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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Koba998 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 7:29 pm

Ernesto Revara: gli istaliani hanno scelto la destra, ma noi non abbiamo fallito. Abbiamo consegnato ai posteri un'Istalia più giusta ed eguale.
Ernesto Revara: istalians chose the right, but we didn't fail. We gave to the future generations a more equal Istalia.


"Tutti i partiti di governo sono stati penalizzati da questa tornata elettorale. Ancora, dimostrando l'emancipazione del proprio spirito, gli istaliani hanno voluto cambiare e noi rispettiamo questa loro scelta. In particolare, vogliamo fare gli auguri alle due forze giovani ed emergenti fuoriuscite da queste elezioni, il Partito dell'Unità Popolare e la Lega dei Cittadini.
Il governo che ho presieduto è finito, ma i suoi frutti sono già marciti? No, i suoi frutti consegneranno ai posteri una società più giusta che la destra o qualsiasi altra forza politica faticheranno a cancellare; se vi proveranno, se avranno "successo" nel farlo, gli istaliani non gli daranno qualche voto in meno: questi partiti scompariranno dallo scenario politico. Come si può andare contro a una tassazione equa, a piani di spesa che guardino a tutte le fasce della popolazione, a riforme di carattere infrastrutturario, sociale e civile che puntano ad emancipare gli strati più disagiati della popolazione liberandoli dalle catene dello sfruttamento? Nessuno potrà cancellare questo solco!
Il prossimo anno rimetterò al voto dell'XX°congresso del PCI la mia segreteria, chiedendo la mia rielezione oppure il mio ritiro: per quanto mi riguarda, il Governo Revara non ha tradito le proprie premesse, le proprie promesse verso l'elettorato comunista e anzi ha realizzato più di quanto sembrava possibile."

Di altro avvisto è, come scontato, Marco Pizzo, leader dell'opposizione all'interno del Partito Comunista: "Gli italiani hanno bocciato Revara e la sua ciurma di riformisti - "comunisti", radicali o repubblicani di sorta - perché non è possibile rendere più umane le condizioni di vita del proletariato senza abbattere il capitalismo! Occorre rifondare il Partito dalle fondamenta, bruciando i germi del riformismo, imparando i versi e rispolverando i quadri dei grandi eroi Metzisti-leonidisti: Pralin e Rhuan Zin in testa a tutti, seguaci di quel Leonid così dimenticato dagli attuali dirigenti del PCI. O il socialismo, o la morte del nostro partito!"

"All the governing parties have been penalized by this election, and by demonstrating the emancipation of their spirit, the Istalians wanted to change and we respect their choice: from these elections. The government that I presided is over, but its fruits are already rotten? No, its fruits will move into a more just society that the right will struggle to erase; if they try, if they report "success" in doing so, the Istalians will not give them a few votes less: these parties will disappear from the political scenario. How can one attempt to erase an equitable taxation, a spending plan that takes care of all the population, an infrastructural, social and civil reforms that aim at emancipating the most disadvantaged sections of the population, freeing them from the chains of exploitation? Nobody can cancel these reforms!
Next year I will return my secretariat to the vote of the XXth Congress of the PCI, asking for my re-election or my withdrawal: the Revara government has not betrayed its promises to the communist electorate and indeed has realized more than as it seemed possible. "

On the other hand, Marco Pizzo, leader of the opposition within the Communist Party, moves his critics: "The Italians have rejected Revara and his crew of reformists - "communists ", radicals or republicans of sorts - because it is not possible to make more human the conditions of life of the proletariat without breaking down capitalism! We need the refounding of the Party from the foundations, we need to burn the germs of reformism, learning the verses and brushing up the paintings of the great Metzist-Leonardist heroes: Pralin and Rhuan Zin at the head of all, followers of Leonid, who has beeno forgotten by the current leaders of the PCI."
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:12 pm

Against all odds Nationalists win historic victory!
Il Duce Adorinda: "Istalia gave the left experiment a chance... now its back to normal!"

"I have grown older, as you all can see, but also wiser and stronger!

There has been nothing but celebration at the Viale della Repubblica 2 in Palerno tonight. Of course, people were saddened by the failure to get those final few percentage points in the presidential race against the ULD, but nobody has expected a victory in the parliamentary election. Amidst all the scandals and investigations, which still resume, the Nationalists of Alternativa Istaliana have claimed the majority of seats in Parliament, which was last achieved by the then still purple PNI/PNP in 4303 - almost 70 years ago. This is a once-a-generation opportunity which the woman behind it all, Aurora Adorinda, does not want to miss:
It has been literally 70 years ago, that Istalia last time felt the urge to vote for the politics of TRUE justice, capitalism and reason. That is what we MUST deliver! Istalia gave the left experiment a chance to prove itself in the last four years, now they have voted the exact opposite. Hence, I am sorry if that sounds rude as our potential coalition partners have been in that government as well as they are also guided by reason and the sense of duty towards the country. However, I must say that the leftist show in the economic sphere is definitely over! We aim to once again reduce taxes, creating either three brackets or two - depending on the necessity and desire for a no-tax bracket. We aim to restore our military and we listened carefully to the LdCs proposals of more control over immigration which we would like to propose to our potential coalition partners as well. Moreover, one of the bureaucratic institutions created in the previous legislature will be abolished or integrated into the central bank. There are simply too many now. In the Majatran Alliance we will urge more countries to sign the charter. Now have I mentioned everything... sorry, I have grown older as you all can see - not the girl anymore that I was in the FA ministry - but now I am wiser and stronger! And this will allow us the most important bit at home, namely we need to return some decency to the streets by prohibiting the most harmful drugs! We need to fight sexism by allowing again women to gain from surrogacy and be protected by the law! And we need to return justice to Istalia, because our Youth Wing was treated unfairly and the young people there, with their bright minds, have been almost tormented for the last months! Just like Istalia was by the communists in general.

Thank you ALL!

A little bit of background information about the Nationalist "Il Duce" Aurora Adorinda: Trivenditan born in 4325 as an only child to, as the name may reveal, Zardic migrants. However, in her childhood, she moved to Sarregna, where she grew up and became a member of the Young Alternative. Later, she is most noted for being the frontrunner for the leave campaign in the Istalexit campaign, which despite the loss gave her massive publicity and popularity on the national stage, propelling her first to Minister of Foreign Affairs, from where she is still famously quoted with: "The Deltarian Csar disgusts me!" To now the most successful nationalist party leader in recent history. She was the one to reintegrate the PNP into the PNI and later on she nostalgically renamed the PNI back to the AI we all know and love today. Moreover, she was the second female after Luciana Vespa and the first non-Istalian (by ethnicity) leader of the nationalists of Istalia (Saajid al-Rassi was a Quanzari PNP leader but that was not a nationwide party). Now, however, she will not take up the mantle of Prime Minister as she believes her Vice Leader has a "better-suited name": Antonio Rosso.

The most likely future PM of Istalia will be the short-lived World Congress Security Council representative and Member of Parliament from Romula born in 4320 with a great name Antonio Rosso, the great-grandson of former President Gianluigi Rosso! Antonio Rosso is more moderate and an exponent of the libertarian wing of the PNI, which has been empowered ever since Paolo Vespa-Baldassare was in charge. Most importantly, is the fact that his name was the ONLY one, which was not mentioned ONCE in relation to the corruption scandal. Neither the media nor the investigators dared to pull the Rosso name through the dirt as the ex-president is deeply respected to this day and his constitutionalist foundation is operating as one of the most established and well-regarded, to this day. He has a trust rating much higher than Adorinda, especially amongst the voters of other parties, of which almost all would rather have him lead the government as PM than Ms Adorinda. This clean reputation of Antonio Rosso on the front lines is what the AI needs in these convoluted times of the highly unpleasant investigation, which has touched upon every other member. Ms Adorinda will probably receive a ministry, but in less spotlight to sort out the investigation drama plaguing the nationalists.

However, for now the AI celebrates nationwide, with the largest party and mass drinking going on in Palerno, Silicia.

Antonio Rosso's only comment following the fantastic election results
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Tue Apr 03, 2018 2:20 am

Rania Samara was chosen today to replace Tino Bertolini as the General Secretary of the PUP. She represents the centrist wing of the party, and has already made huge changes. Samara, who had openly derided the LPL in the past, immediately announced that she was forming a new centrist alliance: Combattere Per Domani. She has also pledged to reform the party's structure. Recently, Samara was the PUP's nominee in the general election and gained 12% of the vote. Samara announced that she would not serve in the Chamber of deputies, and that Chiarina Pozzi would be the party's chamber whip and that Tino Bertolini would stay on as an advisor and as Senate whip. Samara still has yet to announce her deputies. The party is in need of reform, as its leadership has revolved around three individuals since its founding, and is in need of a cohesive structure to produce policy results.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Axxell » Tue Apr 03, 2018 4:16 pm

Organo stampa ufficiale dell'Alleanza Radicale

Dimissioni di Tancredi e ritiro della Vitali dalla politica, Ciriello e Calenda tengono unito il partito ma forte è la delusione tra l'elettorato

ROMULA - L'annuncio delle dimissioni di Giacomo Tancredi è arrivato all'indomani delle elezioni ed insieme a lui ha annunciato il ritiro dalla politica attiva anche il Segretario del Comitato Coordinativo Nazionale, l'ex candidata alla Presidenza Valentina Vitali.
Anche all'interno del Comitato Coordinativo però si sono assistite a numerosi ritiri ed è dunque stato organizzato un Congresso Straordinario per eleggere un nuovo Comitato ed una nuova leadership.

Il Congresso ha visto però la partecipazione di pochi delegati, con diverse sezioni del partito attraverso il territorio chiuse o che hanno registrato un netto crollo degli iscritti. Il partito non ha mai attraversato un simile momento di crisi, colpito anche dalle accuse di abuso di potere e di persecuzione politica insieme ai comunisti. La campagna della destra ha infatti chiaramente avuto la meglio sull'elettorato istaliano che dopo l'esperienza di governo del centro-sinistra ha premiato i partiti della destra liberista.

Né Tancredi, né la Vitali, né il Comitato Coordinativo Nazionale hanno rilasciato alcuna dichiarazione di fronte ai giornalisti, ma è stata Giorgia Ciriello, attuale Capogruppo alla Camera, ad annunciare l'ondata di dimissioni ed a assumersi la responsabilità di parlare a nome del partito. La Ciriello, anche durante il Congresso, che si è svolto e concluso in appena tre giorni, è stato l'unico vero punto di riferimento del partito insieme al Ministro uscente di Industria e Commercio Simone Calenda. Sono stati proprio loro due a candidarsi per guidare il Partito, insieme anche a Jasmin Masul, leader dell'ala liberista. Ad avere la meglio alla fine è stata la Ciriello, con 2087 delegati a favore, anche se ciò è stato dovuto ad un accordo raggiunto con Calenda, nominato nuovo Segretario del Comitato Coordinativo, con il quale si prospetta una vera e propria diarchia. Capi gruppo alla Camera ed al Senato sono stati scelti Maria Donati, Ministro uscente della Giustizia e Yusef Ben Salman, uno dei pochi membri del Comitato Coordinativo a non dimettersi e decano del partito, ex Libertà e Progresso.

Riguardo al futuro del Partito la Ciriello non si è sbilanciata eccessivamente: il morale è basso, la fiducia dei militanti ai minimi storici e non sono pochi i contrasti e le tensioni affiorati in superficie all'indomani delle elezioni. La stessa leadership deve riuscire a far convivere le posizioni economiche della Ciriello, più liberale, e di Calenda, che invece è un fortissimo sostenitore di una maggiore presenza dello Stato in ambito economico. Calenda, molto apprezzato da Revara durante i passati quattro anni, sostiene la creazione di società di capitali controllate dallo stato in vari settori cruciali dell'economia istaliana, che competano con gli attori privati e che operino secondo i principi di efficienza economica. Calenda sottolinea soprattutto i benefici della presenza dello Stato nei settori più strategici e nell'economia in generale, offrendo ai Governi la possibilità di intervenire di fronte all'inevitabile ciclicità del sistema economico. Sembra dunque che Calenda rappresenterà l'anima economica del partito, anche grazie all'esperienza maturata, mentre la Ciriello ha ribadito che nonostante la forte batosta elettorale l'Alleanza Radicale continuerà a perseguire gli obbiettivi politici da sempre difesi dal partito e soprattutto, ha annunciato, alla luce delle recenti dichiarazioni di Alternativa Istaliana, che AR si opporrà con forza alle proposte oscurantiste ed isolazioniste nel campo dell'immigrazione.

Queste le sue parole:

Ad oggi l'Istalia è la nazione più popolata di Majatra, in due secoli millioni di majatrani, e non solo, sono giunti nel nostro paese inseguendo un sogno fatto di libertà, pace e prosperità. Sono anche queste persone che hanno sostenuto sulle loro spalle, con fatica e dedizione, il miracolo istaliano, e continuano a farlo. Il nostro paese è fiorito anche grazie all'apporto di queste persone, giunte qui con il loro bagaglio culturale e di conoscenze, competenze e credenze, tutti fattori che non hanno fatto che arricchire la nostra nazione, economicamente come anche culturalmente! Oggi le tendenze sono chiare: la stragrande maggioranza dei nativi istaliani come anche gli immigrati di seconda o terza generazione, ormai ben integrati, ambiscono a determinate posizioni lavorative mentre molti lavori, nell'immaginario collettivo considerati come... umili o... modesti, sono spesso e volentieri evitati! Vi presento giusto un dato come esempio, l'industria della pesca in istalia: ad oggi, solo il 7,8% delle barche e dei navigli utilizzati dalla pesca utilizza esclusivamente lavoratori istaliani. Il 75/80% della mano d'opera delle compagnie della pesca industriale ad oggi è costituita da lavoratori immigrati, per lo più badarani, kafuri, jelbaniani, barmeniani e saridanesi di colore. Per l'Istalia l'immigrazione è sempre stata una grandissima risorsa e soprattutto l'Istalia è sempre stato un modello di integrazione per il continente come per il resto del mondo. Credo che i propositi avanzati da AI in sostegno della Lega dei Cittadini sia una minaccia per la stessa prosperità del Paese!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Official Press of Radical Alliance

Tancredi's resignation and Vitali's withdrawal from politics, Ciriello and Calenda keep the party together but the disappointment between the electorate is strong

ROMULA - The announcement of the resignation of Giacomo Tancredi came in the aftermath of the elections and together with him announced the withdrawal from active politics also the Secretary of the National Coordinating Committee, the former candidate for the Presidency Valentina Vitali.
Even within the Coordinating Committee, however, there have been numerous retreats and an Extraordinary Congress has been organized to elect a new Committee and a new leadership.

The Congress, however, saw the participation of a few delegates, with different sections of the party through the territory closed or that recorded a sharp drop in membership. The party has never gone through a similar moment of crisis, also hit by accusations of abuse of power and political persecution together with the communists. The campaign of the right has in fact clearly go the better of the istalian electorate who, after the experience of the center-left government, has rewarded the parties of the liberal right.

Neither Tancredi, nor Vitali, nor the National Coordinating Committee have issued any statement in front of journalists, but it was Giorgia Ciriello, the current Party whip in the Chamber, announcing the wave of resignation and taking responsibility for speaking on behalf of the party . Ciriello, also during the Congress, which took place and ended in just three days, was the only true point of reference of the party together with the outgoing Minister of Trade and Industry Simone Calenda. They were the two of them to apply to lead the Party, along with Jasmin Masul, leader of the liberal wing. Ciriello, with 2087 delegates in favor, was elected as new Spokeperson of the Party, even if this was due to an agreement reached with Calenda, appointed as new Secretary of the Coordinating Committee and with whom the party is ready to be led by a real diarchy. Party whip in the Chamber and Senate were chosen Maria Donati, outgoing Minister of Justice and Yusef Ben Salman, one of the few members of the Coordinating Committee not to resign and dean of the party as former Liberty and Progress member.

Regarding the future of the party, Ciriello has not been too lopsided: the morale is low, the confidence of the militants reached historic lows and there are many contrasts and tensions surfaced on the surface in the aftermath of the elections. The same leadership must be able to bring together the economic positions of Ciriello, more liberal, and the one of Calenda, which is instead a strong supporter of a greater presence of the state in the economic sphere. Calenda, much appreciated by Revara during the past four years, supports the creation of state-controlled corporations in various crucial sectors of the Istalian economy, which compete with private actors and operate according to the principles of economic efficiency. Calenda emphasizes above all the benefits of the presence of the State in the most strategic sectors and in the economy in general, giving governments the opportunity to intervene in the face of the inevitable cyclical nature of the economic system. It seems therefore that Calenda will represent the economic soul of the party, thanks to the experience gained, while Ciriello has reiterated that despite the heavy electoral looses the Radical Alliance will continue to pursue the political objectives always defended by the party and above all, she announced, in light of the recent declarations of Alternative Istaliana, that AR will strongly oppose obscurantist and isolationist proposals in the field of immigration.

To date, Istalia is the most populous nation of Majatra, in two centuries millions of majatrans, and not only majatrans, have come to our country chasing a dream of freedom, peace and prosperity. Also these people, many of them, have supported on their shoulders, with effort and dedication, the istalian miracle, and continue to do so. Our country has flourished thanks to the contribution of these people, arrived here with their cultural background and knowledge, skills and beliefs, all factors that have done nothing but enrich our nation, economically as well as culturally! Today the trends are clear: the vast majority of native istalians as well as second and third generation immigrants, now well integrated, aspire to certain jobs while many jobs, in the collective imaginary considered as... humble or... modest , they are often avoided! I present just an example, the fishing industry in Istalia: to date, only 7.8% of the boats and vessels used by fishing sector uses only istalian workers. 75/80% of the workforce of industrial fishing companies to date is made up of immigrant workers, mostly Badarans, kafuris, jelbanians, barmenians and coloured saridaneses. For Istalia, immigration has always been a great resource and, most important, Istalia has always been a model of integration for the continent as well as for the rest of the world. I believe the intentions advanced by AI in support of the League of Citizens are a threat to the prosperity of the country!
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Tue Apr 03, 2018 5:25 pm

FLORENZA, PADAGNA - Lucio Vero Rosso, il Presidente del Fronte Democratico ed ex Presidente del PLI, si dimette dalla Presidenza del FD dopo il risultato elettorale estremamente penalizzante per il FD infatti in 4 anni il Fronte ha perso quasi la metà del consenso passando dal 14% al 7%. Il Presidente Rosso si è preso la responsabilità del risultato elettorale e dopo 18 anni di guida, prima del PLI poi al FD, decide di lasciare la guida del FD a Raffaella Flo,la sua vice, nonchè Ministro uscente dell'Educazione.
La Presidente Flo indice le elezioni primarie per il 4373 (sarebbero dovute tenersi nel 4374) e di fatto anticipando il 2°Congresso del FD, Flo indica anche il nuovo Vice-Presidente del Fronte Democratico che sarà Alessandro Galimberti.
Sia Flo, Galimberti e Rosso non rilasciano dichiarazioni alla stampa.
La nuova Presidente del FD, Flo, e il Vicepresidente Galimberti.
lL'ex-Presidente e Ministro degli Esteri uscente Rosso nel momento in cui annuncia le dimissioni.
FLORENZA, PADAGNA - Lucio Vero Rosso, the President of the Democratic Front and former President of the PLI, resigns from the FD Presidency after the election result extremely penalizing for the FD in fact in 4 years the Front has lost almost half of the consensus from 14% to 7%. President Rosso took responsibility for the election result and after 18 years of leadership, before with the PLI then to the FD, decides to leave the FD's leadership to Raffaella Flo, his deputy, and the outgoing Minister of Education.
President Flo index the primary elections for 4373 (they should have been held in 4374) and in fact anticipating the 2nd Congress of the FD, Flo also indicates the new Vice-President of the Democratic Front that will be Alessandro Galimberti.
Both Flo, Galimberti and Rosso do not make statements to the press.
Above in the first image the incoming President and Vice-President of FD (Flo and Galimberti), in the 2nd Rosso which announces his resignation.
FRONTE DEMOCRATICO - FP (Istalia - inactive)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Tue Apr 03, 2018 6:10 pm

Today PUP General Secretary Rania Samara announced reforms to the party leadership structure:
New positions:
Party Chair: This position will replace that of the General Secretary. It will be elected by the 500 member party committee. The Chair will be responsible for leading party congresses and meetings, and will be responsible for hirings, fund allocation, and any other roles that may be amended later.
Deputy Chair: The Deputy Chair is responsible for chairing meetings and congresses in the absence of the chair.
Vice Chair: Numerous Vice Chairs will be appointed to head up subcommittees.
National Spokesperson: The National Spokesperson will be responsible for crafting party message to the nation.
Deputy National Spokesperson for Social Media: This spokesperson is in charge of the party's social media.
Deputy National Spokesperson for Media Outreach: This spokesperson appears on national television to promote the party's ideas.
Regional Spokesperson: The region spokespersons will be responsible for crafting party message to their region.
Political Director: This person will be in charge of the campaign arm of the party
Deputy Political Director for Voter Engagement: This person will be in charge of getting volunteers.
Deputy Political Director for Turnout: This person is in charge of heading up the party's turnout operation.
Chamber Outreach Representative: This person, who is a member of the Chamber, is responsible for reaching out to other parties in the government.
National Treasurer: This individual is in charge of the national fundraising operation
Regional Treasurer: This individual is in charge of their region's fundraising operation.
Research Director: This individual heads up the research arm of the party.
Deputy Research Director for Opposition Research: This person is in charge of opposition research.
Deputy Research Director for Policy: This person is in charge of policy research.
Additionally, the party revealed its new headquarters in Romula.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Koba998 » Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:42 pm

Organo del Partito Comunista d'Istalia - Anno I

Primarie del PCI e X° Congresso: Revara rieletto Segretario del Partito con il 64% dei voti
PCI Primaries and Xth congress: Revara rielectery secretary with 64% of votes

Domenica 1° Aprile, a un anno dalle elezioni che hanno visto la sconfitta delle sinistre, si sono tenute le primarie indette dal Partito Comunista d'Istalia, le prime nei suoi 39 anni di storia. I massimi dirigenti hanno ribadito come queste primarie siano state un'eccezione alla regola, imposte dal maturamento di uno scontro che rischiava di lacerare il partito, prospettando i rischi di una scissione.
Così, i quasi quattro milioni di iscritti comunisti si sono recati alle urne e hanno dato un quadro fedele dell'indecisione all'interno del partito: 2 milioni e 500 mila comunisti (64%) hanno dato il sostegno a Ernesto Revara (53), ex Premier e candidato moderato del partito, fedele a Endrigo Bellinguer e successore della linea leonidista del partito, e 1 milione e 400 mila (36%) hanno dato un ottimo risultato a Marco Pizzo (42), candidato estremista fedele alla linea del fondatore Antonio Masci. Seppur la faida interna al PCI si sia placata, rimane netta la divisione sulle posizioni da tenere in futuro, decisioni che spettano alla linea riformista del partito ma che per la prima volta, dopo decenni, rischiano di passare in mano a quella che fino a poco tempo fa veniva considerata una minoranza settaria. La conferma di questa precarietà di equilibri fuoriesce anche dal X° Congresso Comunista: dei 1000 delegati solo una magra maggioranza di 610 si conferma fedele alla linea di Revara, mentre in 390 fra metzisti-leonidisti e trozziski si dichiarano dalla parte di Pizzo.
Rieletto segretario, Revara ha condannato la scelta di campo del Partito dell'Unità Popolare, che i comunisti avevano esortato a non cadere fra le grinfie della destra più estrema - capeggiata da Alternativa Istaliana, la quale potrà dare corpo alle minacce rivolte ai comunisti prima della campagna elettorale, magari con un'apposita persecuzione giudiziaria - e ha riconfermato la candidatura di Sandro Pettini alle prossime elezioni. "Nel frattempo? Netta opposizione alla destra più reazionaria che troverà molte difficoltà nel disarticolare le grandi conquiste dei comunisti e dei loro alleati." Chiude Revara.

Grazie a tutti gli elettori comunisti! Grazie a chi ogni giorno si sforza per rendere questo sogno realtà! Ora e sempre RESISTENZA!

Sunday, April 1, a year after the elections that saw the defeat of the left, were held the primaries by the Communist Party of Istalia, the first in its 39 years of history. The top executives have reiterated that these primaries were an exception to the rule, imposed by the maturity of a clash that threatened to tear the party, posing the risks of a split.
Thus, the almost four million members of the PCI went to the polls and gave a faithful picture of indecision within the party: 2 million and 500 thousand communists (64%) gave support to Ernesto Revara (53), former Premier and moderate candidate of the party, loyal to Endrigo Bellinguer and successor of the party's leonist line, and 1 million and 400 thousand (36%) gave an excellent result to Marco Pizzo (42), extremist candidate loyal to the line of the founder Antonio Masci. In the next years, the main decisions risk to pass from the hand of the majority to the one of a minorance which appeared laughable until these days of change.
The confirmation of this precarious equilibrium also emerges from the Xth Communist Congress: of the 1000 delegates only a thin majority of 610 is confirmed to be faithful to the Revara line, while in 390 metzist-leonidists and trozzisks declare themselves on the side of Pizzo.
Re-elected secretary, Revara condemned the choice of camp of the Popular Unity Party, that the communists had urged not to fall into the clutches of the most extreme right - led by Alternativa Istaliana, which will give body to the threats addressed to the communists before the campaign, maybe with a specific judicial persecution - and has reconfirmed the candidacy of Sandro Pettini in the upcoming elections. "In the meantime, we will maintain a clear opposition to the most reactionary right, that will find it difficult to disarticulate the great achievements of the communists and their allies." Closes Revara.

Thanks to all the communist voters! Thanks to those who strive every day to make this dream a reality! Now and always RESISTANCE!
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby cb15 » Wed Apr 04, 2018 3:19 pm

In a speech today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Chiarina Pozzi blasted Ernesto Revera, the leader of the PCI, for his comments about the government with the AI and the ULD. She said
Mr. Revera,
How can you say such things about warning us? You never sent us a message telling us not to join the government, so your claims are nonexistent. If anything, you are power-hungry and do not respect the voters' decision that the AI, the ULD, and the PUP shall lead the government. Together the government parties gained 55% percent of the vote, indicating that the people want a government that is strong abroad and at home, like ours is. Now, on the other hand, they clearly rejected your party as the PCI lost 17 of its seats. Face it, Mr. Revera. Communism is not welcome in Istalia!

Additionally, Minister Pozzi's office announced that a new treaty was being drafted with Dankuk to protect them "from the fascist threat of Kazulia."
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Nichola » Wed Apr 04, 2018 6:02 pm

FLORENZA, PADAGNA - Nel mese di Marzo 4373 si è svolto il 2°Congresso del Fronte Democratico immediatamente dopo le elezioni primarie anticipate.
Le elezioni primarie per l'elezione di Presidente e Segretario del FD si sono svolte in 2 turni e hanno avuto i seguenti risultati:
- Alessandro Galimberti (vicepresidente FD): 567.856 - 41% - 82 seggi assemblea
- Daria Serra (deputata FD): 49.677 - 3,6% - 7 seggi assemblea
- Pietro Monteverde (ex capogruppo FD): 401.654 - 29% - 58 seggi assemblea
- Carla Maritini (ex Ministro Economia): 364.458 - 26,4% - 53 seggi assemblea
- Galimberti: 677.586 - 55,2% ELETTO
- Monteverde: 549.000 - 44,8%
Questi invece i dati per l'elezione del Segretario
- Francesca Agnese Ghedini (Segretaria uscente FD): 660.064 - 54,8% ELETTA
- Pier Antonio Bersanio (senatore FD): 494.475 - 41%
- Giorgio Borromeo (consigliere comunale Florenza): 50.574 - 4,2%
Presidente: Alessandro Galimberti
Vice Presidente: Pietro Monteverde
Segretario: Francesca Agnese Ghedini
Vice Segretario: Anna Venni
Leader FD alla Camera: Raffaella Flo
Leader FD al Senato: Pier Antonio Bersanio
Il Congresso affida al nuovo direttorio il compito di redarre un nuovo programma, lo scopo sarebbe quello di invogliare gli ex-elettori FD a tornare a votare il Fronte che nelle ultime elezioni ha perso quasi la metà degli elettori.
Galimberti, chiudendo il Congresso, fissa per il prossimo anno la Direzione del FD e per il 4378 il 3°Congresso.
FLORENZA,PADAGNA - In March 4373 the 2nd Congress of the Democratic Front took place immediately after the early primary elections.
The primary elections for the election of FD President and Secretary took place in 2 rounds and had the following results:
- Alessandro Galimberti (FD Vice President): 567,856 - 41% - 82 Assembly seats
- Daria Serra (FD MP): 49.677 - 3.6% - 7 assembly seats
- Pietro Monteverde (former chamber whip of the FD): 401.654 - 29% - 58 assembly seats
- Carla Maritini (former Minister of Economy): 364.458 - 26.4% - 53 assembly seats
2nd tour
- Galimberti: 677,586 - 55.2% ELECTED
- Monteverde: 549,000 - 44.8%
- Francesca Agnese Ghedini (Outgoing Secretary FD): 660.064 - 54.8% - ELECTED
- Pier Antonio Bersanio (Senator FD): 494.475 - 41%
- Giorgio Borromeo (city councilor of Florenza): 50.574 - 4.2%
President: Alessandro Galimberti
Vice President: Pietro Monteverde
Secretary: Francesca Agnese Ghedini
Deputy Secretary: Anna Venni
FD Leader in the Chamber: Raffaella Flo
FD Leader in the Senate: Pier Antonio Bersanio
The Congress entrusts the new directory with the task of drafting a new program, the aim would be to encourage former FD voters to return to vote for the Front, which in the last election lost almost half of its voters.
Galimberti, closing the Congress, fixes the Directorate of the FD for next year and the 3rd Congress for 4378.
FRONTE DEMOCRATICO - FP (Istalia - inactive)
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby 13ShinyTie » Fri Apr 06, 2018 10:39 pm

AI controlling Interior and Justice Ministries halts investigation just as the donors of the party were discovered
Is Aurora Adorinda, as Justice Minister, obstructing justice?

Due to the AI controlling the Interior Ministry, which gives the nationalists authority over police, and the Justice Ministry, giving them control over courts, the investigation into the AI youth organization has been barely proceeding. However, a massive breakthrough last week discovered the donors whilst, putting focus on the AI Party itself. However, Aurora Adorinda ordered a stop in the invetmstigations yesterday under the, indeed legal, pretext that: "too much time has passed - over two years and there is still no solid evidence that my party has done anything except angering the commies."

Despite it being a valid reason for closing down the investigation, as no rock solid links to the AI have been found, independent investigators and journalists claim that for the past 2 years; Aurora Adorinda has been doing everything in her power, and beyond, to slow the investigation down allowing it to be now closed completely as it is simply taking too long. After all the discrepancy in the tax returns happened 4 years ago, since then there were no irregularities. However, some left journalists after the recent spectacular breakthrough of donor identification even call for the impeachment of Adorinda for justice obstruction. In return, Ms Adorinda intends to sue them for spreading disinformation or how she said "fake news".

The main donors were the following, in increasing donation size:
Fabbrica Illustre Armaiolo Yazid Veredda S.p.A. [Vinesia] - Firearms Manufacturing
Istafer & Transport S.p.A. [Milona] - Railroad and Transport equipment, Industrial and Buildings
Banco di Credito di Silicia [Palerno] - Financial Services
Tennarini S.r.l. [Sasseri] - Pharmaceuticals Products

Is it a coincidence that exactly these sectors were the ones constantly deregulated by the AI? With most Istalian Firearms being bought from the above corporation for the military - on which the AI always wants to increase spending? And in the pharmaceutical industry, the AI always wanted to stop price regulation and deregulated monopolies. Is it a coincidence? Maybe, but the AI will have to invent a reason why.
Nazionale, Official Press of the Alternativa Istaliana (Istalian Alternative; AI)
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