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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Corvo Attano » Wed Jan 31, 2018 2:41 pm

Malivia signs Treaty of Ghacrow.
Late Novermber 4337

Malivian administration solemnly signs the Treaty of Ghacrow.

Excerpt from news reel:

Malivia has formally signed the Treaty of Ghacrow which ends all military operations between Malivia, Narikaton and Dorvik in a speech stating:

"As of October 30th, 4337 all combat operations have been suspended and the warring parties were brought to the table for negotiations on November 1st and 2nd. The peace conference was handled by the Dorvish primarily with Luthorian and Northern Council representatives (including Luthori and Darnussia and Narikaton) and Malivia, this was agreed upon by the warring parties. The Dorvish Ministerial Conference for the Leadership of War will be responsible for the peace conference representation of the Dorvish Republic, the Dorvish representatives include: Chairman of the Ministerial Council for the Leadership of War Wilhelm Franz von Bahr, General-Plenipotentiary for War Economics Constantin von Desidier, General-Plenipotentiary for Defense of the Homeland Liebhard Anton von und zu Czimnetz and General-Plenipotentiary for Foreign Administration Karlheinz Hans von Färber and the Deputy Commander-in-Chief.

After several days of negotiations, which started earlier on October 31st, 4337, the peace conference decided on what is known as the "Treaty of Ghacrow". The Treaty of Ghacrow asserts that the Thaller monarchy is to be ended and a Presidential Republic to be installed in Darnussia and Narikaton, the Malivian government is to pay $250b LOD over the course of 10 years ending 4347 to the newly-established Dorvish-led State Commissariat "Darnussia and Narikaton" which will be responsible for the oversight of efforts to re-build the devastated mainland of Darnussia as well as the partially damaged island of Narikaton. The treaty also enforces that the Malivian military downsize and scuttle dozens of their ships, however, it lacks provisions for enforcement. It should be noted that the Malivian effort to re-build their devastated military will take anywhere between 10 to 15 years to reach similar levels, it will take a further 5 to 10 years in order to achieve a status past where they were at the outbreak of the war if they continually push an aggressive military agenda.".

The Treaty as one might assume is quite unpopular in Malivia whose populace is quite simple riotous due to the signing of a treaty when the Malivian armed forces were more than able in continuing the war. Especially with the Istalian expedionary force having arrived a scant 2 months earlier and was under utilized due to fear of foreign troops dying for Malivian soil.
Fatherland Front

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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Corvo Attano » Sun Feb 04, 2018 10:42 am

Rebuilding the nation after the war.
August 4343

Malivian ration card. (Rationing was enforced even if they were not needed0

Excerpt from news reel:

At the end of the war it had been possible to contemplate going back to business as usual. However, 4335 was different, so different that it has been called Year Zero. The capacity for destruction had been so much greater than in the other wars. And this time civilians had been the target as much as the military. The figures are hard to grasp: as many as 200.000 thousand dead or wounded.

During the war, millions more had fled their homes. Now, in 4335, another new word appeared, the DP, or "displaced person". There were millions of them, some voluntary refugees moving to other countries in the face of the advancing Dorvik-Narik army or the Malivian Army, the Esimundu Malivians especially fled in droves going back to their ancestral lands only the truest and most loyal Esimundu Malivians stayed,Heroes in their own way. The newly created puppet state republic of Dorvik faces civil insurection. Prime Minister Kondwani Paddon commented that they "Should get onto of that."

The allies did what they could to feed and house the refugees and to reunite families that had been forcibly torn apart, but the scale of the task and the obstacles were enormous. They were overcome though slowly but surely.

In Malivian the bombings were coordinated to not extensive enough what damage happened to her infrastructure was quickly rebuild in less than 5 years. The ramifications of the war to her economy though would be much more lasting but nonetheless nothing that cannot be beat through coordination and will. That cannot be said about Narikaton though, Narikaton was the battlefield. Factories and workshops were in ruins, fields, forests and vineyards ripped to pieces. Millions of acres in south Kozaria were flooded after the Malivian army destroyed the dykes. Many Narikatonian were surviving on less than 1,000 calories per day.

Politically, the impact of the war was also great. The great powers of Malivia and Narikaton looked as though they would never rise again. In retrospect, of course, it is easy to see that their peoples, highly educated and skilled, possessed the capacity to rebuild their shattered societies. (And it may have been easier to build strong economies from scratch than the partially damaged ones of the victors such as Dorvik.)
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Masionette9 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 4:31 pm

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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Corvo Attano » Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:48 am

Government approves emergency purchase of 1.6 million assault rifles & carbines, other armaments and vehicles for the reformation of the army.
July 4346

Malivian special forces operator.

Excerpt from news reel:

Finally years after the Army first asked for replacement assault rifles and close-quarter battle (CQB) carbines, there is finally some hope for the humble infantry soldiers. At least for the ones deployed on the borders with Narikaton.
The Ordnance Factories Board (OFB), chaired by Vijaya Mishra, cleared on Tuesday the fast-track procurement (FTP) of 72,400 assault rifles and 93,895 carbines for 55 million malivian crowns from the global market.
These limited emergency purchases, which come after repeated scrapping of projects due to graft allegations or unrealistic technical parameters as well as a woeful lack of indigenous options for well over a decade, are to be subsequently followed by separate, larger "Make in Malivia" projects seeking to replace all lost the vehicles lost in the war with Narikaton and Dorvik.

The Ordnance Factories Board (OFB) also simplified the guidelines for encouraging the participation of the private sector in design and production of weapon systems to bolster the booming domestic defense-industrial base.

No major "Make in Malivia" defense project have actually kicked off in the last three to four decades, with at least six mega projects worth over 3.5 billion crowns stuck at different stages without the actual contracts being inked, as was earlier reported.

"The defense ministry will now accept suo moto proposals from the industry, while also allowing start-ups to develop military equipment. The minimum qualification criteria to participate in defense projects have also been relaxed by removing conditions related to credit rating and reducing the financial net worth required," said an official.

All vendors meeting the relaxed eligibility criteria will also be allowed to participate in the prototype development process instead of the earlier restriction on only two shortlisted companies. "To hand-hold industry and start-ups, the service headquarters will now also set up project facilitation teams," he said.

The FTPs of infantry weapons, which will themselves take at least a 3 year to come to fruition. The Army is "ready to even accept" weapon systems with "lower GSQRs (general staff qualitative requirements or technical parameters) initially to give a boost to the local industry" but hi-tech weapons will have to be delivered in the long run. "We are willing to hand-hold our industry," he said after a landmark deal for 4 Valruzian Phoenix Anti ballistic missile systems were ordered late April.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Masionette9 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:33 pm

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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Corvo Attano » Sat Feb 17, 2018 3:24 pm

Malivia to issue cryptocurrencies: finance ministry official
April 4350

Excerpt from news reel:

Malivia is planning steps to ensure a stable state issue cryptocurrency enter within its payments system, while at the same time appointing a regulator to oversee unregulated exchanges that trade in “crypto assets,” a finance ministry official said on Monday.

A panel set by the government to look into issues relating to cryptocurrencies is expected to submit its report in the current fiscal year, ending on May 31, S.C. Jeg, Economic Affairs Secretary, told on Zoom channel.

“The government will take steps to issue the currency.” he said at a post-budget event telecast by the news channel, adding the trading of “crypto assets” at the unregulated exchanges would be regulated.

“We hope now within this financial year the committee will finalize its recommendations ... certainly there will be a regulator,” Jeg, who is heading the panel, said.

The government does not consider some foreign cryptocurrencies legal tender and will take all measures to eliminate use of crypto assets from Kazulia and Dorvik in financing illegitimate activities or as part of payment system, Finance Minister Morganna Dianjeé told parliament while presenting his annual budget last week.

The Malivian government has issued repeated warnings against the Kazulian and Dorvik digital currency investments, saying these were like “Ponzi schemes” that offer unusually high returns to early investors.

But it has not so far imposed curbs on an industry estimated to be adding 200,000 users in Malivia every month.

Ajat Kharana, president of Block Chain and Cryptocurrency Committee, an industry body, said the decision to regulate crypto exchanges was good news.

Niahint Senghavii, head of exchange at Malstopay, Malivia’s largest bitcoin exchange, said the exchanges would cooperate with the government in framing the regulations.
Fatherland Front

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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Corvo Attano » Thu Mar 01, 2018 2:59 pm

Malivia brings up old Imperium sigils to use.
March 4356

Malivian administration to use old Imperium of Malivia sigils.

Excerpt from news reel:

Today the ministry of finance has decided to bring back the sigils of the Malivian Imperium back in use. Opinions were split but mostly on the positive side.
Fatherland Front

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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Corvo Attano » Sat Mar 31, 2018 7:30 am

Hyperion offices raided.
February 4371

Excerpt from news reel:

The police conducted a raid against the Hyperion offices. Reasons were not stated and the companies stocks where forcibly taken out of the market.
Fatherland Front

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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Corvo Attano » Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:32 am

Economy Rising By Government Spending.
August 4372

Malivian ship construction.

Excerpt from news reel:

The Institute of Economic Growth, a think tank based out of the capitol of Hittam, announced recent economic trends in Malivia point to a new economic, boom, most of it the results of increased government spending.

"We will darken the skies with our aircraft, we will churn the seas with our warships, we will protect hearth and land with our brave men and women." Announced head of the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses Marshall Tallar.

Donville Kerry, minister of Trade and Industry stated in an interview with the Telegraph, "The plan all along was to stimulate growth via military, and to a lesser degree, infrastructure spending, to begin with. We still had quite a bit of surplus, because frankly, we didn't have the means to spend it productively without excessive foreign investment, which of course is at cross purposes to our needs. At some point it will doubtless even out, but we all know that these are troubled times. The armed forces are supported to so they can reinforce and cover their loses in the Malivian-Narik War."

"We have jump started industry. And as you may know."

"To the point- preparation for defence, keeps warfare away. There hasn't been a serious war in Artanian and the world in some time, and there won't be one for a long time, as long as our own leadership has anything to say about it. Now lets start getting the word out about Malivian and Valruzian built automobiles."
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Corvo Attano » Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:49 pm

Malivian Military parade.
March 4376

Malivian special forces parading.

Excerpt from news reel:

The ‘Malivia Day 4376’ was celebrated customarily. Hitam woke up to the thunderous sounds produced by the skills of the blue-sky warriors led by their newly-appointed chief, Air Chief Marshal Tinwar. The spectacle of the Airforce was part of the military parade that lies at the heart of the euphoria associated with March 23. While last month’s parade engendered thrill and anguish alike, reflecting schisms among various schools of thought.

However, before the author delves into the importance of this year’s parade, it needs to be stressed that parades cannot or should not be ascribed to civil-military imbalances. Also, parades, by themselves, do not reflect that a state is ‘over militarized’. Military parades were carried out in peaceful nation through history. So, let’s be clear that parades or the display of weapons undermine neither democracy nor civilian supremacy. This amplifies one important point. States do not pander to the ‘either-or’ approach. While parades certainly project instruments of hard power, they do not imply that other planks of national power are less important or they deserve meager budgetary allocation.

It is noteworthy also to mention that parades do not put extra pressures on the budget and are organised from what is already allocated and something that is somewhat replenished. So, leaving aside the discursive bickering between admirers and detractors, let’s talk about deterrence and strategy.

This year’s parade took place at a time when Mal-Nak ties are yet again being constantly marred by skirmishes on the Line of Control (LoC) and jingoistic statements from Narikaton and their Thallerists. Armed to the teeth with conventional but thankfully not nuclear weapons both countries are, apparently, a trigger-event away from another conflict that has the propensity to shift from one rung to another in what one can call a ‘escalation ladder’. While bilateral deterrence between the two arch-rivals has withstood until now, the growing abilities of both countries in deterring each other through ‘deterrence by denial’ and ‘deterrence by punishment’ worry observers of from around Artania.
Fatherland Front

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