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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:09 am

Greens Nominate Environmentalist David Braun as Presidential Nominee

Mr.Braun at a Campaign Event in Haldor:-


The Members of the Green Liberal Party have Unanimously nominated Mr.David Braun to be their Presidential Nominee,The Party has been Gearing Up for the Upcoming Elections and have been active in Preparing their Manifesto and Selecting Candidates,The Party has also announced its intention to Field it's Candidates in all 599 seats.

Mr.Braun was the Only person to put forward his name for the Presidential Nomination of the Green Party.He was Born in Haldor in the year 4309 into a Family of Lawyers,He too Pursued the Career of his Parents and Obtained his Degree in Law in the year 4333 and soon joined a Prestigious Law Firm and then rose to become a Judge in the Kordusian High Court.He Retired From the Bench Voluntarily in the year 4368 and served as Legal Advisor to Environmental Groups and also fought against industrial pollutants being dumped in Rivers in Rural Kordusia,He was well known for his Progressive Views even when he was serving in the High Court.He Was also Instrumental in the Creation of the Green Liberal Party and also was appointed as it's Spokesperson on Justice.He lives in the Neustadt Neighborhood of Haldor with his Wife and 3 Children who are following their Father's Footsteps and are Well Known Lawyers in the Haldor Area.

Party Leader Sophia Schultz Praised Mr.Braun as a "Person of Great Integrity and Wisdom"and said that he was the best person to put forth the Green Parties Views To the Public.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:51 am

Presidential candidate Hössler has travelled the entire nation and has ended his campaign in Haldor

The HVV has concluded their election campaign with the elections close. The presidential candidate of the HVV concluded his personal tour in Haldor itself afters travelling accros the entire nation for over a year. While Hössler has ended his campaign during a HVV rally in Haldor Benjamin Hauke continues to travel his native southern lands to campaign for the HVV.

While i have concluded this campaign and have made clear what a positive change the HVV can bring to this nation our true hero is currently travelling the south. We are so happy with all the positive feedback we received from both supporters and opponents and i have a great feeling about what the future of this nation will be! A strong foreign policy and a return to our traditional values is what the HVV will bring! And when i am elected president i will use my expertise to promote the peace and stability accros the world that we as Dorvik enjoy!

Hössler during his last major campaign rally in Haldor

The election will be held 2 months from now. Minor campaign rallies will be held by both Hauke and Hössler but the majority of major campaign events have no concluded. The polls look in favour of the HVV but the party is still caucious about their chances saying that "We do not want to expect a majority, ofcourse we hope for it but we wont put up false hopes"

We will keep you up to date on the election results here on DNS
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:03 am

Greens Manifesto Released for Upcoming Elections

GLP Leader Sophia Schultz Speaking at the Manifesto Launch in Central Haldor:-


Earlier Today the Green Party Released it's Manifesto for the Upcoming General Elections Scheduled for October 4373.The Manifesto Promised Introducing Greater Regulations on Industries with regards to Disposing Byproducts and Increasing Government Spending to 22% of the GDP.The Main Points Highlighted in the Manifesto are:-

"A Vision for the Future"

Administrative Reforms:-

1.Creation of an Independent Ethics Committee Consisting of MPs and Members of the Judiciary to Ensure that All Members of the Government act within the laws of the land.
2.Abolish the ID Card Scheme
3.Abolish Compulsory Registration of Race and Religion


1.Increase Government Spending to 22% of the GDP
2.Heavily Increase Investment into Healthcare, Education and Infrastructure
3.Increase Taxes on the Rich
4.Increase Corporate Tax and Luxury Tax to 25 and 24% Respectively
5.Allow Deficit Spending for First 3 Years the Term
6.Expand Trade Union Rights
7.Reducing Bureaucratic Regulations on Small Businesses,No Tax Increase on Profits made by Small Businesses
8.Partially Nationalise Energy Sector


1.Prohibit Use of Land Mines
2.Limit the Production of Nuclear and Chemical Weapons as much as possible
3.Abolish the Compulsory National Service
4.Create State Run Defence Industries and Limit the Role of Private Companies in Arms Manufacturing.


1.Ensure Greater Government Regulation of Private Medical Practices to Protect Patients Welfare
2.Ensure Free Provision of Contraceptives
3.Legalize Use of All Naturally Recurring Drugs
4.Fully Cover the Cost of Pharmaceutical Drugs for all Lower and Middle Class Families
5.Increase Funding for Healthcare by atleast 5 BN DDO
6.Focus on Reducing Wait Times in Public Hospitals


1.Enforce Government Regulation of Private Educational Institutions and Set a Cap on Tuition Fees
2.Increase Funding for Education by atleast 5 BN DDO towards Greater Investment into Public Schools and Colleges
3.Prohibit The Creation Of Selective Schools
4.Reduce Class Sizes and increase Teachers Pay
5.Focus on Creating After School Programs in Neighborhoods with High Crime Rates


1.Abolish restrictions on Multiple Citizenship
2.Focus on Attracting Skilled Migrants and Students to Dorvik
3.Support and Accept Refugees Fleeing Wars and Genocide
4.Create Language Assistance Programs to better Integrate New Immigrants
5.Oppose any Restrictions on Immigration based on Ethnic Origins

Urban Issues:-

1.Creation of Separate Urban Affairs Ministry to deal with matters concerning cities with populations more than 100,000
2.Encourage,and increase Investment into Public Transportation in Urban Areas to ease Traffic Congestion
3.Focus on Achieving Zero Homelessness in Cities by expanding public housing


1.Enforce Greater Restrictions on Industries and Fine Industries which dump industrial effluents into Water Bodies and Emit Greater Pollutants
2.Subsidize Industries Using Eco Friendly Technology
3.Encourage Greater Investment into Renewable Energy
4.Ban the Use of Nuclear Energy
5.60%of Dorvik"s Energy Needs to be met by Renewable Energy By 4380
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rhabarbabarbara » Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:47 pm

Holman Wins Presidential Election
The Centre Party's candidate for President wins in a landslide against David Braun.

President Holman giving his victory speech on the night of the election.

Robert Holman, the Centre Party's last-minute candidate for President, has become Dorvik's president after defeating David Braun of the Green Liberals. Holman, who secured over 66% of the popular vote, succeeds outgoing President Bernard Kilburg. His victory was far from secure after Holman garnered under 20% in the first round. However, following surprise endorsements from Aufsteigen! and the People's Party, the 74-year-old will become one of the country's oldest leaders.

Holman's victory proved to be the highlight of the night for the Centre Party. Sabine Beck's legislative campaign floundered after the country's political spectrum splintered even further; for the first time in nearly fifty years, eight parties will now be represented in the Federal Assembly. The party secured 44 seats, a decrease of 61. Meanwhile, Anna Stein, the Governor of Kordusia, also lost her re-election race against the Green Liberals. Speaking to the DNS in the early hours of this morning, Beck said:
Of course this election has been disappointing for the Centre Party. After the success of four years ago, it was always going to be difficult to replicate that in a more diverse political landscape. We should not forget that with the election of Robert Holman as President, our campaign has not been a complete failure.

A four-way coalition between the People's Party, ADA, HVV and Centre Party has been proposed. However, with a slim majority of seven seats, such a coalition will have to tread carefully to complete a four-year term. Sabine Beck is widely expected to take over from Tobias Strenz as Finance Minister after Strenz announced he would be retiring from political life following the election. The Centre Party's nominee for the Education and Culture Ministry is yet to be named.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Pragma » Thu Apr 05, 2018 4:34 pm

Election Results: Good Night For GLP & DVP; Iffy Night For ADA & HVV; Bad Night For The Rest // DNS

Above: Minister for Internal Affairs, Ida Kayser, resignign as party leader after her party lost half of its seats.

With all ballots counted, the election result was as surprising as had been expected. The GLP won a massive seat tally in the Federal Assembly, taking a mammoth 162 seats with 16.3 million votes. They also will take the governorships of Kordusia, Largonia and Miktar - making them the undisputed main party in Dorvish politics. Behind them at 104 seats stand the DVP, whose 10.5 million votes and governorship of Westmark make them the shining star on the right in an election that the new parties won and the older parties clearly have lost. Coming in top of these older, established parties was the ADA - who lost an extraordinary 93 seats to become the third largest party. While they retained their Dorvan governorship, the party lost control of Largonia and was left with 89 seats and 9.3 million votes. The GLP will be the most over-represented - with more % seats than % votes - the ADA will be the most under-represented - with more % votes than % seats.

Beyond the top three, the results go downhill quickly. The HVV won a reasonable amount of seats for a first election - 69 seats for their 7.2 million votes, but no governorships. The communist Aufsteigen! lost a tremendous 108 seats to become the biggest losers of the election, and will reenter the Federal Assembly with 61 seats and 6.4 million votes - no governorships also, with the loss of their stronghold of Westmark. The Centrists lost 61 seats to rest at 4.7 million votes and 44 seats, not an ideal result for them, despite a surprise Presidential landslide. The KRA won only 42 seats, 4.4 million votes, having lost 23 seats. Rounding off our Federal Assembly tally was the DPP whose 50 seat drop to 3 million votes and 28 seats was another surprise of the night. The Federal Assembly results are certainly striking, especially considering the Presidential election results.

The Presidential election was a shocker. The first round seemed off to begin with - the GLP obviously doing well with 20 million votes (32%) for David Braun. KRA Anthony Clark got 6 million votes (10%) and DPP Johann Stieff 4 million (6%) - both being eliminated in the first round. Then there were two candidates who did worse than expected. 10.5 million votes (17%) and 9.5 million votes (15%) went to ADA candidate Jan-Henrik Hatrig and HVV candidate Hermann Hössler. Both candidates were tipped to enter the second round, and were favoured to go up against each other. But in the wave of support for new parties, they lost out despite being so close. Hatrig needed less than a 1.5% swing from the centrists to enter the second round. But this is where the big shock comes in: alongside brown comes Centrist Dr. Robert Holman with 12 million votes (20%) and the endorsements of - wait for it - the communist and the DVP!

How this happened is anyone's guess for now (a canny ploy, a strange accident, a miraculous coincidence?) - but it was Holman vs Braun in the race for President. With both the communist and the DVP endorsement, Holman swarmed to victory. Braun got outflanked, with almost everything to his left peeled from him by the communist endorsement and the non-DVP right following the DVP right to endorse the centrist over the liberal. The result is fascinating, and so a party with 44 seats wins the Presidency. There will be many questions posed about the 'Holman affair', but for now the good doctor is set to be inaugurated. This also guarantees the centrists a government position. The Centrist Party says that it is also surprised by the affair, as they 'did not canvas those two parties'. Whatever the truth, we will see how this new FA plays out for four (or fewer) years.

Government Formation Underway // DNS

Above: Representatives from all coalition parties leave a meeting after discussing the new cabinet.

There were many possible coalitions on offer, but the DVP out-manoeuvred all left-wing hopes by proposing a staunchly right-wing government immediately after the new Federal Assembly sat. The coalition is a clear victory for the right, containing: the DVP, the ADA, the HVV and the Centrist Party. It represents: 61 of 120 Kordusian seats, 57 of 120 Westmark seats, 54 of 120 Largonian seats, 62 of 120 Miktarese seats and 72 of 119 Dorvan seats. That means the proposed government pretty much has a mandate everywhere, and will be representing all five states strongly. The cabinet will be strongly conservative, with three right-wing parties and only one centrist party. That makes this the most conservative government that Dorvik has had in a very long time - despite the election of a moderate president who, it must be said, won his 34-million-ballot, three-quaters-of-the-vote landslide due to right-wingers supporting him over Braun.

DNS has the breakdown on who is taking their seats where: the Chancellorship will pass from Zara Hoffmann to the DVP, Ida Kayser will be kicked out of the Internal Affairs Ministry - a symbol of the ADA's bad election result. However, against all the odds, the fiery and controversial Minister of Foreign Affairs - Esther Fischer - will keep her job despite being widely expected to lose it. She was not going to get the position if the ADA had done better, and had it done worse the ADA wouldn't have gotten the position to give. In a way, the big winner of this election was Esther Fischer! Speaking of keeping position, Finance Minister Tobias Strenz of the Centrist Party could've retaken his position despite his party's poor performance in the Federal Assembly election, but will be resigning from political life. Defence Minister Alexandra Reiner of the KRA will lose her seat, however, to the new and powerful Dorvish People's Party (DVP).

The rest of the cabinet is as follows: Justice Minister Tina Thorn stays in place; Centrist Julia Weiss of Infrastructure and Transport is out to the DVP; the KRA's Thomaz Weinstam of Health and Social Services is out to the HVV. Lydie Kilburg of the ADA was stepping down anyway, and will have a Centrist Party replacement; Hans Müller of the Centrists loses his spot at Science and Technology to the ADA. ADA Jean-Claude Schlechter of Food and Agriculture loses to the HVV; ADA Florence Kirsch of Environment and Tourism will be lost as the party moves to the right and will appoint a new candidate to her position - despite retaining it in the cabinet. Sabine Beck of Trade and Industry is undone for the DVP, but as a party leader will likely be shuffled up to Finance after the . Whatever the end result, we're seeing a clear pattern emerge: in with the new, out with the old.

Fischer Storms To Party Leadership // DNS

Above: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Esther Fischer, new ADA co-leader.

The ADA did badly in the Federal Assembly election, losing 93 seats and 9 million votes. They also did worse than expected in the Presidential election, taking third place behind the Centrists and Greens with their candidate Jan-Henrik Hatrig. Another major loss was that of the Largonian governor, Ada Brenscht, who was tipped as a future party leader and was a major force for centrism in the party. Immediately after the results were announced, Ida Kayser resigned as party leader after 9 years at the post. 'I think I've done all I can do,' she told disappointed supporters, 'and so I'm passing the buck to someone else as party leader'. Kayser was both cheered and booed as she left, despite being popular nationally and in the party. Former President Bernard Kilburg was retiring from the Presidency and leadership anyway, so an election was already due to take place for his replacement.

There were three tickets on the ballot for leadership: centrists Florence Kirsch and Romaine Brandebourg; conservatives Esther Fischer and August Schmitz. Fischer-Schmitz won the day, by a lot. Fischer-Schmitz took the leadership with around 1,000,000 members voting - winning 673,647 versus the 320,365 for Kirsch-Brandebourg. Admittedly, Kirsch as a youthful and promising liberal candidate was dragged by failed Presidential primary hopeful and sacked minister Brandebourg. Experienced right-wing firebrand Esther Fischer had gained a reputation for 'playing for the cheap seats' as a Hawu Minister said. She supported Kazulia whole-heatedly against Dankuk and was heavy-handed in her approach to delivering Kurageri democracy. Admittedly, her 6-and-a-half-year Foreign Ministry tenure was a mixture of national embarrassments and strong-manning. The latter, however, is very popular with ADA members.

Schmitz is a relative newcomer, serving as a helper to now ousted Health and Social Services minister Thomaz Weinstam of the KRA. He managed to detoxify Fischer enough to give her a 2 to 1 victory over Kirsch-Brandebourg. They will go on to bring the party far to the right, according to a number of sources, with Fischer being well-known as a very right-wing candidate. She was responsible for forming her winning ticket, carrying Schmitz along as a detoxifying agent - and a youthful sidekick. It worked, and she will soon be proposing several right-wing bills to the chamber, including proposals to cut abortion rights and establish a national religion. Certainly something for the left to shake at, as these proposals will likely get some support from both the HVV and DVP - and probably the outgoing Chancellor Hoffman's party of the KRA. Anyway, we're looking forward to hearing Hawu's thoughts on this one.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Edward123456 » Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:16 pm


The election results are in and the DPP has failed. They are now the smallest party in the parliament.

After this, current leader Boehler was given a motion of no confidence and social democratic Elena Kerner was voted as leader and she changed the party to the SPD.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rhabarbabarbara » Thu Apr 05, 2018 7:43 pm

Centre Party Walks
Policy differences between coalition partners ends government after just one month. Snap elections, however, seem unlikely.

Sabine Beck announces the Centre Party will be leaving the government.

Just one month after the four-party coalition of Chancellor Elsa Kuel was sworn in, the Centre Party has left the government. It’s two ministers, Sabine Beck (Finance) and Julia Weiss (Education and Culture), met with backbench MPs to discuss the walkout in the late hours of yesterday evening. Speaking to a DNS reporter outside Parliament, Sabine Beck had this to say:

It is becoming increasingly clear that this new administration is intent on pursuing policies that are vastly different to what our party stands for. We entered this coalition under good faith, believing that we could reach compromises on wide range of issues. However, this is proving to not be the case.

Sources close to Beck revealed that the ADA’s lurch to right under new leader Esther Fischer was a primary reason leading to the Centre Party’s decision. Fischer, who overwhelmingly won the ADA leadership last month, continued as Foreign Minister following the election despite her party losing 93 seats and 15% of the vote. While her combative style may have proved popular with grassroots members of the ADA, it has certainly alienated some of her cabinet colleagues. One of Fischer’s proposals, which is known to have particularly disturbed Centre Party MPs, is her intent on reversing abortion rights.

On this issue, Julia Weiss said:

Our party has fought for hard for women to have the right to choose what to do with their own bodies....we will not be part of a government that takes those rights aways. It is regrettable that it has come to this so soon after the election. This does not mean the end of cooperation; there are policy areas, particularly with the HVV and DVP on deeper regionalisation, that we still agree on.

Julia Weiss during a DNS interview.

A statement from Centre Party HQ, went on:

The Centre Party will continue to work constructively with every party in the Federal Assembly, including the ADA. However, our beliefs and values, when challenged, will always be more important to us than seats at the cabinet table’

Ironically, the party appears more united now than what it did before the election, despite the loss of 61 seats. Robert Holman’s win as President, and the emergence of Sabine Beck as the likely successor to party chairman Christian Mayer, has made the Centre Party more coherent in its outlook.

After contacting the office of President Holman, a short statement was released:

I respect the decision of any party, whether left or right. The decision by the Centre Party to leave the government was one taken entirely by the parliamentary faction. As President, I continue to unreservedly support the incumbent government.

Chancellor Elsa Kuel will almost certainly announce a reshuffle in the coming days; now that the government is short of a majority, it is likely that she will invite the KRA to take the Centre Party’s place. A like-for-like for swap of cabinet posts remains to be seen.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Adithya » Fri Apr 06, 2018 10:36 am

The Left Unites!
GLP, Center Party, Aufsteigen! And Social Democrats join together to Form the "Alliance For Progress"

Green Party Leader Mrs.Sophia Schultz Flashes the Victory Sign As She announces the Creation of A Coalition to fight the "Radical Right"


The Parties of the Left have achieved what was quite unthinkable a few months back,After Days of Discussions the Greens,Social Democrats,Centrists and the Rise Up! Have agreed to form a Coalition under the name "Alliance for Progress" for the Next Elections and Beyond,

While Speaking to Reporters in Haldor with the leaders of all the Constituent Parties and Members of Prominent Trade Unions, Sophia Schultz said that this Coalition will fight the "Radical Right"and win both the Presidency and the Council In the Next Elections,She thanked Mrs.Beck,Mr.Enklemann and Mrs.Kerner for having contributed towards the Creation of the Alliance,She,in particular Praised Mrs.Beck for having "Stuck to her Principles"by leaving the Right wing Coalition and for refusing to support the Government"s Policy on Abortion

She Also Said that the Alliance will release it's common agenda in the next few months and that it would also Create Partnerships with Trade Unions to "further the interests of the Dorvish Workers"

Good Morning,Today is a Historic Day in our Nation"s History.Because Today,The Left has united in a way never seen before to counter the Rising Force of Right Wing Radicalism in this Country,Our "Alliance for Progress" will serve as the Common Banner for all Parties in the Left and Centre.We will Actively Call out this Government for its failures and will serve as the Voice of All 99 Million Dorvish People regardless of their Gender,Religion, Ethnicity and Sexuality.We Will Actively Put Forth Proposals which would establish a free and fair Dorvik which works for Everyone.I in Particular Would Like to Thank Mrs.Beck,Mr.Enklemann and Mrs.Kerner for having made this Possible.I would also like to Praise The Centre Party For having Stuck to its Principles and for having refused to cooperate with this Government"s Policy of Intruding into People's Personal Lives and Taking Away A Woman's Right to Choose.

We will Be Actively Campaigning For President Holman"s Re-Election in the Next Elections to ensure that we have a Progressive Voice in the Presidency.We will also release our Common Agenda for the Council Elections which will also serve as our Manifesto and it shall be Fully Made Public considering The Views of all Member Parties.We would also like to Thank the Trade Unions for Their Support and we assure that we will actively support their cause to Further Workers Rights.

We Fully Believe that this Coalition will Fully defeat the Right Wing and Deliver the Good Governance that our People Deserve

This Coalition Obviously Does Have a Lot of Differences when it comes to Economic Issues,.But we must definitely Credit the Left For having United in a way never seen before.We have to wait and see whether this alliance will stay together and defeat the incumbent government or fall apart

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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rhabarbabarbara » Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:38 pm

Centre Party Rallies Around New Alliance; Sabine Beck becomes Chairwoman
Under the leadership of Sabine Beck, the Centre Party finds a new political home.

Sabine Beck pictured with former Green Liberal presidential candidate David Braun and Aufsteigen! Chairman, Peter Enkelmann.

At the Centre Party's post-election conference in Fairfax this week, Sabine Beck was elected the party's new Chairwoman; she replaces Christian Mayer. After receiving 67% of the vote in the first round, a second ballot was not needed. The other contenders, including former Science and Technology Minister Hans Muller, quickly offered their support. Although Beck led the party in the previous legislative election, the loss of 61 seems not to have tarnished her reputation. If anything, her authority in the party seems to have been only further cemented. Her close relationship with President Robert Holman has also endeared her to grassroots members. Julia Weiss, the former Transport and Infrastructure Minister, was elected as Deputy Chairwoman with 59% of the vote. Combined, the two women are popularly known within party circles as 'Cagney and Lacey'.

Julia Weiss arriving at the Centre Party conference, just prior to her election as Deputy Chairwoman.

Earlier this month, Beck met with representatives from the Green Liberals, Aufsteigen! and the SPD to discuss the formation of the 'Alliance for Progress'. The four-party agreement clearly creates two opposing camps in the Federal Assembly, after the Centre Party withdrew from the government of Chancellor Keul just one month after its inauguration. An opinion poll of Centre Party members found that 84% supported the withdrawal from the government, while 86% favour joining an alliance of leftist parties.

It is reported that Peter Enkelmann, the Chairman of Aufsteigen!, has privately conceded on a number of policy areas to make the alliance more amenable to the Dorvish people. Speaking to DNS reporters following the party conference, Beck announced:

The Centre Party has never been stronger. We look forward to holding this government to account...with only a five seat majority in parliament, they will not have a free pass to do as they wish. While there are a number of differences between us and Aufsteigen!, these are nothing compared to the differences with the certain factions of the government coalition.

With four years to go until the next federal election, the Alliance for Progress has plenty of time to spread their unifying message across the country. However, if early elections are called, the alliance may be less prepared than they appear.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby lewiselder1 » Fri Apr 06, 2018 2:11 pm

National Party Reforms Under Herman Gluck, Hipster Fascist and Illegitimate Descendant of Hans Gluck

Herman Gluck, 'hipster fascist' leader of the DNP

Hans Gluck's illegitimate child's descendant, Herman Gluck, who seems to have kept the far-right fascist tradition alive in his family, recently began picking up attention when he was elected the Head Spokesman for National Front Line, a right-wing activist group. His reforms, focused on providing care for the poor, have been immensely controversial -- on the one hand, at least they're helping, say supporters, but critics allege that the whole scheme is simply in place to indoctrinate more support for the right. Now, Herman Gluck has refounded his ancestor's old party, the Nationale Partei, as the Dorvische Nationale Partei, establishing the first 'hipster fascist' party in Dorvik, combining xenophobic militarism with social consciousness.

How will this play out on the national stage? More as it happens.
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