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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby E McAvoy » Sun Jun 18, 2017 4:56 pm

Legislative Agenda of Stand By You being affected
Anna Willmington

Will Langton is one of the senior senator of Stand By You, and he is one of the founding members of Stand By You, he had raised his concern on the disruption of the Legislative Agenda of SBY due to the recent Early Election.

In the recent Early Election, our party loss almost half of our seats in the congress, this is a huge disruption to our agenda, SBY has a lot of ambitious act, ready to be proposed, mainly focusing on the reform of our public education and health system, and this act is unavoidably, very controversy, and we need huge amount of support to pass this bill, but due to the recent loss of seats in congress, its harder and harder for us to pass this kind of reform acts.

But we can promise the people in Mordusia, SBY will not give up our goal in changing Mordusia into a better place, we will still propose our Reform Act, but we may need to seek more support from other parties.

Will had also raise concern on the forming of the new cabinet, 4 members of Stand By You, are currently members of the Government Cabinet,formed by the former President Josh Cooke who is one of the member of the Neoliberal Party.
This new government cabinet was only formed a few months ago, of course after the early election the Conservative Seperatist Party become the largest party in the congress, they, of course, have the right to propose a new cabinet but for the stability of our country, we recommend the CSP not to do so.

While a lot of parties include the Tea Party and the Mordusia Labour Party raise their concern on wether the CSP will form another new cabinet, the CSP had stayed silence since the early election, and had not reply or respond on the others parties' concern yet.

We will keep on updating on the information of the formation of the new cabinet so please stay with us for more information.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby E McAvoy » Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:35 am

University Education Reform Take Place in Morduisa
Sarah Hanson

The Congress of the Mordusia, passed the University Education Reform Act proposed by the Stand By You, on the July 4228, mark the beginning of a series of Education Reform in Mordusia, and the establishment of 2 new Universities, Federal University of Mordusia in Rechtenburg, and the Cultural University of Mordusia in Charleville, both Universities are locate in the state of Taslor. These 2 new Universities are fully funded by the Central Government, but the Universities will elect their own Principals and will take measures to avoid Government interference on the daily operation, and protect their Academic freedom.

Also each state will have their own University, but these Universities are owned and funded by the local government.

Facts on the Federal University of Mordusia
will consist of the following Faculty and Schools.

-Faculty of Medical Science
-Faculty of Earth Science
-Faculty of Social Science
-School of Public Health
-School of Architect and Engineering
-School of Public Administration
-School of Urban Design
-Faculty of Law
-Faculty of Business and Finance
-Faculty of Physics and Math.

Facts on the Cultural University of Mordusia
will consist of the following Faculty and Schools.

-Faculty of Arts
-School of Literature
-School of Philosophy
-School of Performing Arts
-Faculty of Education
-Faculty of Journalism
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby CaptainVimes » Mon Jun 19, 2017 11:46 am

Conservative Seperatist Party Organise After Suprise Win

After the suprise victory of the CSP in both the Presidential and general elections, Duncan Camore has brought together a team of new politicians including the former banker Robert Hawk.
Duncan Camore after Presidential Victory

Shortly after the election, Duncan Camore disappeared, organising his party and engaging in talks with the Tea Party. In a surpise move he has niminated Cooke as his VP. CSP members do not seem worried about this move, many are too busy celebrating the victory.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby The Tea Party » Thu Jun 29, 2017 9:33 am


After a decade of disappointing results, Camden Brady called leadership elections for the Tea Party:

We, the Tea Party, have not been doing our jobs and representing the people. After a decade of embarrassing results and dissatisfaction among the people, I have decided that we, as a party, must choose whether or not I remain as leader of this party. Three other members of the party will be contesting leadership and they are; Minister for Food and Agriculture Adam Murphy, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pauline Branson and newly elected Congressman Horace Grumsworth, CEO of Grumsworth Enterprises. We will vote tomorrow.
- Camden Brady, President of the Tea Party

Of the 48 Tea Party Congresspeople, 17 voted for Adam Murphy, 12 voted for Camden Brady, 11 voted for Pauline Branson and 8 voted for Horace Grumsworth.
Camden Brady acknowledging his defeat.

Adam Murphy is the great-grandson of Bob Murphy, the Founder of the Tea Party. Despite having Camden Brady being a tough challenge, Adam Murphy did make an offer to him in his victory speech:

We, as a party have decided that we want another Murphy to lead us. And I am that Murphy. I would like to thank those who contested leadership as it showed strong devotion to our party. We must not fight between each other, but we must unite to strengthen our party and serve our citizens. I will make sure that we are successful in the next elections and I will work hard to be Taking Care of Business. I appreciate the work of Camden Brady and I offer him the position of the Candidate for Chancellor. He has served our party well and will continue to do so in the future. If he dedicates himself to the party and proves that he can lead the party once again, he will be successful and I look forward to seeing him as our leader again. But for now, I will make sure that our party does well in the next elections and I will bring it back up to standard
- Adam Murphy, New President of the Tea Party

Adam Murphy, the New President of the Tea Party
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby The Tea Party » Sun Jul 23, 2017 1:06 am


Minister of Foreign Affairs Pauline Branson, has delivered her statement on the rising conflict in the South Seleyan Sea.

Slavery is a repulsive practice that takes away the freedoms of many people. Slavery should not be acknowledged by anyone and should be outlawed by all nations in Terra. However, the Veronan Government has left this practice legal which has come to our attention. My party and I both agree that actions need to be taken against Verona. Istalia has begun to form a naval barricade, spurring worldwide discussion about this matter. The Tea Party has shown our support for Istalia's actions and we would happily join Istalia in military action. However, that is not in my authority. I have pressed sanctions onto Verona and I have worked with Chris Ferguson, Minister of Trade and Industry, on reworking trade issues and imposing higher tariffs. Chancellor Camden Brady has assembled the Cabinet for discussion and President Rodson and I are working together on this issue concerning the safety of our nation and its allies. Our strongest naval ships the MNS Blackwater and the MNS Murphy are preparing themselves in case conflict arises, and I have withdrawn all ambassadors from Verona. Do not fear your lives, the Mordusian Government and Mordusian Military will ensure your safety.

Chronicles of Mordusia
The Tea Party
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby The Tea Party » Sat Feb 17, 2018 9:55 pm

The Tea Party Returns!

Gordon Mirani has re-founded the Tea Party

Yesterday, a true miracle happened; the Tea Party has been re-founded by Gordon Mirani, a 35-year old farmer from Sammodra, with the aim of establishing a government that puts the Mordusian people first.

People of Mordusia,

Our nation has been run by idiotic leftists who do not understand the average person’s way of life, we have been subject to mass immigration and have had various rights taken away with regulation limiting our economy. I am Gordon Mirani, Leader of the once-thriving Tea Party formerly led by my uncle’s great-great-great-grandfather Daniel Bennington, who will stand up for the Working Class and the average Mordusian and will put this country back on track.

Our nation is suffering mass unemployment with the highest rates being in Sammodra at 9.33% and our economy has gone down the drain with the recent refusal to permit Scholten Coal from establishing coal mines and hiring 50,000 Mordusian workers, yet we allow immigrants to come here to work and send their wages back overseas. Our politicians need to get their heads out of textbooks and get a job in the real world, they’ll probably struggle with basic shopping.

Our nation needs to halt immigration and cut foreign aid spending, using that money to invest in our own country rather then helping others grow. The Tea Party is open to working with corporations and businesses to build up our current industries and invest in new ones. Our extremely high taxes are a burden on the Mordusian population and they prevent people from investing into new business opportunities and the stock market. We already have high unemployment rates, immigrants arriving here with hopes for a good future are let down and join the queue for unemployment benefits, another problem holding us from success.

We are being swamped by Ahmadists, who have a seperate culture and society and seperate themselves from regular Mordusian society. The are prominent in crime and terrorist organisations endangering our nation and it’s society. Radicalisation is occurring on the streets every minute, yet our leaders tell us to stop worrying about it and embrace the good Ahmadists. If we line up a bunch of them we cannot tell who is good and who is bad, they all look the same.

Our values have also deteriorated since the great presidency of Horace Grumsworth, a true Mordusian. He stood up for this country, swore allegiance to our flag, lived by his Hosian values and sang the national anthem on a frequent basis, for he had pride in this nation. Today, marriage commitments are looked over, the government turns it’s cheek when it comes to polygamy and we live in a world where men are women and women are men. What has happened to the nation of decency and morality?

The Tea Party was founded as a third-party optimism at first, then grew into a wide community spread across Mordusia and ignited a flame of hope, something which we will do again. I am prepared to stop cutting corners and leaving the working class families with nothing for I will start Taking Care of Business and fixing the failures made by the leftists in power. To do this, the Tea Party must be elected to represent all levels of Government and we will continue to fight for the people for as long as we can.

Gordon Mirani is a name that carries independence, honesty, assurance and reliability- something that foreigners can never buy. I look forward to working with every single member of Parliament, even those representing the Greens, and allowing this country to prosper.

Gordon Mirani
Leader of the Tea Party

Clara Russo, Prime Minister of Mordusia

A lot of controversy came from his speech with death threats and even a letter from the Prime Minister:

In response to your open letter to the Mordusian press about Labour's record on immigration, we shall crack down on illegal immigration and speed up deportations. We shall also create a Federal Commission on Ahmadi Extremism to investigate the social attitudes of Ahmadi Mordusians and we will ban foreign funding of mosques after the next election. Our primary concern is the safety and national security of Mordusians and for anyone to suggest otherwise is, quite frankly, very insulting. Thank you
- Clara Russo, Prime Minister of Mordusia

Aaron Ward
Chronicles of Mordusia
The Tea Party
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Reddy » Sun Mar 18, 2018 12:01 pm

The Green Alternative Is Born
August 16, 4364

Green energy entrepreneur Jean Cochet has announced the founding of Green Alternative. Hundreds of delegates from several environmental pressure groups met at a conference about furthering cooperation and soon, the idea of founding a party focused mainly on environmental protection arose. Cochet along with Save Our Globe campaigner Yvette Kendall were elected the first co-leaders of the new party. An Executive Council comprised of 15 members was also chosen and the party will hold its first full Conference in December.

Cochet and Kendall

The party has been hesitant to present its full policy agenda only describing itself as a centrist and ecological party. Co-leader Yvette Kendall said that the party wanted to develop and arrange its policy properly and consult widely with Mordusian citizens. The two co-leaders will be travelling across the country as part of the consultation for the next three months. Kendall said she wanted a "mass party uniting all who loved Mother Terra and wanted to enjoy her fruits in a sustainable and reasonable manner." The tour might be complicated by an offer extended to the party to join a so-called "Purple Coalition" as part of a government deal to end a political stalemate gripping the country. The GA has accepted the offer, viewing it as an oporturnity to gain visibility as a party and implement green policies.
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Masionette9 » Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:57 pm

Nowogard, September 4364


Gloria Iustitia's new headquarters (building in the center) in Nowogard, Valruzia.

NOWOGARD - In what seems to be the first official document issued jointly by human rights and democracy organization Gloria Iustitia, and the Council of Seleya which is aimed at preservation of multicultural characteristics of the Seleyan continent and at the same time monitor the state of democracy, human rights and the rule of law, diplomats from the Council of Seleya and lawyers from Gloria Iustitia say that Seleyan Union should work out the future shape of the Seleyan Union. Gloria Iustitia praised the legacy of the Seleyan Union which in the last couple decades became one of the top three areas on Terra where democracy is respected and citizens of Seleyan Union can enjoy peaceful life outside of any life-endangering conflict. In the document called "Seleya: Agenda for future and peace 4400" Gloria Iusitia and Council of Seleya point out that in recent decades the Seleyan Union which represents saw an unprecedented economic growth and according to the authors of the document, that is the result of closer economic cooperation on the continent and taking down economic barriers between member states. Council of Seleya highlights the importance of the Aloboro Agreement which, despite Valruzia and Alduria are the only participants, significantly affected the economic cooperation between the two countries, especially in the automotive. CoS underlines the fact that the Agreement contributes to growth in all sectors of the economy and especially in services, as with no border controls people are most likely to travel throughout Seleya. According to the document, Valruzian Ministry of Internal Affairs claims that average annual number of Aldurian tourists visiting Valruzia is 230 thousand, while the National Office for Statistical Research about 310 thousand of Valruzians visit Alduria every year. When compared with numbers before the Agreement came into force, we can see that they are roughly twice as high without the border patrols. Both Valruzian and Aldurian tourist industry benefits greatly every year thanks to the Alboro Agreement, in both countries the recent decades of saw increase in the total number of hotels and resorts and both quantitative and qualitative growth of the tourist and leisure infrastructure. In Valruzia tourist and leisure services make up a total of 8.9% of the total GDP which is relatively high result in north Seleya.

CoS and GI point out that extreme, nationalist political parties tend to undermine or distort the achievements of the Seleyan Union and tend to overuse the claim that it limits the sovereignty of the Member States. Gloria Iustitia points out that no article in the Treaty on the Seleyan Union limits the political might of any Member State and that all 12 Member States can enjoy the same rights within the community and are free to leave the organization. Economists from Gloria Iustitia highlight that in order to sustain the economic growth of the whole region, Member States will have to sit down together and work out additional protocols or declaration which will reform the current union. One of the proposed solutions is an increased level of economic freedom by establishing a pan-seleyan corporate status for companies that are able and are willing to operate on the territory of Seleyan Union and that their services and operations will have transborder character. Gloria Iustitia point out that the Valruzian government have tried to establish such solution back in 4327 with the Seleyan Petroleum Company - the planned company was supposed to have a unique corporate identity and could be the first ever Societas Seleyanea - allowing it to operate on the territory of the whole Seleyan Union and to be the subject to a special procedures in countries it operates. I could be said that currently, companies like Bonning and Reglair are the closest to what the Valruzian Government wanted to implement more than 30 years ago despite they operate as Valruzian corporate entities, and are subject to Valruzian internal taxation. Creation of such ventures could allow for the creation of the Union's budget which could be used for structural programmes for underdeveloped regions in the Seleyan Union and as subsidies for development programmes of the Member States' governments.
Party of National Coalition (Valruzia) - active
Kalistan Democratic Party (Kalistan) - inactive
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Masionette9 » Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:39 pm

Party of National Coalition (Valruzia) - active
Kalistan Democratic Party (Kalistan) - inactive
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby The Tea Party » Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:18 pm


Peter Grayson returns as Leader of the Mordusian Conservatives

After losing the Presidency, Lionel Murphy believed that Prime Minister Malcolm Joyce could hang onto power until the next election; he didn’t. So snatching at that opportunity, Peter Grayson called for a leadership spill and managed to remove Joyce from power with a tally of 124-113.

As returned Leader, I won’t run for the Presidency first off; however I will attempt to secure the Prime Ministership whilst Lionel Murphy returns as Head of State. I will keep Joyce’s Cabinet selections on the frontbench for now, but I will be sending him to the backbenches and securing my authority as leader
- Peter Grayson
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