
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby The Tea Party » Tue Apr 03, 2018 5:20 am


Prime Minister Paul Barrett is sworn-in by President Brandon Plyd

Today, Former Treasurer Paul Barrett has been sworn-in as Prime Minister of Mordusia along with the rest of the Mordusian Conservatives controlled Cabinet. Many of the Outer Cabinet and Secretary roles have been abolished, replaced with 9 different roles including the Secretary for the Mining Industry; despite there being one coal mine in the whole of Mordusia.

Many of us predict the new Conservative government to be a bit controversial on the world stage with Prime Minister Barrett’s inaugural speech being quite relaxed and called “bloke-ish” by an anonymous online poll on Tweetsy.

People of Mordusia,

As your new Prime Minister, I will see to it that Mordusia is reformed and transformed into a world-power! We will abandon the idea of working with every country in Terra, we will just work with our closest mates, like Dankuk; other nation’s and the rest of ‘em will be useless to us.

Under the new Conservative Government, living standards will be increased, whilst costs are reduced and the number of jobs will increase rapidly! The destructive legislation implemented by progressive governments will be destructed and we will provide Real Change for Mordusia!

Hugh Fields
Chronicles of Mordusia
The Tea Party
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby The Tea Party » Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:52 am


Mordusian soldiers conducting training exercises with Dankuk’s Military

50,000 Mordusian soldiers, sailors, pilots and marines have arrived in Dankuk to begin training exercises with Dankuk’s military to “strengthen their relationship” as Minister of Defence Vickie Reynoldson states:

Our relationship with Dankuk is quite strong and conducting military training exercises with them will strengthen our relationship with them. The Dankukians are doing it tough at the moment but with a little help from us Mordusians, they’ll get back on their feet in no-time.

Minister of Defence Vickie Reynoldson wishes to lend a hand to Dankuk

Recently Kazulia and Dankuk have made world headlines as they have recently called a cease-fire on a war between the two nations. For a country, like Mordusia, that has controversial politicians in power, to conduct military exercises with Dankuk is quite suspicious. Foreign Minister Pauline Burton has defended the move by commenting that:

We are a small nation compared with the rest of the world, we are quite vulnerable. To put our name forward as a legitimate nation on the world stage, we need to partake in different operations and this exercise is perfect. I look forward to strengthening our alliance with Dankuk and will let Kazulia know that this is NOT a declaration of war.

The MNS Horace Grumsworth is expected to arrive in Dankuk during March 4373

500 tanks and 100 IVFs are currently stationed in Dankuk and the MNS Horace Grumsworth will set sail for Dankuk in March next year.

Hugh Fields
Chronicles of Mordusia
The Tea Party
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Re: SP Negotiates Coalition Deal with HDU

Postby macmckeown » Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:29 pm


The Socialist Party of Mordusia, led by Simon Bouchard, has successfully negotiated a coalition deal with the centre-right Hosian Democratic Union, a federation of three confessional parties, made up of the liberal conservative Aurorian People's Party, the social Hosian Bishopal Democratic Party, and the socially conservative Hosian Reaction.

After negotiations initially failed due to the opposition of the Hosian Reaction, the four parties came back to the negotiating table, where they agreed to split the cabinet 50/50, increase social spending while maintaining a budget surplus, halve the number of abortions through subsidies to charities, and take immediate action on climate change through various measures, including tax incentives to drive eco-friendly cars, a cap-and-trade scheme, and a national recycling program

The Bishopal Democratic Party was the most supportive of the deal out of the HDU parties, saying that this coalition would
"spread Hosian compassion for the sick and poor"
, while the Aurorian People's Party and the Hosian Reaction took a more moderate stance, the APP saying that
"we will work with the SP to ensure that we deliver on our promises for Mordusia"
and the HR simply saying that
"negotiations have been satisfactory"

The Hosian Thallerist League, an unofficial party within the HDU, said that
"this deal is terrible for Mordusia! We will work to ensure the dominance of the mighty Thaller dynasty across Terra!"
The HTL is generally recognized to be a fringe caucus and isn't expected to make a major impact on the two parties' relationship

Simon Bouchard, the Prime Minister-elect, was criticized by some on the SP's left flank, who thought that the Hosian Democrats recieved too many concessions and that he was
"abandoning core Labour values and giving up key cabinet positions for power"
in the words of Nathan McCarthy, a leading figure on the SP's left and former party leader.

Simon Bouchard previously was Prime Minister leading a purple coalition with the now inactive Free Democrats and the Progressives. He was Mordusia's first openly homosexual Prime Minister

The cabinet is due to be sworn in on May 6th, 4374
Socialist Party / Parti Socialiste - Commonwealth of Mordusia
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby The Tea Party » Sat Apr 07, 2018 12:27 am

Simon Bouchard Sworn-In as Prime Minister, Paul Barrett Made Final Move as PM

Image Image
On the day Simon Bouchard succeeds Paul Barrett, the Prime Minister gives the go ahead for a trade deal.

Today, Paul Barrett has officially been replaced by Simon Bouchard as Prime Minister of Mordusia along with the rest of the Cabinet. However, he made a final move as Prime Minister before being removed from office which was affirming a trade deal with Dankuk. The deal was only a simple one however, being that for every 13.5 pounds of Mordusian beef traded, Mordusia receives 1 barrel of oil from Dankuk.

Paul Barrett will remain as Co-Leader of the Mordusian Conservatives and has vowed to “restore the industries that were destroyed by previous left-wing governments which Labour was in, including the mining and manufacturing industries”.

The Socialist Party also made a controversial move, attempting to reshuffle the Cabinet after making a deal with the HDU which saw them enter Government, Paul Barrett was also seen having lunch with Samuel Monday yesterday morning, although this is yet to be confirmed. When asked about the Socialist Party backtracking on their deal the Former Prime Minister replied;

The Socialist Party conned the HDU into supporting them and now wishes to backtrack on their deal! If we were in a coalition with the HDU, we would honour the deals which we make and uphold them to the highest extent unlike the Socialists!

Hugh Fields
Chronicles of Mordusia
The Tea Party
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby The Tea Party » Sat Apr 07, 2018 2:29 am

Paul Barrett Returns as Prime Minister After 2 Months

Image Image
Prime Minister Paul Barrett (Mordusian Conservatives) and Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Herbert (HDU)

After just two moths of leaving office, Paul Barrett has returned as Prime Minister by entering into a coalition with the Hosian Democratic Union. After Lawrence Herbert ousted Samuel Monday as Leader, the two [Barrett and Herbert] formed a deal after the Socialists attempt to backtrack on their Coalition deal.

I am glad to return as Prime Minister of Mordusia and I will work with the HDU on fixing our economy and putting this country back on track. I have struck an excellent relationship with Lawrence Herbert and the two of us will work on fixing legislation and bringing back the ideals of the Grumsworth Era, which saw the GDP reach 15 trillion MRD and put employment rates down to 1%. I have received congratulatory calls from Dankuk already and we will strengthen our relationship with them.

The 48-year-old is expected to make another trade deal with Dankuk after the beef-oil deal is a success. Treasurer Gregory Hewson has put tax cuts on the agenda to be proposed by November 4374 and the GDP is expected to grow by 5% within the next year or so.

Hugh Fields
Chronicles of Mordusia
The Tea Party
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Joined: Mon May 22, 2017 8:45 am


Postby Orcishtimmy » Sat Apr 07, 2018 3:21 am

Ray Khan of the Mordusian Tabloid takes yet another political scalp with his recent set of articles about the alleged scandal involving Samuel Monday receiving funds from the Socialist Party. If that is true is another matter entirely, but this story certainly inflamed his political opponents within the HDU.

The following days were a mess.The influential Roy Cohen, who previously supported Monday's leadership, turned on him immediately on twitter. This opened a floodgate of criticism. Everyday members expressed their concern and outrage about the scandal, with #MondayGate trending for three days straight and Elise Rosemann's #LockHimUp trending for one.

Within a week, a new convention was formed, with delegates from all parties scrambling to find new leadership. At the start of the convention, Little Bill Hamwood endorsed his friend Monday for leadership, saying that the convention was hasty and Monday hadn't done anything wrong. HR's Dahlia Green and Monday's Vice Chairman Elise Rosemann lead the charge against Monday and Hamwood, now claiming that Hamwood was in on it. They claimed that the Socialists, of which both Hamwood and Monday were once members, directed the pair to refound the HSU in order to split the Conservatives and consolidate power for themselves.

The first ballot seemed to vindicate and protect Monday, with him being only 5% shy of a majority. This is when 2 things happened:
1. 5th place (despite not running) Roy Cohen endorsed Lawrence Herbert.
2. Dahlia Green led a successful movement to allow the 2.4% in the HTL vote in to convention by granting them membership into the party.
As a result of these two actions, Herbert won the chairmanship on the 3rd ballot, with Rosemann chosen as Deputy Chairman

Notable Tweets:

@RayKhan: Breaking news about @SamMonday in today's Mordusian Tabloid. You'll want to see it!

@TheKingfisher: This sort of moral turpitude is exactly what got Monday expelled from the HDU in the first place. A Tiger can't change his stripes!

@LarryHerbert: There are a lot of claims surrounding @SamMonday. He should be open to stepping down until the matter is sorted. #MondayGate

@EliseRosemann: Espionage is a crime. We will not be represented by a criminal. #LockHimUp #MondayGate

@EliseRosemann: I'm ashamed to have fallen for Monday's ruse. He was always a socialist. #MondayGate #NotMyChairman

@TheKingfisher: Just read the @MTabloid, I never realized that Herbert was so brave. #Hero #Leader #Endorsement #MondayGate

@DahliaGreen: The Hosian Reaction is calling for a snap HDU Leadership Election in the face of #MondayGate

@PaulBarrett: We are opening our arms to a HDU-Conservative Coalition, the Socialists are treating the HDU awfully

@LarryHerbert: @PaulBarrett knows the importance of a proper, moral, Hosian, society. Someone I'd love to work with.

@SamMonday: #MondayGate is a bunch of bunk pushed by my political opponents. A hit job if I ever saw one.

@SamMonday: I redounded this party to represent the Hosian people. A socialist would not do that. Don't be swayed by lies.

@BillHamwood: I have known Monday for years! He's no spy! #MondayGate

@TheKingfisher: Congrats to @LarryHerbert! Great things await us and our coalition.

Mordusian Tabloid Headlines:


By Ray Khan

By Ray Khan

By Ray Khan

By Ray Khan
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby Orcishtimmy » Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:57 pm

By Sol Solid

It's as true as it is unfortunate, the great Kingfisher Roy Cohen has followed in the footsteps of Reverend Sinclair in the Hosian tradition of going before his time. Although he was Yeudi, many people will remember him as a martyr and saint for his work in the HDU.

The Amadhi Leftist son of a gun who shot him has been at large for several months, and it was assumed that he has skipped the country.

This is not something that we can allow to happen again, this is time that we restrict Amadhi immigration and the trade union that radicalized him. We need change in this country and in the HDU, change that only the Hosian Thallerist League, in partnership with Hosian Reaction can provide.

-Hosian Thallerist Press
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby The Tea Party » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:45 am


Lewis Grumsworth, Great-Great-Great-Great Grandson of Horace Grumsworth

Today, Lewis Grumsworth founded the Grumsworthcin Mining Corporation. Lewis is the great-great-great-great grandson of Former President of Mordusia Horace Grumsworth and attempts to rebuild Mordusia’s mining industry by asking to purchase land in Rabbit’s Foot National Park, Adubura. He offered 25 billion MRD for 7498.8km² which is equivalent to 12% of the entire location.

If he succeeds in getting his land, he has plans to build two mines and a coal power plant, hiring anywhere between 15,000 and 50,000 people. At the foundation of the company, Grumsworth quoted his ancestor:

Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war. That’s what my great-great-great-great grandfather said during his time as President. His way of thinking was to learn by the mistakes made by yourself and others, which was how he fought off a leadership spill just before winning the Presidency; allowing him to become the longest serving and most influential one in Modern Mordusian History.

Now at the moment, Mordusia’s rubbish economy is based on service and technology, no wonder we’re in a recession! Recently our agricultural industry was put back on track after years of failure because Curtis Benjamin invested 15 million MRD into researching cheaper ways to farm, with more productivity which set us on to do a successful trade deal with Dankuk. Now, around 30 years ago, Mordusia’s mining industry ceased to exist. The reason being was because plenty of people spoke out against it for some reason or another and it was boycotted. Pretty soon they realised that their electricity costs were ginormous and nearly 16 million people lost their jobs, but the government of the time was focused on cleaning the environment instead of cleaning up unemployment.

Recently, I hired researchers to go out into Rabbit’s Foot National Park and test the ground and extract materials. It turns out that the land there contains tons of coal, gold, uranium, bauxite, iron ore, copper, nickel, opal, zinc and natural gas! The land over there is abound with metals valuable and necessary and that’s why I am starting the Grumsworth Mining Corporation. We will extract those metals, hire plenty of people and contribute to this economy because we have a fortune in our faces and I’m out to get it!
The Tea Party
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby macmckeown » Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:34 pm

It emerged last night that the Mordusian Conservative Party wants to create a Nazi republic. In leaked text messages between the MCP leadership and the HCA leadership, Paul Barrett (co-leader of the MCP) said "We are looking at creating a Nazi regime in order to improve Mordusia's standing on the world stage". The Daily Star have been given photographic evidence of the chat, however for legal reasons are unable to show them at this time.

Leaders from the Green Left and Socialist Party have called on a dissolution of the cabinet and government and for the remaining parties to lock the MCP out of government indefinitely until it has dealt with its parties links to fascist organisations and sympathisers.
Socialist Party / Parti Socialiste - Commonwealth of Mordusia
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Re: Chronicles of Mordusia

Postby macmckeown » Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:00 am


The Socialist Party of Mordusia has just held a party conference where party leader Simon Bouchard was ousted by 58.6% in a no confidence vote and replaced by Jonathan Paisley, general secretary for the General Confederation of Labour and key figure on the SP's left-wing.
“I am proud to lead the Socialist Party!” he said in his victory speech to cheers “I am going to work hard to get this party back into government, where we can push for radical change for Mordusia!”
The party conference signalled a notable shift to the left, with delagates voting in favour of turning Medicare into a single-payer healthcare system, legalizing prostitution and euthanasia, loosening up abortion restrictions, and a top tax rate of 60% for incomes above 180,000MRD.
Former leader David Rosenberg warned about this move to the left, “with the Hosian Democrats shifting further to the right, we have an opportunity to occupy the centre ground and build a broad coalition of progressive-minded voters. Such a dramatic shift to the left, while well intended, could backfire and allow the Conservatives to stay in office”

- Rechtenburg Post
Last edited by macmckeown on Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Socialist Party / Parti Socialiste - Commonwealth of Mordusia
Partiya Demokratîk a Azad - Jemhewra-ye Aldegār (Republic of Aldegar)
Posts: 38
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