
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby colonelvesica » Mon May 29, 2017 10:37 pm

Prime Minister Alexis Savoius Cabinet Confirmed

Finally breaking four months of negotiations between the centre-right Temanian New Conservative Party and the centre-left Liberal Party, Prime Minister Alexis Savoius, the leader of the Liberal Party, has been confirmed as the Head of Government of the Federated States of Temania. Alexis Savoius' Liberals won a very narrow victory over the Patriot Party in March's heavily contested elections which saw the toppling of former Prime Minister Eric Rhinehold's Patriot Party, a far right nationalist party that had come to the forefront during the global financial crisis.

Temanian Prime Minister Alexis Savoius

The memory of the Patriots and their fiscal mismanagement lead to the dismissal of Prime Minister Rhinehold by President Sylvia Verdai, and the fracturing of his Patriots into the New Conservatives and their rump party that still controls a number of seats. Nominally independent President Verdai stepped into the situation following Prime Minister Rhinehold's inability to pass a budget in January following a caucus revolt opposition from the Liberals. The March Elections saw the Liberals capture 209 seats, just shy of the Majority necessary to form government, forcing negotiations with the New Conservatives to form cabinet. The Opposition NCP, who took 198 seats, have agreed to support the first Liberal budget, assuming several key tax cuts and budget pullbacks are implemented and will support the government on a case by case basis from that point. Almost universally the now third place Patriots have vowed to resist the new Liberal government at every turn.

Temanian President Sylvia Verdai

In one of his first actions, Prime Minister Savious has dispatched his new Minister of Finance Georges Flemscou and Economic Development Minister Trisha Baida to the opening summit of the International Development and Stability Bank.
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Batman337 » Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:59 am


With only 2 years until the next election, and a multitude of problems facing the Prime Minister, namely the fact that his party is splintering into the "Socialist Labor" fa3ction as they believe Prime Minister Alexis Savoius isn't dealing with the problem quick or well enough and have torpedoed a multitude of "half-assed reforms". On top of that add the fact the Liberal Party of Temania's poll numbers have been on the backslide recently with the New Conservative Party lead by the thorn in Savoius's side since day 1 Duke Jameison within just 1 point of tieing. And as if things couldn't get any worse with the ongoing Labor rights, an attempted VONC against the government which Savoius barley survived by 2 votes (though that wasn't the end of it as President Sylvia Verdai asked him if he was still fit to lead and reported threatened to remove him as she did with Former Prime Minister Eric Rhinehold), and continued economic stagnation, Eric Rhinehold formerly disgraced Prime Minister of the Patriot Party is making a comeback in the form of the Temaria Now and Forever Party (basically the less nationalistic, neo-fascit version of the Patriot Party), who are currently pooling 3rd with 23% Nationally. With all that it makes perfect sense that the Prime Minister would not just call for the dissolution of Parliament, but also expect to have an increased majority to better deal with the Labor riots and unions, right? No of course not, no sane person excluding Alexis Savoius would expect that, especially when it was just announced that the leader of the Socialist Labor Faction Mr. Alec Brown is splitting off and creating his own party taking 98 Liberal Incumbents with him, although said incumbents as is stated by election laws had to give up their seats to allow the party to fill them, but can retain incumbency status. So now the question is, are we all wrong in expecting this move to bite the Prime Minister in the ass? Probable not but who knows, as we will see what happen here as well as the Presidential election which is expected to take place a few months after This race.
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Batman337 » Wed Mar 28, 2018 4:31 am


Today after 2 months of debate and negotiation the Prime Minister scored a major victory ahead of the election with the passage of his budget (attached below, and thx to Jessavara for the template) the one downside? A rather large deficit which has increased from 2.15% from the previous budget to 4.38% now many New Conservatives call this budget "a testament to the failed government of the Liberals, who if re-elected will continue to spend this country into oblivion." The non-deficit hawks in the crowd including President Sylvia Verdai have come out in support of the budget which "cuts unnessacery waste while still funding our essential government programs." An interesting piece of the budget was that the Prime Minister elected to cut his salary to 0, as a millionaire he didn't really need the money but still it was a move which caught many off guard and scored him a lot of points ahead of the upcoming snap election. (OOC: or it would be but I'm too frustrated with the board so just imagine a beautiful wonderful liberal Obama type ridiculous spending budget)
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Batman337 » Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:29 am


After only being able to gain access in just 3 of the 13 regions due to election laws which state parties must have a total of 50,000 per region party members (SLP has 23,430 and TNFP has 21,566 excluding the 3 regions in which they have enough to be on the ballot). both party leaders Alec Brown and Eric Rhinehold are suing the government and electoral commission of Temania stating that the process is too complex and undemocratic for new parties. In a rally in North Shaveron, Former Prime Minister Rhinehold gave the following statement on the matter,
"When I was Prime Minister I made sure that we made our system as Democratic as possible. I wanted to make our laws to create opposition parties simplier so that those who wished to form their own identity in politics could, I even made laws which allowed independents to run in every election, but the liberals in government disagreed. The Liberals want to hold onto power so much so in-fact they are willing to make the process impossible for those who oppose him to gain ballot access. But never fear we will fight Against these tyrannical laws in the courts and barring that with the help of the international community."

Alec Brown's office gave the following release to the papers "As we were apart of the LPT prior to this election we should be given the same rights and access as the LPT." The court should be rendering it's decision within the next few days.
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Batman337 » Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:49 pm

Economic stagnation continues, Labor strikes intensify
In the midst of an election called 2 years early by Prime Minister Alexis Savoius things are still not looking up, as not just polling as his party sitting virtually at the same amount of seats (1 or 2 even have him limping to the 204 seat majority propped up mainly by Socialist Labour) but recent economic numbers have the country sitting at just .8% GDP growth, which is an increase of just .1% from last quarter. While the Savoius administration has said this economy is still better than the previous economy lead by Rhinehold's Patriot party (whose highest GDP growth ever was .5%) most agree the economy is still stagnating, and several experts fear the worst for the Temanian economy. Unemployment rose from 5.8% to 6.1% the largest jump since Savoius took office and again is better than the Rhinehold administration whose lowest unemployment rate ever was 6.9%. However, the rise in unemployment, the stagnation of the economy and wages has lead to Labor strikes now intenisifying as 8 new strikes started just today making it 20 strikes (most of which are public sector employees) in the past week. The unrest and stagnation clearly do not bode well for the Prime Minister, who is barely hanging on as a thread as it is, but time will tell if Mr.Savious will remain in No.20 or if someone like Duke Jameison will get a crack at leading the country.
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Batman337 » Tue Apr 03, 2018 7:32 am


Today one of the largest clothing Manufacturers in Temanian has closed up shop after an 18-day strike from workers over wages, and vacation time finally drove the company into the ground. The Argyle in Style CEO Rico Montoya announced that the company will be closing all shops in Temanian but continuing its operations overseas and will most likely move it's Headquarters to another country. This is not the first company that has closed its doors as 5 other small businesses have as well, but of the 6 which have gone out of businesses Argile in Style is the biggest, as it by far the largest clothing chain in Temania. Although the win as boasted by the Labor union executives may not be as big as they had thought as polling prior to that with the question asked, "Do you believe the Labor Unions are working for you?" 57% of the populace said yes, 35% said no, with 8% being unsure/no opinion. After the closure of Argyle In Style; however, the polls showed a very different response with now only 47% said yes, 48% said no, and 5% were unsure/no opinion. Even the Socialist Labor party the biggest Union supporting party said that the recent strike against Argyle in Style may indicate new leadership in the Labor Unions are necessary to ensure they serve the workers they vowed to protect. The Financial Minister Davis Longshadow has issued an order stating that "All unions are hereby being audited by the government to ensure they are spending their money, time, and energy to protecting the working-class, those unions deemed to be corrupt and unuseful shall be immediately disbanded and those workers arrested fro attempted insurrection." This order has ended 4 strikes already, and Labor Union officials have stated they are ready for the first time in 4 months re-open negotiations with the Prime Minister and Financial Minister.
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Batman337 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:11 am

Today in election day was an Absolute shocker as Prime Minister Alexis Savious's Liberal Party gained an extra 13 seats giving them a very comfortable 222, Duke Jameison on the other hand maybe looking for other work as his party lost 25 seats and ended with a Disappointing 173 seats, which was a smaller amount than even the worst-case scenario. Socialist Labor made big gains in North Temania as projected picking up 7 seats, with Former Prime Minister Rhinehold's party defying expectations and winning 5 seats. Many contribute the mass decrease in Labor riots due to the PM and Financial Minister cracking down on the accounts of Labor Leaders, as well as Savious recently decrying so much international action in the neighboring country of Tropica, and the war between Utembo and Medina as part of the reasons for the upset. In his victory speech Savious said that the people had spoken and that this majority solidified the fact that they felt confident in his strong leadership and they looked forward to his leadership over the next 5 years. (OOC: Results were generated from PMI)
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Batman337 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:35 am


Today a mear week after his surprise re-election, Prime Minister Alexis Savious came out against Talmorian interference in the Utembo and Medina war saying,
"The actions taken by Talmaria are very close to actions taken by those who came to conquest against us smaller countries as simple a part of their empire long ago. Many of you know of the horrible way in which empires treated their colonies from schooling and stories, and when the age of colonization was over, the time for major countries to interfere in our affairs was over. Which is why today I not only totally condemn the actions of Talmoria, but also call upon the League of Independent Nations and the World Congress to condemn these hostile acts as well."

Minister of State Zach Calgary introduced an act to ban business and public sector employees from going to Talmoria until such time as they withdraw from the conflict. (OOC: This is as involved as I'm getting in the Utembo and Medina war)
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby lewiselder1 » Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:16 am

I go by Ashley now and use she/her pronouns. This is a really old account, I don’t play now.

I was a mod in classic for a bit, then I helped make Marcapada and WM there for a while. As of 2020 I’m co-ordinating Pachapay’s development.
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Re: Temanian Daily News

Postby Batman337 » Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:15 pm


With the constant unrest in Tropica, and now with the central government all but disbanded The Prime Minister called an emergency session to officially close the border between the two countries and immediately halt all immigration into the country from Tropica. The motion passed with no opposition 407-0 with even those who are very pro-immigrant stating that the security risk right now is too great to our people, and until Tropica can have some sort of sustainable government again, Temania's safety is at risk.
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