Northern Council

Conferences, visits and other bilateral or multilateral meetings.

Re: Northern Council

Postby Maxington » Wed Mar 07, 2018 10:13 pm

Northern Council forms Multinational Naval Task Force
11th May, 4359.

The Northern Council has launches a new multinational force in Hutori in its step towards championing complete and unconditional security within the Northern Hemisphere and environs and to maintain a constant presence in the Northern Hemisphere. Maritime assets from Hutori, Dorvik, Luthori and Kazulia are expected to make up the multinational maritime force. Mounting tensions in northern Dovani coupled with the instability developing in the Trigunian Princedom has raised the stakes with major nations such as Kazulia warning nations of an impending conflict. According to the Joint Headquarters, naval forces and their respective marine infantry are expected to conduct various peacetime exercises with the intention of preparing the force coined the Joint Maritime Intermediate Reaction Force (JMIRF) for operations ranging from humanitarianism to a global conflict. According to Naval High Command, various "specialised" warships such as the Queen Annette-class aircraft carriers and the Hutorian Williams and Graham class Aircraft Carriers have been hinted to be on rotation for the task force.
Last edited by Maxington on Mon May 21, 2018 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Northern Council

Postby kj#2 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:05 am

--July 4376--

Rutanian Foreign Ministry prepares for Northern Council Conference of October 4376
Conference room in Rutanian Foreign Ministry Building

The Rutanian elections are underway and the capitol of Vanderburg is busy as usual with political activity; this year however the capitol is especially busy with the Foreign Ministry preparing for the upcoming Northern Council Conference set to be held in October. The Foreign Ministry in conjunction with the government of Lourenne pushed internationally for the conference. The nations of Lourenne, Luthori, Hutori, Kazulia, and Dorvik along with the hosting nation of Rutania are set to be in attendance. The purpose of the conference has been stated as developing a security protocol to serve Northern Council nations and to deter aggressors from taking action against a Northern Council member. The Kazulian-Dankuk crisis of a couple of years back and what many called a slow or lack of response from the Northern Council is the foundation for discussions that will take place at the conference.

The Foreign Ministry has not been very forthcoming with what if any agreement they will be pushing for at the conference, this is reportedly due to the ministry attempting not to politicize the conference with Rutania's election underway although the nations legislature supported hosting the conference with a 3/4ths majority.
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Re: Northern Council

Postby kj#2 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 4:24 pm

Rutanian Foreign Secretary Bernard Filmore

Rutanian Foreign Secretary begins talks at the Northern Council Conference

Foreign Secretary Bernard Filmore:

We have all gathered here to discuss creating a security protocol for the Northern Council, one of the first thing I think we should discuss is our mutual defense readiness, I believe an agreement should be reached requiring Northern Council members to commit a certain portion of their individual national funding toward their Defense budget. Perhaps 3% of GDP should be committed to ensure every Northern Council member maintains a military that is adequately funded so they can quickly respond to any emergency.

Also I believe we should develop a protocol for eventualities such as automatic mobilization in the event that a Northern Council member enters a military conflict so that should a situation arise as did with Kazulia and Dankuk we can quickly respond, if other nations are in favor we would like to see the creation of a Northern Council Combined Armed Forces division. I open the floor for thoughts of other participants of this conference
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Re: Northern Council

Postby Maxington » Wed Apr 11, 2018 4:49 pm

Haakon Egeland, Secretary-General of the Northern Council.
I welcome the summit of member states. Truly the situation that transpired between Kazulia and Dankuk was a failure on the part of the Northern Council. Let it be known that through the agreements made in this summit, the Northern Council will exist to be closer than ever before. To clear the air on certain issues, the agreements, ideas and contributions made in this summit its to be done with the future in-mind. In a similar manner I would suggest members of the council become acquainted with our informations directory. Once again, I welcome the summit and hope that whatever is to come into fruition from this meeting, it must be done with the principle of collectivism in mind.
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Re: Northern Council

Postby Luis1p » Wed Apr 11, 2018 4:55 pm

Prime Minister Antoine Viellard:

Greetings fellow members of the council,

First of all, I'd like to thank the member countries who have made an appearance today.

I'd like to say that Lourenne , as well, would like to work on the mutual defense of our nations. After the Sørvestland War, it was seen that more cooperation and communication between our nations was crucial. I do propose that our cooperation and defensive measures should be our main focus.
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Re: Northern Council

Postby kj#2 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:39 pm

Foreign Secretary Filmore of Rutania:

The Joint HQ did not act in the Kazulian-Dankuk crisis, perhaps our alliance could be strengthened with an amendment stipulating that a Declaration of War on any Northern Council member-state shall be considered a Declaration of War on all Northern Council member-states?

The crisis is was also sparked because of espionage, therefore I would like to see a the Joint HQ begin operating an Intelligence operation in conjunction with the multi-national forces under their control. This will allow for better and more coordinated intelligence sharing between our nations.
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Re: Northern Council

Postby Maxington » Wed Apr 11, 2018 6:52 pm

Sebastian Hemmingsen, State Secretary for Defence (Federal Department of Defence - Kazulia)
We agree with the amendment to state that a declaration of war on one member is a declaration of war on all.

As this organisation's leading power, in-order to ensure that this organisation moves in a manner that is acceptable to our provisions of mutual defence and security, the members of the Northern Council must:-

Code: Select all
1. Participate in multinational exercises conducted by the Northern Council.
2. Devote 3% of their nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to defence
3. Must orient their national armed forces to the standards of the Northern Council (that being they must uphold the principles of professionalism and doctrinal obedience.)
4. Make provisions for a multinational brigade (similar to the 1st Joint Arctic Response Brigade (1st Hutorian-Kazulian Brigade), all member states must be aligned in a multinational brigade with another member state)
5. Commit forces to the alliance's Joint Maritime Intermediate Reaction Force and be actively involved in its operations.
6. Commit forces to the alliance's Aerospace Defence initiative and be actively involved in its operations.
7. Devote resources to humanitarian operations internationally, might it be under the banner of the Northern Council or the World Congress
8. Assist each other in enhancing each other's defensive and offensive posture through training and assistance.
9. Be committed to championing the sentiment of cooperation, mutual defence and human rights internationally.
10. Work towards the dismantling of weapons of mass destruction internationally and in their own nations.

The aforementioned provisions must be upheld by the members of the Northern Council. Where it pertains to the comments made by the Rutanian Foreign Minister, once it is clear that the nations of the Northern Council are prepared to uphold the aforementioned provisions, the Federal Republic of Kazulia will be more than welcome to bring other Northern Council members into subordinate organisations such as the Combined Aerospace Defence Command (COMRAD) and the Cyclops Agreement.
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Re: Northern Council

Postby kj#2 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:17 pm

Rutanian Foreign Minister Bernard Filmore:

The Commonwealth of Rutania is prepared to uphold the provisions mentioned by State Secretary Hemmingsen of Kazulia and being that we share our continent with Dundorf and Dorvik we shall enter negotiations with them both to form a multi-national brigade. As Foreign Secretary I will be delivering a report to Rutania's legislature reccommending that Rutania make a commitment to the alliances Joint Maritime Intermediate Reaction Force and Aerospace Defense initiative, Rutania already devotes more than 3% of our GDP towards defense as we hope all Northern Councils do or will.
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Re: Northern Council

Postby Luis1p » Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:45 pm

President Forestier-LaSalle of Lourenne:

My colleagues,

I can assure that Lourenne agress and will enact the list of actions that the Kazulian Delegates have proposed. Defensve cooperation between countries is what concerns Lourenne the most. We can also guarantee Lourenne's participation and cooperation once these actions are in effect.
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Re: Northern Council

Postby Rogue » Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:39 pm

Foreign Minister Stella Felgenhauer of the Federal Republic of Dorvik

Dorvik is willing to accept all provisions proposed by Kazulia as we see it as our duty to respond if a member of this organization is threatened or attacked. We have to make clear that the Northern Council will stand together and not apart. Dorvik is willing to further cooperate in the development of the organization and we would therefor like to propose additional military exercises by member states of the NC. We would like to exercise with our partners more frequently to make our army's prepared for any possible cooperation in future combat operations.
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