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Re: Halion Post

Postby Govenor12 » Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:52 am

"Typical example of the degenerated communist power monopoly"

Regardless of the recent outlawing of paramilitary forces, the supreme leader of the FNB accounced that they military wing will not be disbanded nor put under the control of the government.
This is a typical example of the degenerated communist power monopoly which is now hanging onto power because the presidents party is supporting the communist parties. The president is representing a party full of fools with no conviction nor ideology which is used by the left-wingers and foreign donors to sustain their power. The FNB is determind to end this once and for all at the next election. In Solentia there is only place for two points of view: Right or wrong and we are on the right. Everything which tries to bridge or mediate inbetween will be worn down. Let me tell the president: If you are standing in the middle of the road, chances are very high you gonna knocked over by the traffic from two sides.

Experts estimate the current strnegth of the military wing at around 5,000 men and assume that foreign support might help the FNB. This is supported by the fact that the training activity as well as the headquarter of the miltia has been moved to an unknown place.

Berger declaring his statement
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Arrest Warrant Issued for Leader of FNB

Postby xracrossx » Tue Jan 02, 2018 7:55 pm

From the Office of Minister of Internal Affairs
Michael L. Jones

An arrest warrant has been issued for the Mr. Berger, leader of the Faschistische Nationalbewegung (FNB), for violation of the Peaceful Politician's Act, Conspiracy to Commit Treason, Treason, and other charges. This is issued strictly on the basis of law.

The government of Solentia is grateful to the government of Kalopia for forwarding evidence which shows that the FNB, commencing in 4327, moved his paramilitary group Junge Faschisten to Kalopia for training outside of Solentia's borders. The Peaceful Politician's Act requires the disbandment of such a force, or their reassignment to the Senate in general. We have evidence the FNB took this action with the intent to 'take over Solentia' with their paramilitary group. Mr. Berger was well aware of the law and took every opportunity to let everyone know he had no intention of following the law, and making it clear he thought he was above it. Mr. Berger further outlined a plan to turn a blind eye to his own party's misdeeds once he 'controlled the Ministries of Internal Affairs and Defense.'

We take these crimes very seriously and we are quite frankly shocked that elected civil servants are the perpetrators of conspiracies to overthrow their own government by force. Treason is a capital crime in Solentia, and its possible Mr Berger and his co-conspirators could potentially face the death penalty were a trial to come to a worst-case scenario for them. Arrest warrants on similar grounds have also been issued for other key leadership within the FNB such as their Vice Chairman.


The President made a brief statement on television following the press release from Internal Affairs:

"It is with great sorrow that during my term as President the greatest threats to the independence of our Nation have come from within. Mr. Berger and the FNB are not above the law. This is not a petty vendetta on our behalf, but the addressing of serious crimes of treason against our country and our democracy. We cannot idly stand by while the threats of the takeover of Solentia are made by a man who controls thousands of men with guns. Mr. Berger and other instrumental FNB leadership are urged to turn themselves in and they will be afforded due process of law. If they decide to run, they will be found. We ask the Great Nation of Kalopia, our respectful neighbors, to extradite any FNB membership along with their paramilitary men. The paramilitary men will be offered amnesty, and will be assisted with reintegration as well as assistance in achieving gainful employment."

The President continued on to say, "The FNB continually chooses to be an Actor of War against Solentia, continually causes petty conflict and strife, and strives to achieve their coup d'etat. In politics we value and encourage healthy and respectful opposition, but the FNB choose to be petty, vindictive, and threaten violence. There is no need to tolerate them within our borders, let alone our Senate, and we will take efforts to achieve just that."


(Another news article is reprinted from Kalopian News: BREAKING: Many Arrested as Kalopian Secret Service Dupes FNB)
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Govenor12 » Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:24 pm

OOC: This was never agreed upon. Please change the article. And as the vice chairman is a person created by me this is highly irregular.
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Arapaima13 » Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:33 pm


21.3.1 Players also consent to the reasonable and predictable consequences of the role-play they consent to. For example, players who role-play their characters as committing criminal offences should expect those characters to experience the predictable judicial consequences of that.

You understood, and made it apparent that you understood, that your characters were breaking the law. Hence you have consented to the risk of them being given consequences.

The Vice Chairman you said came to check over your forces, which is when the operation was carried out.

EDIT: see viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4176 for updates
"Sometimes the people you think you hate actually turn out to be alright."
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Govenor12 » Thu Jan 04, 2018 8:46 pm

Mr Berger dead: long live Mr Berger

The leadership of the Junge Faschisten and administration of the movement have agreed unanimously to expell Mr Berger and the vice chairman from the FNB.
The committment of the FNB to radical change and its paramilitary wing remains absoulutly unshaken. However the FNB hereby immidiately expells Mr Berger and former vice chairman of the movement. We do not tolerate failiure within our ranks. Only the absolute success will be rewarded by the movement. Our enemies are strong and use every weakness against our movement. But we will suceed and clean up Solentia. The first on our list is the president.
was the official statement by the movement.
The son of Mr Berger, Franz Berger has been declared as new leader of the FNB. In his first short speech he announced that the unforgivable defeat and treason of his father provides a valuable lecture for the future of the movement. In response to the pending attempt to proscribe the FNB he already assigned a special team of lawyers which should the bill be passed bring this law before the courts of Solentia.
Franz Berger, 24 years old and former member of the armed forces, will lead the party into the upcoming election. The pro-market manifesto seems to be supported especially by the industrial and capitalist elite of Solentia which wants further privitaisation.
The destiny of his father Eberhard Beger is known. Some newspaper claim he is already dead.

Franz Berger during his first speech
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Govenor12 » Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:11 am

Designated government quickly sets to work: Tries to signal peace


With 401 out of 750 seats the FNB has achieved its biggest electoral victory so far. Over 33 million Solentian voted for the radical party which many experts see as a slap into the face of the establishment. This etsablishment banned the FNB shortly before the election but the electoral commission judged that there was no time to reprint all the abllot papers and consequently the FNB appeared on it, resulting in a solidarisation with it. Furthermore the FNB can build on support of a few other parties in persuing its social and economic conservative reforms, depending on the law. The designated cabinet is to be inaugurated in the next few weeks after the Senat has passed the cabinet proposal.
But already the FNB legislators are leaving their mark with a massive increase in the military budget and the passage of acts like the bank secrecy act which will make Solentia a heaven for money laundring and non-taxed income.
On the other hand the designated government pledged to work closely together with Istalia in the future, with passage of a new economic and friendship treaty and maybe military cooperation as well as welcoming their input on the latest border bill which aims to secure the border from illegal immigration.

There will be change to this country but in contrast to my father I know where to stop.
was the announcement of Franz Berger

A general mobilization will take place soon to find out the weaknesses of the army and to formulate a white paper on the future defence policy.
Last edited by Govenor12 on Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Arapaima13 » Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:52 pm

"Sometimes the people you think you hate actually turn out to be alright."
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Govenor12 » Sat Jan 06, 2018 7:58 pm

Landmark legislations passed: Military mobilization ordered

With the passage of the bank secrecy act as well as the vehicle toll act the first two important legislations of the FNB government have been passed. Especially the recently passed bank secrecy act which provides bank costumers with absolut secrecy in regards to their accounts and even allows them to open anonymous accounts without id's seems to have a profound effect on the banks with a huge inflow of money especially from the neighbouring countries. Over night thousands of bank accounts, private and coperate, have been created and although many experts warn of the possible risks but the banking association already announced that its members intend to create up to 20,000 additional jobs.
The building of the planned border fence is expected to create additional thousands of jobs.

On another front the newly created toll on foreign vehicles shall be operational within the next two years. The expected net revenue of between 4 to 6 billion SOL shall be used to help finance the infrastcuture of Solentia. The military meanwhile conducts its first official mobilisation in decades to find out the weaknesses and strengths which shall help to create a white paper on further development. In the next six months the 80,000 strong Solentian army shall be assessed by independent professors of the only military faculty at the capital's university. Meanwhile a rumor is circulating that the army leadership has ordered the installment of tons of explosives at the important rail and road links which were errected during Solentias membership in the Trans Majatran network community.

One of the bridges were the explosives were put into

"Kalopia and Istalia are our partners in peace"
The government did again emphasize the future course of action in terms of foreign policy:
Kalopia and Istalia are our partners in peace and we are determind to work together with them.

This statement comes in the climate of increasing int. tension and the rise of radical ideas in the Kalopian primaries.
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Creed_One » Sun Jan 07, 2018 12:42 am

Win for the National Conservative Party

In the recent Elections the NCP won the head of state vote with a landslide, We recently had an interview with the party leader, now president, Anton Motte. Here’s what he had to say:

This Election turned out great for the NCP, not only is our party in power we have the second highest number of seats in the senate, we would like to thank the FNB for helping us through through times and getting us to where we are today.

Mr Motte left the Election Campaign HQ with a smile on his face, meeting the FNBs leader to thank him for giving the NCP meaning.

Graph of the election results
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Re: Halion Post

Postby Govenor12 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 7:44 pm

Torch parade on the streets of Metapontum: Trade unions set to be outlawed

The FNB celebrated its victory by the biggest toch parade the capital has ever seen.Over 200,000 men gathered at the central place before the parliament to celebrate and demonstrate the new power of the FNB in Solentia. Solentia will soon be renamed from the Social Republic to the United Republic of Solentia to show that the communist times are over. This comes after the outlawing of workers councils and the government recently put a new law into debate which aims to outlaw trade unions and give their assets to the FNB.
The "Junge Faschisten" now count around 60,000 men which are ready to fight and die for the FNB against the left-wing enemies.
In a few fights between left-wingers and the Junge Faschisten more then 30 people were injured during the day. More than 300 left-wingers were arrested and put into private FNB prisons. Some reports indicate a degree of mistreatment. Some of the military wing set fire to the house of the trade unions in the capital. The fire brigade were able to put out the fires quickly.

Yes, it is our intention to break the left-wingers for once and for all and destroy the evil plant of metzism or communism for ever. No party will be in Solentia except for the FNB.
spoke Franz Berger before the gathering.

Members of the FNB demonstrating
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