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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby Akhenaten » Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:17 am

Democatic People’s Front Wins Snap Elections
March 4258
Populist Sangiri Nebhet to Become Grand Vizier
Sangiri Nebhet (center) celebrates his victory in the Royal Assembly

The Democratic People’s Front won a surprise victory in the snap elections called by the Coburan Unionist Party. The Front won resoundingly despite constant controversial comments by Sangiri Nebhet, a former colonel and the leader of the party. The leader's rhetoric had been derided by the political mainstream as both absurd and inflammatory, with talking points from distributing free alcohol to every Coburan citizen to accusing the Unionist Party of being in the pockets of the Zardic government. Due to the overwhelming victory, the Kandake is expected to lift the state of exception that has kept the current Unionist government in power.

However, this was not a protest vote against the restrictive measures taken by the Kandake during the declaration of the state of exception. In fact, the Democratic People’s Front has gone even further, calling for a national DNA registry and the reinstatement of capital punishment. Recent events such as the terrorist attack in Cobura’s sister nation of Hawu Mumenhes and instability in Badara have led to anxiety in Cobura, which the Front has been accused of exploiting for political gain. The Front has also filled a hole left by the Worker’s Party of Cobura, which has taken a policy of abstention in protest following the Kandake’s declaration of the state of exception. The Front, while not particularly left-wing, has proposed policies far to the left of the economic liberalism championed by the Unionist Party, including reintroduction of the minimum wage and regulated working hours. This has been coupled with the Front’s usual xenophobia, with Nebhet supporting the ending of all international aid and labor protections for foreign workers.

The Front’s most prominent position has been opposition to Zardic influence. Sangiri Nehbet has fiercely opposed the Kandake’s reset in relations with Zardugal, arguing that Cobura has been too lenient with its northern neighbor. Nebhet has demanded the renegotiation of the Treaty of Cezareo, which has permitted the Zardic government to station 600 troops in the Coburan city of Augusta since the end of the Tokundian War. In a campaign rally one month before the election, Nebhet stated,
There can be no reset until the Zardic guard is purged from Augusta! You know what a reset with Zardugal would look like? We force the Zards to move their troops out of the Imperial Throne of the Augustans, or we storm the place and throw the so-called “Emperor” into a Tokundian shithole prison. There’s your fucking reset.

Accordingly, Nebhet has made the removal of the Zardic troops in the Imperial Throne of the Augustans his top priority following his election victory. The Front's first action with a majority in the Royal Assembly was passing a resolution to adjust the treaty, which Nebhet claims is invalid as it was signed during the period of military dictatorship. With the recent placement of 8,000 additional troops on the Coburan-Zardic border, tensions between the two nations seem destined to increase.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Mon Nov 27, 2017 7:52 pm



SHARBA - The latest election polls have shown that the electoral battle between sitting president Aburo and social liberal opponent Corona is far from being over. With just 189 against 161, Corona is expected to defeat the current Coburan head of state with his Kolibro party.

The result would mean a 189 seat gain for the Kolibro party, which has just been founded 4 years ago. In an interview, Domiano Corona explains the biggest differences between the Kolibro and the reigning Socialist Alliance:

The Socialist Alliance has ruled over this nation by creating fear everywhere. Its crippling grip on Coburan society has strained the middle and lower classes and completely took away everyone's feelings of safety. The nationwide ban on any form of religion is such an example of the SA violently opressing its voters. The era of a one party state is gone and i hope that we will completely defeat the SA after what they have done to the people of Cobura. Press is being silenced, cops are being bribed and the president is being treated as if he is a god! A vote for the Kolibro will mean a vote for an honest Cobura in which every citizen gets a fair chance of growing instead of finding himself being opressed by a ruthless dictatorship. Together, we can stop the nasty fist of fascism as a whole in order to flourish as a nation!

Elections will be in June 4312, where every state divides his 70 representatives under the SA and Kolibro, and also elects a president. This system is not expected to last however, because the expected-to-win Kolibro has pledged to reform the constitution if it gains a two-third majority. For more news, please go to www.NireEnkobure.cob (Irkawan) or www.koburasuno.cob (Augustan).
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Fri Dec 15, 2017 5:46 pm


HITAM - In a four day during state visit, Governor General of Cobura Domiano Corona has arrived at Hitam International Airport on Wednesday to begin his four-day state visit to Malivia. Instead of immediately meeting his Malivian counterpart Ms. Juliette Cazembe, Corona will first hold talks with visiting Coburans and attend a Malivia-Cobura business conference, Global Times reports. The two state leaders' meeting is expected to be held on Thursday afternoon and will involve a welcoming ceremony and a Memorandum of Understanding signing, as well as dinner and cultural activities to celebrate the two nations establishing diplomatic ties.

When the Governor General arrived at Hitam International Airport, he adressed the much-attending media:
It is a great honour to travel to Malivia today to discuss areas of mutual interest between our countries as well as advance President Cazembe's foreign affairs agenda in Malivia. We look forward to a productive conversation, and hopefully time to appreciate the beautiful sights of Malivia in the short time we are here. We would also like to thank Foreign Minister Power for his gracious invitation to be here today.Cobura can give Malivia a lot and Malivia can give a lot to Cobura! Our peoples have the right to live in peace and security but I am also convinced in friendship! They want to meet, cooperate, work together and it is our duty to make efforts to make this happen. See this visit as the beginning of a flourishing partnership between Malivia and Cobura .I want to thank you all for the wonderful welcome and I very much hope that this day is the cornerstone of a prosperous future for both of our nations in the name of friendship.

Coburan Foreign Relations Minister Konstantiniano Triĥo adresses the attendees at the Coburan-Malivian Social-economic Progress Summit.

Governor General Corona and his wife at the official state dinner in the Presidential Palace.

Governor General Corona visits the Hitam Botanical Garden in traditional clothing.

At the end of the visit, Governor General Corona took the time to thank the Malivian president and the Malivian people for their hospitality and warm welcome. He also invited the Malivian president to visit Cobura whenever she has time, may it be official or private. ''There is always a place in Cobura for friends and allies'' he stated.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby FPC » Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:25 pm

Mr Aman Seyoum founds the "Identity" movement, pledging to "redefine Cobura's place in the new age."


4337- Mr Aman Seyoum, a computer programmer and entrepreneur who set up the environmental protection site, amodetero, today registered "Huia" or "Identity" as an official political party in the United Governates of Cobura. Speaking for his first time as a public figure Mr Seyoum announced that the party would focus on reducing the government, promoting environmentalism and working for a technological utopia within Cobura. The newly formed group is likely to gain any seats at next years elections, however they hope to gain representation in the legislature at the next elections.

The logo for the new "Identity" movement in Cobura

Identity will focus on the ideals of left-libertarianism, environmentalism and technological utopianism and aims to create what Mr Seyoum claims will be a "paradise on earth."

Mr Seyoum, 43, was born and raised in Addis Amkä and attended the Albrunn University in Dundorf achieving a masters degree in Computer Science. Following his graduation he worked for several large organisations as a front end software developer, most notably the Zardugal Institute for Economic Affairs where he designed software that helped compile global economic statistics. After he left the ZIEA he founded his own company with a group of friends he met in university. The company was called: "amodetero," it was a non-profit that sold e-books and used all sales to fund the plantation of trees across Terra aswell as what they called "Aquatic Cleanup crews," which were groups that cleaned up the oceans of Terra using boats, nets and scuba diving to collect as much rubbish as possible. He ran this company for 7 years before stepping away to start "Identity."

He is a committed Aurorian, his father was a priest and as such he grew up around churches and cathedrals. In a blog post on the Identity website he wrote: "I think my faith defines me in a positive way. It teaches me acceptance and tolerance and lets me see the world through the eyes of another." He claims that he does not believe homosexual marriage is a sin and that his faith will not intrude on his governance or leadership. When questioned about the origins of the name Identity he replied "I think a persons identity is what defines them, we don't want our nation defined as a ' Southern wayward province of Zardugal,' we want to forge our own way forward and break free of the constraints of this age, in other words we want an identity and that's what this party will offer."
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby FPC » Tue Jan 30, 2018 6:14 pm

Amam Seyoum elected Governor General
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Tue May 22, 2018 7:05 pm


SHARBA/KURACGRAD/AUGUSTA - Dozens of people died last week in Cobura as a result of anti-government protests, human rights groups there told The Coburan Sun in contrast to the government's official death toll, which stands at 10.

The Coburan Center for Human Rights, based in the capital city of Sharba, reported 42 deaths on Sunday. On Saturday, the group had reported 43 people died but revised the death toll, saying they'd mistakenly included a person who was in critical condition. The Permanent Commission on Human Rights said 58 people died. . The deaths came amid the largest street protests the country has seen since the 4306 protests against then dictator Dimitrio Aburo. Protesters clashed with security forces, and several pro-government millitias violently harassed and injured hundreds of protesters.

Demonstrators in Sharba threw rocks and set fires as police responded with tear gas and rubber bullets. Several television stations were taken off the air as the government tried to stem the unrest. Coburan Attorney General Mirano Shenute on Thursday announced an investigation into the deaths.
"A responsible and formal investigation was started regarding the following acts: the loss of life of students, police and civilians; the injuries sustained by students, police and civilians; looting and property damage, both public and private," Shenute told reporters.

A journalist who was covering the protest was among those killed, state media outlet COB1 Digital reported.
The unrest, mostly led by students, started when Reganto-Ĝenerala (Governor-General) Abadir Patape spoke to the nation in a televised interview, in which he proclaimed the foundation of the Coburan Revolutionary Front, a coalition of communist political parties led by the ruling Alliance party. The CRF is to be the self-proclaimed ‘’sole legitimate government of Cobura’’, and all political parties that are not a part of the CRF will be banned and shall be broken up. ‘’Only parties affiliated with the CRF may run candidates for political office’’ was added later. . Protests continue in Cobura, with demonstrators now calling for Patape’s resignation, and no further ratification of this act into the Coburan Constitution. Other causes for the current wave of violence is the ongoing unrest between Coburans after growing dissent against the current Communist One-Party state. Patape is seen as ‘’Imprisoner of the Coburan people’’. Other political movements are yet to small to battle the immense Alliance party which has ruled the country for over 21 years. However, several liberal, progressive and coronist (in favour of reinstating Cobura as once done by Domiano Corona) are gaining ground quickly, but it is still uncertain if any of these movements will be allowed to take part in the upcoming elections.


The Coburan government has been accused of using excessive force against protesters and "arbitrarily (shutting) down media outlets covering the recent protests," a human rights organization says.

"Human Rights Union received credible accounts that suggest that police officers used excessive force to shut down demonstrations in several places across the country and that pro-government groups attacked peaceful protesters," the international human rights agency said in a statement. Several nations of the World Congress have condemned violence against protesters, whom the vice president compared with "vampires" who "feed off blood ... (to) achieve advances in their political agenda." Both institutions called for a peaceful resolution. Cobura "needs to comply with their international obligations to guarantee that people are able to freely express their rights of freedom of expression and freedom to peacefully assemble," WC Human Rights Office spokeswoman Liza Mihannejad said in a statement. Several governments also urge travelers to reconsider travel plans to Cobura.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Mon Jun 04, 2018 3:52 pm

SHARBA - Following the start of negotiations with the Esinsundu nations about the reentry of Cobura into the Esinsundu Empire, Acting Prime Minister Giseppo Sami has offically announced his resignation in order to make way for a new face to lead Cobura through the upcoming negotiations. His replacement will be current Minister of Foreign Affairs Diamo Tesfaye, a Mallan politician who enjoys great popularity among the Coburan people.

Sami became Acting Prime Minister last year after the then incumbent PM Pterou Simic was forced to step down for medical reasons. Sami pledged, as deputy PM, to take hold of the cabinet until the House of Representatives had found a suitable replacement. Even though it was soon clear that either Tesfaye or then Minister of Internal Affairs Pamounmes Sidom would be the successor, Sami stayed in office for over a year because both Tesfaye as well as Sidom were still very busy serving as Ministers themselves. Thus, the House has given its confidence to Diamo Tesfaye to lead Cobura into the Esinsundu Empire. He spoke:
As i am going into these negotiations positive and hopeful, Cobura can celebrate. Never again will we have ourselves oppressed as since the Communist takeover. This dark time has shown us how valuable and fragile our society is; being composed of several minorities and larger ethnic components. But we have also learned how immensely powerful we can be when united. And that is what I ask of you. Not to blindly follow the government, but to stay united. See, we have seen times of communism, anarchism and supremacism. But none of those era's have torn us apart. And with the upcoming reunification with our Esinsundu brothers and sisters, we can only look forward to the future with feelings of joy and hope.
Last edited by November on Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:46 pm

SHARBA — Since the pro-Esinsundu government of Prime Minister Tesfaye in Cobura has been installed, relations between the nation and its Esinsundu family have flourished. As a result of this, Her Imperial Majesty Aminatu Saksoure IX has officially visited Sharba and the Prime Minister today. Her Majesty has even found time to stop deliver a speech in the Coburan House of Representatives. Her Imperial Majesty arrived in Cezareo on Sunday morning for a state visit to what was previously regarded as almost ‘enemy territory’. However, since the election of the League of Coronists into the Cabinet, relations have warmed up. Upon arrival at the airport, Her Majesty was welcomed by the Coburan Prime Minister Diamo Tesfaye. He spoke: “Our prosperity is not built on isolation, quite the opposite. Cobura thrives because we welcome allies, family and innovators from across the globe.”

Her Majesty was flown into Sharba, where she attended a conference with representatives of the Coburan Government, before speaking to Coburan spectators at the nearby Mashate Square. From there, she headed to the capital for a high-roller Esinsundu fund-raiser, after which she flew back to Hawu Mumenhes on Saturday morning. It is the first time a head of the House of Saksoure has come to the country since the monarchy was impeached nearly 250 years ago. The historical value of the visit is regarded by historians as ‘legendary’ and ‘a milestone in Coburan history’.
Sharba was already flooded with over 150,000 spectators on the early hours of Tuesday’s afternoon, when her Imperial Majesty attended the first Coburan-Esinsundu Summit. Her arrival was the end of a 2-hour tour through the Coburan capital. During the CSE, Her Majesty officially invited the Coburan Government to set up a treaty, establishing the official re-entry of Cobura into the Esinsundu Empire. The representatives of the government, led by the Prime Minster, responded positively.


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cobura spoke:
The historic value of this day is yet to be known. But what we do know is that this day marks the beginning of Coburan revival on the international stage.

On the last day, Her Majesty visited the House of Representatives, where she addressed the representatives with a message of hope. In her speech, she addressed the significance of Cobura in the Esinsundu Empire, but also reminded the parliament of its duty to uphold the democratic status of the nation and be loyal to its Esinsundu allies. Her speech was welcomed with a standing ovation.
Also the financial sector has looked profited of the state visit. Since the announcement last October, the Coburan Cobur has raised 17%, and with the confirmation of re-entry during the visit by both Her Majesty and the Prime Minister, economic growth is not expected to stagnate. Large multinational companies from Istalia and Kazulia have already reached out to Coburan business partners, hoping to set foot on the Coburan economy, which is slowly attracting more and more migrants into the nation.
Last edited by November on Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:19 am

Coburan prime minister Diamo Tesfaye has called for a “strong, united and resolute” reaction from the international community to the Zardic airstrikes in the Jelbanian tribal area of Yamtékstan. Tesfaye said Sharba’s response to the attack – currently being decided – would define Cobura as a nation. “The use of these weapons against civilians is not neutral; it says things about the government of Zardugal and our reaction to the use of these weapons will say things about who we are,” he told the House of Representatives.

The Coburan former Governor-General Samira Zwazi Mehjad, has repeatedly promised that proven weapons use against innocent civilians is a “red line” that would demand clarification from the offensing party. Tesfaye added: “If air strikes against civilians are used and we know how to find out their provenance, Cobura will take measures to protect its borders from raining with rockets”, alluding to the Zardic Army.

The Esinsundu allies of Cobura have provided Tesfaye with his red line moment. His electorate has always seen his most positive quality as his perceived strength on the international stage. On the home front he is facing difficult strikes over a reshaping of the pension system and reintroducing the civilian/military service, on both which the government has vowed to stand firm. Internationally, as he has often said, Cobura cannot show weakness.

A Coburan undertaking of measures would depend on its intelligence proving both the use of deadly air strikes by the Zardic government, and civil fatalities. Although Cobura would be prepared to militarise its border – which is probably what the government means with ‘’taking measures’’ – With recently defence sources said it was logistically possible, it is much more likely to act alongside the Esinsundu Empire and other international partners. Tesfaye has previously said Cobura would be “perfectly aligned with the Empire” on this issue and he has spoken to the Hawu president by phone every day recently.

On the issue of lacking clarification, the Coburan PM stated that ‘’Zardugal has the perfect opportunity to clarify itself during the upcoming Majatran Alliance Summit in Romula’’, referring to the MA Summit in the end of the year, hosted by the Istalian president Sante Vespa-Baldassare.

Coburan public opinion is already sensitive to militarisation, due to rising tensions in the Meshtikistan independence conflict, in which Meshtikistani civilians fight for independence from Cobura. Even though the conflict has been relatively peaceful, a video of an executed Coburan police officer was sent to the Cabinet with the message: ‘the result of opression’’. As a result, Coburan minister of Defence Aedan Huranizado has already given an an ultimatum to the ‘’Meshtikistani terrorists’, claiming that if the Meshtikistani citizens in the region had not given up all their arms in 3 months, the government would be forced to intervene in the region to ‘’protect the Coburan unity’’.

The Coburan PM will attend the Majatran Alliance Summit in Romula later this year, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Trade and Industry. With situations becoming more and more interesting, the summit will be more and more loaded and thus could become of significant importance in the future.
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Re: Nirē Enkoboure/La Kobura Suno (The Coburan Sun)

Postby November » Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:56 am


• The Empress has been coronated as Queen of Cobura, monarch of Cobura. The former Head of State, Govenor-General Mehjad, told a cheering, yellow-clad crowd outside the Triad Palace in Sharba: “I am happy and grateful to introduce you to your new Queen and Empress.” The Empress said: “Dear brothers and sisters, today we celebrate the re-entrance of Cobura and the unification with the Esinsundu Empire! Let us cheer and celebrate this memorable day!

The Empress was crowned in the Triad Palace in Sharba today, assuming the title ‘’ The Imperial Majesty of the Peraa Gaxenxt sat Mumenhes Aminatu Saksoure IX, the perfect Goddess living forever, Empress Esintsundu, Pharaoh of ḥꜥȝsu Mnhs, Queen of Talmoria and Aslistan, Candace of Cobura and Princess of Domale-Irkawa, sacred of appearances as Nošep, Baši Mighty Falcon arising in Neuhaus, Divine Adoratrice of Mumenhes of Nekhatw, Princess of Ibutho, Princess du Sang de Rildanor, foremost of noble ladies, Great of Strength, all countries being prostrate beneath Her feet forever .’’. Her coronation consisted of a ceremony in which the Coburan Crown jewels were presented to her, after which the entire Cabinet signed the Declaration of Coronation. After, the Prime Minister offered the Governor-General the declaration of abdiciation, in which she officially abolished the historical office of Governor-General. At last, both declerations were presented to the Empress, after which the Speaker of the House Immehad Bashi, on behalf of the Government said: ‘’’Your Majesty, the House offers you the title of Queen (Candace) of Cobura’’. The Empress then proceeded to take the offer and was given the crown.

• Security was tight in Sharba today as police prepared for an influx of visitors equal to or greater than the city's population of 3,220,000, with the memory still fresh of the terrorist threats made last month by Meshtikistani terrorists. Airspace above the city was closed for three days yesterday. But the celebrations in Sharba have been peaceful today. Police arrested seven protesters on Corona Square, but released them both without charge shortly afterwards, apologising for having detained them.

• In Sharba, resident Mimeht Kalpothe told the Coburan Independent why the event had captured the Coburan imagination: “I think in the present we don’t have that many days when we really celebrate, and I think this is just something very happy: it’s uncomplicated. The new Empress is lovely, she’s very beautiful. I think it’s nice. I don’t think we think so much about the fact that it’s a queen and empress, but it’s a good reason to party, and here in Sharba … every year it’s a big party.”

• Lucjo Maturizano, professor of popular culture at newly named Royal University, Rakote, told the Independent that the Esinsundu royal family was “a symbol of national unity”: “Yellow is their colour: it’s the House of the Sun. And at days like this you see that the whole country is turning into yellow, in flags and clothes and all kinds [of things]: everything that can be yellow is made into yellow. And that strongly suggests that the family is the symbol of being Esinsundu and what it means to be citizen of the Empire.”

• Aminatu Saksoure IX is expected to be a more informal Head of State than her predecessor. “The Empress has really grown and matured. She’s now a much more balanced person’’, royal correspondent Mashi Ashente said in a live interview. ‘’In her recent speeches and interviews the new queen had shown that she serves democracy, she’s there for the people, she’s there for parliament, she’s not going to impose her ideas on Coburan society. She really expresses an understanding of what it means to be a constitutional monarch.”

The Empress in her coronation dress:
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