The People's Daily is an extreme left wing weekly newspaper, publish nationwide to promote Communist Party's ideal. It is under the direct control of Central Propaganda Department of Communist Party of Yingdala.
事實勝於雄辯,向敵人宣戰!(Facts talks Louder than Words - Let's declare War to our Enemies!)Author: Zhu Ping (朱平)
在4369年的10月,我們成功創造了歷史,一舉成為我國議會的第二大黨。這是無產階級的偉大勝利! 這是全瑩大磖人民的偉大勝利! 事實證明,人民對於我們的思想方針是認可的! 只有共產工團主義才能救瑩大磖!
但是,我們不能有一絲懈怠! 無產階級革命尚未完全成功。以大國家黨,自由黨為首的封建反動集團和邪惡的資產階級和以社會民主黨為首的偽社會主義者正在使用一切手段,不惜一切地推翻我們創造的碩果!瑩大磖的工農階級絕不能答應!瑩大磖的人民決不能答應!事實勝於雄辯!瑩大磖人民絕對不怕他們的猖狂的攻擊!我們相信,社會主義革命一定會取得最後的勝利!現在,尤其是方偉,他那張邪惡的面孔已經露出來了!本黨將用盡一切手段!不惜反擊!為廣大工農爭取最大的權益!
1. 所有支持本黨的工農兄弟姐妹們,特別是受盡方偉剝削的工人們,立即集體辭職!來到我們農村的黨支部,建立工人組織,讓工人自主!
2. 本黨同志們組織每日一遊行,前往方偉的資產階級司令部抗議,讓萬惡的資本家永世不得安生!
3. 在本黨控制的選區裡,立刻建立農村互助社,和生產工團,由工農集體管理,自行生產。本黨極力宣傳相關產品,按勞分紅。
4. 所有支持本黨的工會,請立刻開始集資,爭取收購所在的公司,令工人成為公司股東,分享盈利!
5. 對願意懺悔的資本家,本黨無任歡迎,但要求他們改組董事會,讓工人代表比例提升至50%以上。
My Dearest Comrades and Friends,
On the October 4369, we have created the history successfully and become the second largest party in this nation. This is a big victory of Yingdalan Proletarians! A big victory for all Yingdala Peoples! The truth is that, our ideology is approved by thousands of Yingdala Peoples. And only Communism and Syndicalism can save this nation!
However, we cannot slack off our works because of that. The Proletarian Revolution is still not a complete success! The Feudal Reactionary Groups and Bourgeoisie, headed by the Grand National Party and Freedom Party, and Fake Socialist of Social Democratic Party are doing anything they can to destroy our achievements! This is a NO for all Yingdala Proletarians! This is a big NO for all Yingdala Peoples! Facts talks louder than words! Yingdala Peoples are not afraid of their fierce attacks! We believe, the Socialist Revolution will get the final victory! Now! Especially Fang Wei, have shown his evil face to all Yingdala Peoples! This Party shall use any measures to fight back in order to get the greatest benefits for the workers and farmers!
These are the countermeasures by our Party towards the Enemy:
1. All Proletarian Brothers and Sisters who support us, especially the workers who are oppressed by Fang Wei, immediately resign from the company! Come to our divisions in the villages! To build workers coalition and make our workers be independent!
2. All Comrades of our Party should organize a daily protest towards the Fang Wei's Bourgeoisie Headquarters and let the evil Capitalist cannot live longer in this nation!
3. In the areas controlled by our Party, we are going to help the establishment of Agricultural Mutual Aid Agency (AMAA) and Productive Trade Unions (PTU), which are managed directly by all farmers and workers respectively and produce their products by themselves. This Party will also help to promote their products and the profits will be distributed according to the efforts of each worker or farmer made.
4. For all Trade Unions that support us, please start the crowdfunding immediately! So that your Trade Union can buy the company that your Trade Unions belongs to and the workers will become the shareholders of the companies and the profits can be fully shared!
5. We extremely welcome the Capitalists who are willing to correct their own mistake. However, they are required to have the reconstruction of Board of Directors and the Workers's representatives should take up at least 50% of the members of Board of Directors.
Comrades and Friends! Although we won the election, the Proletarian Revolution is still in a tough period! However, I strongly believe that if our workers and farmers's class can unite together, do not afraid of difficulties and work very hard, the Feudal Reactionary Rule can be pulled down in a short period! The Conspiracy of the Evil Capitalist must be failed! The Great Proletarian Revolution must get the final victory!
Enemies! Open your eyes and look at countless workers and farmers who are extremely angry! We shall get you paid heavily for such an irresponsible and brazen behavior! The War, have begin!
Chairman of the Central Committee of Yingdala Communist Party
Zhu Ping
11th November 4369 in Shuzhou, Anle