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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby Stadius » Mon Mar 12, 2018 12:44 pm

President Vanderburg: Whig and Nationalist Attacks Demonstrate the "Growing Desperation of Monopoly Capital"


President Steven Vanderburg today responded to recent criticism from the Whigs and Nationalist Union, saying that the attacks reflected the "growing desperation of monopoly capital, in reaction to the strength of the DSPR and workers' movement". The president claimed that the party's Transitional Programme has "wide support" throughout the country, which is not reflected in the People's Assembly, and criticised the SDP and CRL as "social democrats who oppose social democracy", and "increasingly indistinguishable from the Liberals and UDPR, both in terms of their politics and their lack of popular support". Vanderburg was in the state capital of Kragusrov for the opening of ... [continued on page 2]
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby liebkartoffel » Mon Mar 12, 2018 6:02 pm

Civic Republican League Leader Maureen Eliasoph took questions in a press conference outside of Party Headquarters in Vanderburg today. Regarding the dramatic resurgence of the Far Right in Rutanian politics, Ms. Eliasoph was unstinting in her condemnation.
The Whigs and Nationalist Union are regressive, un-Rutanian, and, frankly, dangerous. Their politics and message have no place in modern society. I hope their moderate coalition partners have recognized that by now.

But the CRL has also come under fire from their erstwhile allies on the Left, with President Vanderburg dismissing the CRL and SDP as "social democrats who oppose social democacy"--presumably in response to the parties' refusal to support the DSPR's controversial "Transitional Program."
All due respect to President Vanderburg, but he doesn't know the meaning of social democracy. If you look up the term in a search engine, the first result you get might be indistinguishable from socialism, but if you look deeper, you'll see that social democrats support neither unfettered capitalism nor unfettered socialism. We believe in both a strong welfare state and strong, open, and equitable markets--that has been our party's position since its inception, and I think that's something we need to communicate more effectively to the public. It is for that reason that we could not and cannot support the president's Transitional Program....Additionally, we are more than a little disturbed by the DSPR's backsliding on important civil rights issues: from criminal voting rights, to marriage rights, to corporal punishment. These rights are non-negotiable, and cannot be simply left to the states. The DSPR and the CRL have enjoyed a long and productive partnership in the past, but we hope they understand our opposition to such policies.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby Stadius » Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:46 pm

Further Gains for the DSPR and Left as Vanderburg Wins 3rd Term

Vanderburg declares victory in the presidential race at a press conference in the capital.

The coalition of right and centre, dubbed by President Vanderburg the 'Coalition of Capital' lost its majority in last night's elections, as the DSPR and SDP made combined gains of nearly 7%, roughly corresponding to the vote share lost by the Whigs and Nationalist Union. The vote share of the liberal bloc remained roughly constant, with the RRP overtaking the Liberals following a gain and a loss of 3.2% respectively. The UDPR remains the smallest party in the People's Assembly despite gains of just over 1%, while the CRL vote share fell by just under 1%. Overall, this leaves a hypothetical left coaliton of the DSPR, CRL, and SDP with a majority, and negotiations between the three parties are understood to be ongoing.

In the presidential contest, the DSPR's Steven Vanderburg won a third term, comfortably beating the Nationalist Union's Herbert Rockwell in the second round, with just over 60% of the vote. Political analyst Curt Higgins described the result as a "huge blow for the right, and further confirmation of the dominance of the DSPR, who notably took total control of 3 of 5 state legislatures". Higgins considers a DSPR-CRL-SDP the most likely outcome, saying that "the numbers just don't work for the so-called Coalition of Capital unless either the CRL or SDP break away to prop it up, which would be extraordinary". Others however noted the unusual decision of the CRL not to back Vanderburg in the second round of the presidential election: "the two parties have had a longstanding mutual agreement on second-round endorsements" said Prof. Ella Greenaway, Chair of Political Science at the University of Hannford, "and this decision is almost certainly linked with the public disagreements between President Vanderburg and CRL Leader Maureen Eliasoph. So getting the CRL onside may be a challenge.".
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kj#2 » Wed Mar 14, 2018 9:26 pm

Whig Party Shakeup
Governor Michael Murdoch removed from position as Chairman of the Whig Party and removed from the Whig National Council

Governor Carson Threadgood, takes helm as Chairman of the Whig Party

Following abysmal election losses the Whig Party has removed Governor Murdoch from his position of Chairman of the Party and his seat on the Whig National Council. Murdoch has been replaced by Governor Carson Threadgood of Delvar. Gov. Threadgood previously held a position on the Whig National Council, his seat there has now been filled by Redd Bennett, a distant relative of President Frank Bennett who served the nation in the late 4260's. Both Gov. Threadgood and Mr. Bennett disagreed with the protectionist trade policies embraced under Gov. Murdoch's leadership. Many within the Whig Party blame these protectionist policies for the Whigs election losses. Gov. Threadgood is expected to make a statement to the nation soon.
Last edited by kj#2 on Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby Wade » Wed Mar 14, 2018 11:10 pm

SDP Makes Big Gains

Robert Kingston III on Election Night

In its third election, the Social Democratic Party made significant gains, taking control of 61 seats in the People's Assembly.

Presidential candidate and SDP Chairman Robert Kingston III released the following statement

I am so proud of our party and our members. Together, we have made significant progress in ensuring Rutania stays a place for and by the people. Although far-right parties have tried to take us back the past few years, we never gave up and never stopped fighting back and that sure is paying off tonight. We look forward to working with the CRL and the DSP to push for progressive change Rutania badly needs. I'm so excited for what's in store. Thank you and God bless.

After coming in second in Khodor State, the SDP plans to work with the CRL to form a solid government there.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby Pepe the frog » Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:32 pm

Herbert Rockwell Resigns, John Kerwin Elected Nationalist Union Leader

Above: newly elected Nationalist Union leader, John Kerwin

After the resignation of former leader Herbert Rockwell, the Nationalist Union have elected Senator John Kerwin to be their new leader. Kerwin who was also Rockwell's Head of Government candidate, edged out Attorney General of Ardinia State, Robert E. Barfield, in the final election round to become the new leader of the opposition. Rockwell took to social media to congratulate his successor, saying:
Congratulations to my former running mate, John Kerwin, on winning the nomination. He's a winner, he's a fighter, and he'll do our nation and our party, proud. #FuturePresident

In his electoral victory speech, Kerwin thanked former leader Herbert Rockwell for taking the party to "new heights", and called him a "right wing hero". Kerwin also announced former finance candidate and fellow senator, Peter McGovern, as the Party's new Head of Government candidate.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kj#2 » Thu Mar 15, 2018 9:44 pm

Carson Threadgood, Former Gov. of Delvar, Chairman of the Whig Party

Threadgood lays out new platform for Whigs

Defend Free Market Values
Return to Traditional Rutanian Values
Defend Hosian Faith
Strengthen the Military
Return Rutania to a position of strength Abroad

Addressing a crowd of Whig Party supporters in Ardinia yesterday Carson Threadgood, the Chairman of the Whig Party laid out the parties new platform. Threadgood's most notable announcement was that the party would pursue 'Free Market Values' and abandon the failed policy of protectionism, this caused groans from some in the crowd and cheers from others. Threadgood then went on to lay lavish praise on our Armed Forces and called for increased funding and support for our Navy saying that '
its Rutania's natural role to have a strong navy
'. Departing from years of Whig orthodoxy Threadgood seemed to support a more internationalist approach to Foreign policy although he was careful enough to reiterate the parties opposition to the Artanian Integration Resolution saying '
While the time is now that Rutania takes a more active role abroad this Artanian Integration contains too many economic restrictions for our nation that we cannot support'

Threadgood spoke with critics after the gathering who questioned whether this shift toward internationalism and Free-Trade would cause a breakdown of relations with the Nationalist Union, Threadgood responded saying '
I think there is a party for those who favor protectionism, its the Nationalist Union. This last term the Whigs didnt lead on policy but instead we became more of a reflection of the Nationalist Union and we got our just deserts for it in the election. I believe we will continue to work well with the Nationalist Union since there is more that unites us than separates us.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby shekel » Sun Mar 18, 2018 3:43 pm

'Rothchester retires, O'Keefe takes over RRP'

Gerard Rothchester, former leader of RRP

After leading the Rutanian Rural Party for almost 20 years, Gerard Rothchester has chosen to step down as the party's chairman. He told RNN that he is retiring politics with a good conscience and he is planning to teach Agricultural Sciences at the University of Ardinia. Rothchester also stated that he would support Noah O'Keefe as the new rural leader:
O'Keefe is a close friend of mine and definitely one of the smartest guys in our party. I'm sure that he would do an amazing job as the chairman. Take my word for it.

Noah O'Keefe, new leader of RRP, former Minister of Trade and Industry

Following the retiring of Rothchester, Noah O'Keefe, former Minister of Trade and Industry of Rutania was quickly named the new chairman of RRP. Rothchester's vice-chairman Ransford Barlow also gained moderate support, but rejected the position stating that he will support the same candidate as Rothchester. O'Keefe is said to be from the center-left wing of the Rural Party and he has been behind bills like "Welfare Proposal 4360" and "Anti-Elitist Act 4361". The appointment of O'Keefe was mostly approved in the party, but there has been some criticism from the right-leaning members. O'Keefe talked about a new direction for the party in a speech at the Rural Party's HQ in Ardinia:

Rothchester left the party with a questionable legacy; the cabinet with the Whigs didn't improve our rural people's position at all. It is important to remember that the problems of our rural people are the problems of poor hard-working Rutanians and say what you want, but we have always been a worker's party. I stand for these three things: the working people, democracy and most importantly, Rutania. When I'm in charge, every Rutanian will feel like the President!
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby Stadius » Fri Mar 23, 2018 6:39 pm

Vanderburg: SDP and CRL should abandon "anaemic" centrism following inconclusive election

President Steven Vanderburg heavily defeated Whig candidate Carson Threadgood to win a fourth term in the presidential election, but the result for the People's Assembly was inconclusive.

Higgins: Following a convincing victory over Whig candidate Carson Threadgood in the second round of the presidential election, you appealed to the SDP and CRL to embrace a more radical politics. Can you expand on what you meant?

Vanderburg: Our friends in the SDP and CRL need to recognise that the politics of centrism, of 'moderation', have failed. What does moderation and compromise mean in an age when the Whigs and Nationalists are two of the three largest parties in the People's Assembly? It means compromise with racists, segregationists, and plutocrats. The politics of the Liberal bloc, which refused to embrace meaningful reform or a better deal for working people, led to their destruction as an alliance capable of taking power, and led to the rise of the nationalism, xenophobia, and whiggery. Of course, it also led to the rise of the radical left, in the form of the DSPR. By contrast, the SDP and CRL have not benefited, and perform little better than the liberals. The 'third way' is an illusion ... the choice is clear: socialism or barbarism".

Higgins: This reminds me of your disagreement with CRL leader Maureen Eliasoph. What do you think are the key differences between your position and that of the SDP and CRL?

Vanderburg: As I was just saying, the choice is clear. The people choose socialism. Just look at the presidential contest. But the SDP and CRL seem unwilling to take that step. Eliasoph essentially said that social democrats should simply manage capitalism, and mitigate its worst aspects. But I disagree. Isn't that essentially the position of the old liberal coalition? The early social democratic parties were socialist, and often explicitly Metzist. Social democracy and democratic socialism were synonyms. In fact, if you look at the founding of DSPR, there was some debate about the name of the party ... should it be called the Social Democratic Party of Rutania, the Democratic Socialist Party of Rutania, or Simply the Socialist Party of Rutania? "of Rutania" of course reflects the fact that we see ourselves as merely the Rutanian division of the Socialist International. But anyway, social democracy is apparently now a synonym for liberalism instead.

Higgins: So the SDP and CRL are liberal parties?

Vanderburg: I would not go that far. They are clearly better than the Liberal Party, UDPR or RRP, who are willing to prop up the Whigs and Nationalists. But they do need to move to a more radical form of social democracy, the original and authentic form, as I argue. The crucial thing is that the need for a break with capitalism, and the anaemic centrism that results from the perceived need to defend it which must be abandoned.

Higgins: Despite your victory in the presidential election, the elections to the People's Assembly produced an inconclusive result. The DSPR-CRL-SDP coalition is now six seats short of a majority. What kind of government do you think will emerge from this?

Vanderburg: The result of the People's Assembly election was disappointing. Our coalition needs to build greater support, and show that it can achieve meaningful change. This underlines my point: the DSPR remains by far the largest party, bigger than the Whigs and Nationalists combined. The right has gained primarily at the expense of the CRL. To answer your question, the right is of course seeking a coalition with the liberals, UDPR and RRP. The RRP have accepted this, given the offer of making O'Keefe Prime Minister, which really is outrageous given that they came fourth in the election. We hope that either the Liberals or UDPR will have the integrity to turn this offer down, in which case we may be in a position to offer them cabinet positions. Otherwise, if no agreement is reached, we are content to carry on as a minority government with the SDP and CRL. We are currently speaking to ... [continued on the next page]
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