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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Thu Apr 19, 2018 12:33 am


"On behalf of all Hutorians, I wish all 156 athletes representing our nation the best of luck at the Summer Olympics in Nowogard, Valruzia. I know they will do great and make our country proud."
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:59 pm

Hutorian President Issues Ultimatum to Shah Kurosh

After more than a year since President Leblanc issued a threat that if Shah Kurosh did not step down as Shah of Aldegar and allow Emperor Alexander I of House Steuart Charmichael to take the throne, Hutori would take action, he has now issued an ultimatum to the man many are calling a "Pretender-Shah".

"We have waited long enough. We said that if Shah Kurosh did not step down, we would take action. The Hutorian Armed Forces are now preparing. I give Kurosh 1 year. If he does not step down by November 4381, we will take strong and swift military action to ensure that Emperor Alexander claims the throne that is rightfully his."
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Zanz » Thu Apr 19, 2018 7:37 pm

RileyHP wrote:Hutorian President Issues Ultimatum to Shah Kurosh

After more than a year since President Leblanc issued a threat that if Shah Kurosh did not step down as Shah of Aldegar and allow Emperor Alexander I of House Steuart Charmichael to take the throne, Hutori would take action, he has now issued an ultimatum to the man many are calling a "Pretender-Shah".

"We have waited long enough. We said that if Shah Kurosh did not step down, we would take action. The Hutorian Armed Forces are now preparing. I give Kurosh 1 year. If he does not step down by November 4381, we will take strong and swift military action to ensure that Emperor Alexander claims the throne that is rightfully his."

OOC: Note that I've not got the time nor the interest to engage in a war RP, and the clarification that I've received regarding Alexander's claim to the throne of Aldegar is that a great uncle (...?) of Alexander's married the reigning Shahbanu (queen) of Aldegar long ago. That great uncle died, and so now Alexander's claiming this throne. That's hardly a strong link at all, and it's one that I imagine any reasonable international order would scoff at a nation taking action over. I can see Alexander "claiming" the title (though I think even that's rich, since Richard was only ever Shah-Consort), but I really can't see Hutori taking action on it. Either way, let's limit this to a diplomatic incident, no war.
Just a bunch of shit.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Masionette9 » Thu Apr 19, 2018 7:38 pm

Nowogard, November 4380

Valruzian Minister for Foreign Affairs Izabella Vinciguerra.

NOWOGARD - Valruzian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Izabela Vinciguerra, has decided to, for the first time, unveil the position of the Republic of Valruzia in the Aldegarian throne crisis, and announced that Valruzia will not tolerate any form of ultimatums on any Member State of the Seleyan Union. Vinciguerra, who is a well-known supporter of the Seleyan integration, said that Aldegar can count for support of the Republic of Valruzia and the Seleyan Union, of which Aldegar is a rightful Member State. Valruzian Minister publically condemned the Hutori for military threats made against Aldegar and announced that together with Ministry of National Defense of the Republic, Ministry for Foreign Affairs has decided to send a joint delegation to Aldegaria in order to express the support and discuss all scenarios, even those involving an active military defense. The crisis in Aldegar has coincided in time with the plans of Nowogard to establish a multinational corps of the Seleyan Union, which would be the formal execution of the Article 7 of the Treaty on the Seleyan Union, which according to the Treaty is not only an economic Union but a defensive one as well. Initially, Nowogard wanted to include only four countries in the Multinational Corps - Seleya North, but in the light of recent events Nowogard might broaden the proposal and propose joining to the MC-SN to the Government in Aldegaria. Vinciguerra also said that the threats of Hutori are truly regrettable and that the decision should lie within hands of the People of Aldegar. Minister Vinciguerra said that she understands the claim of Alexander I to the Aldegarian throne, but said that any form of military attack and threats made against Aldegar, puts Hutori in the hostile position, and that by endangering Aldegar, it forces other Member States of the SU to act.

It is the first time that the Republic of Valruzia officially takes any position in the crisis on the line Aldegaria - Bekenial. But apparently, the military threats made against Aldegar worked as a catalyst and encouraged Nowogard to move forward and defend Aldegar. Valruzia which for the last one and a half decade was the biggest and most active advocate of the Seleyan integration has proposed multiple solutions to secure the Seleyan Union from external threats like this, but due to the little interest from the other Member States, the Union was largely limited to the economic cooperation. This crisis may act as a catalyst and convince the other Member States that in order for the Seleya to be treated seriously it needs to be something more than just an economic union. In her statement, Vinciguerra promised that Aldegar will not be left alone with its struggle and that in any case of any military attack against Aldegar, Valruzia would defend Aldegar as this attack would be considered as an attack against Seleyan Union, therefore as an attack on the Republic of Valruzia. Vinciguerra announced that Valruzia will not stand down on this issue and will use this situation as a chance to show that the Seleyan Union should be treated with respect and unlike "the failed Artanian Union" The Member States of the Seleyan Union can and will defend themselves. According to Vinciguerra, the government of other nations seems to forget that Seleyan Union is a powerful and fully functioning community which next to economic cooperation, also includes the collective self-defense. The aforementioned Article 7 says that the Member States shall establish a collective defensive force in order to defend the Union as a whole, and that is what Vinciguerra is trying to improve. By establishing the Multinational Corps, Valruzia wants to create a rapid response unit in order to protect the Union from external threats.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Thu Apr 19, 2018 11:33 pm

Scheer Revokes Threat Against Aldegar

"In my final act as Chancellor I must revoke a threat made by the outgoing President. President Leblanc and I have spoken and we agree that his comments were out of line and we know that Hutorians want no part of a war over a throne. At this time I revoke any and all threats of war against the nation of Aldegar and hope that the next government can work to mend ties with them. We still stand behind the House Steuart-Charmichael's claim to the throne, but to threaten war was just to far and we apologize." ~Aaron Scheer
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Temu » Fri Apr 20, 2018 9:01 am

Liberal National Party Leader Retires! Party to reform after significant decline in support

In what has been considered a long and colourful political career, Savannah Anderson has finally thrown in the towel and retired after over 50 years as leader of the Liberal National Party. While her leadership in the later years was somewhat controversial, with many calling for her resignation amid continual poor election performance, Ms Anderson will still go down as one of the greats within the party, having lead it through many ups and downs. Ms Anderson, whom will be turning 91 this year, cited old age as her reason for exiting public life, however is still adamant that she will provide coaching for the party, which hopes to recover its lost voters.

David Judd official portrait

David Judd has been elected as the new leader of the Liberal National Party, at the Annual General Meeting it was announced that the party would restructure in an attempt to appeal to a broader voter base renaming itself as the Reform Party of Hutori.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Maxington » Fri Apr 20, 2018 10:52 pm

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Sat Apr 21, 2018 1:27 am

Aaron Out


After more than 15 years as leader of the Conservative Party of Hutori, Aaron Scheer has announced he is stepping down and retiring from federal politics. He was first elected as an MP in 4349 at just 22 years old. He has served as the MP for Woodhurst-Airdrie ever since. In 4365, he was elected leader of the Conservative Party and just 7 years later, he was elected Chancellor of Hutori. Under his leadership, the Conservatives were able to pass a budget that lowered taxes and reduced government spending, something his party had fought been fighting to do for a very long time. Scheer will be remembered by party members as one of their all time great leaders, and of course, the first ever Conservative Chancellor. He spoke to a large crowd of supporters in his hometown of Woodhurst to thank them for their years of support.

"Tonight I must announce that I am stepping down as leader of the Conservative Party of Hutori, and retiring from federal politics. It has been a great honor to serve the people of Woodhurst-Airdrie as their MP for the last 32 years, the members of the Conservative Party as their leader for the last 15 years, and the people of Hutori as their Chancellor for the last 8 years. Its crazy to think that when I was first elected in 4349, I was a 22 year old fresh out of college, now I'm 54, have been married to my beautiful wife Samantha for 21 years and have 2 kids, Joey and Amanda, and Joey is as old as I was when I was first elected. I want to thank my family, my supporters, and all of the amazing MPs I have had a chance to work with over the last 32 years. I wish this party the best of luck going forward and know that the next leader will one day be the Chancellor. It has been an honor to serve you. Aaron out."
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:36 pm

Conservatives Set Date For Leadership Convention, Leadership Candidates Emerge

The Conservative Party of Hutori announced today that they have set the date and location for their leadership convention where the party will elect the successor to Aaron Scheer. The event will be held at the brand new Prosperity Convention Centre in Port Prosperity, Kenai. The convention will be on August 15th and 16th, with the leadership election taking place on the 16th. Every party member, who has bought or renewed their membership by July 1st will receive a ranked ballot by mail, which they can fill out and send in by August 15th. For those attending the convention, they will be able to cast their ballots on the convention floor. Should no candidate receive a majority of votes in the first round, the 3rd place candidate will be eliminated and the remaining 2 will move on to the second round. Members at the convention will get a new ballot and will cast their votes a second time, while mail-in ballots will be counted again, with those for the eliminated candidate going to the second choice on the ballot.

The deadline for entering into the leadership race was March 31st. Now that the list of candidates are final, we will take a look at each candidate.

Pascale Rousseau

Pascale Rousseau served as Finance Minister under Aaron Scheer's government. Pascale has represented Anslem Centre as their MP for 12 years. During his time as Finance Minister, he passed 2 consecutive balanced budgets and lowered taxes for the lowest earning Hutorians. In 4372, he represented the Conservative party as their candidate for President, losing in the second round to Michelle Evans of the Socialist Workers Party by less than 3% of the vote. He promises to lower taxes even further for the middle and lower classes and further reducing what he calls wasteful government spending.

Robert Cole

Cole has served as the MP for Prosperity North twice. The first time he served for 1 term (4365-4368) before stepping down to run for President. After that, he returned to parliament in 4372, winning his seat back by a landslide, and has held the seat since. His pitch to the members of the party is ensuring that the party locks down the right of the Hutorian political spectrum.

Josee Perin

Josee Perin served as Minister of Science and Technology under Andrew Scheer's government. She has served as MP for Acton Riverside for 25 years, having first been elected in 4357. Perin is a fiscal conservative, with a strong belief in scientific advancement. She promises to strengthen ties with the Ataraxian Confederation, which she says would be a key scientific partner under a government with her as chancellor.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Sun Apr 22, 2018 3:38 pm

OOC: In Perin's bio it should say Aaron not Andrew.
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