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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Phil Piratin » Mon Nov 13, 2017 2:06 am

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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Leob » Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:25 pm

Aleksandr Katayev of the Trudoviy Demokratichnyy Front criticizes the NF

Aleksandr Katayev, leader of the Trudoviks, has commented on the militia, recently formed by the Nationalist Front, calling it a threat to the Trigunian democracy. He expressed his concern regarding the Nationalist Front's rhetoric and it's will to violently oppose a democratically elected cabinet. Katayev also said, that if the NF doesn't agree with the current adminitration's opinions, they can discuss them in a democratic dialogue.

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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Zanz » Mon Jan 22, 2018 4:00 pm

Речь Народа

Logo of White Trigunia (Rod: Белая Тригуния Belaya Triguniya), a newly formed party advocating a "rebirth" for Trigunia

The son of a naval welder and a seamstress, Leonid Nikolayevich Brantov, known affectionately as Lyonya by his supporters, might seem an unlikely candidate to be the face of a mass movement. Famously rough around the edges (he once belched loudly into the microphone in the middle of a press conference) and infamously abrasive (he refused to shake the hand of President of the Trigunian Federation Adrik Ivanov at a chance meeting outside Rodshyadam, calling him an "idiot"), Lyonya is one of the most well known men in the capital - and White Trigunia thusfar holds no seats in the State Duma.

Leonid 'Lyonya' Brantov, leader of White Trigunia

The cult of personality surrounding Lyonya and his White Trigunia party has erupted seemingly overnight. Lyonya gained notoriety as a recurring guest on multiple 24 hour broadcast news channels as a commentator on politics in the Federation, and is well known for his opposition to what he calls the "castrating" of Trigunia. Largely popular among lower-class Rodshyan men and Rodshyan women of all classes, White Trigunia is forecast to win few, if any seats in the upcoming State Duma election, though experts expect that eventually White Trigunia will fare very well in Trigunia's electoral landscape.

"Belaya Triguniya is poised, if it can refine its message," said Ippolit Averyanov, a political commentator, "to sweep into power on the back of a populist tide of men and women who remember a Trigunia much stronger and more active in international affairs than it currently is. The question is whether or not Lyonya and the party can do that refining."
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Zanz » Mon Jan 22, 2018 8:36 pm

Речь Народа

In the wake of the May 4337 State Duma elections, Lyonya Nikolayevich Brantov has published a pamphlet which he describes as the "manifesto of the White Trigunians, the map by which the course of the rebirth of Trigunia shall be plotted, and the most concise enumeration of what we hold dear." The manifesto has come to be known by this name - ЧТО МЫ ДОРОЖИМ (Luth: What We Hold Dear), and has quickly sold out in bookstores across Trigunia.

Speech of the People has been granted permission to reprint the manifesto in its entirety "for the good of the people of Trigunia."

Манифест Белых Тригунейцев
Введение (Introduction)
The proud Rodshyan nation of Trigunia has been castrated, countrymen. Vivisected, neglected, feminized and ridiculed. Our fleets, which once enforced peace upon Terra and employed honest Trigunians across all sectors of the economy, sit rusting in their ports while the Kazulians, the Hutoris, and the Dorvish seek to carve meat from our submissively exposed underbellies. Our missile deterrents, once feared and respected across all of Terra, lie underfunded and useless, a toy gun in the hand of a child. Our economy, once the Jewel of the North, is underproductive and is slipping from its powerful industrial heritage into meek Yeudish service and finance industries, which open us to torturous and ruinous corruption, usury, and betrayal.

Indeed, countrymen, Trigunia is a shell of her former self, a hibernating bear, oversleeping and neglecting her cubs in their springtime hunger.

But no longer. Trigunia's hibernation ends in this moment. In this document you will find the manifesto of the White Trigunians, the map by which the course of the rebirth of Trigunia shall be plotted, and the most concise enumeration of what we hold dear. We are the future of a reborn Trigunian Bear which will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies once more. We are the future of a reborn Trigunian Bear which will see proud Terran Patriarchal Rodshyans unafraid to admit and utilize their Providential Gifts. We are the future of Trigunia, and of Keris, and of Terra.

Лидерство нации (Leadership of the nation)
  • Reinstitution of a Tsar and an order of nobility to guide the nation without greed or foreign corruption
  • Recognition of the Terran Patriarchal Papez as a symbolic leader for Trigunia, whose holy counsel should be given great consideration
Экономика (Economy)
  • Reinvestment in heavy industries centered around shipbuilding, aircraft fabrication, and resource extraction
  • Reinvestment in traditional Trigunian economic sectors such as resource extraction, oil, and some agriculture
  • Close alignment with the economies of the Kerisian Union states to facilitate beneficial trade balances
Военный (Military)
  • Reinvestment in a power projection-based naval capacity, centered around 3 Yegorovich Class (RL: Kuznetsov-class) carriers - two existent today, one to be built by 4347 and 2 Yegorovich Class (RL: Ulyanovsk class) carriers - two existent today.
Внешняя политика (Foreign policy)
  • Creation of a policy of "Trigunian Special Interest" (Rod: Тригунская Особый Интерес Trigunskaya Osobyy Interes) in the continent of Keris and the nations of Telamon, Lodamun, Likatonia, Kalistan, Valruzia, and Baltusia which will affirm Trigunia's commitment to stability in these nations
  • Creation of a policy of "Westward Vigilance" (Rod: Насторожная Бдительность Nastorozhnaya Bditel'nost') toward the nation Hutori, which has the capacity and the motive to threaten Trigunian interests and therefore must be handled carefully
  • Creation of a policy of "Eastward Vigilance" (Rod: Восточная Бдительность Vostochnaya Bditel'nost') toward the nation of Kazulia, which has the capacity and the motive to threaten Trigunian interests and therefore must be handled carefully
  • Reaffirmation of perpetual access to Skrebakumov Joint Naval Station, Migadon, Telamon, as well as continued alliance with Telamon, with the aim of incorporating that nation into the Keris Defensive Alliance
  • Reaffirmation of close ties with Vanuku, in accord with the Triguno-Vanukean Treaty of Mutual Cooperation, and in recognition of their rightful position of power in the region of Northern Majatra, alongside pursuit of close ties with Istalia, which is the rightful power in the region of Southern Majatra
  • Pursuit of close ties with Indrala, which is the rightful power in the regions of South Seleya and South Dovani
  • Pursuit of close ties with Deltaria, home of the Terran Patriarchal Church, despite current mismanagement on the part of a foreign monarchy.
  • Renewed leadership in the Keris Defensive Alliance (KEDA)
  • Renewed leadership in the Kerisian Union (KU), insofar as is possible without limiting Trigunian geopolitical flexibility
Гражданские права / Религиозная свобода (Civil rights / Religious freedom)
  • Reinstitution of Terran Patriarchal mores and customs to combat the ever-encroaching excesses of modernity
  • Recognition of the Terran Patriarchal Church as the official church of Trigunia
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Zanz » Thu Jan 25, 2018 2:36 pm

Речь Народа

Leonid 'Lyonya' Brantov, chairman of the White Trigunians and constant source of income for gossip columnists across Trigunia, is making headlines again after he was overheard on a hot microphone calling Foreign Minister Nikolai Ensky of the Trudoviy Demokratichnyy Front a "kozel" (Luth: goat), an incredibly offensive term in Rodshyan culture. He also casually referred to the Foreign Minister as a "Yeudi," setting off an uproar amongst the Yeudi community of Trigunia. Speaking on a morning show in Rodshyadam, Lyonya did not realize that his microphone was on, according to a spokesperson, when he used the offensive terms.

"He's a real kozel, Ensky, a real Yeudi, I think... [*laughs from Lyonya and the host*] ... He's hiding our nation away in fear, no overtures to New Endralon and Kizenia, no overtures to Keris, no overtures to Deltaria or Vanuku or Telamon, all while the Kazulians and the Hutorians and the Dorvish are conducting naval exercises and the world's falling to shit... Oh, shit, are we rolling? [*sound of Lyonya removing microphone*]"

The term kozel is notoriously associated with the underworld in Trigunia - in criminal circles, anyone called a kozel is honor-bound to exact retribution - hence the idiom "Za kozla otvetish” (You’ll pay for calling me a goat).

In a statement, Lyonya issued what some critics called "apology by escalation":

I guess plenty of you have heard the tape released this morning, where I was talking privately with a good friend of mine and was overheard. I want to clarify things a bit, since they've been portrayed so unfairly... I am not aware of the Foreign Minister's religious affiliation, but I don't believe him to be Yeudish. Even if he is, I've got no problem with that, really, I know plenty of great Yeudis, lots of friends... Ensky just isn't one of them...

After that statement a spokesperson for Lyonya declined to comment.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Zanz » Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:44 pm

Речь Народа

White Trigunia's party headquarters crackled with jubilation as the results of the May 4340 election were announced and Lyonya Brantov was named President of the Trigunian Federation, defeating incumbent Yure Zavgorodniy of the Trudoviy Demokratichnyy Front by roughly six percentage points.

Lyonya took to the streets of Rodshyadam to celebrate his election

A controversial candidate, his opposition had meekly attempted to paint Lyonya as unfit to lead, particularly in light of a recent incident where he was overheard using slurs to describe TDF Foreign Minister Nikolai Ensky. Political analysts have noted, however, that none of the opposition's attempts seem to have stuck, and, indeed, none were even widely visible to the public, who had grown used to silence from their government.

Lyonya and the White Trigunians quickly offered a coalition to the Respublikanskaya Partiya, who had backed his Presidency bid in the second round after their own candidate, Zakhar Pasternak, was eliminated in the first round of voting. This coalition will be broadly stable, analysts predict, as the main area of disagreement between the two parties is on the topic of monarchism and the White Trigunians seem unlikely to press the issue when they have far less than a constitutional majority.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Zanz » Mon Jan 29, 2018 4:13 pm

Речь Народа

Throughout September 4340, Lyonya and Foreign Minister Timofei Miloradov traveled to eleven countries as part of the rebirth of Trigunian foreign policy

Eager to produce results in the wake of White Trigunia's electoral victory and full of dreams of a restored Trigunian presence in international relations, President Lyonya and Foreign Minister Timofei Semyonovich Miloradov embarked upon a whirlwind tour of eleven nations on twin trips dubbed the "Days of September" by the press.

Lyonya's travels focused on revitalizing ties with Kerisian allies in the KEDA and KU, as well as reaching out to Indrala, a power in southern Seleya and key to White Trigunia's geopolitical aims of greater stability in Seleya. Perhaps most interestingly of all, Lyonya's stops in Kalistan, Baltusia, and Lodamun signal the beginning of the policy of "Trigunian Special Interest" in northern Seleya, first outlined in Lyonya's now famous "What We Hold Dear".

Foreign Minister Miloradov, up to now a relatively unknown figure, undertook a slightly less arduous (but no less important) junket to the nations of Telamon, Klavia, Valruzia, and Likatonia.

Our editorial board has undertaken an analysis of each stop for each man, highlighting what we believe to be the purpose behind the trips:

Lyonya's eastern trip:

  • New Endralon and Kizenia is the other leading state in the KEDA and an active military and economic partner for Trigunia. Lyonya is said to have offered an arrangement for yearly joint military exercises (on top of those already undertaken by the KEDA), alongside renegotiated tariffs to make it easier for Trigunian heavy industrial exports to be purchased in NEK, as well as easier for vital agricultural goods to flow in to Trigunia from the mainland of Keris. NEK is seen as vital to the success of the President's policy of Eastward Vigilance toward Kazulia.
  • Egelion was a relatively short stop for Lyonya, at just a few days, but talks are said to have occurred with both the Foreign Minister of Egelion, Constantino de Prado Magallanes, as well as President Juan Gil de la Rosa, both of the right wing Encuadramiento Legionario. Egelion's proximity to Kazulian waters makes it a natural ally for Trigunia, and its membership in the KEDA and KU are anchors of stability in the region. A spokesman for Lyonya confirmed that the President had offered material assistance to the Egelionese military for the purposes of "combating destabilizing forces".
  • Kalistan is a regional power in the north of Seleya and is understood to be vital to geopolitical success in the region. Lyonya's stay here centered on long discussions with Foreign Minister Oneida Tracy of the National Conservative Party regarding how Kalistan and Trigunia can work to normalize migration between the two countries as well as combat piracy on the Anantonese Ocean.
  • Indrala seems to be the lynchpin of Lyonya's renewed foreign policy, as the ancient sleeping giant sits on the vital edge of the sword between the Kazulian/Dorvish Northern Alliance and Trigunia's KEDA. The Jien Party, long reigning bastion of stability in Indrala, is said to have received Lyonya warmly in Tian'an. Discussion centered on piracy in the Anantonese Ocean, which Lyonya highlighted that the Kazulians have done little to stop (despite engagements the world over), as well as Indrala's position toward the Northern Council, which has done nothing to resolve disputes lodged against its member states by small nations like Telamon, whose vital fishing industry is being crippled by Hutorian abuse.
  • Baltusia is an important bread basket for Seleya and has seen its markets challenged by socialist and syndicalist movements in the recent past. Lyonya is said to have offered the Centralist Republican Party his support and his office has confirmed that a similar arms deal was placed on the table in Baltusia as was offered in Egelion.
  • Lodamun, whose coastlines are long and near to Keris, is a relatively stable and quiet nation. Notably, Lyonya met with both Prime Minister Annie Wolts of the Lodamese Nationalist Committee as well as Foreign Minister Samantha Weathers of the Pro Lodamunese Unitarian Party. The centrist tendencies of Lodamun are remarkably strong, and Lyonya spoke primarily on the importance of free trade and combating piracy.
  • Dolgava was perhaps the most observed visit of any in Lyonya's travels, as that nation has recently withdrawn from the KEDA and KU after a Thallerist regime named Narikaton and Darnussia's head of state as the joint-head of state of Dolgava. Lyonya was received, nevertheless, by Foreign Minister Amelie Schmitt. Lyonya spoke with her of the necessity of reentering the KEDA and KU, which have brought prosperity and peace to the continent for many years. Trigunia's position that Thallerism is compatible with membership in these bodies was made clear, as Thallerists in Deltaria are wined and dined as friends by Trigunia and simultaneously invaded by Kazulia. No promises were made on the part of the Dolgavan government, but Lyonya stated that he felt the Dolgavans would "do the right thing" in relation to the KEDA and KU.

Miloradov's western trip
  • Telamon is Trigunia's closest ally on Macon and shares a long land border with Hutori, a key member of the Northern Council and subject of Trigunia's policy of Westward Vigilence. Telamon's large island region of Migadon also serves as the home base of Trigunia's vital Mad Dog Ocean Fleet, headquartered at Skrebakumov Joint Naval Station. Miloradov met with his Telan counterpart Svanberg Kristvaldursson and discussed securing perpetual access to Skrebakumov JNS through an interminable lease, as well as the unusual prospect of a Telan ratification of the KEDA and KU treaties. This possibility, of Telan integration into the broader Kerisian economic and military alliance, could be seen as a dramatic diplomatic coup for the KEDA against its rival Northern Council which has sought to isolate Trigunia in recent years. Also discussed was the state of the Telan economy which has been harmed by Hutorian overfishing. Miloradov offered reduced rates for advanced Trigunian fishing vessels which should help to increase harvests in Telan waters, as well as more favorable rates paid to Telan fishermen for exports to Trigunia.
  • Klavia was not originally a planned stop for Miloradov, and no official comment has been made as to why the stop was added, but odds are that a new anti-Metzist focus from the Conservative Monarchist Party and its government. The position of Klavia, so close to Artania and (relatively speaking) Majatra, is also of interest to Trigunia, which is said to have discussed fleet refueling rights and arms exports with the Klavia government.
  • Valruzia is outspokenly (and controversially) anti-Dorvish in its foreign policy, making it a natural friend for a Trigunia which seeks to limit Dorvik and the Northern Council at all turns. Miloradov was dispatched to Valruzia with the aim of fostering friendship and mutual trade, though experts believe Trigunian arms may have been offered to Valruzia. The government denies such an agreement.
  • Likatonia, similar to Lodamun, is a relatively stable and quiet state on the northern end of Seleya. Miloradov is said to have discussed anti-piracy agreements with the Likatonians, as well as the need for more trade.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Zanz » Tue Jan 30, 2018 9:39 pm

Речь Народа

Fresh off their wide ranging and broadly successful twin diplomatic trips, President Lyonya and Foreign Minister Timofei Semyonovich Miloradov settled in to their work in Rodshyadam with the rest of the government. Early legislation proposed by the governing White Trigunia/Republican Party coalition centered on a revitalization of the naval forces and a codification of the foreign policy first proposed by Lyonya in his Manifesto of the White Trigunians. Both of these acts are likely to pass in the State Duma, which despite a strong showing for the opposition in the May 4340 elections seems willing to acquiesce to the widely popular foreign policy of the President and his party.

More controversially, on the domestic front the governing parties have proposed a series of several acts (1, 2, 3, 4) which are dramatic departures from existing law and which experts believe will draw strong opposition from the Labor Democratic Party and Our Motherland, and perhaps (for some of the bills) even from the Republican Party.

Asked about what some have termed his "reactionary", "homophobic" legislative agenda by a reporter from Rech Naroda, Lyonya responded "if you're calling it reactionary or homophobic, then you're calling over half the nation reactionary and homophobic. The people of Trigunia voted for me, and they voted for this. You progressives are always so sensitive, I'm just giving the people what they want, and they don't want fairies tasked with protecting us from the Kazulian and the Hutorian menace."

The President's administration declined to comment further on his use of the offensive term. The Trigunian Alliance for Sexual and Marital Equality (TASME), a national LGBTQQIP2SAA advocate and legal defense fund strongly condemned Lyonya's remarks and threatened lawsuit over the various acts.

Речь Народа


Речь Народа

The announcement from Dolgava that it would rejoin the Kerisian Union as the result of a state visit from President Lyonya is being hailed as the first great victory of his presidency by his administration. Xerxes von Thaller, Prime Minister of the Thallerist regime in Dolgava, was "made to see the wisdom of continued economic cooperation" by Lyonya, according to a spokesman for the President.

While critics note that the withdrawal of Dolgava from the Kerisian Defensive Alliance represents a major and worrying departure from the status quo on the continent, even the most anti-Lyonya analysts have hailed the announcement from the Thallerist Kingdom as a victory. Dolgava's erstwhile withdrawal from the KU, which is a foundation of the economic interaction between the states of Keris, had thrown markets across the region into chaos as longstanding reciprocal tariff agreements and trade laws were suddenly in question.

Though the government of Dolgava has not yet brought legislation to vote to reenter the KU, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of Trigunia noted that the government has "full confidence" that the reentry of Dolgava into the KU will occur "with great swiftness."

Речь Народа

Though Trigunia's local fishing industry is mature, increasingly more foodstuffs have been imported from the Kerisian nations and from Telamon over the years as the Trigunian economy moved its focus toward heavy industry and services. This has made Trigunia more susceptible to international shortages and price fluctuations like the ongoing economic decline in Telamon, prompted primarily by difficulties in the Telan fishing industry which the government of that nation blames on over fishing on the part of Hutori.

Now, facing the highest food prices in decades and silence from Hutori in the face of Telamon's accusations, the Trigunian Foreign Ministry has also lodged a formal complaint with the Hutorian government, demanding they investigate and respond to Telan accusations and, if those accusations are found to be true, to implement policy changes and pay restitution to affected parties.

No response was issued by the Hutorian government at this time.
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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:37 am

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Re: Rech Naroda (Speech of the People)

Postby Leob » Wed Jan 31, 2018 7:16 pm

Aleksander Katayev steps down

Aleksander Katayev stepped down as the leader of the Trudoviks, admitting that the way he led the party may have helped the Belaya Trigunia in it's election success. He has suggested that the post should be offered to former Minister of Justice, Arseny Timoshkin, however the party congress has elected a rather unexpected candidate to the post.

Matvey Soldatov (45) has joined the Trudoviks when he was 20 years. He has previously been a member of the youth wing of the party. After he received a law degree, he was unable to start a career at the time of the Nationalist Front government as he activelly opposed it and participated on several protests. He worked as a construction worker in the Milrata Federal Domain, until the Nationalist Front was defeated and a fragile democratic coalition government was formed.
He was then elected to the local leadership of the Trudoviy Demokratichnyy Front. He is widely known in the Milrata Domain, for upholding a high standard of contact with the population and is considered a man of the people.

Matvey Soldatov

Although the Trudoviks are still struggling to attract new voters, Soldatov has succeeded in awakening the Trudovik voters who have gone quiet. In the past days as Soldatov toured the country, visiting mostly workers, students and meeting with soldiers, red and blue armbands could be seen more and more, mostly in factories and docks and several protests were held around Trigunia.

Along with the Chairman of the party, the whole leadership has been changed. Most notably, son of the former president Yure Zavgorodniy, Maksim Zavgorodniy has been included in the leadership as the candidate for the post of Minister of Justice.

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