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Postby Captain-Socialist » Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:05 pm

Naquichinisa Hiraku Declares Himself President for Life
Our glorious President has announced that instead of seeking his sixth term his fifth term of office will simply not end.

His Excellency Naquichinisa Hiraku announced today via tweet that the forthcoming presidential election shall be cancelled, and that only parliamentary elections shall hence forth be held in the Federal Republic of Chūhōkō. President Naquichinisa shall remain in office indefinitely, with the necessary changes to the constitution being made as a mere formality. Victorious in five elections and against as many coups and insurgencies, His Excellencies democratic credentials are unquestioned, for none is as beloved by the people as he. Term limits and the pointless exercise of presidential campaigns are merely barriers between the people and their chosen tribune, the immortal genius His Excellency President Naquichinisa Hiraku, reincarnation of Presidents Gayolicaltzin, Djoraxa and Zaachilla as well as at least one Emperor of the Gao-Showans. Since he had no declared opponent in the coming election and the endorsement of all legal political parties even the most blinkered Western liberals could no deny the rationality of his decision to be President until he passes onto on to be reincarnated as an even better President.

It is expected that the Zenshō Socialist dogs who lurk in the jungles shall react to this news with fearful cowering.
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Re: Chūhōkō Telegraph

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:11 pm

Insurgent Leader Nucano Nano Declares Himself also President for Life of his Pathetic Malaria Infested Rebel Territoy
The terroristic "soliders" of the evil Zenshō Socialist "Enlightened Peoples Republic of Chūhōkō", a illegal, unrecognised state that his Excellency President Naquichinisa Hiraku long ago drove in the deepest, most wretched of our jungles, where they have since turned to drug dealing and rapine.

Nucano Nano is an accursed name amongst all our people, hated and despised by all including the animals and the Kami spirits that inhabit inanimate objects. A rabble rouser, fraud and murderer who manipulated the most uneducated sections of the indigenous peasants against their social betters with his twisted Communistic interpretation of Daenic religion. Yet this vile dog has dared further his insults aganist the rule of His Excellency the President, by announcing mere days after our President legitimately made himself President for Life that he was now President for Life of his terroristic swamp hideout that he pretends is the "legitimate government", the so-called "Enlightened Peoples Republic of Chūhōkō". We all know Nucano Nano's so-called "landslide election victory" in 4191 was rigged, and we can only thank our glorious military for supporting the legitimate candidate, His Excellency Naquichinisa Hiraku, who has won every election since. For Nano to declare himself President for Life is an insult to the democratic process, and to the new constitution that His Excellency Naquichinisa Hiraku devised recently. Only the people can decide who deserves to be President for Life, not force of arms. We hope our military will finally penetrate further into his rebel den and defeat the Zenshō Socialist evil once and for all, whereupon their victims will be able to enjoy the right to confirm their support for His Excellency.
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Re: Chūhōkō Telegraph

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:53 pm

Disgraced Traitor Xolo Ryūzōji Found in Contempt of Court for Declaring Himself President for Life
Former opposition candidate was found in contempt of court today when instead of answering questions about his corruption and attempted election rigging he used his court appearance to declare himself President for Life and pardoned himself.

Ah yes, we all remember Xolo Ryūzōji, the so-called golden boy of the liberal reformists so beloved of the West. We remember his fine talk, his supposed opposition to "the corrupt system," his love of "human rights", his lofty plan of a "peace process" with Nucano Nano, how the foreign media and NGO's predicted that his brief popularity might even see him win an electoral contest against the peoples tribune, His Excellency the President, Naquichinisa Hiraku. We remember that supposedly "accurate" exit poll, his premature declarations of victory, the congratulations from the liberal elites and the West. But how did that all turn out, when before this supposedly great man could take office as President Elect, His Excellency the President, Naquichinisa Hiraku revealed the truth to us. With deep disappointment and regret, our President told us via live broadcast of the horrific truth of the endemic corruption within the opposition candidates campaign, and worse still, the grave conspiracy between the electoral commission and Xolo Ryūzōji to rig the election in the oppositions favour.

We remember the bluster and denials of the criminal, who even confronted with all the proof of his wrongdoings continued to insist he was "President Elect" and "victim of a obvious attempt to remove him by a monomaniacal dictator who refuses to give up power."

Well, today Xolo Ryūzōji had the audacity to use his appearance in court to declare himself "President for Life" and pardoned himself on all counts of corruption, election rigging and high treason and ordered the judge and the prosecution arrested.What egotism! What a outrageous refusal to accept the guilt which he should undoubtedly feel for daring to subvert our democracy! His Excellency the President, Naquichinisa Hiraku is the rightfully confirmed President for Life, not this wild eyed criminal who should hang for daring to come between the people and their democratically elected champion.
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Re: Chūhōkō Telegraph

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:31 pm

Deposed Former President Toki Rusiguunda Declares Himself President-for-Life in Exile from the site of his House Arrest
Ageing Ex-President Toki Rusiguunda, under house arrest within a foreign embassy for the last forty eight years, announced via a livestream that he was President for Life of the government in exile of the Federal Republic of Chūhōkō.

That shrivelled old man who was overthrow in the dark decades before His Excellency President Naquichinisa Hiraku brought stability to our land has had the gall to declare himself President-for-Life in a livestream from within the foreign embassy in which he has cowered for almost a generation. Toki Rusiguunda, who has taken to hard core gaming during his long house arrest, announced to the chat during one of his Let's Plays that the so-called "Government in Exile" had ratified documents making his President for life. This desperate attempt to maintain political relevance does not impress the people, who much prefer to watch His Excellency President Naquichinisa Hiraku's channel. The so-called "Government in exile" are noting more than a pack of weak old men hiding from justice, who have no respect for the democratic will of the people who have elected and reelected His Excellency President Naquichinisa Hiraku multiple times. Toki Rusiguunda himself is the worst of them, a feeble "centrist" President who couldn't handle a few military coups and fled behind the skirts of the foreigners. For such a man, who maintains with a straight face that simply because he was overthrown by the military and never allowed to return to partake in any elections that he is "still technically in power."
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Re: Chūhōkō Telegraph

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun Jun 04, 2017 3:06 pm

Ex-Military Dictator General Ikari Pwuix Insists that "Actually I'm still President for Life"
The murderous right-wing tyrant who was overthrown in the Glorious Peoples Revolution of 4190-91, General Ikari Pwuix, has claimed that his appointment as President for Life still stands in a letter to a local newspaper near his plantation where he has lived in peaceful reclusion since his ouster.

A brutal, bloody handed military dictator, who used populistic rhetoric, anti-Communism and the pretext of maintaining stability to justify years of brutal authoritarian rule during which elections were rigged, opponents jailed on trumped charges or driven into exile all while he constructed a ridiculous personality cult, illegally extending his terms of office until he threw aside all pretext of constitutional legality and made himself President for Life, all while enriching himself at the nations expense. General Ikari Pwuix's military regime replaced the democratically elected coalition government of President Toki Rusiguunda, suppressed the Zenshō Socialists and trade union movement ruthlessly and railed against all criticism from the more liberal sections of the plantation class as "Western liberal interference." A man more unlike our current democratically elected and much beloved ruler, His Excellency President for Life Naquichinisa Hiraku, could not be imagined. General Ikari Pwuix was a corrupt monster whose rule is a blight on our national history, and it only goes to show the great mercy and clemency of His Excellency that he was pardoned and allowed to live out a peaceful retirement from politics with a government pension.

Yet in a unusual public statement, addressed as a polite letter to the editor of a nearby village paper (the "Chīsanamura Shinbun"), the former dictator has insulted our reigning President by claiming that his entirely illegal, unconstitutional and undemocratic assumption of the Presidency for Life is still in force, when it is perfectly evident that His Excellency President for Life Naquichinisa Hiraku is clearly the peoples only choice as their lifelong tribune and champion against the dark forces of the liberal elite, the Communists and all others who threaten our stability.
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Re: The Chūhōkō Propagandist

Postby Captain-Socialist » Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:16 am

Military Restores Ikari Pwuix to Presidency on same day as State Funeral Announced for former President Ikari Pwuix
Today a successful military coup ousted President Naquichinisa Hiraku and restored General Ikari Pwuix to power. Unfortunately, it later emerged the General had died peacefully in his sleep a few hours earlier. His Excellency President Naquichinisa Hiraku is expected to lead the nation in mourning the loss of his twice over predecessor.


We, the Military National Salvation Council of the Federal Republic of Chūhōkō, today took the grave decision to take matters into our own hands. We have seized control of the Presidential palace, the safe parts of the Chamber of Deputies that weren't damaged in previous coups, all government ministries not yet seized by foreign corruptions as collateral for our national debt, and the public television and radio stations. We do this with heavy hearts, because all other options have closed to us.

For years the crazed centrist despot Naquichinisa Hiraku has brought disaster while keeping our true leader, President for Life of the Republic, General Ikari Pwuix under House arrest. Yet we in the Military National Salvation Council know who can restore our national dignity, defeat the Communist insurgency, silence the slanders of the liberal government-in-exile, enforce national unity and stand up to the dominance of Dovani by the Western coast powers. That man is General Ikari Pwuix, who sadly passed on peacefully surrounded by his loved ones a few hours before we executed this operation to save the motherland.

Therefore it is our solemn and final duty to declare that a state funeral will be held in a weeks time for President Pwuix, who lead our nation for many difficult years and would have again if God did not work in such mysterious ways.

It is thus with full confidence we transfer control of all occupied buildings to civilian control, and pledge full cooperation with His Excellency President Naquichinisa Hiraku during this transfer of power.
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Chūhōkō Chūō Nyūsu - Midway Central News

Postby Pragma » Tue Jan 16, 2018 9:27 pm

News regarding Midway/Chūhōkō coming soon.
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Re: Chūhōkō Chūō Nyūsu - Midway Central News

Postby Pragma » Tue Jan 16, 2018 9:51 pm

Socialist President Under Threat From Native Third-Way Challenger // CCN

Above: Izel Atl Ixtli has challenged the major political parties in the nation and is riding high in the polls.

A major blow has came to widely popular Midway President Higashi Toshitsugu as his former 21% lead over conservative nominee Tanaka Tepin has been destroyed within a week after the campaign of independent Izel Atl Ixtli has exploded in popularity. The election, in a year's time, is now wide open despite Toshitsugu's social reforms that have increased social care and health funding. Conservative Tanaka Tepin suffered an early blow after insulting Toshitsugu, with his personal popularity and youthful charm far outweighing the desire for change. Midway has existed under a socialist government for many years now, and despite Toshitsugu's usage of social media tactfully he cannot halt the rising wave for Ixtli.

Ixtli's campaign began as a media circus, with pundits classing her as a joke candidate. She is a standard businesswoman and was born into a wealthy family. She is known internally for having hosted the Midway show Tyro, which focuses on 10 young business-people seeking investment from Ixtli worth 1,000,000 Midway Yenos. Ixtli, one of the few native faces shown on TV, became increasingly distressed by how the amount of money going to her winning candidates went shorter distances each year in getting their business up-and-running. Originally, the show lasted 18 episodes per season with 1 person fired every two weeks or so. Now, it lasts 8 episodes per season - despite being the most watched show on TV in Midway.

Ixtli has promised to get rid of all taxation on small businesses, while increasing the estate tax to 70% - which would make it by far Terra's highest. She has stated remorsefullness for being born into a wealthy family, though her own actions have massively increased her wealth. She will also make massive investments into education, she says, and technology. To pay for this, she will end the welfare system for non-retirees and replace it with a government-sponsored programme for the unemployment to achieve full-employment by the end of her five-year-term. She will also cut taxation for businesses investing in green energy, while cutting into tax-avoidance. Such promises have catapulted her to 32% in the polls, with Tepin on 22% and Toshitsugu on 38%.
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Re: Chūhōkō Chūō Nyūsu - Midway Central News

Postby Pragma » Thu Jan 18, 2018 9:40 pm

Ixtli Organises Political Party // CCN


After increasing momentum that has gathered behind her bid for the presidency, former TV star and third-way candidate Izel Atl Ixtli is now level with the extremely popular incumbent Socialist Party president. She today launched her own political party that will stand in the country's assembly to institute her beliefs at every level of government. The party is called simply 'Unity' and has a theme of extreme meritocracy throughout its party policies. With elections upcoming in just a few months, this new party has a major chance to succeed as a third-way alternative as the President loses support and the right loses touch with the average person in Midway. Unity has already broken into the polls ahead of both.

Ixtli's campaign has ramped up considerably since it was started. With donations and self-input, Ixtli's campaign has raised more money from big-scale donors and small-scale donors than President Higashi Toshitsugu - who Ixtli has blamed for Midway being considered a third-world nation and lacking decent services and infrastructure. The Socialists had relied on young people to beat their conservative opponents in past elections, but the young seem even more certain to vote for Ixtli than any other group, with Toshitsugu's support amongst his traditional base falling apart despite increases in public spending - which he has consistently spun as major investment into public services, despite creating a deficit and having little measurable effect.

If polls are right, Toshitsugu and Ixtli will advance to the second round on about 35% each, but Ixtli will then be defeated by less than a point. Tanaka Tepin of the Conservative Union of Midway, the main competitor on the right, has agreed to support Toshitsugu in the second round if she ends up losing as she seems likely to. This alliance may seem unlikely, but it is a two-party effort to exclude Ixtli and Unity from the halls of power. The ideas of the new political movement are seen as dangerous and destabilising, and while many CU supporters will rebel there is an undeniable feeling within the established political class that Ixtli and her party could seriously damage Midway due to their lack of political experience.
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Re: Chūhōkō Chūō Nyūsu - Midway Central News

Postby Pragma » Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:56 pm

Ixtli Victorious After Last-Minute Conservative Endorsement Switch // CCN


In a surprising but almost inevitable turn of events, the rising star of Midway politics - native businesswoman and personality Izel Atl Ixtli - swept into power in the second round of the election with a 59% to 41% victory over popular but unremarkable Socialist candidate and incumbent President Higashi Toshitsugu. The second round was a stark change from the first, were Toshitsugu was actually closer to Ixtli than expected. However, it was the surprise Conservative Union support in the second round for Ixtli that swung the election well back in her favour. The CU - the traditional conservative party in midway - ended up betraying a previous agreement to support Toshitsugu in the second round due to 'the need for change'.

Across all provinces in the nation, Ixtli managed to chalk up major amounts of rural and suburban votes as young and old voted for her in an unexpectedly convincing victory. Conservative Union leader and candidate Tanaka Tepin was the first to congratulate, and the 31 seats of her party in the assembly snuggly combine with the 20 seats of Ixtli's Unity to win a majority in the 100-seat chamber. The Socialist outperformed expectation, but managed to only win 40 seats. 9 were won by smaller parties, namely the 4 seats of the centrist Liberal Alternative, the 3 seats of the far-right Nationalist Party and the 2 seats of the Socialist Party ally the New Democratic Socialists. This amounts to a bet 17 seats loss for the Socialist Party and NDS.

Ixtli says she is now dedicated to market reform and changing the nature of politics in Midway. She will be massively reforming the regulations on small businesses to create what she calls 'an ultra-meritocratic state' and will also be institution a series of investments in education and science to push Midway up in terms of economic and technological abilities - independently and relatively to rise under her plans according to noted economists. Tanaka Tepin will be made Prime Minister of Midway while Ixtli becomes President, showing what she called 'native solidarity'. Only 1 of the 15-member-cabinet of Ixtli's is due to be a Gao-Showan, who as a group have lost their President and stay as but a 15% minority in a country reclaiming native identity.
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