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Re: Kanjoran Time

Postby van Rijn » Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:06 pm

L'Héraut: Ridenour to Resign Following Confidence Blunder

Deputy Party Chair for the Royal Union, Katherine d'Angoulême (UR), has assumed leadership of her party, after Guillaume Ridenour (UR) announced his resignation following a failed attempt to oust the PRT from the ruling coalition.

Some pundits are calling the situation a political 'murder-suicide' in light of Elaine Trudeau's (PRT) abdication from her party earlier this week in response to a no-confidence measure in the États-Généraux pushed forward by Ridenour.

His departure was announced last night following a rally by the Alliance pour la Democratie to vote against new elections and expedited by a possible collaboration between the AD and PRT.

Ridenour reminisces role in Union Royale, looks to future.

In his final address as party leader, Mr. Ridenour thanked his supporters and called for a re-engagement with the voters:

Dear friends, let me just say, first off, that it has been my immense pleasure to have served you over the past few years. Since our party's founding, we have been a voice of moderation, equality, and freedom in Kanjor. We have seen the monarchy rise and fall, and we will see it rise again. But this time without me. Effective noon tomorrow, my tenure as Party Chair will come to an end. In my place, my dear colleague and trusted best friend, Katherine d'Angoulême will discharge my duties until the next party congress can convene to elect a new Chair. As my last official act, I call on all members, all of you who believe, in this party, and in the ideals it stands for to continue to challenge those who fight against our nation and our monarchy from a pulpit in the États-Généraux. They do not believe in democracy and they are not true to the traditional values of Kanjor. Again thank you, and good day. Pro Patria!

d'Angoulême (UR) attends a charity benefit with shadow Health Secretary Marie Dieumont (UR) in November.

Ridenour was known as a maverick both in and outside of the party. And whilst having somewhat of a cult following, there were some who saw his firebrand and uncompromising approach as more of a liability rather than an asset to his party.

But since Ridenour's star power has all but outshone the leadership of the party leaving the rest in his shadow, the question now is who will become his successor? For now, deputy chair and former Foreign Secretary Katherine d'Angoulême, who remains relatively unknown like the rest of Ridenour's deputies, has assumed leadership of the party.

Sources close to the party say,
Fresh-faced d'Angoulême is much more low-key and laissez-faire than Ridenour and this might just be exactly what the party needs at this point. The party hopes her subdued leadership style will foster more participation at all levels of the party congress as they try to re-organize and redefine the party's focus.

The next Union Royale party convention is scheduled for this September.
van Rijn
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Re: Kanjoran Time

Postby Calum S » Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:45 pm

Les Temps Economiques: Finance Minister conference rant

Finance Minister, Mirabel Saffoir (PRT), launches a withering tirade at conference

Mirabel Saffoir (PRT), recently-appointed Finance Minister, burst into a furious tirade at a conference held by the National Union of Economics Students. Saffoir made an appearance at the conference alongside Henri Pervez, winner of the 2810 Laurel Prize for Economics, and Kristin Fillon, senior economics lecturer at the Instituer pour l'Excellence Economique and a previous Laurel Prize laureate.

The event was sponsored by the Economics Union, and has historically been one of the most important events in the economic calander, with key-note speeches made by senior economics, politicians and leading researchers. Saffoir's appearance was intended to support her recent thesis entitled "Une Etude dans la Science économique de Pauvreté", asserting that economies which fail to invest in their poorest citizens are often harmed in the long-run by gradual consumer inflation without inflating low-income wages to compensate.

However, when fellow pannelist Pervez, a supporter of free-trade, made a joke about the uninspiring title of her thesis, Saffoir launched into a lengthy and unprompted tirade against "capitalist rail-roaders", "bourgeois entryists" and "armchair monetarists seeking to undermine the current economic fortune". Many at the conference were shocked by the seemingly-spontaneous nature of her outburst, and the venom with which she directed her attack at her fellow pannelist. Saffoir then left the conference early, and refused to discuss the nature of the tirade with the press.

Some, however, believe that mounting pressure over her recent tax proposals, and the seeming inevitability of their defeat, has put strain on her position as Finance Minister. Following Pierre Vascoin as Finance Minister, who maintained a reputation for competence and popularity, may be making the job even harder for Saffoir.

Yet some believe that Saffoir's rant was stage-managed by her campaign staff. Richard Valjean (UR), a representative in the EG for Zanyal, says, "Saffoir used the conference and her 'spontaneous' rant as a chance to seize the headlines and come across as a populist; she's fully aware the PRT's party conference is coming up in the next two years, and that if Pierre Vascoin proves to be a popular acting-Chairman, her dreams of the Chairmanship may slip away forever. Only by seizing headlines can she keep up her name recognition, and if she does it by snubbing academics and liberals, traditionally the enemies of the PRT's right-wing, then more's the better."
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Re: Kanjoran Time

Postby Calum S » Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:52 pm

Le Journal: Crown Princess killed in Yachting Accident

Crown Princess Marie Louise-Elisabeth, 56, was amongst four passengers on the luxury liner to drown

Crown Princess Marie Louise-Elisabeth, daughter of the late King Albert III and Pretender to the Throne of Kanjor, has been pronounced dead in a yachting mishap on Lake Genear in Rildanor.

The Princess returned to Rildanor in 2786, after the birth of her son, Prince Léopold Alexandre Patric Frédéric (known simply as Prince Frédéric), to be closer to family that had not moved back to Kanjor after the monarchy's exile in 2740.

She was boating with friends when the yacht capsized during a freak weatherstorm, and she was amongst four of the passengers found dead.

The 56-year old has been alleged to be the latest victim of the "Family Curse", a rumour that the Kanjorien branch of the Royal Family suffers from a Curse, due to the tragic assassinations of Marie's great-grandfather and grandmother, and the mental instability of her great-uncle Alexandre who acted as Regent of Kanjor.

The Princess suffered from a rare genetic condition that rendered her susceptible to black outs, but doctors have not connected this condition to her death.

Monarchists across Rildanor and Kanjor have plunged into mourning. She is survived by her 24-year old son Prince Frédéric, who takes her mantle as Pretender to the Throne.
Calum S
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Re: Kanjoran Time

Postby Khaler » Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:41 pm

(OOC: You could throw in there the crown of Darnussia and crown of Narikaton, as she was a direct descendant of Darntus the Flying and pretender for the throne through Leopold of Kanjors mother, who was the crown princess of Narikaton and Darnussia.)
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Re: Kanjoran Time

Postby Calum S » Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:55 am

Le Gardien: Communists hail poll victory as they achieve best result in over 30 years

Party Chairman Pierre Vascoin (PRT) hails decisive poll victory

Chairman of the PRT, Pierre Vascoin, has hailed a "monumental leap forward" for the PRT following the recent elections. In their best election result since 2779, 32 years ago, the new Chairman has much to be pleased about.

Addressing the League of Socialist Veterans, Vascoin declared "vindication that monarchistic maneuvering will not be tolerated in Kanjor" and that "the people would rather spill blood" than see a Monarchistic re-coronation.

A respected former Finance Minister, Vascoin has been heralded by all wings of the PRT as a capable and popular leader. Calm and rhetorical, Vascoin has restored confidence to a party that was nervously witnessing the gradual decline of their polling figures for many years.

Frances Ellion (PRT), Foreign Minister, tells us, "The recent elections were a punishment for the Monarchists, especially the Union Royale, for abandoning coalition government and playing party politics. What the people want is continuity, discussion and stability: the UR simply wished to use the people as pawns in a twisted chess game with the ultimate aim of restoring the Monarchy to power. Their drubbing in the election shows their gamble has definitely not paid off."

The UR has been in turmoil since the resignation of their maverick Party Leader, Guillaume Ridenour (UR). His successor, the moderate but uncharismatic Katherine d'Angoulême (UR), has struggled to unite her party amid a furious internal debate within the UR over the party's direction following Ridenour's resignation.

Françoise Bailly (AD), Trade Minister, commented: "The Monarchists are in crisis. The UR is a laughing-stock, the Union Conservatrice has been virtually obliterated in the polls, while fringe parties such as the Parti Socialiste Nationale benefit from the chaos. Only the current PRT-AD alliance provides the strong government people need."
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Re: Kanjoran Time

Postby Calum S » Sat Sep 05, 2009 6:08 pm

Indralan Times: Kanjor refuses to support former President Diosdado Hortál

Ethnically-Indralan Foreign Minister, Frances Ellion (PRT), speaking in a press conference following President Hortál's plea for aid

Frances Ellion (PRT), Foreign Minister of the République Populaire Démocratique de Kanjor, has today spoken candidly about her nation's refusal to support former President Hortál after he publically urged the international community to "condemn the illegal communist government" in Indrala.

In an open letter to the former President, Ellion stated, "Our government believes firmly in a policy of neutrality in foreign conflicts, and we have no reason to doubt the legitimacy of the recent Indralan elections."

A member of the Parti Révolutionnaire des Travailleurs, a communist party and Kanjor's largest party, Madame Ellion made clear that the recent elections and their aftermath were not a major concern to Kanjor. She concluded her letter with the rather curt ending, "While we offer your party our commiserations [in the election], we can offer you no more."

Following the publication of the open letter, Madame Ellion held a press conference explaining that the government of Kanjor was willing to hold strong on its policy of neutrality, and that she was surprised Mr. Hortál had found refuge in Rildanor.

"I will be speaking with Thierry Clermont, Foreign Minister of Rildanor, and suggesting Mr. Hortál's request for asylum be denied. When politicians refuse to accept the results of elections, democracy is undermined not only nationally, but internationally. If the international community supports Mr. Hortál's unfounded claims, the entire notion of national sovereignty could be undermined."
Calum S
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Re: Kanjoran Time

Postby Calum S » Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:08 am

Grève Rouge: PRT General Secretary attacks divisions in the left

Frances Ellion (PRT), Foreign Minister and General Secretary, attacks PSR for splintering the vote

Strong-willed Foreign Minister, Frances Ellion (PRT), today went on the offensive against the Parti Socialiste Révolutionnaire for their role in the November 2815 election, which she alleges "splintered the vote of the left". The attack comes just as Pierre Vascoin (PRT), Party Chairman and former Président, has proposed a broad left alliance between the PRT and PSR.

Speaking on "Bonjour Kanjor", Ellion labelled the PSR as "soft-left detractors from the PRT's liberal wing" and claimed they were "responsible for a Monarchist victory in the Présidential election".

"The vote was split between two communist candidates, Pierre Vascoin and Louis Poulain [head of the PSR]; Katherine d'Angoulême cut right through the middle," Madame Ellion snarled. "Had the PSR endorsed Vascoin in the second round of the election, the Monarchists could have been stopped."

Ellion has had a high-profile tenure as Foreign Minister, and is considered a rising star in the PRT. Originally from the party's liberal wing, Ellion has shifted many of her positions to the right, particularly in foreign affairs. Beginning her career in the PRT as an activist for nuclear disarmament, as Foreign Minister, Ellion has advocated a hawkish foreign policy, coming to blows with Kanjor's ally Rildanor over their decision to grant asylum to former Indralanese President Diosdado Hortál.

"We must fracture the rifts in the left - if the PSR is unwilling to work alongside the PRT, and sides with the Monarchists, the integrity of our Republic will be undermined. Let it be known that the PRT opposes the return of the Monarchy, and if the PSR refuses to collaborate with us, it is they who have sponsored the recoronation, not us," she concluded.
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Re: Kanjoran Time

Postby van Rijn » Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:17 pm

Le Lys d'Or: d'Angoulême Confirmed as Party Leader, Président

Président and UR Party Leader Katherine d'Angoulême chairs a meeting with her cabinet.

The Monarchists of Kanjor claimed a victory in the November 2815 Elections. Katherine d'Angoulême won the election with 55% of the votes. Her party did equally well and is now the 2nd largest in the États-Généraux.

With the Alliance Democratie and right-wing fringe party Ordre de Rue disbanded, The PUR stands out once again as the premier democratic party of Kanjor.

"The Communists are scared. And they should be." Said former party leader Guillaume Ridenour. Now a professor emeritus at École Nationale d'Administration and a political conslutant, Ridenour praised d'Angoulême's collected demeanor in helping rally voters in the party's support:

The Union Royale owes this victory to [d'Angoulême's] leadership ability. We worked together for a very long time and she was and still is a key player in the Kanjorien political arena. She's really worked behind the scenes to bring people together and connect with the voters. The UR has and will always be a centrist party and we need someone well centered in her own right at the helm.

The UR's legislative agenda is currently being pushed forward in Parliament and with another election looming this year, d'Angoulême has a lot on her plate if she wishes to secure the Union Royale as the number one party.
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Re: Kanjoran Time

Postby Duke » Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:33 pm


Kigami, February 2818 - President Diosdado Hortál of Indrala officially invites the new Kanjoran president to pay a state visit to Indrala next month, to join the opening ceremony of the new Cultural Center of Indrala, a multi-million project that has been completed last month and that was build to become the "cultural heart of Dovani and Southern Selaya'. This was said in a message from Rawalpinda Katanga, Indrala's Foreign Minister, who paid a visit to Kanjor earlier, during his "friendship tour" through Dovani and Selaya. With the attendance of the Kanjoran President, president Hortál is hoping to restore the relationship with Kanjor, that has been damaged by the former Indralan government.
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Re: Kanjoran Time

Postby Calum S » Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:53 pm

Le Gardien: Vascoin cautions against over-optimism

Pierre Vascoin (PRT), Party Chairman, speaking to his party

In what will likely be his last major address to his entire party before the General Election, Chairman Pierre Vascoin (PRT) has cautioned against becoming too optimistic about the PRT's chances in the upcoming election. After losing the présidential election in 2815, Vascoin has adopted a wary and down-beaten line in his approach to electioneering.

Speaking to the Assembly of Delegates, composed of delegates from each of the party's regional branches, Vascoin asserted, "We face greater challenges than we have faced before - several years ago we were riding high and we felt unstoppable, but we have witnessed how easily the wind of change can strike against us. We must approach this election with caution, with diligence, and while we must remain true to ourselves, we must always keep the possibility of defeat in the back of our minds."

Vascoin's honest approach has been praised by senior figures such as Trista Choceur (PRT), First Secretary of the Regions, who claims, "Voters never warm to parties that have predicted victory before the election has even begun, I think that Pierre [Vascoin] is positioning himself in order to draw out a clear line between our party and the opposition: the Monarchists are already sure of their victory, this can be seen in their gloating, while we are down to earth and prepared for, but not anticipating, defeat."

Others, such as General Secretary Frances Ellion (PRT), who has become one of the leading thinkers in the PRT, believe that Vascoin's tactic will do more damage to the party than benefit. Speaking to Le Gardien, Madame Ellion said, "While Vascoin chases honesty, he finds defeatism. While we harp on about defeat, we seem like the party of losers, and no one votes for losers. We need to re-energise and fight - and then if we do lose, never let them say we went down without a fight."

Ellion's comments join a myriad of senior party figures that think Vascoin has run out of steam; heralded as a great leader, compared to Olivier Betrand (PRT), the party's founder, Vascoin has faced growing criticism following his présidential election defeat after only over a year in office.
Calum S
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