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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Xanathos » Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:14 am

Conservative moderates win praise for compromise bills

2802 Edition

The Lord Edward Bane II, among other leading Geharon Conservatives, have received praised from senior party figures, including Governor Doherty of Utagia and Prince William for his work as Chancellor, managing to pass two compromise bills with strong billateral support.

Lord Bane, in a public appearance today, said the Chancellery had forecast strong growth in light of business friendly policies. The chancellor also renewed his call for mutlipartisan dialogue and collaboration and expressed his strong wish to work with both the LLP and the RUP.

With attention strongly on fiscal policies and elections coming up, Bane and the GCP seem once again to be favourites. Duke Rannigan, leader of the Utagian looyalist Caucus, has emphasized the GCP's loss of a key vote on justice reform while attemtping to downplay the defeat of healthcare privatization, which was strongly supported by the ULC.

-The Williamsbrough Herald
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Xanathos » Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:36 pm

Both League parties unpopular with voter base

2804 Edition

The dismissal of the Lord Edward Bane's reforms as yet another failed GCP policy is a growing possibility. Governor Doherty, who had praised Bane's efforts at outreach, is now heavily criticizing many anti-monarchist lawmakers for what he called their "failure to achieve anything constructive and their refusla to work closely with the CIL". Prince William has also distanced himself from Bane as well, leaving the latter isolated, with few allies. This has freed the way for Duke Rannigan to strongly attack Bane, citing his failure to produce results. It is quite obvious that if Bane doesnt manage a surprise win in the upcoming elections, his political future will be at best, seriously in doubt and at worst, non-existant.

-The Williamsbrough Times
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Jay (LDP) » Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:03 am

LDP of Luthori Newsletter
Issue 001

A Century of Liberal Democrats in Luthori
by Julia Hargrave

As the Liberal Democratic Party of Luthori turned 100 today, party representative David Bowman made an emphatic speech to LDP supporters in front of the new party head quarters in Geharon.

The Rt Hon. David Bowman wrote:Since 2790, the once strong and unified Liberal Democratic Party of Luthori has disintegrated into a divided, disorganised and weakened force. Much of the damage done over the past decade and a half has been kept behind closed doors and out of the public eye. In this time, the Party has lost sixty-one seats and half a dozen cabinet ministries.

The Party has been virtually silent on all levels – ceasing all media releases, drastically cutting the number of bills proposed to the Imperial Diet, and so on and so forth. The Party has also limited – and for some time even cancelled - its negotiations with fellow Luthori parties, this being of significant importance during a period of such instability and political turmoil.

Not only has the Party cut contact with allies within Luthori, it also put a temporary halt to its responsibilities within the Axis Agreement Organisation and the United Conservative Front.

Today marks not only the Hundredth Birthday of the Liberal Democratic Party of Luthori, but also the day that we as a Party re-commit ourselves to our supporters, to the people of Luthori, to our allied parties in Luthori and to our colleagues of the UCF and the Axis.

Today also marks the day that many significant changes come into effect, changes which have been discussed in great length over the past twelve months.

The ‘Executive Council’ of fifteen members which previously ruled over the Party has been officially disbanded. All decisions that need to be made will now be done so by the Administrative Directorate (LDP-AD) – made up of four positions, the Executive Director Donald Faulkner, Director of Finance Allan Chambers, Director of Internal Affairs Justin Tannahill and the Director of External Affairs Daniel McMillan.

Executive Director Donald Faulkner is the most senior member of the Party and the final stop in decision making rests with him. The three other Directors in the LDP-AD will ultimately report to ED Faulkner. He has taken it upon himself to rejuvenate the Party after a decade and a half of absence. He has already planned and co-ordinated several reforms throughout the Party which will become evident over the coming months.

Director of Finance Allan Chambers is responsible for, predictably, managing the financial situation of the Party. This includes administering the Luthori Telecom Corporation which, under CEO Gwen Davison, is planned to expand significantly and gain a monopoly on telecommunication and electrics services.

Director of Internal Affairs Justin Tannahill is charged with commanding the cabinet ministers as well as Party’s thirty-three Imperial Diet seat holders. Dir. Tannahill is responsible for bringing the Party back into the political stage by proposing the Party’s agenda to the Diet.

Director of External Affairs Daniel McMillan is required to command over the Party’s representatives to international organisations as well as friendly parties overseas. Most significant responsibilities are re-igniting relations with the United Conservative Front, the Axis Agreement Organisation and political parties within Zardugal, the Federal Republican Party and Realist Party.

The Liberal Democratic Party of Luthori has returned. It is larger, stronger and more intent than ever. Today, we enter our second century representing peace, democracy, rights, freedom and fairness. Today, our future begins.
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Vanukese Conservatieven
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Duke Matthus » Sat Aug 22, 2009 12:03 am

Imperial Wedding of Prince of Orange, William, & Madame Madeline Noventa

Painting of the moment when the crown of the Princess of Orange was placed on Madame Madeline Noventa's head.

Today the bells of churches, temples & cathedrals all over Terra ring in the many Duchies, Provinces, Colonies, and military bases of the Holy Luthori Empire, for the joyous occasion of the Imperial Wedding of His Imperial Highness the Prince of Orange, Crown Prince of Alduria & Mordusia, Raja of the Namvietian Empire, Crown Prince of Yishelem, Prince of New Alduria, Duke of Talmorschland, Archduke of Hulstria, Prince of Trigunia, Prince William and Her Highness Madame Madeline Noventa.

The two we married in the Cathedral of St. Richard in Fort William, the capital of the Empire. Officials from all over Terra attended, including the Imperial Family members from Hulstrian branch of the family, such as Emperor Alexander I and his son Crown Prince Gordic with his children and wife. The young couple's wedding was the first in Luthori of this century and it was made for it. People lined the streets to see the wedding take place, and Royal Balls have been schedule all over the Empire, with an Imperial Ball in the capital with many of the most prestigious and famous Heads of State and Heads of Government attending.

This is the start of a new century, and it looks bright with this wedding having taken place in the Empire that as its motto goes, "Will Conquer an Empire without end".
Long Live the Empire!!!!
And while we are at it, "Hail the Holy Britannian Empire!!!!!"
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Xanathos » Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:03 pm

League wins election, ULC triumph

2809 Edition

Following tough and effective campaigning by ULC leader Duke Rannigan, the CIL has maanged to make important gains in the Diet, becoming the largest party. In the same time, Prince William lost his election for viceroy, disgracing the GCP. The Utagian Loyalist Caucus also showed a huge victory in League elections, becoming the largest party represented on the board, with 9 governors, to the Conservatives' 7 and 4 independant governors. Rannigan also became majority leader and de facto head of the League.

Important changes on the Privy Council and League Committees also occured. Duke Rannigan assumed the position of Lord President fo the Council, while Lord Harmon was made chancellor, Prince William took Rannigan's old place as chamberlain. Despite the ULC's new popularity, electors remain nervous thatthe RAp may agin some of the GCP's seats next election, which explains the election of 4 independents.

-The Williamsbrough Herald
"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.' " -Ronald Reagan
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Duke Matthus » Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:42 pm

Imperial Diet erupts in Debate along with a new Cabinet & Government Sworn in
The Imperial Diet Chambers right before the opening of the debt and address by the Imperial Viceroy.

The Imperial Diet erupted in a fit of debt today, after the Imperial Viceroy, a member of the ASD, called the failure of the Compromise the fault of others and that he and the ASD were the only ones that stuck by the compromise and were the only "do no wrongers" of the diet. This caused an eruption of anger amongst the new majority in the Imperial Diet who all argued that it was nonsense due to the fact that it was the ASD, who had originally proposed their part of the Compromise and the monarchist side of it, which had failed to keep up their end of the bargain. This was further supported when the new Imperial Seal-Bearer, Duke William Noventa, brought forth the Compromise and the Legislation on the powers that were given to the Viceroy due to the Compromise. This then resulted in the obvious and quite apparent lying that and corruption that the ASD has committed due to them failing to keep up their end of the bargain. This resulted in a massive debate between the Viceroy and the Imperial Seal-Bearer that ended with the Viceroy having no way to defend himself and resulting to taunting, causing the Imperial-Seal-Bearer, to close the floor and have the Imperial Diet Guards escort the Viceroy out of the Chambers. The views of many have not yet been heard, especially from the ASD themselves, yet it could be assumed that the Viceroy was speaking for his party. The Imperial Seal-Bearer when asked said, "I will open the floor to debate amongst the parties of Luthori over the Viceroy debate tomorrow, but the Viceroy will not be allowed to comment and will have to be represented by his party. I hope to hear what the other parties think on this issue that has come up, but I am sure that most agree with me that it is obvious who betrayed the Compromise."

New Government led the new by Duke of Tinako William Noventa, after the CIL turned down the option of being the HoG which was their right as the largest party.

A new Imperial Cabinet has been formed with the following:


Imperial Seal-Bearer / ICL/ His Grace the Duke of Tinako William Noventa
Foreign Affairs / CIL / HG, John Rannigan, 5th Duke of Utagia
Internal Affairs / RCP/ Mikael Bonnette
Finance / ICL/ Sir Arnold Smith
Defence / CIL/ HIH, Prince William II, 3rd Duke of Geha
Justice / LLP/ Casper Burret
Infrastructure and Transport /ICL/ Lady Devon Cantuso
Health and Social Services /RAP/ Dr. W.L Gerhard
Education and Culture/ RAP/ Dr. R.J. Meckelburg
Science and Technology /LLP/ Igor Scott
Food and Agriculture / RCP / Devin Skursky
Environment and Tourism /LLP/ Clark Robinson
Trade and Industry / RCP/ Hannah Rice
Long Live the Empire!!!!
And while we are at it, "Hail the Holy Britannian Empire!!!!!"
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Xanathos » Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:02 pm

Rannigan to negotiate with ASD?

2811 Edition

The ULC controlled governing board has voted yesterday to support possible talks and negotiations with the ASD. Majority leader Rannigan campaigned and won an election based on a more moderate platform than his conservatives opponents. However, preconditions were placed on negotiations, and the GCP is still very hesitant about talking with the ASD. It is now apparently clear that the "People's Party", whose parliamentarians were kicked out of the Diet last session, will not be included in the negotiations. The Utagian Loyalists now have the responsibility of of reinstauring the treaties which were taken down by the ASD without alienating their capitalist base or risk facing the electorate's displeasure.

Richard Jackson campaigning

The Conservatives have been on the lookout for Loyalist blunders, keen to take back their lost seats. Lord Richard Jackson, the Duke's son and an influential figure of the conservative movement has been attending rallies all over the country and is campaigning hard for the 2812 Diet elections, where he will run for the first time to represent the Marquessate of Wallsburry. His opponent, incubent mp and GCP board governor Tim Karain, 's chances for reelection are directly tied to the outcome of the ASD negotiations. Were they to succeed, Karain will still be competitive, were they to fail, Jackson, with the might of both the Axis Alliance and the conglomerate Hexlon Imperial behind him, would surely win in a landslide.

-The Williamsbrough Herald
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby ads-sdp » Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:02 pm

Breakthrough in Negotiations

The Alliance of Social Democrats, one of the most powerful political forces in Luthori, and the only thing standing between the Imperial Monarchists and their goal, has announced today that they are willing to concede the issue of whether or not to embrace the monarchy as long as they are guaranteed power regardless of their number of seats in the Holy Imperial Diet. The establishment of a Privy Council was the focus of the party's proposal, which would create a binding forum for the three most powerful Luthori parties to discuss issues and consequently to vote on them. Monsieur Dantes, the Viceroy, opined this; "We believe strongly that an alliance between the ASD and both the CIL and IC will be extremely beneficial for the people of Luthori. The ball is in their (CIL, IC) court now, so we can only wait and see what goes on."
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Duke Matthus » Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:17 pm

Luthori Imperial Diet called to act on the situation in Jeblania and Delteria due to Protest through out the Empire.

Imperial Diet Called to Act
Imperial Seal-Bearer, His Grace the Duke of Tinako William Noventa, giving his speech to the Imperial Diet.

The Imperial Seal-Bearer of the Imperial Diet called for action along with the rest of Terra with the return of the Demons from hell known as the Kennedys. "These creatures our ancestor fought and killed we most not allow them to gain one inch onto this world or every person in Terra will suffer. We must start acting now or we will have to face the same monster that our ancestors did which will end up costing Luthori lives," sad His Grace the Duke of Tinako, William Noventa the Imperial Seal-Bearer. The main reason many believe that the Imperial Diet is being called to act is due to the protest happening all over the Empire, especially in Namviet and Fort William where the people are outraged that the government has not done anything yet or even allowed this to happen. Namviet, also known as the Luthori Raj, was liberated from the Kennedy Dictatorship when the Kennedys where killed and Jeblania along with Delteria were freed. Now with the return of the Kennedys, massive protest have started demanding revenge on the Kennedys for their cruel treatment of their ancestors and their people causing the Namvietian Empire's military, a part of the Luthori Holy Imperial Military, to go on high alert. The decision from the Imperial Diet has yet to be said, but if the bill does not pass, riots are sure to erupt over the failure of action being taken by the Government.

Protest in Namviet, Yishelem, Fort William and other parts of the Empire
Protesters in the Capital of the Namvietian Empire, Luthori Raj, Belhi.

Protest erupt from the Namvietian Empire over the Governments lack of action against the Kennedys, has forced many to believe that the Imperial Diet bill that has recently been put through is the governments attempt at trying to keep the Colonies and people from rioting over the situation. In the Capital of the Namvietian Empire, also known as the Luthori Raj, Belhi protesters are demanding that the Military go in and take control of those nations to liberate them from the Kennedys as they were when they were invaded and freed from them during the last time the Kennedys crawled out of hell.

People protesting in the streets of Yishelem, in the Kingdom of Yishelem over the lack of action being taken by the government.

In the Kingdom of Yishelem, citizens are crowding the streets with protest over non action being taken against an enemy that the people view is right at their doorstep. OIne man was asked why he was protesting said, “The government has a job to protect us citizens and subjects of the Empire, and even though 150,000 troops on top of the local military of the kingdom is stationed here in the Kingdom, the Kennedys are in spiting distance of us and we seem to be doing nothing while they grow stronger. My grandfather fought in the liberation of Namviet and he told me of the horrible things the Kennedys did. They must and they should be brought to justice especially since many of us here are starting to believe they are fakes due to the fact that they the freed nations of Jeblania and Delteria told us that they had killed them all in the rebellions.”

The Imperial Capital is not much better, with many natives of Namviet along with native Luthorians and other citizens of the Empire protesting at the Imperial Parliament building in protest of the governments lack of action and the fact that they allowed the Kennedys to rise again after they were told they were killed by the Deleterian and Jeblanian freedom forces the last time the Kennedys were out of hell. While the protest have been nonviolent, it is expected that if the Government does not pass the current bill that massive riots will occur in the Empire, and even if it does pass some believe it will not be enough for the people that are demanding action now. Only time will tell.

People protesting out side of the Imperial Parliament building in the Imperial Capital Fort William.
Long Live the Empire!!!!
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby moneymakesuscrazy » Sat Sep 05, 2009 2:09 am

Jorge Ramos V assassinated by socialists, People's Party leadership shakeup follows.

For the past decade the People's Party has evolved to become much more advocating of a free-market with less regulation. Many of its once supporters have grown angry, the party has lost much of its support from leftists. Angry socialists have targeted the PP leadership for years now and it has finally succeeded. Jorge Ramos V died last week, his family did not wish to have him remain on life support however his son Jorge Ramos VI attempted to obtain a remedy for immortality - the Hunter family of Malivia is rumored to be immortal.

Roberto Limon Ramos Sanchez has taken command of the People's Party. In a statement to PP delegates and elected officials Sanchez declared:
The days of the PP radical fringe are over. We will now move to become a party of meaning.

The People's Party joined the IA to condemn the Kennedy dictatorship of Deltaria and Jelbania, a move Sanchez hopes will be a sign of more collaboration to come.

Roberto Limon Ramos Sanchez will be in Malivia this month to discuss advanced medical practices in hopes of prolonging the lives of Luthori.
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