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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kj#2 » Mon Mar 26, 2018 9:20 pm

Whig Party Chairman Carson Threadgood

Whigs seek to distance themselves from what Threadgood calls 'Right-wing extremism'

Answering questions about the Whigs recent call for early elections and the Nationalist Union's 'Traditional Rutania Act the Whig Party Chairman seemed to distance himself and the Whig Party from what he called 'extremist' in other parties and organizations. Since the Whig Party was re-organized in 4355 they have toe'd the line with the Nationalist Union and have been ardent supporters of all Nationalist Union policies until Mr. Threadgood led a reversal of the isolationist foreign policy the Whigs once pursued. Threadgood sought to focus attention on the Whig's economic policies and less on the social beliefs of Whig members saying that 'We must do whats right today and not be bound by the mistakes of our past' when asked questions about previous Whig stances on some controversial issues in the Traditional Rutania Act. Below is a short excerpt of the exchange:

Reporter: Mr. Threadgood, in the past the Whigs championed racial politics, even before they were re-organized in 4355. I mean its a commonly known fact that one of the great Whig leaders was the 'Duke of Ardinia' President Elmer Clark, and he is pretty famous for championing segregation and other racial issues.

Threadgood: Well your wrong there and its probably a result of the liberal brainwashing going on in public schools these days. Elmer Clark should be best known for championing the Royalist cause during the last Rutanian Civil War. He was a revolutionary political thinker and had his ideas been adopted we would be living in a Free-Market paradise and not to mention Rutania would probably be more respected in the world. Instead our leaders would rather see us remain a socialist back-water while they poison the minds of children as yours seems to have been all so that no one ever truly questions their ideology.

Reporter: Well sir, I didn't mean to offend you. Lets keep it professional and get back to the questions. Many political analyst are now questioning whether the Whigs vote against the Traditional Rutania Act represents a split from the Nationalist Union or a split in Whig social policy.

Threadgood: Well thats a two part question so Ill give you a two-part answer but I'll try to make it quick. Myself and the Whig National Council don't view this as a split from the Nationalist Union, there is still a lot of common ground between us; they want to get tough on crime and support our military just as we do. They also believe in a morality more closely in line with the Hosian faith we believe in so I would hope that we can continue to find common-ground. Now as for a shift in Whig Social policy, yes this does represent a shift. I see what seems to me extremist on both sides of the political aisle, manifesting on the left as the DSPR of course and on the right I've got to say some of the 'all or nothing' rhetoric I've heard from the Nationalist Union and the new Fascist Party is pretty extreme. We will continue to maintain the greatest respect for the Hosian faith and morality within are party but that must be done while respecting liberty, the liberty to live ones life without interference so long as you don't harm another.

Reporter: Well that certainly is a shift. Many Whig voters might not agree with this, aren't you afraid that this will turn some voters away? Especially since the Whigs are calling for early elections?

Threadgood: I think our hard-line social policies have turned away many voters of the years who would happily embrace our economic philosophy but can't quite stomach the social side. So looking forward I think the Whig Party will be better served focusing on our economic philosophy and polices in which we can improve Rutania's economic and global status and not issues that divide us so much among each other.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby shekel » Wed Mar 28, 2018 10:37 am

"O'Keefe becomes the Prime Minister of Rutania"

(in the middle) Noah O'Keefe, chairman of the Rutanian Rural Party, Prime Minister of Rutania

With DSPR and the Fascist Party becoming two of the largest parties in the People's Assembly, the minor parties in Rutania have formed what they call the "Free Thinking Coalition" that claims to be against both right and left wing extremism. The cabinet includes CRL, RRP, the Whigs, UDPR, SDP and the Liberals. The proposal was made by the chairman of RRP, Noah O'Keefe who took the role of Prime Minister in the cabinet. He stated that the new cabinet is "the only safe and realistic option for Rutania right now" and that he is "protecting Rutania from becoming a communist or a fascist hellhole".

O'Keefe is now the first Prime Minister from the Rural Party, after leading the party for only five years. After his appointment as the new Rural chairman, the popularity of the RRP has been increasing and the party has been the largest party in the state of Khodor for two elections now. O'Keefe's political views have been described as "center-left, somewhat conservative and unapologetically populistic". His fanatical support in the rural areas of Rutania has gained him the nickname of "The Hick".

Prime Minister O'Keefe (left) being congratulated by former chairman of the RRP, Gerard Rothchester (right)
Rutanian Rural Party
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kj#2 » Wed Mar 28, 2018 9:42 pm

Carson Threadgood, Chairman of the Whig Party

Threadgood decries 'Close Minded Isolationism in Nations capital'

Whig Party Chairman, Carson Threadgood, has denounced the isolationist foreign policy supported by the government in Vanderburg in a speech made in the state of Ardinia. This is the first criticism of the ruling coalition by the Whig leader and it comes after the Whig Party announced that they would support "the Hick" Prime Minister O'Keefe should early elections be held to fill vacancies in the legislature. Here is a short excerpt from Threadgood's speech:

The Free-Thinking Coalition may have saved this nation from rule by the extremist in the DSPR and the Fascist Party but too many leaders in the coalition still embrace the ideas that give fuel to these radicals. Many of these leaders remain sycophants to the populist cause with no regard to our International relations, the state of private industry within the nation, or the forces they fuel when they embrace Isolationism and their dangerous support of polices meant to discourage foreigners in our nation.

We have to be brave enough to fight for what is best for the nation and our economic prosperity and not just what is the Populist approach. Take the Labour Reform Act of 4369, while we believe its sound economic policy to free employers from forcibly paying into Social Security contributions the law seeks to limit our Foreign Labor. This only hurts communities that depend on a seasonal economy and can make good use of Foreign Workers. This is why the Whig Party has introduced the Foreign Engagement and Dialogue Act. Should the Act pass Rutania can engage with our neighbors and all the nations of Terra in a way that helps our economy, allows our manufacturers and agricultural producers access to new markets while allowing them the opportunity to be truly competitive in today's world. The Populist will oppose these measures and I just hope they know that in standing for isolationism they only encourage xenophobia throughout the nation.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kingthero » Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:55 pm

Liberal Party in Consistent Collapse

"It seems the only good the Liberal Party does nowaday is keep together a solid coalition" -Anonymous Liberal Member

The Liberal Party, a party typically led by elderly and wise leaders, has faltered in every recent election. Upon the realization that the leadership needed to change, Steven Goldfast and Shianne Fulner resigned as Liberal leaders, along with a few others of various advisory positions. Avoiding a complete re-branding of the party, the next step was to promote fresh, young minds to the leadership of the party.

Party Structure and Ages (4370)

Party Leader: John Profitt (51)

Deputy Leader: Thomas Cliff (48)

Foreign Affairs Minister: Helga Bolding (38)

Internal Affairs Minister: Tom Jackson (32)

Finance Minister: Melody Upper (27)

Defense Minister: Rodger Jenkins (39)

Justice Minister: Mark Emmings (34)

Infrastructure and Transport Minister: Peter Yappin (29)

Health and Human Services Minister: Micheal Gonner (68) (Minister of HHS 4359-4362 , 4369-)

Education and Culture Minister: Yasmine Ford (69) (Minister of EC 4348-4356 , 4369-)

Science and Technology Minister: Tommy Deerwater (22)

Food and Agriculture Minister: Stephen Ural (24)

Environment and Tourism Minister: Amy Hatcher (25)

Trade and Industry Minister: Johnathan Memminger (29)
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kj#2 » Sun Apr 01, 2018 3:09 am

Rutania passes Resolution to support Kazulia.....after fighting ends and ceasefire signed

The Peoples Assembly has passed a Resolution in support of Kazulia in their conflict with Dankuk months after Kazulia announced a ceasefire in the conflict. Passage of the resolution was delayed by early elections in Rutania. The Prime Minister has begun debate within the Peoples Assembly to allow the Commonwealth to offer more aid to foreign nations with the stated intent of being able to more quickly offer support for an ally should another conflict occur. The Allied Support Act introduced by the Prime Minister's party also seeks to change Rutania's nominations for the World Congress Security Council. The bill would change Rutania's nominations as follows:

Seat A
Current: Malivia
Proposed: Luthori

Seat B
Current: Solentia
Proposed: Abstain

Seat C
Current: Baltusia
Proposed: Abstain

Seat D
Current: Hutori
Proposed: Kazulia

The Prime Minister's office has highly publicized this bill in what appears to be an attempt to get Rutania more engaged with Terra through greater support of allies abroad. The Prime Minister has always been an outspoken internationalist but it was on display more than usual in a Press Released sent around Terra, the Press release read as follows:

Press Release

The Commonwealth of Rutania has passed a Resolution in support of our allies in Kazulia, although this resolution was passed after the ceasefire had been declared the nations of Terra should not doubt our resolve in our continued devotion to any and all of our allies. We would like to congratulate Kazulia on their swift victory over the aggressors in Dankuk. Because of the inspiring victory we have begun debate within Rutania to select Luthori and Kazulia as Rutanians sole Security Council nominees. As fellow members of the Northern Council this administration they are uniquely positioned to serve Rutania's best interest abroad.

Office of the Prime Minister, Carson Threadgood

Sources close to the Prime Minister say that Threadgood is trying to make the most of his political momentum at the moment. The Prime Minister's party has balanced the national budget and achieved the first tax reform in about a decade

Prime Minister Carson Threadgood
July 12th 4371
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kj#2 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:27 pm

Rutania's Whig Party has began a push for a foreign aid package of 2 billion Ruta's a year to be supplied to Kazulia. The bill, Kazulian Sørvestland Foreign Aid Ac is currently being voted on by the Peoples Assembly in the nation and a decision is expected by December 4372. In other news Foreign Secretary Bernard Filmore of Rutania has sent an invitation to the Kazulian government inviting them to attend a State visit and Dinner in December of 4372.

Rutanian Foreign Secretary Bernard Filmore

Esteemed members of the Kazulian government & Hans Kongelige Høyhet, Kong Haakon,

The Commonwealth of Rutania, your faithful ally and fellow Northern Council member would like to extend a formal invitation for a state visit and dinner in December 4373 in the Rutanian capital of Vanerburg. The Commonwealth recently passed legislation nominating Kazulia for Security Council seat D and the nations legislature is currently voting on an aid package that would supply Kazulia with 13,046,703.30 (KKR) Annually over a 3 year period to aid in the rebuilding and securing of the Sørvestland region. We await your response and would welcome input from the Kazulian government in our legislatures consideration of the aid package.

Kazulian Sørvestland Foreign Aid Act
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby shekel » Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:19 am

'Ransford Barlow wins the Presidential Election of Rutania'

Ranford Barlow, President of the Commonwealth of Rutania

After 16 years in power, Steven Vanderburg of the DSPR has lost the presidential election against Ransford Barlow, the presidential candidate of the Rural Party. Barlow, who has worked as a vice-chairman of the RRP since its founding, has become the first President from the Realist Coalition since Geof Backler in 4331. His presidential campaign was backed by the Realist Coalition and surprisingly even the Whig Party. Both the center and right and celebrated his election and the end of President Vanderburg's reign. Barlow refused to take public funding for his campaign and was mainly financed by his family business called "Barlow's Harvest".

President Barlow gave a speech to thousands of Rutanians at his inauguration in Vanderburg:

Men and women of Rutania, what we are experiencing right now is historic. This is the end of the undemocratic 16-year reign of Steven Vanderburg. The decline in the DSPR's influence sends a very important message to their party; you have fooled Rutania with your unrealistic socialist promises and the people of Rutania are sick and tired of your policy. For 16 years, we have had a president from a party that has fiercely promoted its far left views and disregarded the will of the average Rutanian.
As the President, my only job is to protect you by any means necessary. It is not an easy job. It will mean a lot of hard choices and compromises. You have given me your trust, and what I promise to you, my fellow Rutanians, is that the day I lie to you is the day that I die. I am now being given the most respected position in all of Rutania, but that does not make me even a tiny bit more valuable than you. --
Rutanian Rural Party
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kj#2 » Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:50 pm

Chairman of the Whig Party & Prime Minister of Rutania, Carson Threadgood

Whigs win 245 seats in Peoples Assembly, becoming largest party in the legislature

The Whig Party secured 245 seats in the election of 4372. The Whig Party supported Ransford Barlow in the presidential contest and after winning a majority of seats in the legislature it appears that the Whigs will now serve as the backbone of the governing coalition. Prime Minister Threadgood is reportedly elated at his parties victory and what is expected to be a de-facto extension of his leadership as Prime Minister. Negotiations being led by Prime Minister Threadgood are currently in progress in Vanderburg to form a new cabinet and coalition of the Whigs, RRP, UDP, and the Liberal Party. The Prime Minister has stated he would like to form a government of parties that supported the President exclusively and not those that supported President Vanderburg for an additional term.

Many analyst have attributed the Whig Parties success to the disbandment of the other conservative parties and movements in the nation while many close to the Whig Party machine say there success is a direct result of the passage of the Threadgood Campaign Finance Reform Act which allowed the party to accept donations towards their candidates campaigns.

Prime Minister Threadgood was greeted in the legislature by jubilant Whig Assembly members as the Peoples Assembly met for their first session. The Prime Minister took the occasion to give a speech regarding his goals for the term, here is an excerpt of that speech:

Friends and our colleagues across the aisle, I'd like to welcome you all to Vanderburg and the legislature. For many of you this may be your first time here as a representative of the people and many of your familiar faces have been here for years. While I'm sure you all would love to bask in our success as much as I would we have been sent here to work for the people and we must begin this work with the greatest urgency, it is astonishing how quickly 4 years can pass by here in Vanderburg. The people of Rutania have cast leadership away from the DSPR for the first time in decades and this shouldn't be taken lightly. We have a chance now to break the chains of socialism, communism and any other ideology that is not compatible with liberty and prosperity. As Prime Minister I would like the legislature's support in making this term one of shrinking governments role in the everyday life of the Rutanian people and in doing so we can shrink the burden they must pay to fund the ever-growing monstrosity that our government has become. For decades this government has engaged in a policy of despicable contempt for the free market, for success, and for economic liberty; we now have a chance to stop this. I hope that my colleagues in this Assembly will work together to find ways in which we can find compromise and reform our government in a way that benefits the Commonwealth and our shared prosperity
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby kj#2 » Fri Apr 06, 2018 8:52 pm

Prime Minister Threadgood speaking to the Peoples Assembly in May 4374
Beleaguered Prime Minister struggles in relentless push to shrink government and maintain hold over his own party

Prime Minister Threadgood and the Whig Party has kept a constant slew of bills in front of the Peoples Assembly since taking the helm as the largest party in the 4372 elections. Of the 17 bills the Prime Minister has attempted to push through only 4 have been approved by the Peoples Assembly. Sources close to the Prime Minister say that Threadgood has been growing increasingly angry with the legislature due to their constant rejection of his bills. The bills passed are the Anti-Propaganda Act, the Reasonable Wage Act,Market Neutrality Act, and the Austere Budget. The Prime Minister began the term promising to shrink the size and scope of the Federal government and through the Austere Budget proposal he was able to effectively shrink spending and bureaucracy although many within the Whig Party are unhappy with the massive cut to the Ministry of Defense that the Prime Minister pushed for in effort to win over support for the budget. The Prime Minister also achieved ending public funding for a national radio and TV station with passage of the Anti-Propaganda Act. The Whig party secured a win for the business community which through passage of the Reasonable Wage Act and the Market Neutrality Act and the results are clear in the rising amount of donations they have seen from the business community to the party. These few successes haven't been enough however, the Prime Minister is facing a rising tide of criticism from within his own party by hard-liners who call the other members of the coalition "Collaborators and Enablers of the corrupt Unions". The Prime Minister has repeatedly assured his own party over the last few months that if the coalition can deliver comprehensive tax reform then the coalition is worth staying in.

The Prime Minister has now turned his focus to tax reform and attempting to get the entire coalition behind his foreign-policy agenda of humanitarian aid for the Sørvestland Region in Dankuk and increasing cooperation and communications with Northern Council members. With the next elections nearly two years away many within the Whig Party are seemingly vying for Threadgood's position as Chairman of the Party as they are unhappy with his leadership and his continued backing of President Barlow who these hardliner's also accuse of enabling corrupt union bosses. For now the Prime Minister still exerts enough control over the party to remain at the helm but sources close to him say he appears desperate for a victory and seems to have a vendetta out against those he views as in the Union's pocket.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby Stadius » Mon Apr 09, 2018 12:03 pm

DSPR Launch Election Campaign with New Poster and New Leader

James Wilson was elected Chairman of the National Executive Committee of the DSPR following the resignation of six-times former president, Steven Vanderburg

The DSPR yesterday kicked off its election campaign, revealing the winner of the election for Chairman of the party's National Executive Committee and releasing a campaign poster. James Wilson won the contest, which was triggered when six-times president Steven Vanderburg resigned the position, citing the need to allow a new generation to take over. Wilson, who is from the radical left of the party, and a former President of the All-Rutania Congress of Workers' Councils, vowed to return the party to first place in the People's Assembly elections. In his victory speech, he lambasted the "corruption and decadence of the Right-Liberal coalition" and promised that a DSPR government would "return power to the people, to the democratic workers' councils and trade unions, and away from the greedy parasites who fund the Whigs".

DSPR sources say that the party's campaign will focus on issues of poverty, austerity, and social class. A new poster depicts a mother struggling to buy food for her hungry daughter, while a rotund man in top hat and dinner suit looks on.


The party is said to be divided over the causes of their losses in the previous election. Wilson and his supporters claim that the result reflected "complacency" together with frustration at the inability of the DSPR to pass their programme. Amber Smith, a long-time supporter of Mr. Wilson, said that "it is difficult to persuade the country that we offer a real alternative when the CRL and SDP fold the moment we put forward a proposal that deviates in any meaningful way from the status quo. We just have to keep making our case and building momentum".

[continued on page 3]
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