend - and rumoured to have troubles with the enforcement authorities which is said to make him entirely economically dependent on her, and by extension on Jörg Glücksman himself. Famously showed up at the last congress with a black eye, something rumoured to have a connection to infidelity on his behalf.

'But that's just crap talk.' Renault explains. 'I accidentally fell and my face landed on one of Terīzā's hairbrushes. Nothing weird about it at all.'

'The most important thing we have to work for in the justice area is standing for the right to bear arms and to do that consistently. Which no one else does. You have, take for instance, Motorcycle gangs like Heavens Devils. They're politically correct to bash since they're mostly whiteys and intimately associated with masculinity - even though they're really just a bunch of rough-edged guys who like to arrange grill evenings with their families, drink beer and drive motorcycles. But the question remains - when the government fails to do its job - who are going to protect our local communities and our civil society? I'd rather keep part of our civil society armed in case of the publicly managed policing entities not being able to show up on time when need arises.'

Defence: Konsutanzu Bōgeru


Konsutanzu Bōgeru, 41, is a headstrong military hobbyist who hails from Mitrania. He has served as a sergeant in the Home Guard during the Hulstrian one-party sate but was dishonourably discharged, something he attributes to being to knowledgeable for his superiors to handle. Was employed in the Hotel security business before starting to work full time for the Freedom democrats. Like his party leader, Konsutanzu Bōgeru hails from Rosenburg and is Glücksman's childhood friend and they had a rock band called the Flying Unicorns together in their teens, where Bōgeru played the bass. Bōgeru has previously sought to establish a private military company until realizing how that would be nigh impossible under current legislation. A self proclaimed military 'expert', Bōgeru wants to invest heavily in helicopters and wants to look into buying an Aircraft Carrier from Hutori or any of the other leading world powers, at some point.

We need more diversity in the military business! We need to start applying our liberal principles in this area as well, and privatize part of our military services to ensure cost-effectiveness and flexibility, rather than risk having some grumpy old generals who think they're better than everybody else simply because they have a monopoly on their services. Also, we need to employ people in Dranland, Kazulia and Sekowo that can 'stay behind' in case of a commie or fascist takeover in our neighbourhood. When that happen let the undemocratic leaders know we have well-trained people in their lands who can go and assassinate them so that they can never sleep well again. Yeeha!

Education: Gottohādo Wakānēgeru


Gottohādo Wakānēgeru, 45, is a Daenist scholar, with a professional background as a High school teacher. Wakānēgeru is also one of the main proponents of Draddwyr Daenism and Zensho Druidism in the Crownlands. Glücksman met Wakānēgeru 10 years ago and belongs to his sangha (congregation). Wakānēgeru is also famous as a critic publicly managed schools and wants to reform the public education system to allow free competition in accordance with neoliberal principles.

We need flexibility and an universal voucher system so that everyone can chose a private education that suits them, not just those who happen to have affluent parents. Right now, we are referring large segments of the population to inflexible substandard public institutions, for no good reason at all other than some reactionary old left-wing morals about the supposed 'immorality' of making money from delivering public services. Were I in charge, we'd fully equate publicly and privately run schools with each other and have both compete for customers through a voucher system. We also need more flexibility in general in regards to how the education is done and what to learn. The goal is not to raise kids grades by forcing them to learn stuff they have no use of and will soon forget anyway, so that politicians get good statistics to boast about, but to deliver services that ensures to make them a little more whole as human beings and helps young people to find their calling in this life.

Interestingly, Wakānēgeru is the only person on this list with any academic degree and also the only one here not a member of the FD Executive Committee. While he proudly proclaims Wakānēgeru's importance in his spiritual life, Glücksman also admits that he "strongly recommend" the Nominations committee (headed by Terīzā Raushenbāgu) to not have them nominate his spiritual father to the Executive Committee, fearing that it could lead to "an idea of the party's upper echelons being too intimately connected to my private life".

''I'm sure this is a team that will give people confidence in us and in our ability to present professional political policy.', Glücksman said as his closing remark
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Adithya » Mon Jan 01, 2018 4:38 pm

Claudia Thronstahl Led "Freedom Alliance"forms Electoral pact with The Green Party

Claudia Thronstahl,Who was removed from the Freedom Democrats by Party Leader Jörg Glücksman has formed her own political organization-The Freedom Alliance.She says that her Party has the Support of the Grassroots Members of the Freedom Democrats and said that Glücksman was operating in a Dictatorial fashion,She also Said that her Party will be the "True Voice of Conservatives".Her Parties Policies as Announced by her Include Opposition to Gay Adoption and Abortion-Two Very Socially Conservative Positions shared by the FD and also calls for the Abolition of the Income Tax and A Smaller Government,Her Parties set of policies is more or less like the FDs Own,But The Freedom Alliance states that there should be no Government Intervention with regards to The Environment and Ms.Claudia says that the Party believes in Allowing Market Forces to Protect the Environment and to Stimulate Private Individuals and Organisations to Protect and Preserve Hulstria"s Natural Heritage.

She also Said that the FD is now a "Personality Cult""Revolving around only one person".Ms.Claudia also Questioned the Qualifications of the FD Frontbench and she said that They know that they are not fit to serve in a Cabinet deep in their hearts,She also said that The Freedom Alliance will Contest against all FD incumbents who Support Jörg Glücksman"s Leadership,She met Philip Tanaka,The Co Leader of the Green Party and they jointly announced the Creation of an Electoral Alliance to "Provide an Alternative to the Hulstrian People".They also said that they will Face the Voters with a Common Manifesto which will call for an agenda of "Minimal Government and Maximum Governance".They also said that the Seats to be contested by the parties will be released by Mid 4327 Though Inside Sources say that the Green Party will Contest in Urban and Suburban Seats and the Freedom Alliance will contest in Rural Seats and seats with a FD Incumbent.

Both Parties have many differences when it comes to Policy Matters particularly with regards to Environment and Social Policies and they will have to iron them out if the Alliance were to stay strong and emerge successful.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Alain Delors » Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:50 pm

Holzinger Vying for Retention of Red-Yellow-Orange as Mitranians Seek to Block Coalition With Freedom Democrats
November 4327

Vize-Staatsminister Baron Hademar Holzinger has expressed a strong prefernece for Red-Yellow-Orange

At the outset of the campaign for the 4328 general election, the LVP has all but committed itself to a retention of the centrist "red-yellow-orange" coalition with KDP and HDV. Party chairman and Vize-Staatsminister Baron Hademar Holzinger praised the government's performance in no uncertain terms after the most recent meeting of the cabinet, saying that

"(...) this administration has been very successful in pursuing democratic consolidation. We have implemented much-needed fundamental reforms throughout a wide array of policy fields, ranging from the implementation of a defence-minded, politically responsible military to the creation of greater economic opportunity through our opening to foreign investment and labour. I am also proud to point out the personal achievements of the LVP's own ministers, in particular the civil rights reforms pursued by Frau von Track, with the notable examples of re-establishing civil marriage and the abolition of compulsory military service. In my own department of Agriculture, we have managed to get rid of the terrible state farms and introduced subsidies for small farmers, assisting them in recovering from the economic damage inflicted by the previous governmental bias in favor of large, government-controlled operations. This is a record to be proud of and that we can take to the people with a clear conscience in the upcoming months. And if the voters should allow it, I see no reason not to extend the good cooperation we've seen with HDV and KDP to the next legislative period as well."

Holzinger's decision to firmly anchor his party in the centre ground of Hulstrian and Gao-Soton politics - capable of allying with the centre-left as well as the Hosian Democrats - is popular among those still focused on Septembrist unity, but it does have its critics. The libertarians in particular have balked at various "big government" policies implemented by Red-Yellow-Orange, with the mandatory civil service - enthusiastically pursued by the HDV - as the main offending object. Other such measures, each passed by KDP and HDV against the LVP's wishes, include the minimum wage and employer-based social security contributions as well as the abolition of tuition fees. Some backbench right-wingers have consequently called for exploring the option of coalescing with the economically much more neoliberal Freedom Democrats, potentially backed up by the newly-formed and unconventionally rightist Green Party.

Mitranian Minister-President Sepp Pfalzinger has been outspoken about his opposition to the FD's environmentalist policies

For now, however, the centrist faction around Holzinger remains firmly in charge, mainly thanks to the dominance of the Landbund delegation and its eminence grise, Mitranian Minister-President Sepp Pfalzinger. Pfalzinger has railed against the Freedom Democrats' "perverse pantheism in public policy", accusing them of "putting every damn tree on a sacred pedestal". He also questioned their "self-proclaimed small government bona fides", citing their past

"(...) defense of monopoly state ownership over forests, depriving rural families of an important source of income as well as their desire to force us into vegetarianism, revealing nanny-statist tendencies and a cultural radicalism that is at odds with our traditional cuisine. Herr Glücksman wants to be able to blow cancerous tobacco smoke into my face at the Reichstag cafeteria while banning me from enjoying my Kiener Schnitzel, what a pompous hypocrite! They would also ruin our farmers that way, which I will never tolerate as Minister-President of this country's agricultural heartland. The Landbund will oppose any attempt to jump into bed with these anti-farmer agitators."
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Polites » Thu Jan 04, 2018 4:28 pm

Communists Reorganize
April 4328

The "Opposition Faction" has been campaigning aggressively for years with little success

The "Opposition Faction" of the communist People's Party, founded eight years ago as a pro-Septembrist platform within the ruling party of the People's State, has now formally registered as a political party in the Imperial Crownlands, after having contested seats in local elections. The faction's decision to break with democratic centralism was heavily criticized by the People's Party and the Opposition Faction was expelled from the party, while the Septembrist government enthusiastically welcomed the breakaway Communist faction. Consequently, after a few years of growing its influence and appeal towards lower-class Kunihito and Hulstro-Showan voters by participating in the governance of several towns in the Crownlands, the Kawaguchists have decided to formally register as a political party and contest seats nationally. However, until now the Opposition Faction has failed to make significant inroads into national politics, lacking the years of experience and prestige that the older Septembrist parties benefit from, and being viewed with suspicion by many due to its affiliation with the rival government of the People's State.

But in April this year the Faction's leader, Natsuki Kawaguchi, has reached an agreement with the left-leaning Konsutitationeru Demokuratisuku Pātē, the current incarnation of leftist Septembrism, to merge the two parties and establish a single left-leaning anti-capitalist platform under the roof of Septembrist Hulstria and Gao-Soto. The merger is to take place in the following months, and will result in the establishment of a new political formation, the "Socialist Democratic Party", as the flag-bearer of Socialist and Communist Septembrism in the Crownlands. With the prestige and resources provided by the KDP, the new party may ultimately have a far greater say on the national stage.
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Re: The Hulstrian Chronicle - Die Hulstrian Chronik

Postby Polites » Fri Jan 05, 2018 3:02 pm

Leftists Merge
September 4328

Morishige Yasunobu, chairman of the KDP, now chairs the new party

After talks finalized in April between the Opposition Faction and the Constitutional Democratic Party, the two left-leaning parties have officially merged in September this year to establish the Socialist Democratic Party, a political formation aiming to offer broad representation for the left wing of the political spectrum in the Imperial Crownlands. Although Morishige Yasunobu, the Chairman of the KDP, was elected to chair the new party as part of the merger agreement, the SDP's platform is considerably more radical than that of the relatively mainstream and broadly Social Democratic KDP. The Kawaguchist faction, whose leader, Natsuki Kawaguchi, was granted the position of Secretary-General of the new party, brought with it a commitment to the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism, although by embracing Septembrist values and principles, the Kawaguchists emphasize the need for a peaceful and non-violent proletarian revolution to act as a counterpart to the equally peaceful September Revolution.

In spite of the agreement to form a unified left-wing front, the two original parties retain much of their distinct political cultures, resources, and membership, and as a result a struggle for power and influence within the new party between the Democratic Socialist Eisenbergerists, Social Democratic Morishigists, and Communist Kawaguchists is expected by most commentators. In spite of these differences, the three factions agree on one thing: that the rights and interests of the working class should be defended at the ballot box and not on the battlefield.

OOC: Edmund agreed to this RP and allowed me to use his KDP characters.
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