
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 4:13 pm

Cabinet proposal shows possible coup attempt by CMP
Recently in Klavia the CMP has proposed legislation that would allow it to pass a cabinet. They also express there desire to control all of the Klavia cabinet.
Cnut Anastasia said this on the matter
We will not allow the dictatorial and uncompassionate people of the CMP to take away rights that we have fought vigorously for. If they could they would throw all LGBT people away into concentration camps. Know if the CMP does succeed in there vile attempts to seize the rights and freedoms of the minority of people. We must not allow this. And if the CMP does gain control,the CMP will move the LGBT of Klavia to a safer nation.If necessary I will take the armed forces and seize the government to protect my people. Though these things are not what we wish to happen. I will prepare for any of these. This message go’s our to the CMP. We will not allow you to strip away the freedoms of our people.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby anonimanonim488 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 5:35 pm

CMP response to PNP false alegations

Today, the Conservatove Monarchist Party of Klavia proposed a law in which the cabinet could be nominated by all the parties. Traian Aurelius, leader of CMP stated the follow:
We need to change this law in our country. What would happen if NDU still remains in power and they wouldnt have majority together with PNP? The Cabinet will be locked and tge parties who can form a majority couldnt access the government. We need to change this law. Only in our country and in Vanuku the largest party nominates the government. We need all the parties to have this right.

Traian Aurelius, leader of CMP

In response to PNP accusations, we invite them to bring proofs. We are just a conservative party and we proposed a bill according with the line of our ideological positions. We didnt declared ilegal the LGBT minority, we just wanted to redefine what family really means. Maybe PNP is forgetting the fact that they are supporting a party who called us "dirt" and "mud" and that they also predicted in a "very democratic way" our end. They should be ashamed. We respect every citizen of Klavia and we wouldnt accept any insult to us. We havent and we will never touch, kill or insult a citizen of Klavia. We would like PNP to remind the fact that we always wanted to protect the life of our citizens from the Malivian crisis to death penalty refusals.

said Marcus Gracchus, VP of CMP

What can be called a coup? Disrespecting our Constitution and ignoring the Parliament or proposing a bill which refers to modifying the Constitution in a legal way? We wait PNP to bring proofs in which we said that we would send all LGBT citizens away and that we would like to have the control in the whole Cabinet. We never have done that and now we just proposed a bill in the most legal way. But sending troops away in Deltaria without the consent of Ecclesia and assuming the function of the Defense Minister what can be called, Mrs. Cnut? It can be called in all ways, but not constitutional or legal. For days, we have been asking for the resignation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and of Defense as a sign of honour in front of the ignored citizens of Klavia. We still wait a gesture of honour. Step down, Mrs. Cnut and Mr. Flavia. Step down. Your resignation is the only solution of this crisis.
stated Marcus Gracchus in the Ecclesia
Image Marcus Gracchus, VP of CMP

Whatever you make, you couldnt ignore our great country's citizens or lie them. We wait proves to your statements here in front of us, but please: Be polite at least. We wait your tanks in front of our headquarters. Maybe, in that way you could justify your wage in front of our citizens
said Claudia Markon, Member of CMP and Defence Shadow Minister

Image Claudia Markon, Member of CMP and Defence Shadow Minister
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:21 pm

PNP responds to the CMP’s denial of stripping of freedoms
The Conservative Monarchist Party has today responded to our reporting calling it a “false allegations”
Cnut Anastasia says this about these accusations
The law does not need changed. We have had this law for years upon years. If I believe correctly you were the one who voted yes to this bill. The reason you are so ready to get rid of this bill is because you wish to vote out all enemy parties in the cabinet. Then you will isolate us while you destroy social freedoms. If necessary we will bring in the armed forces to put down this obvious coup attempt.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby General.M » Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:47 pm

Libertären Partei (Dorvik)(inactive)
Republikeinse Partij / Rekvaknsé Prta (Vanuku)(inactive)
Alianța Liberalilor (New Endralon/Kizenia)(active)
Natsional'naya Liga Patriotov (Trigunia)(inactive)
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby anonimanonim488 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:47 pm


As a response to Mrs. Cnut statements, Traian Aurelius said the following:
We invite the citizens of Klavia in the street. We need to show all the actual leaders of the country that we aren't just a mass of population who vote their parties once at 5 years. All the persons who would like the Ministers of Defense and Foreign Affairs to step down are invited to show a piece of their indignation.

Mr. Aurelius giving an interview in front of the crowd of the protesters

Also, Mr. Gracchus stated:
We invite all the protesters to be calm and polite according to our policy. But that doesnt mean we wont wait there other party voters. We are exercising our fundamental right to show our opinion.
said to all the protesters

At the moment of protest, Mr. Gracchus declared in front of the crowd:
You are the power of our country. You show us and you, the citizens of Klavia, gave us messages to call the Ministers of PNP to step down. Now, we hear your voices. Let PNP and NDU hear our voices. Our first stop will be in the Cathedral Square to show our adherence and support to moral values promoted by the Church and after that, we will stop in front of the Government.

Mr. Gracchus delivering a speech in front of CMP headquarters, the starting point of the protests

Don't be afraid of the threatenings of PNP. They won't do anything. Just like they have done with our country for so many years. They have done nothing. Resignation is the only solution.

Said Claudia Markon, Shadow Defence Minister


So far, 400.000 protesters gained in the front of the Cathedral to show their support. We will keep you updated.
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:01 pm

Military Police watch over protest
The PNP has officially put the nations military on alert to watch over the protests. Cnut Anastasia said this on the matter
These people would rather see a dictator rise to power than fight for others. This is a disappointing turn for Klavia. If necessary we will use the military to protect property and citizens. The main priority is to protect our LGBT community from hate crimes which will inevitably occur due to the hatred spread by the CMP.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:17 pm

Breaking News:LGBT community center has been attacked by Protestors
Cnut Anastasia calls upon an emergency press conference
These protesters have recently attacked several LGBT people and communities and we see them attacking innocent civilians who are not involved in this protest. We can not allow this to occur anymore. We officially declare a state of emergency and martial law. All protesters are kindly asked to stop these violent acts and please go home. And those who have committed these violent crimes will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby anonimanonim488 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:43 pm


Proofs have been discovered by the independent journalist Marius Claius which showed some leaks from PNP headquarters. Here is a document which proves the fact that members of PNP paid hooligans to attack the center of LGBT community.

Mr. Traian Aurelius stated the following:
We officialy condemn this acts of violence, but we can't be accused of that. The LGBT center is in the other part of the city. We just crossed only in the Central area. PNP should be ashamed that they are in the point to do things like that. They are ignoring our Constitution once again. We have the right to express our opinions. And we will do that. And once again I say that we respect all the citizens of Klavia. We won't touch, insult, injure or kill them.

Mr. Aurelius adressing the crowd together with the Military officer responsible with the safety of the protest

Sentiments of indignation are growing around the country and so far 600.000 protesters are in front of the government protesting under the mottos:"At least we respect Constitution", "Step down" or "You wont make us quiet".
The situation is evolving. We will keep you update
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:52 pm

PNP calls out CMP’s lies.
Cnut Anastasia said this in a press conference
Marius Claius has obviously been paid off by the CMP. These attacks occurred because the CMP’s idea is very anti-LGBT. Don’t blame the violence on our party
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby anonimanonim488 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:31 pm


After describing the mechanism of the payments in the case of PNP's paid violences, the journalist Marius Claius when arrived at his house was utterly shocked. He declared:
When I got inside, everything was destroyed. They even broke parts of the walls to discover if I have some more informations about the government party and their leaks with different criminal actions. I am not intimidated by these kind of actions and, despite receiving messages that I was paid by CMP (a party that sincerely I hate and I cant even discuss with one of thems) or that I should calm down, I promise to reveal more infos about PNP linkings with criminal organizations. I even got my door vandalised a day before with messages like "CMP slave", but I couldnt imagine they could do that. I have all infos in a safe place in which nobody can destroy them. We must reveal the truth.

The house of the journalist ransacked

As a response, more and more people are getting on the streets of the Capital. At this time 950.000 protesters got on the streets. Here is what a protester said:
They want to make us quiet. We will remain here until they will show a sign of honour and step down. Also, thsy should consider the Klavian nuclear rockets crisis. It's such a shame. Step down, Mrs. Cnut. Step down, Mr. Flavia. For the futyre of our country nd our children.

We will keep you update
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