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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby Pragma » Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:36 pm

Thyes Steps Down, Richard Steichen Steps Up // Gazette

Above: Richard Steichen

Blanche Thyes, the leader of the HR for 13 years, has announced her resignation as party leader after another disappointing election result for the party, which saw them lose 18 seats. For the third election, the party has remained around the 130-150 mark, giving them some sway in the Senate, but not giving them the results needed for a victory. As the government cruises to yet another victory, the HR remains only the third largest party. Thyes told reporters that she takes 'full responsibility' for the party's meagre performance, and will be stepping down due to this and other personal issues involving her husband's health. The issue then went to the party's Senate membership, who narrowly chose Richard Steichen.

Richard Steichen is a moderate on social issues, but retains a rightward tilt economically. He is also considerably more internationalist than Thyes, but continues to oppose the AU - though for pragmatic and less racially charged reasons. His victory over far-right failed presidential candidate Aloïse Hautchien is notable indeed, as Steichen triumped 69 to 63, with Thyes herself abstaining in order to allow for a fairer vote. Hautchien has said she will 'fully back' Steichen, who will now look to make the HR's base wider and react to the highly leftward tilt of Alorian politics. Steichen has particularly pressed the necessity to allow small businesses to function as unimpeded as possible, and investment in education - especially universities.

The titanic mountain that stand above the right of Aloria is certainly impeding, but Steichen says he is up for the challenge. With the full weight of his party behind him, he will now seek to radically change the HR's outreach, focusing on communities and local areas. Steichen has also appointed several Draddwyr candidates to his spokesperson brigade, and will be looking to withdraw party candidacy in the next presidential election to endorse the Werin Da, who came reasonably close to defeating President Rhys Cadwgan. Cadwgan is safe for the next four years, but Steichen will need to be putting out policies left, right and centre in order to change the highly stable form of politics in Aloria - which currently puts the left way in front.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby theoriginaltrotka » Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:37 pm

Cadwgan Wins Third Term as Llywydd / Präsident (President,) But Party Suffers Some Losses
May 4351
Above: Llywydd (President) Cadwgan gives a post-election speech at the Fwyrym Loer (Alorian Forum) in the capital, Sildar Urbem

Popular liberal and centrist President of Aloria, Rhys Cadwgan has been elected to a third term as President of the Democratic Republic of Aloria. Initially having taken office when he was 58 in 4342, he is now 65 and will be 71 by the time of the next election in 4355. Having been elected to a monumental three terms, his party has gotten relatively little done in terms of their sharply Alorian foreign and regional agenda, due to uncooperative and uncompromising opposition parties "Werin Da" and Heitere Republikaner (The Alorian Republicans.) Yet his party has made some progress in terms of improving human rights legislation, creating a freer market, and engineering Artanianism for the region. During his reelection speech in the Fwyrym Loer, President Cadwgan said that he "will likely be serving my last term, but I'll keep kicking for the duration and hope that we will increase the liberties, freedoms, responsible regulation, greater freedom of trade, and repeal of ridiculously restrictive environmental laws. Additionally, to increase our strength as a regional power and a power in Terra, and to encourage faith in our involvement in Artania, this government hopes for a sizeable expansion and restoration of our outdated naval force, and improvements to our military."
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby Bow6020 » Sun Mar 18, 2018 12:25 am

Alorians For Change leader Maldwyn Perry spoke at a rally today, calling for the ruling party to call early elections for a return to Democratic government. Perry's party, the APMFC, was founded as an opposition party to the ruling fascist party.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby IntruderEmerald » Sun Mar 18, 2018 3:56 pm


Marten Kaube gave a speech to supporters in Sildar Urbem today

The Conservative Party leader, Merten Kaube, has attacked the current fascist government, saying they are "nothing better than a bunch of national socialist lunatics intent on destroying our democracy, freedom and values". The Conservatives are promising to be the voice of the libertarian right-wing. Kaube called for greater economic freedom, and announced plans for serious tax reductions coupled with large spending cuts. He gave a speech today in Sildar Urbem.

The current fascist government must fall if we are to bring back our Alorian values, the values we cherish so much. Elitists in the ruling party have destroyed them, simultaneously destroying lives of millions of Alorian people. The Alorianische Nationale Volkspartei is nothing better than a bunch of national socialist lunatics intent on destroying our democracy, freedoms and values.

Today, we are calling for early elections alongside the Alorians For Change leader. Under a Conservative government, you will find stability, freedom and prosperity. We will make Aloria a place where we can say we're proud to be from. Right now, we are being ridiculed on the international stage. Not only that, our country is being hurt by economic sanctions imposed by our former friends. This government has made everyone from the banker to the poorest in our society poorer. We want to build a country that works for everyone, and that is what shall happen if the government accepts our demands for an early election.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby menkiller755 » Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:07 am

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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby IntruderEmerald » Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:37 pm


Change For Aloria has won the most seats in the Senedd, with the Conservatives also making huge gains, leaving the Alorianische Nationale Volkspartei without its majority. The fascist government has been unseated by the people, and it is now up to Change For Aloria and the Conservatives to form a government. There are rumours the Conservatives want the Department of Defence, and this would make sense due the Conservatives spending a lot of their election campaign talking about maintaining a strong military while cutting costs to fund tax cuts.


Conservative Leader Marten Kaube has congratulated Change For Aloria for winning the most seats, but said he is disappointed that the Alorianische Nationale Volkspartei retained the presidency. Mr Kaube is reportedly regretting not endorsing Change For Aloria for the presidency, however this is being denied by the party. Standing outside party HQ this morning, Kaube talked about a new era for Aloria, and a return to being a liberal democracy.
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby Uhtred » Mon Apr 16, 2018 7:01 pm

Out Of Chaos Great Nations Are Born
May 4379

-Socialists sweep to power to bring an end to years of anarchy
-Announce the creation Volksrepublik Aloria (People's Republic of Aloria) to meet demand for an economy and a society run for the benefit of all
-Promise release of all government files from the Fascist regime and to bring justice to guilty


Jürgen Feistel quoted Alorian poet Sofi Draxler at the closing of his inaugural Presidential address.
Like a raging storm in the open sea,
The waves of change shall come to be
At present we are lost but be not forlorn
For out of chaos great nations are born.

The assembled crowd hung on this note of optimism more than any other. The years of anarchy which have followed the collapse of the Fascist regime here in Aloria have seen a dearth of hope as oppression gave way only to lawlessness and exploitation. No functioning government for nearly two years has led to large spikes in violent crime and the breakdown of vital public services. Left at the mercy of the private sector, may have seen their wages halve and costs soar.
With the creation of the new Volksrepublik, Präsident Feistel has promised to restore not only Aloria's dignity abroad, but equality at home, abolishing taxes for low earners and undertaking a programme of mass nationalisation to 'extend democratic control of the means of production to those who generate prosperity and economic growth, the working classes'.

Anti Fascist protestors demand justice

Even as dreams of a prosperous future were laid out inside the conference hall, the specter of the past marched inescapably outside it. Protestors from the President's own party, Rote Fraktion, demanded a founding promise of the movement, that all Fascicts from the previous regime be arrested and tried, be kept. Feistel did not disappoint them, promising the release of all government files from the period and the creation of a new taskforce to track down and prosecute former Fascist officials and party members.
As individual liberties are restored and justice enforced, the government must be careful not to shatter the national unity which has propelled them to power. A new national motto was unveiled before the Presidential address, visible on the wall behind the President throughout, Gemeinsam Sind Wir Stark (Together We Are Strong), and togetherness is what this country needs.

Gazette Loer reporting
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Re: Gazette Loer (Aloria)

Postby Uhtred » Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:59 pm

Trial of Public Officials Begins
July 4380
The former Mayors of Sildarstadt, Frieden and Cydraddoldeb, alongside former Sildarpolizei Police Chief Paul Hübner, yesterday

Sildarstadt, Sildar

The former Mayors of Sildarstadt, Frieden and Cydraddoldeb pleaded not guilty in front the High Court in Sildarstadt yesterday at the first prosecutions to come from the release of government files from the Sozialrepublik era. Prosecutors accuse the defendants of misconduct in public office and of human rights violations relating to the Oberländer Decree, which legislated for the forced removal of foreign born citizens during fascist rule.
The public prosecutor’s office had filed charges of “systematic, widespread, and grave” human rights abuses against the trio in February this year. A fourth defendant, Paul Hübner, former Police Chief of the Sildarpolizei, stands accused of 3 counts of wilful neglect and misconduct in office.

The trial comes as the Socialist government, having tightened its grip on power, unveiled plans for the creation of 'Workers' Councils' or 'Sowjetischen' to replace mayoralties nationwide. A government spokesperson said
These workers' councils shall exercise mayoral powers collectively to ensure the will of the people is not subverted by any one individual.

Critics have attacked the proposals however, arguing that any appearance of localism or multi party democracy is illusory as every 'Sowjetischen' will be completely subservient to the Socialist government.

Gazette Loer reporting
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Re: Republik Aloria Daily

Postby MCHiggins » Sun Apr 29, 2018 1:08 am

Alorian Golfers set to take Lourenne Open by storm

The Republik of Aloria is set to be well-represented at the upcoming Lourenne Open. The country's number one and two seeds, Cian Jones and Florian Miesen, have announced their attendance in the men's draw. So too the young and upcoming twins Alys and Eleri Powell. The support of the entire nation is behind them as they attempt to break through here at the prestigious national golf tournament of Lourenne.

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Re: Republik Aloria Daily

Postby Seamus-III » Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:23 am

Amgen ar gyfer Aloria pushes for increased environmental protections
The government started voting on the “Economic Liberalization and Environmental Protection Act” or ELEP a bill proposed by Tecwyn Humphreys of Amgen ar gyfer Aloria. The bill will touch on a variety of environmental issues, with industrial pollution control being the main focus of the bill.

Tecwyn Humphreys commenting on the bill
The ELEP Bill will be one of the most important, if not the most important bill. To be considered by the Senedd in this legislative term. The Alorian environment cannot handle the horrific neglect that it has been receiving. If we do not act now Aloria will not have a beautiful outdoors to give to our children, which would be a tragic shame.

The ELEP bill is expected to be defeated, with the Demokratische Allianz comeing out in opposition to the bill.
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