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Re: ビンジー・クロニクル (Bianjie Chronicle)

Postby Reddy » Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:37 am

Deltaria: No Evidence of Genocide
January 4378

Deltarian Foreign Minister Ret. Adm. Jan Klaus has denied that the Itoh forces have committed any kind of genocide against the Indralan minority in Bianjie. The denial came following rising speculation that Deltaria was supporting "Emperor Itoh" with some photos of brand new Deltarian military equipment and vehicles spotted in south Maki.

We have seen no evidence of any genocide or mass-killings carried out by Imperial forces. The only claims and "evidence" so far have come from the Consulate for Human Affairs a highly partisan NGO. NGOs have been known to doctor evidence in the past in order to get better funding or just attention. Deltaria prides itself on playing a stabilising role in international affairs and our approach is no different in this case. We do not support any particular side and hope that a negotiated settlement can be reached soon. In show of our adult role in international affairs, Deltaria will be taking 500 refugees in the next three months and possibly another 1,000 un the following year.

The presence of Deltarian equipment and military advisors is considered to be fact by many watchers. The reason for Deltaria's intervention is however more mysterious. Deltaria has not had a role in that part of the Third World, its historical role was limited to its ex-colonies of Utembo and Statrica. Some speculate that Deltaria is driven by two reasons - to extend its global projection capabilities and perhaps more cynical, to advertise its military equipment and showcase itself to the Third World and others as a willing and rather amoral supplier of arms. In the words of a Deltarian foreign policy analyst, "a big advertising campaign"
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Re: ビンジー・クロニクル (Bianjie Chronicle)

Postby Rogue » Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:05 pm

May 4379
The conflict rages on and Maki is breaking Sugano's forces while Emperor Itoh is launching a massive offensive

The war in Bianjie has been raging for over 2 years now. in the first year of the conflict the majority of the fighting was however reserved for a small frontline. This changed dramatically in the 2nd year, Maki ordered a offensive with the only tanks and artillery he had aiming to break Sugano's positions and advance towards the sea delta. He succeeded, after a massive battle that resulted in over 4.000 deaths and 2 entire villages layed to the ground Maki managed to break Sugano's lines and push towards the sea. The news of the broken line in the south demoralised Sugano's forces in the north and some even defected. In a response to this unrest within his enemy's ranks Maki ordered a general assault along the line. It was a succes, and after 4 months Maki had taken vast amounts of territory before being stopped by scrambled forces of Sugano.

A sniper of Maki's army during the massive push. Maki has managed to re-equip most of his army with modern weapons thanks to foreign donations.

Sugano is now of age and has managed to take over control of his forces and government. His council was arrested after they refused to give up command. With Sugano now in command after losing so much territory and having such weakened forces many predict that he may lose grip over the situation without any international support.

May 4379
Self Proclaimed Emperor Itoh has gathered his forces and launched his first offensive

After being silent during most of the conflict Emperor Itoh has now ordered his forces to execute "Operation Rising Sun" the aim of which is to make one grand push towards the south and take all territory on its path.
The Imperial Militia has grown from 5.000 men to more then 30.000 men now. Rumours have even reached us that the Imperial Militia has received funding and weapons from Deltaria. Although this cannot be confirmed.

During the first days of the offensive imperial forces completely overwhelmed the poorly manned positions of Sugano and simply moved onwards. They took town after town with little to no fighting. Imperial morale was therefore high and only around 200 Imperial militiamen had died.
The Imperial Militia was halted in the middle of Bianjie. Sugano's forces had created trench systems and some mortar positions to try and stop both Maki's and Imperial advances.

Men of the Imperial Militia advancing in rapid pace

The Imperial forces and forces of Maki during their assaults. Sugano is losing large amounts of land while Maki and Itoh have not attacked eachother yet

While the fighting continues and around half of the Bianjian population is now living in extreme hunger the international community has yet to respond. Images have reached the CHA of deportations of Indralans by what seem to be Imperial Militiamen. The Imperial Militia denies any involvement into the ongoing genocide of the Indralan minority but the CHA is now directly pointing the finger at the Militia and its emperor. Is the international community tired of war and will it let Bianjie crumble? And does Indrala abandon its minority in the wartorn nation? We will keep you up to date on the further development of the war.

The photo that reached the CHA. Indralans just before alledgedly being deported and killed
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Re: ビンジー・クロニクル (Bianjie Chronicle)

Postby Yolo04 » Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:46 pm

Dankuk launches operations against Bianjie
June 4380
After traveling hundreds of thousands of miles,the Dankuk Royal Military has arrived off the coast of Bianjie. After arriving,the Dankuk Royal Air Force began a campaign of bombing Sugano cities,villages and military bases. It is reported that these bombings have ceased and now the Dankuk Royal Air Force will focus on aiding the ground forces of Emperor Itoh.

The Dankuk Royal Navy has begun operations across the seas of Bianjie. The Dankuk Royal Navy has complete control over all Bianjie waterways and have also begun expanding there operations into the rivers of Bianjie

The Dankuk Royal Army has not committed any actions yet however the Army still stands on the ready for any order to attack.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: ビンジー・クロニクル (Bianjie Chronicle)

Postby Maxington » Fri Apr 20, 2018 10:54 pm

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: ビンジー・クロニクル (Bianjie Chronicle)

Postby Rogue » Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:03 am

August 4382
The international community is putting pressure on all sides in the Bianjie conflict by launching airstrikes

Its 4382. The war has been raging for over 5 years now. According to estimates more then 120.000 fighters have died in the conflict with another 30.000 civilians being killed.
Sugano has, in these past 5 years, lost almost all his territory. Only the coast is still in the hands of Sugano and his loyalists and it seems that Maki is preparing a final assault in order to take out his main opponent. But in the last 3 years of the ongoing conflict Maki and Itoh have also clashed. Their initial agreement to first take on the young Sugano fell apart when it was evident that he was no longer a threat. Itoh began attcking Maki by launching operation "Forward". The operation was however a complete failure. Itoh only managed to take the coastline in the north while losing vast amounts of men during the "plain" assaults he ordered in the rest of Bianjie.

Itoh's Imperial Militia immediately launching an assault against Maki when Sugano was taken out as a major threat. The offensives largely failed and Itoh lost a lot of men.

This has caused the conflict to evolve further. But the international community is now responding. Seeing the massive atrocities committed by the Imperial Militia and the big number of killed civilians the NC (Northern Council) decided to intervene and bomb all sides in the conflict in an effort to help the civilians.

NC jets dropping their bombs on positions of the Imperial Militia, one of the targeted sides in the conflict

Itoh has reacted on this bombing campaign publicly by saying "The international community just wants to make another puppet out of Bianjie but we will fight till the end to prevent that" Itoh also responded on the alledged genocide of the Indralan minority by his forces. In a shocking admission he admitted to the warcrime and even glorified it. "Yes we have killed those Indralans. They have made our nation into one of poverty and despair. I will fight for our Bianjie to make it wealthy and strong. The Indralans stand in the way of progress so they have to be removed" International organizations call for a peacekeeping mission to protect the Indralan minority. But the Indralans wont wait for that....

Itoh when talking about the genocide publicly for the first time

Maki is said to have contacted some country's asking for the airstrikes to stop on his troops and to support "the moral side" in the conflict. No country's have responded yet.

August 4382
The indralan minority in Bianjie has started its own small militia in a desperate attempt to stop the genocide on its people

The scattered Indralan minority desperately tried to defend itself from the Imperial forces. By creating the IDF (Indralan Defense Force) they hope to halt the genocide and fight against the Imperial Militia. This new group is poorly equipped however and has only a few hundred fighters. The Imperial militia continues to kill the Indralan minority and many experts are affraid that the new IDF wont be able to stop the Imperial forces.

The poorly equipped and trained forces of the IDF
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Re: ビンジー・クロニクル (Bianjie Chronicle)

Postby General.M » Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:00 pm

Libertären Partei (Dorvik)(inactive)
Republikeinse Partij / Rekvaknsé Prta (Vanuku)(inactive)
Alianța Liberalilor (New Endralon/Kizenia)(active)
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Re: ビンジー・クロニクル (Bianjie Chronicle)

Postby Rogue » Sun Apr 29, 2018 2:27 pm

October 4385
Maki and Sugano have been taken out by Emperor Itoh and all of Bianjie is under Imperial control

The country of Bianjie is devastated. Around 200.000 people of the total 1.100.000 million citizens in the country have fled accros the borders. More then 231.453 people have died during the 9 year lasting conflict.
The capital city of Bianjie is merely a shadow of its former glory because of emperor Itoh ordering it to be set ablaze after moving in with his forces. Maki and Sugano have both requested that they may leave the country peacefully without more bloodshed. Itoh has allowed Maki to go. But Sugano has now been taken captive by forces of the Imperial Militia.
But while the country is mostly destroyed and more then a qaurter of the population has been killed off the majority of remaining Bianjie people support the new emperor and hope that change will finally come after a century of Khan rule.

Some minor strongholds of Sugano within the capital are still being besieged by the Imperial Militia (now Imperial Army)

After the victory Itoh gave a press conference in one of the last buildings in the capital. He proclaimed that "The Empire of Bianjie has born, change is upon us. Let us rebuilt and cleanse this nation for generations to come!" He also announced major reforms of the Imperial Militia which would now be known as the Imperial Army of Bianjie (IAB) The international community is rumoured to not accept the outcome of the conflict despite popular support from the population. The NC (which was an active player in the civil war) has denounced the emperor and has stated that further action will be taken to "protect the Bianjie population"

October 4385
The last forces of the Indralan IDF have been driven out of their stronghold villages and have been pushed back into the mountains. Experts say they are at "a breaking point"

The IDF (Indralan Defense Force) which was created by the Indralan minority in Bianjie following the genocide of their people by Emperor Itoh has been crippled by advancing imperial forces. The Imperial Army (Then imperial militia) has taken hard steps to ensure the IDF remains a small threat. This combined with the lack of international support for the IDF has caused their numbers to dwindle fast and forced them to hide in the northern mountains of Bianjie.

The IDF forces have withdrawn to the northern mountains of Bianjie

With the ending of major hostilities closing in and the IAB fighting the last strongholds of Sugano at the coast many wonder what the actions of the NC will be following this imperial win. Sources within the NC suggest that the organization is considering to cancel the planned peacekeeping mission and launch a different operation. We will keep you up to date.
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Re: ビンジー・クロニクル (Bianjie Chronicle)

Postby Maxington » Fri May 04, 2018 8:34 pm

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: ビンジー・クロニクル (Bianjie Chronicle)

Postby Rogue » Mon May 07, 2018 9:52 am

July 4389
The people want stability

After the NC announcement of their intervention to depose Itoh as the new leader of Bianjie the Emperor has announced that his new government will "fight till the bitter end" against the "agression of the developed world" He told reporters the following:

Bianjie has been subject to agression and foreign intervention for far to long. We have to recover, we have to strengthen ourselves and deny any effort by the western world to take away our independence! We are Bianjie and we shall fight till the bitter end!

The population of the country had accepted Itoh as Emperor because of their desire for stability. Many react with dissapointment on the NC decision to intervene with some people even calling it a "act against the native people of Bianjie". The Imperial Army is rumoured to prepare improvised coastal defences at the Bianjie coast and several troop movements have been reported in mainland Bianjie. While the NC continues its bombing raids everyone wonders when the actual intevention will take place.

Emperor Itoh during a conference on the future of Bianjie
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Re: ビンジー・クロニクル (Bianjie Chronicle)

Postby Maxington » Sat May 12, 2018 3:48 pm

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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