
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Uhtred » Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:18 am

Fighting For A Fairer Future: Protestors Call For Greater Freedoms In Civil Rights March
6th June 4348
Fort William, Orange

More than 100,000 people made their voices heard in Fort William today, calling for an end to systematic discrimination and anti-free speech laws in Luthori. The noisy and colourful march, organised by the Luthori Workers' Committee, saw families, public sector workers, religious leaders, trade unionists and equalities campaigners unite to oppose ultra-nationalist legislation which penalises religious minorities and proscribes many forms of dissent.


Similar protests in Youk and Randamar attracted thousands more people urging for an alternative to the Government’s repressive policies.

Many people are aware of the ban on public support for Republicanism and criticism of the Empress, but this goes much further.

Jon Healey of the Luthori Workers' Committee explains
What isn't known in the outside world are the many insidious and at times downright bizarre laws which the government uses to suppress and persecute the population. For example a mother in Luthori can be sentenced to up to five years in prison for naming her son James. A spiritual person of a religion not approved by the government or the state church will have a special tax levied against them. It is outrageous. And it is important people of conviction stand together, united in opposition.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luthori Moderate » Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:18 pm

Brandon Kent and Lillie Hull get married

October 15th 4358


Big News for the Luthori Moderate Party today as Brandon Kent and Lillie Hull got married. It was a wonderful and private ceremony that only family and friends could go. Lillie was met with open arms by the Kent family including Jade Kent. This will start the rumors that soon Brandon and Lillie Kent will have kids in the near future to continue the Kent family. It is already being rumored that Brandon Kent will replace Jade Kent as the party leader when Jade Kent steps down eventually but experts say it won't be anytime soon. The Moderate Party is known for being the defacto leaders of Luthori currently as people believe they are the most influential party. They say it should be a matter of time before the Moderate Party is in charge of Government fully and this marriage should confirm that the Kent Family will be around for another generation of Kents. It means a lot for a Luthori which is known for getting stronger and stronger by the day with the Moderates as defacto leaders.
Luthori Moderate
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luthori Moderate » Thu Mar 08, 2018 4:52 am

Luthori Announces 4360 Olympic Delegation, Hopes for Big Medal Count

Luthori has announced its 4360 olympic delegation in Victoria. 391 Athletes will be sent to Victoria in 4360. Luthori hopes for a big medal count, possibly contending for the biggest medal count in Terra. The Delegation is shown here,

Archery: 18 Athletes (9 Male, 9 Female)
Soccer: 2 Teams (One Mens, One Womens Team), 44 Athletes
Badminton: 4 Teams, 8 Athletes (Two Mens, Two Womens Team)
Baseball: 1 Team, 25 Athletes
Rugby: 2 Teams (One Male, One Female Team), 44 Athletes
Fencing: 8 Athletes (4 Male, 4 Female)
Basketball: 2 Team, 30 Athletes (One Male, One Female Team)
Canoeing/kayaking: 4 3 Person Teams (Two Male, Two Female Teams), 2 6 Person Team (One Male, One Female Team), 24 Athletes
Swimming: 48 Athletes (24 Male, 24 Female)
Lacrosse: 2 Teams,36 Athletes (One Male, One Female Team)
Boxing: 10 Athletes (5 Male, 5 Female)
Tennis: 4 Teams, 8 Athletes (2 Male Teams, 2 Female Teams)
Table tennis: 4 Teams, 8 Athletes (2 Male Teams, 2 Female Teams)
Cycling: 48 Athletes (24 Males, 24 Females)
Field Hockey: 2 Teams (One Mens, One Womens Team), 32 Athletes

Headline Luthori Athletes include Nicholas Lloyd who is a a 4 time olympic swimmer gold medalist and is the flag bearer of the Luthori delegation, Caitlin James who is the star of the Luthori girls basketball team and is hoping to win gold, and Nathan Chapman a star archer who is confident that he will win gold, possibly a little too confident to be exact. But many Luthorians are excited and can´t wait to see Luthori´s performance in the 4360 Olympics including many political figures. Foreign Minister Prince Aldred,

The Funny part is that in the recent meetings with other nations, a lot of their foreign ministers were jokingly talking about their nation will beat Luthori in this sport,
or they will get more medals than Luthori, and I think it shows that not only is Luthori excited for the 4360 Olympics, but a lot of other nations are as well.
Luthori Moderate
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Uhtred » Thu Mar 08, 2018 7:48 pm

A Diet Divided
Hung Chamber as support for the Left surges
July 4259

The Luthori Workers' Committee heralded a decisive change in politics after victories in last night's elections saw them take 3 Duchies and 223 seats in the Imperial Diet, coming within 2 seats of becoming the largest single party. The movement which had promised a political earthquake had to settle for a tremor however, as a strong performance in their heartlands of Utagia and Yodukan saw White Rose (IA)- R top the poll overall with 225 seats.


The Royalist Council on Classical Liberalism came third with 123 seats and the White Rose (IA)- M faction came fourth with 94 seats.

The result means that, including their Moderate faction, the White Rose movement holds 48% of seats in the Diet. So far it is unclear whether the two opposition parties can agree a deal to end the the government's 11 year rule or whether White Rose will continue as a minority administration.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luthori Moderate » Mon Mar 12, 2018 4:29 am

Luthori to join International Development and Stability Bank

Luthori announced today that they have joined the International Development and Stability Bank (IDSB). The primary purpose of the International Development and Stability Bank was the formation and oversight of monetary policy of banks throughout the world. It was founded in the wake of the 4200's economic collapse. The 4200's economic collaspe was reported to be caused by reckless lending and assurance that loans could be paid back. The IDSB seeks to oversee and attempt to regulate monetary policy of all banks throughout the world it also seeks to develop a special reserve currency to combat the varying influence of different currencies throughout the world.

It was also announced that Luthori would send $10.2 Billion LOD as contributions into the The International Development and Stability Bank's Fund in which the interest and dividends paid by the fund will go to invest and stabilize countries throughout the world.

Finance Representative Bruce Chapman
We are happy to join the International Development and Stability Bank. We felt it was a no brainer. We agree with its mission, and hopefully we never see a economic collapse again like we did in the 4200s.
Luthori Moderate
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luthori Moderate » Tue Mar 13, 2018 5:51 am

Luthori 4360 Census results announcement

June 4361

The 4360 Luthori Census has been announced. The Results are shown here.

Nation Population: 112,292,218 (Up 4.4% from 4350)
4350 Population: 107,321,464

Region Population: (Geheron) 19,529,302
Region Population: (Orange) 31,302,304
Region Population: (Tinako) 15,803,204
Region Population: (Utagia) 11,923,204
Region Population: (Yodukan) 33,734,204

Top 20 Cities by Population
City Population: Fort William (Orange): 12,364,256
City Population: Richbrough (Yodukan) 5,024,204
City Population: Agathion (Orange) 4,132,234
City Population: Clamfwydd (Geheron) 3,820,203
City Population: Youk (Yodukan) 3,602,203
City Population: Horncastle (Tinako) 3,233,203
City Population: Northminister (Yodukan) 2,929,322
City Population: Shippington (Geheron) 2,902,103
City Population: Sandulka (Geheron) 2,703,203
City Population: Laloquon (Yodukan) 2,420,204
City Population: Louth (Tinako) 2,120,302
City Population: Oalapo(Utagia) 1,990,012
City Population: Oakthwaite (Geheron) 1,924,243
City Population: Liore (Orange) 1,893,203
City Population: Alderberg (Utagia) 1,803,402
City Population: Aldwyke (Utagia) 1,751,204
City Population: New Salem (Orange) 1,703,203
City Population: Middenhall (Tinako) 1,602,203
City Population: Trehaven (Utagia) 1,312,102
City Population: Randamar (Tinako) 1,202,012

GDP: 621,200,549,976 LPD
GDP per Capita: 5,532 LPD
Median Age 38.9
Average Household Size 2.62
Percent of Population Age 0-18 21.68%
Percent of Population Age 19-25 14.21%
Percent of Population Age 25-54 38.59%
Percent of Population Age 55-64 11.58%
Percent of Population Age 65+ 13.94%

Percent of Population Male 49.77
Percent of Population Female 50.23

Average Household Mean Income: 8,463 LPD
Percent of Population Income 0-1000 LPD: 10.62%
Percent of Population Income 1001-5000 LPD: 23.65%
Percent of Population Income 5001-10000 LPD: 28.83%
Percent of Population Income 10001-20000 LPD: 18.54%
Percent of Population Income 20001-35000 LPD: 15.85%
Percent of Population Income 35001+ LPD: 2.51%

Unemployment Rate 4.82%
Percent of People under the Poverty Line (1,000 LPD) 10.62%
House Owner 68.34%
Rent Owner 31.66%
Average Housing Price 4,853 LPD
Average Rent Price 476 LPD

Percent of Population Car: 61.23%
Percent of Population Bike: 11.63%
Percent of Population Bus/Trolley: 14.96%
Percent of Population Walk: 3.65%
Percent of Population Other: 8.53%

Experts say that the Luthori Census is a big step for the government to know more about their Citizens. Environment and Tourism representative Alex Henderson

The Census is good for a lot of reasons. To know our population, who is coming into the country and who, their economic status, and many other useful facts are shown to the government for different uses. I am excited that this was able to happen and be executed so well also. It really helps the government more than people think
Luthori Moderate
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luthori Moderate » Wed Mar 14, 2018 5:57 pm

Luthori Stock Market has Historic Day


October 10, 4362

The Luthori Stock Market had a historic day on Friday with the average stock gain of 12%. Financial experts state that the growth of stocks has been significantly lower than the growth of the economy for the past couple of months and with the economy starting to grow faster, they say that a big day was destined to happen. They also state that the growth is expected to continue to growth for at least the next few months, possibly few years. Historians will dub this day as Black Friday. Finance Representative Bruce Chapman

This is a very encouraging sign. Our Economy had been growing around 5%, which is huge for a country but the stock market was lagging a bit only growing 2% for a few months. Now with Black Friday, the stocks are properly reflecting the growth of the economy, and Luthori's Economy with the stock market should continue to grow a lot, things are looking really good for us.
Luthori Moderate
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luthori Moderate » Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:19 pm

White Rose dominates 4363 Elections, Moderates get huge gains

June 7th, 4363

After losing a majority in government, White Rose dominated the election, gaining 381 of the 665 Seats in the imperial diet. The Moderates were the gain of note though. They collected 181 seats, 27.22% of the seats in the imperial diet, after getting under 100 seats the past two elections. The Moderates has always stated that they have underperformed in elections as they have been the leaders in the Luthori Government and a big contributor in the effort of the making Luthori a great power again. With this election The Moderate Party is in striking distance of their goal of winning the head of state with 43% of the vote in an all White Rose 2nd round of voting. Jade Kent comments

We had a great election. I think we finally had an election that we could be happy with after many underperforming elections. The Moderate Party and its supporters should party tonight, this is a huge step towards accomplishing our goals.
Luthori Moderate
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Uhtred » Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:26 pm

Hands Across Artania
Artanian Workers' International launched to push for freedom, justice and social equality across the continent.
Fort William, June 4365


Minor technical hitches did nothing to dampen the mood at the launch of the Artanian Workers' International in Fort William today. General Secretary Helen Jackson-Owen opened the event by presenting her assessment of the current state of Artania.
Our time is defined by rapid changes and historic economic and political shifts, but these changes have established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle in place of the old ones. Working class men and women across Artania, through great courage and great sacrifice, have achieved great things, however we too often fight our struggles alone. These new conditions of oppression require a new international solution, a new organisation through which like minded parties and movements can work together, in the spirit of international solidarity.

Jackson-Owen's passion carried her message across the assembled crowd in spite of a number of microphone failures.

The small event, held at The People's Library in Fort William, gathered together Luthori's most notable left wing activists, journalists and Trade Unionists. Spearheaded by the Luthori Workers' Committee, the Artanian Workers' International aims to provide a forum for discussion, cooperation and action by parties from across the continent who are committed to the improvement of social and economic conditions for the working class.

The People's Library, Fort William, Luthori

The People's Library served as a fitting venue for the gathering, charting the works and progress of Luthori's labour movement from the twenty second century to the present day.

Helen Jackson-Owen declined to name the political parties which have applied for membership of the organisation, only stating that the body already had a strong presence in 4 major nations across the continent.

It remains to be seen what impact, if any, this grouping will have on Artanian politics.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Luthori Moderate » Wed Mar 21, 2018 10:53 pm

Experts try to predict when Jade Kent will step down

Experts say that Jade Kent has been considering retirement for the last couple of months. They say the 61 year old could retire early to let her 30 year old son Brandon Kent become the Luthori Moderate Party leader. People have said that Brandon is the perfect successor of Jade Kent and well prepared to lead the Moderate Party. Because of this some of the experts have been pointing to Jade Kent retiring very soon. There is a whole other side of experts that say though that Jade Kent will stay the Moderate Leader for 5-10 years at the least possibly more. Either way expect the moderate party to be in good hands as both Jade and Cameron Kent are great people to run the Luthori Moderate party.
Luthori Moderate
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